Maestría en Gerencia Integral por Procesos (tesis)
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Ítem Guía para el desarrollo e implementación de un mapa de procesos en una constructora del sector privado en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 0024) Romero Palacio, Daniel; Massey Hurtado, Juan Carlos; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem La gestión del cambio como mecanismo de aseguramiento y mejora de los procesos(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Alzate Álvarez, Alejandra; Betancur Giraldo, Verónica; Garzón Lasso, Fernando Alexander; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaIn the present paper, the different models of change management and their main authors were investigated, to answer the research question of how change management is a mechanism for assuring and improving processes. The study was developed under the combination of literature review and the Delphi Method, to obtain a collective vision of experts on change management and learn how this issue is managed in the daily life of companies from rounds of questions that allow to obtain and debug the judgments of the consulted group of experts. In the results it was found that change management serves as a mechanism for assuring and improving processes; moreover, that it is also common to find that the human management area takes the responsibility for this process, and that, having not knowledge of this issue, outsources it. Despite the paradox that exists among change management and the improvement of the processes, it could be evidenced that they are terms that are not isolated and that serve as a mechanism of assurance and improvement.Ítem Modelo de gestión por procesos para caso de estudio Procaps(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Gómez Carmona, Johnatan; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Medina Arroyave, José DavidProcaps, a leading company in the pharmaceutical sector, has entered, in the last decade, highly competitive international markets, such as the United States. These markets demand to be very efficient, reduce productive costs and comply with strict service agreements. Currently, the approach to process management is outdated, and this was done partially, where part of the corporation continued to be managed under the traditional model focused on areas, which makes cross-cutting decision making in few people They do not have the capacity to attend the day to day at the level that is required. This project establishes an update of the main elements of the process management model, in order to adjust it to the challenges that the company currently has. In order to identify the challenges, interviews were carried out, at the senior and middle management level, in which the lessons learned and the main points to review in a management system were evidenced. Based on this input, an updated process map was constructed, from which strategic decisions were made and indicators were defined to measure the success of the proposed changes. Additionally, the interaction map and the flowchart of the supply chain were updated, which was identified as the critical process. The conclusions are a series of suggestions that are expected to generate great added value for the corporation, based on the tools provided by process management.Ítem Diseño del proceso de reconciliación táctica entre el modelo operativo y el proceso de planeación de ventas y operaciones a medianos plazo por medio de la metodología Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE)(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Ortiz Betancur, Edwin Alonso; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Trujillo Cadavid, Juan CamiloÍtem Propuesta de diseño del nuevo laboratorio de microbiología en una empresa del sector de prestación de servicios de análisis(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Botero Ochoa, Laura; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Restrepo Álvarez, Andrés FelipeIn a globalized context, the constant concern of entities such as the World Health Organization is to protect the human health through the commercialization of products that complies with existing regulations, quality control laboratories which ensure the microbiological condition of the products analyzed through the fulfillment of people's technical competence, appropriate environmental conditions, use of appropriate methodologies, equipment and facilities. According to this, the use of analytical areas becomes a critical item to ensure an adequate analytical process and therefore a reliable result. The present work makes a diagnosis of the existing layout of a microbiology laboratory located in Medellín, evaluates opportunities for improvement and proposes a new distribution for the project to expand to a new facility. It was possible to identify critical aspects to consider for the design of this type of facilities and propose a new model adjusted to current needs and future growth of the organization.Ítem Diseño del modelo de gestión de experiencia del cliente en la organización VID(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Yepes Botero, Tatiana Marcela; Montoya Hernández, Ángela María; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaThe customer experience is one of the most commonly used terms in the business world. The following research work aims to propose a customer experience management model for the VID organization; that facilitates an emotional connection between the organization and its customers, increase their satisfaction rates, loyalty, and income. It begins with a review of the most used definitions of customer experience, the differences between customer experience and user experience, the most used methodologies for the design of experiences, the prerequisites for the implementation of the management model, strategic benefits to take care of and improve the customer experience as a competitive advantage for organizations and a proposal of a management model with several stages, which include: verification of requirements, customer knowledge, analysis of total experience, design of prototypes and proposals for improvement for the current experience, the design of the desired experience and the description of the most commonly used metrics for measuring customer experience.