Maestría en Gerencia de Empresas Sociales para la Innovación Social y el Desarrollo Local (tesis)

URI permanente para esta colección


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  • Ítem
    Vamos Siendo : aspiraciones en la construcción de comunidad - Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Santander
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Chivata Peña, Ana María; Escudero Pulgarín, Cristina
    The present document is a report on the findings of the research titled "Vamos Siendo: Aspirations in Community Building" - Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga, Santander. The research was carried out by student Ana Maria Chivatá Peña as part of the Master's in Social Enterprise Management for Social Innovation and Local Development, under the supervision of Master Cristina Escudero, in collaboration between the EAFIT Social Studies Center and the University of Verona, Italy. The research aims to replicate a study conducted by the EAFIT Social team in 2023 in the communes 4 (Moravia), 8 (El Faro), and 13 (San Javier) of Medellín, Colombia. The purpose is to extend the research to other regions of the country, specifically to the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga, Santander. Thus, in the first semester of 2024, within the framework of the "Vamos Siendo" research, fieldwork was conducted in the communes 1 (North), 2 (Northeastern), 3 (San Francisco), 6 (La Concordia), and 14 (Morrorico) of Bucaramanga, as well as in the municipalities of Girón, Floridablanca, and Piedecuesta, covering the entire metropolitan area of Bucaramanga. Twelve leaders participated in the study.
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    Ecosistema de innovación social de Comuna Project : un proyecto de investigación con resultados replicables y escalables
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Correa Agudelo, David Fernando; Muñoz, Yaromir
    An Intrinsic Case Study was carried out to understand the problems and needs of the inhabitants of the “Independencias 1” Neighborhood of Commune 13 of Medellín in 2020. Surveys were carried out with the ABCD Methodology (Asset-Based Community Development) to 380 families living in the research territory. With information from the survey analyzed, it was deemed appropriate to raise the investigation from Intrinsic level to Instrumental level to understand the problem in context based on the understanding of the initial case of “Independencies 1”. By understanding the scenario at this level, the incubation of a Social Innovation Ecosystem took place linking the 5 main actors of Local Community, Academia, State, Private Sector, and Environment; and a series of indicators and metrics aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) to measure the contribution of Comuna Project to the goals of the 2030 Agenda. In developing the Comuna Project Ecosystem, based on Adaptive Change Management, Non-Formal Education and Psychosocial Support emerged as key priority areas in the community. This gave rise to the creation of the formalized programming of the Nomadic School and the CAPSI Psychosocial Support Center.
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    Evaluación de efectos e impactos de las actividades culturales realizadas por la corporación Mariamulata, en San Onofre Sucre
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gaviria Cano, Sara; Castañeda Osorio, Elizabeth; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    This work aims to provide accompaniment to the Mariamulata Corporation, located in the Gulf of Morrosquillo on the shores of the Colombian Caribbean Sea, in the implementation of a social measurement on different cultural activities, artistic and social development developed by the organization in the Rincon del Mar community in recent years; as a resistance strategy to avoid linking children and young people in spaces of violence. The objective is to create social impact measurement tools that allow them to evaluate the implementation of the various cultural programs developed in the community, and thus, achieve greater institutional strengthening that, in turn, provide valuable management information to increase its reach to new donors and sponsors, thus to the community. The study was carried out using the survey mechanism, for the collection of information, on which the measuring instruments were built. The present research arose from the lack of previous studies in which the social impact of the corporation in the community was evaluated , in consequence, this research was divided into two sections, the first section is the collection of information through the survey mechanism, which allows evidencing effects or contributions in the development of different cultural programs in the community; and the second section, the construction of measuring instruments that allow from the beginning of the activities to have metrics to evaluate and compare the results obtained in relation to the objectives initially proposed in a project. In this way, the corporation can evaluate its management, enhance it or reorient it, to build a reliable information system, not only for accountability to its partners, but to measure the extent of social impact, therefore broadening its current donor and sponsor base to a model that includes partnerships and partnerships with other third sector actors such as government, NGOs and other non-governmental corporations, that allows a large-scale and sustainable impact on the community. Specifically, a qualitative retrospective evaluation of the execution of cultural activities developed by the corporation was carried out, and tools were designed for a possible prospective measurement exercise in a nascent project in 2024.
