Informes de investigación
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Ítem Aplicación de las TIC´s en la generación de experiencias de usuario en el sector servicios(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Salazar Martínez, Carlos Andrés; Guzman Ordoñez, Anabel; Díaz León, Christian Andrés; Gómez Aristizábal, Sara Isabel; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - EVALUACION DE IMPACTO DEL USO DE JUEGOS EN LA ENSEÑANZA DEL EMPRENDIMIENTO(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Vidal, Alejandra; Escobar, Andrés; Arenas, Ana Isabel; Salazar, Laura; Botero, Paulina; González, Mario José; Montoya, David; Barreneche, Estefanía; Universidad EAFITThis research aims to measure the impact of using games in teaching entrepreneurship to undergraduate students at Universidad EAFIT. For this purpose, a quantitative measurement instrument was designed based on existing tools, and virtual validation sessions were conducted with students from various programs at Universidad EAFIT.Ítem Proceso de ASC - PENSAMIENTO SISTEMICO Y NEGOCIOS PARA EL FLORECIMIENTO DE LA VIDA(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vidal, Alejandra; Ramírez, Isabella; Alfonso, Gabriela; Cuello, Natalia; Carmona, María José; Apraez, Anita; Rueda, Alejandro; Mazo, Sebastian; Universidad EAFITThe students from the research group designed training workshops for entrepreneurs based on their knowledge of the Flourishing Business Model Canvas and the importance of systems thinking in the design and validation processes of sustainable business models. The workshops were conducted with five entrepreneurs who received 25 hours of support from the students.Ítem Proceso de ASC - DISEÑO DE HERRAMIENTAS PEDAGOGICAS FACILITAR EL USO DEL CANVAS DE MODELOS DE NEGOCIOS FLORECIENTES EN PYMES DEL VALLE DE ABURRA(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Vidal, Alejandra; Gil, María Alejandra; Ríos, María José; Tobón, Alejandro; Ramírez Isabella; Apraez, Anita Isabella; Camargo, Ricardo; Fonnegra, Laura; Quintero, José.; Universidad EAFITInternationally, theories and tools have begun to emerge that aim to bring companies closer to sustainability. One of these theories is the Ontology of Strongly Sustainable Business Models (Upward, 2014). From this theory, the Flourishing Enterprises Business Model Canvas (FBMC) was developed, a tool that encourages companies to consider, in addition to the traditional aspects of a business model, other necessary aspects for their business to contribute to the flourishing of life on the planet. This project aims for students in the SIIE research group to understand the FBMC tool for developing business models and the theory that supports it in order to design a didactic tool, such as an interactive book, that facilitates its communication and appropriation by young people and students aged 15 to 25 in the Aburrá Valley. The validation process of the interactive book will be documented to investigate the impact that the use of such tools can have on expanding the knowledge and understanding of young people regarding the FBMC theory and the construction of sustainable business models.Ítem Proceso de ASC - HERRAMIENTAS DE APRENDIZAJE EXITOSAS PARA MEJORAR LA EXPERIENCIA DE LOS ESTUDIANTES EN LAS CLASES VIRTUALES(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Vidal, Alejandra; Garcés, Carolina; Barreneche, Estefanía; Cardona, Mariana; Sosa, Miguel; Torres, Santiago; Jaraba, Sofia; Carvajal, Valentina; Tobón, Valentina; Universidad EAFITDuring 2020, Universidad EAFIT experienced a forced transition from in-person learning to virtual learning; during this period, all courses were conducted remotely. The Research Seedbed on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Universidad EAFIT decided to address three major challenges identified during the emergency remote courses: (a) a feeling of disconnection from professors and classmates, (b) student demotivation towards their learning process, and (c) mental health issues among both professors and students. Using virtual learning tools that encourage youth participation can counteract these problems; however, not all university teachers are proficient in using these tools. This research proposal aims to identify successful learning tools and how professors have used them to ensure students achieve learning outcomes. A qualitative research approach will be employed, comprising a bibliographic component to trace documented experiences and an exploratory component involving interviews and surveys to investigate which educational experiences have been most well-received by some students at the University. The research is expected to provide tools and recommendations to help teachers improve the dynamics of virtual classes and assist those inexperienced in virtual teaching methodologies in adapting their classes to this new dynamic.Ítem Proceso de ASC - CONCEPCION, DISEÑO Y DESARROLLO DE JUEGOS EDUCATIVOS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA DEL EMPRENDIMIENTO(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Vidal, Alejandra; Sáenz, Esteban; Araque, Miguel; Cardona, María Juliana; Vélez, Santiago; Barreneche, Estefanía; Restrepo, Valentina; Caicedo, Filadelfo; Universidad EAFITThe purpose of the project is to develop an educational game that facilitates the teaching of concepts and the strengthening of entrepreneurial skills in university students, aiming to provide more experiential teaching-learning processes that engage students through active learning methodologies. This will enable the university to achieve its objectives of teaching, research, and outreach.Ítem Proceso de ASC - LAS CARACTERISTICAS DEL DOCENTE QUE FAVORECEN EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ESTUDIANTE DEL FUTURO(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Universidad EAFITThere is an interest in knowing the competencies of university teachers that facilitate student learning, however, the definition of the concept of competency is a great challenge, since in the literature it is found that the definitions given by the authors vary according to the contexts and cultural aspects. The competencies of university teachers have been studied by different authors for more than 30 years. Europe and the United States have made important efforts to define a theoretical consensus; however, in Latin America there are few studies on the subject. It is for this reason that this qualitative study was carried out, in which 15 in-depth interviews were carried out with expert teaching professionals, to explore the most relevant competence(s) that facilitate student learning. from the point of view of experts. The findings reveal a competency approach based on the skills and abilities to perform and demonstrate a specific task; "Know to do"; and based on the behavioral aspects of the individual towards others; “Know how to be.” However, there is a consensus among those interviewed that extensive knowledge in the discipline; "Know"; It is an intrinsic condition of the teacher, but it does not guarantee the success of learning in students.