Ítem Propuesta de optimización del proceso de fabricación de joyería y bisutería en la empresa Precoarte S.A.S(2020) Arredondo Méndez, Víctor Hugo; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Osorio Suárez, Diego AlejandroColombian jewelry and imitation jewelry goes through a temporary situation, Colombia is a producer country of gold and other precious metals but the high prices, the different requirements to access them and the new trends in the younger population have caused the jewelry production decrease and increase imitation jewelry production. This text explains in several stages the proposal to optimize the process of manufacturing jewelry and imitation jewelry. In the first stage, the main problems of the jewelery and imitation jewelery manufacturing process are identified, through an Ishikawa diagram, the second stage includes the representation of the company's strategy on a strategic map, Finally, the identification of the competitive advantage is proposed, using the value chain tool and a model for risk management in money laundering and terrorist financing that will generate trust relationships with its stakeholders.Ítem Guía para identificar cuál es el liderazgo requerido para una gerencia integral por procesos(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Agudelo Tobón, Luis Fernando; Giraldo Hernandez, Gina;; Garzón Lasso, Fernando AlexanderLas metodologías de gestión por procesos utilizadas para alcanzar resultados, por estar muy orientadas a la ejecución de tareas, se enfocan en el presente y son buenas para conseguir que las organizaciones funcionen con eficiencia. Por otro lado, para que las organizaciones sean eficaces se requiere dirección y acompañamiento, y esto depende del liderazgo (Icontec, 2015), y de la interpretación de la norma NTC-ISO 9001:2015. De la misma manera, los procesos de cambio que involucren algún modelo de gestión como el enfoque por procesos requieren de estilos de liderazgo con capacidad para producir cambios sustantivos. El propósito de esta investigación es identificar los diferentes estilos de liderazgo que se requieren para implementar una gerencia integral por procesos. A través del análisis de diferentes autores sobre los estilos de liderazgo y sobre la gestión por procesos, complementado con entrevistas a líderes de organizaciones y expertos técnicos que han estado involucrados en la gerencia integral en Colombia, se identifica cómo han resuelto este tema y cuáles han sido sus resultados. Se propone finalmente una guía que permita evaluar cuáles estilos de liderazgo facilitan la gerencia integral por procesos.Ítem Redefinición del programa de desarrollo de proveedores en Industrias Haceb(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Echeverri Rivera, José Mauricio; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Mateo Prieto, ManuelÍtem Guía para el desarrollo de proyectos de implementación de sistemas de gestión de calidad y mejora de procesos usando el marco Scrum(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) González Vásquez, Lorma Vency; Massey Hurtado, Juan Carlos; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Abad Londoño, Jorge HernánÍtem Guía para identificar los procesos que deben ser automatizados en la transformación digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Moreno Zuluaga, Maria del Pilar; Jaramillo Lasso, Carlos Andrés; Giraldo Hernández, GinaThe digital transformation, which includes automation and that seeks the efficiency and improvement of the processes, makes it necessary to evaluate these processes to ensure that they are relevant and that they deliver value added to the company. That is why five interviews were conducted in different companies in the Medellin sectors, which will allow us to know the perception of digital transformation and how companies are adopting these new trends that come with the 4.0 revolution. The above are complemented by a guide that allows you to make a checklist of the criteria that a process must meet to be carried out, for this purpose an express assessment of the processes that will help the organization to determine which processes is feasible to automate, which are due improve and which is better to do without. This model is implemented and developed in a specific case (that of a telecommunications company). Through a sharing of some of the criteria evidenced in the interviews, some other variables are analyzed, such as the emergence of new emerging technologies and their central role in the change in process automation. In addition, the impact that human derobotization can generate within business models and in general in companies or organizations is analyzed. Keywords: digital transformation, automation, quick assessment of processes.Ítem Fortalecimiento de mejores prácticas en el proceso de asesoría en un área de auditoría interna para una entidad financiera(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Montoya Sánchez, Andrés Felipe; Velásquez Salamanca, Ana Cristina; Mejía Gallego, Luisa Fernanda; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierÍtem Diseño de un modelo de gestión por procesos para una empresa familiar comercializadora de llantas(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Cortés Castañeda, Lleisy Alexandra; Montoya Hernández, Ángela María; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierÍtem Formulación del mapa de riesgos operacionales en el proceso de promoción y fomento del deporte, la recreación y la actividad física (DRAF) en el ÍNDER Medellín(Universidad Eafit, 2020) García Ramírez, Laura; Giraldo Sierra, Viviana Marcela; Vela Martínez, Freddy Gustavo; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaIn this degree work, the map of operational risks of the process of promotion and promotion of sport, recreation and physical activity is formulated for the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, ÍNDER, an