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    “Vamos siendo : aspiraciones en la construcción de comunidad” – marco teórico
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Martínez Amaya, María Auxiliadora; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    In the process of designing a research, it is necessary to establish the parameters, criteria and inputs that can guide the process and lead us as researchers to answer the guiding question that motivates the research. The theoretical framework in research analyzes the structure and epistemological hierarchy of a theory; it is a detailed description of each of the elements of the theory that will be directly used in the development of the research. The theoretical framework also fulfills the function of being the integrating axis of the entire research process. Without the theoretical framework, the problem makes no sense, nor is it possible to elaborate a methodological design with which to test the hypotheses (Daros, 2002). From this idea I allow myself in this apex to build the theoretical framework that frames the research "Vamos Siendo: aspirations in the construction of community" and with it to begin, giving sense to the facts that guide the path of this research with the purpose of answering the question "How can personal aspirations contribute effectively to the sustainable process of local development? According to Arjun Appadurai, the capacity to aspire is a collective construction based on a system of ideals (Appadurai & Villegas, 2016), which is why knowing the aspirations of the subjects allows identifying the factors that mobilize them, in what way and under what criteria they construct the idea of quality of life and well-being.
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    Aspiraciones, habilidades de aspiración y desarrollo local de la comuna 13 de Medellín, Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castaño Osorio, Paulo Augusto; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    As a student of the Master's Degree in Management of Social Enterprises for Social Innovation and Local Development, Paulo Augusto Castaño Osorio actively participated in the research "Vamos siendo: Aspirations, Aspiration Skills and Local Development", promoted in agreement between the EAFIT Social Studies Center and the University of Verona, with field work in Moravia (Comuna 4), El Faro (Comuna 8) and San Javier (Comuna 13) in the city of Medellín, with the purpose of identifying through research how aspirations and aspiration skills contribute effectively to sustainable processes of local development. The overall objective of this research internship report is to identify through a field study how aspirations and aspirational skills effectively contribute to sustainable local development processes in commune 13 of Medellin (Colombia).
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    Diseño de un modelo de relacionamiento de actores de la propiedad horizontal Nueva Villa de Aburrá para proponer acciones de innovación social que generen beneficio colectivo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Restrepo Pérez, Carolina; Duque Hidalgo, Clímaco; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    Social innovation opens up as a possibility to find and catalize new forms of relationships between the actors of a territory aimed at improving the general living conditions of the population. For this case, the exercise presents and proposes the case of La Nueva Villa de Aburrá, in its Stage 1, a neighborhood of mixed typology, located in the city of Medellín, as a live laboratory to propose a model of actor relationships to promote their articulation for generate social innovation actions, to enhance the capabilities of the territory and improve their relationships that promote collective benefit.
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    Una mirada desde la gobernanza territorial para el sector de hidrocarburos en el departamento del Meta
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Posada Correa, Astrid Liliana; Tabares Quiroz, Juliana
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    Área de gestión social en la empresa Cortés Leiva Asociados S.A.S
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cortés Ortiz, María Fernanda; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
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    Propuesta para promover la movilidad social en Antioquia, Colombia, a través de microcrédito con servicios de desarrollo empresarial
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Tavera Martínez, Harold Yecid; Álvarez Delgado, Susana
    This Master's thesis in Social Enterprise Management explores how microfinance institutions can significantly contribute to social mobility and local development. Focusing on measuring social impact, it proposes an integrated strategy that combines microcredits with business development services. The aim is not only to provide financial assistance but also to foster entrepreneurial skills among beneficiaries. The work underscores the need for a more holistic and multidimensional approach to measuring the success of these entities, considering both economic and social factors.
