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Ítem Actitudes de los funcionarios frente al proceso de transformación digital en una institución de formación a nivel técnico y tecnológico(EAFIT, 2020) Pastrán Castellanos, Flor de Jesús; Giraldo Henao, CatalinaObjective: characterizing workers’ behavior regarding the digital transformation process in a technical college. To do so, it is necessary to identify what the main college workers’ beliefs, feelings and actions are in regards to the digital transformation process implementation. Method: A quantitative-descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out through a case study in which an online survey was filled out by the actual linked workers (staff and contractors) of a specific technical college. Results: a survey was applied to 310 workers. 103 voluntary responses were obtained, equivalent to 33% of the participants. This allowed us to identify participants’ cognitive attitudes in 61%; effective in 63%, and behavioral in 75% regarding the digital transformation process that was carried out by the institution. Conclusion: appropriate attitudes were identified in the workers taking into account the cognitive, affective and behavioral components in relation to the digital transformation process the institution was performing.Ítem Alineación entre la Gestión de Riesgos Empresariales (ERM) y la Gestión de Continuidad de Negocio (BCM) en una empresa prestadora del servicio de energía eléctrica. Caso Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas (CHEC)(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Garzón Otálvaro, Luz Stella; Torres Sánchez, Juan CarlosEl presente trabajo es un estudio cualitativo de caso, que busca establecer las compatibilidades entre la Gestión de Riesgos Empresariales (ERM, por sus siglas en inglés - Enterprise Risk Management) y la Gestión de Continuidad de Negocio (BCM, por sus siglas en inglés – Business Continuity Management), conducentes a la formulación de estrategias que sustenten una alineación efectiva entre ambas gestiones -- Como resultado de la investigación, se encontró la importancia de incluir la resiliencia como un tercer sistema de gestión -- La alineación entre el ERM, el BCM y la resiliencia organizacional no solo es posible, sino necesaria para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio, preparar y proteger la organización frente a eventos disruptivos que amenacen su continuidad y optimizar el valor económico y social en cualquier tipo de industria -- Estas conclusiones se desarrollan con base en el caso de estudio de la Central Hidroeléctrica de CaldasÍtem Análisis situacional de Supermercados Mi Canasto(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) García Gómez, Gerson Daniel; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz AmparoObjective: To elaborate a situational analysis of the grocery store chain Mi Canasto. Conceptual frame of reference: The main conceptual axis of the situational analysis focuses on the understanding of what strategy is, the tools used to analyze the external and internal sectors, to then generate the situational analysis that allows the identification of the development strategies. Methodology: Based on previous theoretical models, we first collected information through semi structured interviews to experts. Afterwards analyzed how the external sector behaves making use of the previously collected data. Then analyzed the internal side of the organization and finally concluded elaborating the situational analysis. This will enable the development of specific strategies to successfully compete in the market.Ítem Aplicación de la matriz organizacional en Cementos Argos S.A.: caracterización del antes y después de la fusión(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Bustamante Moreno, Catalina María; Vanegas Olarte, Juan Guillermo; Jaramillo Estrada, Pablo JoséThe research describes the organizational changes in the merger happened in Cementos Argos SA and within this process focuses on changes in worker-management relationship, as in changes in management style as a result or consequence of the merger -- This leads to explore the behavior of individuals within that process and the influence of this on performance of both parts, directing and directed, through some aspects of the organizational matrix of power relations with the symbolic pact -- The analysis was built on a survey of 25 people at all levels of the organization and on different plants and locations, their answers were analyzed quantitatively via structural analysis, finding that the five variables that endure through the process of integration are: Promotions, transferees Welfare, Education and Training, continuous improvement and freedom of opinion -- These variables must be taken into account by companies in order to impact mainly the expectations concerning the worker's welfare, certainty and security -- The management style is also a change which goes from coercitive, expert and reward to the legitimate and the reference, based on the recognition of leadership and a sound decision-makingÍtem Aplicación de la Teoría de juegos de frontera al análisis de una reunión en EPM(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) González Restrepo, Marco Antonio; Vélez-Castiblanco, Jorge IvánThe decision-making processes can be analyzed as an objective that is carried out in the work meetings, in which the different participants, from their experiences and knowledge, make interventions in order to guide the course of the same in search of the achievement of the stated objective -- In this final graduation project the analysis of a meeting held in the EPM Group is carried out using the theory of boundary games -- The theory of boundary games is a model that allows a detailed analysis of the behavior of participants through the clear identification of their intentions during the development of a meeting -- The use of this theory offers a broader understanding of the interactions that take place to make decisionsÍtem Una aproximación al concepto de mobbing “acoso psicológico en el sitio de trabajo”, un análisis del dispositivo móvil como posible factor de riesgo(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Arango Mesa, María Alexandra; Uribe Correa, BeatrizThe intention of this article is by tracking literature, to perform a simple description on harassment, psychological or work, known globally under the Anglo-Saxon mobbing, to know its definition, history, forms and prevalence of it and review personality traits and organizational factors associated with bullying and its harmful effects on victims.