entity attached to the municipality of Medellin. For this, an approach was made to the concepts that underlie this construction: risk, types of risk, context setting, valuation, identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment and risk maps. Additionally, a review of the legal and regulatory component governing public entities in this area was made and some of the methodologies were studied; in the case of this exercise, the steps established in ISO 31000:2018 were developed. The results indicate that 66.67% of the operational risks found in the process have an extreme severity level, 22.22% a high level and 11.11% a moderate level. The proposed controls focused on the selection of professionals and technicians who have contractual obligations related to these activities. Additionally, alliances with other municipal secretariats, the design and improvement of protocols for the care and custody of institutional assets and the digital security of the documentation associated with the process were analyzed. Finally, improvement actions were proposed in pre-contractual matters with the elaboration of material and logistics data sheets, and in the contractual execution in supervision matters. Keywords: Context setting, risk process activities, risk map, ISO 31000:2018, ÍNDER.Ítem Mejorar la productividad en una empresa de servicios logístico en la ciudad de Medellín por medio de la aplicación de técnicas de mejora continua y el uso de herramientas tecnológicas(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Pérez Cespedes, Jorge Mauricio; García Medina, Juan David; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem Marco metodológico y plan de implementación del proceso de contact center para la empresa Droguerías UNO-A(Universidad Eafit, 2020) González Villegas, Julio César; Jaramillo Ramírez, Carlos Miguel; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Velásquez Cuartas, John OrlandoThis degree work develops a methodological framework for the implementation of a contact center process at Droguerías UNO-A. Initially, the current diagnosis of the company is carried out in the customer service process and the identification of the needs posed by the current trade of the sector dedicated to the marketing of health and beauty products, and of the consumer consumption trends. Once this information has been referenced through questionnaires, talks and interviews with some leaders of the sector, and has been supported in a frame of reference for the implementation of a contact center process, the methodological framework is developed to solve the problems that arise in organizations when addressing this type of initiatives. With this information, the company is suggested a plan that makes the process of implementing a customer service model based on contact center efficient.Ítem Las necesidades de formación de los roles que participan en el sistema de gestión de la calidad de una institución de educación superior(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Gómez Hernández, Diana Carolina; León Restrepo, Ana María; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierObjective. To identify training needs for the involved roles in the quality management system for a Higher Education Institute (HEI). Method. A qualitative case study based on the application of semi-structured surveys to thirteen people whit supporting roles at the institutional quality management system. Results. It was found that training in knowledge is needed, even more than skills training for the different roles, in topics such as: knowledge and understanding of the ISO 9001 standard in its latest version, better handling of the application that supports the quality management system, management and indicators analysis and risk management. Conclusions. A perception of the need to set a training model that contributes to improving performance in the exercise of the role involved in the quality management system processes was evidenced in the subjects. Perceptions of insecurity and permanent doubts regarding management and activities development were also identified, leading to reprocessing and spending more time. It was also possible to identify gaps in knowledge and skills required by the QMS, as well as those to develop through a training route.Ítem Propuesta para el rediseño del proceso de recuperación de cartera del impuesto vehicular a nivel departamental(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Gómez Bernal, Yimi Alexander; Pulido Jiménez, Ana Carolina; Velásquez Cuartas, Jhon Orlando; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem Actualización del modelo de gestión del riesgo de Cornare con el propósito de implementarlo a futuro en el proceso de autoridad ambiental(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Quintero Alzate, Hildeberto Antonio; Vela Martínez, Freddy GustavoÍtem Impacto del Covid-19 en la industria de la consultoría en gestión por procesos en el mundo(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Castaño Gómez, Claudia Milena; Parra Zapata, Carolina; Chaverra Hincapié, Héctor Andrés; Torres Bustamante, Juan Pablo; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierObjective. Analyze the impact that COVID-19 has had on the international operations management consulting industry. Method. It was carried out through a qualitative and cross-functional study. The research approach was comprised of 12 structured interviews conducted on senior-level operations management consultants from various firms. Results. An analysis of the consulting industry pre- and post Covid 19 through the blue ocean methodology, which contributes to the leveraging of competitive dimensions exposed in the interviews and the creation of new ones. These dimensions represent a proposed scenario; through a strategic canvas, which allows consulting companies to move and seek a competitive advantage. Conclusions. It is evident that COVID-19 changed the rules of the game for the operations management consulting industry, creating new opportunities to evolve. This is supported by technologies and the development of new value propositions.