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    Turismo arqueológico y comunitario para la Corporación SIPAH, una apuesta por la protección patrimonial y el desarrollo local
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Garzón Giraldo, Giovanny Stiven; Piedrahita Gutiérrez, María Clara
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    Barú tierra de sentidos, festival para celebrar el ser y sentirse barulero, guía práctica
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Negrete, María Stephanie; Torres Chinchilla, Yenifer Victoria; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
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    La compasión, un camino para la inclusión
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024-01-17) Mendoza González, Sebastián Ferney; Osorio Álvarez, Lizyenny; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
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    Proyecto de Eafit Social – “Vamos siendo : aspiraciones en la construcción de comunidad”
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Monsalve Calvete, Carmen Rosario; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    This research exercise arose from the concern of Professor Mario Vargas, the EAFIT SOCIAL work team and Professor Giorgio Gosetti, who, based on their interest in understanding the social dynamics and local development of Communes 4, 8 and 13 in the city of Medellín, undertook a qualitative research exercise using social science techniques. This document is a memory of my participation in the process and the actions and contributions that were made within the framework of this research.
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    Sistematización de experiencias de la corporación Carabantú : una visión desde el desarrollo local, la innovación y transformación social
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mosquera Lemus, Anderson de Jesús; García Sánchez, Andrés
    The main purpose of this research is to systematize the experiences within the framework of the Kunta Kinte International Film Festival of the Carabantú Corporation in order to learn about its contribution to local development and to the innovation and social transformation of the Afro-descendant population of the city of Medellín. A research with a qualitative approach, integral hermeneutic scope, was carried out through the hypothetical-deductive method, based on the systematization of experiences and the collection of information through the application of semi-structured interviews to seven actors involved in the process carried out by the Corporation, including one of its founders. From the results referenced in this research, it is concluded that the experiences of the Carabantú Corporation throughout its history have contributed to the vindication of the Afro-descendant population of the city of Medellin, along with the recognition and dignification of their fundamental rights; all this, through ethno-educational projects based on film and its Afro-community film festival that has been held in recent years, with the audiovisual products made by the participants of these projects. Likewise, although some social problems still persist, its contributions to local development and social innovation are represented in the collaborative work with other social organizations and with different public entities, with which it has managed to strengthen the institutional framework for the benefit of this population, for the improvement of their quality of life and the strengthening of their collective memory.
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    Factores que estarían limitando la implementación de Procompite en las comunidades de Santiago de Huaros y Quilmana del GR de Lima y las comunidades de Pucayacu y Pucuchinche del GR de Huánuco
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cervantes Jara, Zhelma María de las Mercedes; García Jesús, Edwin; Vargas Sáenz, Mario Enrique
    The research systematizes the experiences of support for productive competitiveness in four population centers in the departments of Lima and Huánuco. Procompite is an initiative aimed at improving the socio-economic well-being of high poverty areas through the implementation of sustainable businesses that improve the productive chain in the places where they are implemented. The strategic actors involved in the implementation are the regional and local governments, the Economically Organized Associations (AEO), as well as alliances with public or private institutions. The research has determined a set of results that would be limiting the successful implementation of Procompite; thus, in the case of regional and local governments, the lack of processes that integrate the areas responsible for implementation constitutes one of the main factors of its failure. In the associations, the level of articulation of these with the market in which the businesses are implemented is low given that the products and/or services they provide do not have an adequate market study that allows for sustainable business growth; the lack of a policy for monitoring and monitoring the businesses implemented means that most of these are not sustainable, which results in no improvement in the socio-economic well being of the members of the AEOs. The welfare nature that Procompite provides to initiate the business means that associations do not seek to maximize their profitability but simply seek the benefit that comes from the delivery of equipment and services by regional or local governments.
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