Ítem El árbol y el bosque. Cómo un observador ilumina y oscurece algunas líneas de la realidad organizacional.(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Naranjo Restrepo, Oscar Mauricio; Vélez Castiblanco, Jorge IvánÍtem Cambios en la estrategia, la estructura y las capacidades en una organización de doble dimensión: el caso del Hospital San Vicente* luego de la Ley 100 de 1993(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Agudelo Agudelo, Yurley María; Zapata Barrera, Santiago; Londoño Correa, Diana María; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoEste artículo proporciona información sobre los cambios en la estrategia, la estructura y las capacidades que el Hospital San Vicente implementó para ser sostenible en el contexto de los cambios regulatorios en salud de los últimos veinte años en Colombia -- En este caso se describe cómo el Hospital San Vicente (entidad sin ánimo de lucro) pasó de ser una institución que financiaba su operación mayoritariamente con dineros provenientes del Estado, la venta de servicios a pacientes particulares y donaciones y aportes de benefactores, a ser un grupo de empresas sólidas y financieramente rentables que se unificaron para generar ingresos suficientes y lograr conjuntamente el cumplimiento de su misión asistencial enfocada a la atención de los pacientes con menos recursos económicos -- Se amplían cuatro aspectos importantes dentro del desarrollo organizacional, como son: estrategia, estructura, capacidades y doble dimensiónÍtem Caracterización de la cultura organizacional e identificación de buenas prácticas en la gerencia de proyectos en sedes internacionales de la Compañía VeriTran S.A., basados en las áreas del conocimiento establecidas por el Project Management Institute (PMI)(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Sánchez Romero, Estefanía; Henao Arango, María CeciliaAiming to take advantage of the business model of the organization VeriTran S.A., which consists of providing its consulting and implementation services to the global financial industry for the construction of its mobile applications and transactional web portals, the management methodologies in each of the projects for the different countries are described, since there is not an standard methodology to approach all the projects of the organization, and when compared, it is identified that some methodologies work better than others. Additionally, there is an ingrained work culture within the organization that informs almost every aspect of its everyday running, which is why it is appropriate to determine how some elements of the organizational culture influence project management, in addition to the opportunity of identifying best practices in project management from four international offices, based on the areas of knowledge established by the Project Management Institute, PMI, in order to improve the organization's performance and achieve greater customer satisfaction. This master's work presents a consolidation of Good Practices in project management and how some elements of organizational culture influence the behavior and performance of the organization, through surveys designed with key questions from each of the areas of knowledge according to the PMI, through interviews designed with key questions for each of the PMI knowledge areas, and these in turn associating questions created based on experts criteria to cover the organizational culture.Ítem Caracterización de los efectos que genera un esquema de compensación formal en el clima organizacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Quiroz Escobar, Vanessa; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioObjective: to characterize the effects generated by a formal compensation scheme in the Organi-zational Climate of a company in the services sector. Method: using semi-structured interviews and focus groups from the perspective of the case study method. Research problem: the total remuneration of employees represents one of the highest amounts in the cost structure of the companies; however, in many cases there are perceptions of inequality among employees because of managerial decisions regarding the allocation of salaries and benefits. However, the effects that this type of perceptions may be generating in the organizational climate have not been identi-fied; this last aspect is the research problem that can be synthesized with the following question: what is the effect on the organizational climate from the perceptions related to labor equity? Pop-ulation: a sample of 6 employees of different areas, contrast with the perceptions of 8 compensa-tion experts from different companies. For the selection of people will be considered the demo-graphic diversity and will be of random choice. Results: it is expected to identify the most signif-icant effects around the decisions that are made in the forms of remuneration of the investigated company.Ítem Caracterización del comportamiento de los millennials: una revisión de literatura(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gutiérrez Concha, Clara Patricia; Posada Márquez, Laura Patricia; Gonzáles-Miranda, Diego RenéThis review aims to characterize the behavior of millennials in the last ten years in a global, latin american, and national context -- To accomplish this, a literary review was found necessary based on the results found in books, essays, research results, academic articles, and point of view articles -- The results demonstrate the scarcity of information in the fields of religion, politics, economics, and socioeconomic status -- The findings are presented from predetermined categories framed in two dimensions: social and organizational -- Additionally, final reflections are presented about this generation and questions arise as to how they relate to organizations -- The review concludes with some limitations that were encountered in the study, and an evaluation of the findings presented in this reviewÍtem Caracterización del liderazgo efectivo según el rombo filosófico de Renée Bédard : fundamentación de diseño de cargos directivos en una multinacional de servicios hidráulicos(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Noreña Bustamante, Daniel; López Gallego FranciscoA proposal to identify leadership related characteristics is presented, it contrasts the vision of different hierarchical levels for a specific executive post. This study is based on the company’s expectations and strategies being made globally every day, especially as regions in development takes a more important role in its. Although challenges are present in teams all over the globe Colombia exhibits one of the more interesting ones due to its operating context, lack of a headmaster, team diversity and the need of a director guidance. Leadership behavior and characterization has been studied all over history, normally via case study methodology of failure and success experiences, which follow a pure functionalist view. But a new approach is proposed base on Bédard’s philosophical rhombus, where the identification of leadership conceptions for a hypothetical Colombian Team leader is obtained from the hierarchy lower level and the superior one. An opinion-based methodology is then proposed founded on team integrands conception of leadership, including the superior and inferior hierarchy levels expectations. Founded on Bedard’s philosophical rhombus and it´s four being dimensions. This methodology was implemented on the company previously described. As result, a series of leadership focus characteristics and conceptions are obtained, becoming valuable information that can be used in two ways. To seek and hire someone who has some of them or to develop the person who´s already in charge to obtain better results.Ítem Causas de rotación de personal administrativo de la generación millennial en una empresa de servicios de telecomunicaciones(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) González Granados, Juan Alejandro; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioFor every organization its workforce or human resources is a differentiating factor that will allow for it to have or not a competitive advantage in the market or industry where it might be positioned, which includes hence staff turnover, and above all, millennial generation staff turnover as well as its factors and elements. In this survey, the main motives triggering millennial generation staff turnover, at managerial areas in the organization, were identified. The results determine that the motives for greater turnover are associated with personal and professional development and work-life balance.Ítem Comportamientos de agilismo en un equipo de una organización financiera de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Jaramillo Gaviria, Ana María; Mancera Trejos, Laura Yasmin; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Comportamientos de resistencia al cambio que se presentan más comúnmente en los colaboradores de una organización prestadora de servicios de salud, a partir del cambio de gerente(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Restrepo Gómez, Myriam; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioAbstract Objective: To identify the most common change resistance behaviors, derived from the process of changing managers in the primary group of a health service provider institution. Method: It is a study that aims to describe the behaviors of resistance to change, accompanied by the analysis of the results by the researcher. Considering that the investigation will take place at the current moment of the phenomenon, the design will be cross-cutting. The research will take place in a Health Service Provider Institution (HPI) with a group of people already selected and the object will be studied in this context, therefore, the method used will be the case study. Conclusions: There´s a great lack in the communication of the process of change, which can be rooted by differences in managerial styles. The organization´s seen as a managerial function, finding that can represent the paternalistic style of previous management. One of the sources of resistance to change is that it represents a loss of the affective bond. Communication make resistance behaviors ''active-expressive''. The breakdown of the affective bond, generates resistance under bearings ''expressive passive'' And the change seen as a loss and not feeling part of the change, show in the interviewees resistance behaviors ''passive-covert''Ítem Comportamientos del líder que facilitan la conciliación trabajo-vida personal-familiar en una empresa de tecnología de la ciudad de Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Avendaño Becerra, María Angélica; Orejuela Gómez, Johnny Javier, 94319210Ítem El concepto de poder en las organizaciones: bases analíticas(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Dávila Ocampo, Juan Manuel; Gentilín, MarianoEste estudio pretende mostrar la importancia del concepto de poder en las organizaciones y sugiere, que el entendimiento de este razonamiento, se convierta en una herramienta necesaria para mejorar el comportamiento de los individuos en las organizaciones actuales y, con esto, lograr una mejor comprensión de la práctica administrativa -- En el análisis de las organizaciones y su interrelación con el poder ha predominado una perspectiva instrumental y pragmática, con pretendidas características “universales”, es decir, como ejercicio del poder y su uso eficiente y estratégico -- En este artículo de reflexión, se hará un recorrido teórico sobre el concepto de poder en la organización, queriendo contrastar su definición desde autores como Max Weber y Michel Foucault principalmente -- Se insistirá en la concepción instrumentalista y jerárquica que Weber tiene sobre el poder, y en el aporte más comprensivo y diferenciador de Foucault -- Adicional a esto, se hará una breve recopilación de los planteamientos de algunos investigadores de la administración, quienes han conceptualizado sobre el poder y su ejercicio en las organizaciones, y desde allí plantear una reflexión sobre cómo Michel Foucault ha abierto fronteras con una mirada nueva, amplia y diferente, que permite transformar los límites tradicionales trazados, circunscritos a formas funcionales y positivistas del pensamiento organizacionalÍtem Condiciones motivacionales internas según los estilos de liderazgo del gerente, los directores, los coordinadores y los socios: el caso de una empresa de ingeniería e innovación (Medellín, Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Hoyos Hoyos, José Froilán; Arango Lopera, Carlos AndrésÍtem Condiciones que caracterizan a los socios estratégicos que logran la incorporación del agilismo como atributo cultural en las empresas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Quintero González, Juliana Cristina; Sanín Posada, AlejandroOrganizations are going through an accelerated increase in uncertainty and the speed of change, so failure to adapt quickly can mean their disappearance (Gómez-Mejía et al., 2007), which requires an agile incorporation of practices and attributes that favor it. Among the skills that favor the adaptation of organizations we find the ability to respond, anticipate, efficiency, flexibility, speed, innovation, knowledge management and agility (Charbonnier-Voirin, 2011). The latter has gained strength in recent years, becoming a central element in business strategies (Ganguly et al., 2009). Agility becomes a competitive advantage, since it allows the organization to be among the first to detect threats and opportunities in markets that are constantly changing (Dyer & Shafer, 1998). Now, understanding the strategic nature of agility, the concern of how to incorporate it into an organization arises. And one possible path is to understand it more as a cultural attribute than as a strategy, as Drucker (1999) said so well when he stated “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. If we work along this line, that is, from the creation of a culture that facilitates and incorporates agility as an attribute, we can then use and take advantage of the cultural management mechanisms that have been documented in the literature for the incorporation and development of other attributes. cultural, Cameron and Quinn (1999), point out that human management actions must support the culture desired by the company, as well as mention that organizational success depends largely on how the organizational culture is compatible with the demands of the environment. Within the different mechanisms to ensure that a desired attribute is incorporated into the culture of organizations, they often use mentors to promote it (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). These are people who are delegated the responsibility of accompanying the teams and the organization in the creation of routines and habits that sustain the attribute, they must also sensitize people by transmitting and giving solidity to the beliefs that give basis to such attribute. Sometimes this figure in companies is called a Strategic Partner, according to the literature, this is the one who collaborates in the design of the corporate strategy, participating in its definition and aligning its practices with the business objectives of a company. In addition, it guides human management systems and sets their priorities. Your mission should be to redefine the value proposition of your area and enhance its impact, in order to achieve the expected results (Ulrich, 1997). Thus, the figure of the Strategic Partner becomes central to the success of the business, but from a cultural management perspective.Ítem El conflicto en el agilismo: una perspectiva desde el SCRUM(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Villegas Gómez, Esteban; Ruíz Rodríguez, Johan Miguel; López Gallego, FranciscoEl presente artículo busca plantear una discusión acerca de la importancia del conflicto como oportunidad para el mejoramiento continuo dentro de los equipos que trabajan bajo la metodología de desarrollo de software, conocida como SCRUM -- Consiste en un estudio investigativo de tipo cualitativo, que presenta los resultados de una investigación documental, en artículos académicos relacionados con el conflicto en equipos de trabajo, más específicamente en proyectos de desarrollo de software, además de una serie de entrevistas realizadas a trece personas que llevan a cabo el rol de Scrum Master dentro de una de las empresas de desarrollo de software más importantes de Colombia -- Esta empresa cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia, presente en tres países más del continente, y ha sido reconocida constantemente por su liderazgo en las mejores prácticas de desarrollo de software -- La conclusión más importante es la valoración que hacen los entrevistados del conflicto, como una dinámica que propicia la maduración y el mejoramiento continuo en los equipos de trabajo que usan metodologías de desarrollo ágil