Ítem Proceso de ASC - PROCESOS DE CAMBIOS SOCIALES Y EMPRESARIALES EN RELACION AL TURISMO EN EL CORREDOR DE AYACUCHO, MEDELLIN DESPUES DE LA CONSTRUCCION DEL TRANVIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Universidad EAFITThis work is based on a formative research carried out by the SMART and SIMPRO incubators of the Eafit University and the RERDSA incubator of the University of Antioquia on the social changes that the implementation of the Ayacucho Tram has generated. This investigates the perceptions and social representations that have been built by both the community that has inhabitants and merchants and local and foreign visitors. Furthermore, it is analyzed that this Tram has implied processes of touristification of the area and is part of a horizon of meaning related to development that causes different territorialities to be built for the actors. The research methodology was qualitative using tools such as ethnography, interviews and participatory mapping. The main contributions of the study are in terms of the social implications that must be taken into account in urban planning projects, and how tourism can play a fundamental role in these projects.Ítem Proceso de ASC - INVESTIGACION-CREACION PARA LA APROPIACION SOCIAL DEL CONOCIMIENTO EN SOSTENIBILIDAD PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES DE EAFIT(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mejía Gil, Maria Claudia; Higuita-Olaya, Daniel; Universidad EAFITFor some years now, the EAFIT University Research Seedbeds have been trying to solve research questions related to the environmental impact that human activities have on the planet. In this case, the SMART Seedbed and INSIGHT carried out a research and creation project with which they asked about the gaps in the understanding of sustainability of university students, to create a strategy for social appropriation of knowledge that affects the understanding of sustainability in students. To achieve this, two group sessions were held with university students to understand their understanding of the concept of sustainability; Then the most important gaps were prioritized, to finally create a transmedia strategy for social appropriation of knowledge that was launched within the framework of the III Marketing and Sustainability Congress, at EAFIT University. The transmedia strategy included an installation at the congress which contained a video and several moments of reflection and physical and visual contact with the waste, a chapter of a podcast called “What is your seed”, several publications on social networks, the experience transmedia of the year 2021 and other things.Ítem Proceso de ASC - INVESTIGACION-CREACION: APROPIACION SOCIAL DEL CONOCIMIENTO A TRAVES DEL DISEÑO DE UN MODELO DE HUERTA URBANA EN MEDELLIN(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Higuita-Olaya, Daniel; Universidad EAFITMalnutrition and food insecurity are two complex problems that Colombia, like the rest of the world, is trying to solve. Urban gardens have been an option that some countries and cities have used to mitigate this crisis, as this strategy allows households to have chemical-free food permanently, to satisfy their own consumption. Around the world, this initiative has been widely used for communities and cities to overcome poverty and food crises. It is for these reasons that the SMART and INSIGHT Seedbed, both from the Marketing and Innovation area of the EAFIT University School of Administration, as well as the Culturama seedbed, from the Faculty of Design of the Pontifical Bolivarian University, propose this research project. that seeks to contribute to the social appropriation of knowledge in sustainability through the design of an urban garden model in Medellín that is sustainable and replicable to other environments. The social appropriation of knowledge in sustainability will permeate not only the people of the communities chosen to create the gardens, but also the students of the seedbeds participating in the project.Ítem Proceso de ASC - LA TRANSICION DE UN MODELO DE NEGOCIO BASADA en EL PRODUCTO A UNO BASADO EN EL SERVICIO PARA LAS EMPRESAS B2B en ANTIOQUIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Duque-Tobón, Carolina; Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Bejarano Botero, Luis Mauricio; Universidad EAFITThe implementation of servitization, or the infusion of services into value propositions, has emerged as a com petitive strategy across various countries, including Colombia and its region. This phenomenon has generated considerable interest in the business community. As a result, this research aims to contribute to companies evaluating or implementing servitization processes by describing its implementation process in companies from the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area. We used a qualitative methodology and conducted interviews with 13 managers of manufacturing companies that cater to B2B clients. Our findings indicate that companies approach servitization for similar reasons, but there is a disparity in its implementation. Furthermore, our research highlights the business challenges that this model entails.Ítem Proceso de ASC - GESTION Y ADOPCION DE EQUIPOS DIGITALES EN ORGANIZACIONES DEL AREA METROPOLITANA DE MEDELLIN(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Higuita Olaya, Daniel; Salazar Martínez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad EAFITThis project seeks to propose a framework to facilitate the adoption and active participation of digital marketing teams in companies. This framework will be obtained from the processing and analysis of information collected among businesses in the region that have had this type of experience. Data collection will be carried out through the use of collection instruments that are adapted to both qualitative and quantitative analysis methodologies and will be carried out with the main focus of concern being to understand the challenges and threats, opportunities and strengths related to the management of this type of equipment. The purpose is to answer questions such as: What type of methodologies were used to adopt a digital business model? What has been the main role that the digital team has played in the organization? What has been the main impact that digital marketing has had on the value chain? What type of technologies have been used? How has the interaction with customers changed and what effects did it have in terms of production and logistics? The project will include phases such as the construction of a reference framework and categories of analysis assigned to the study of the available bibliography, the collection of information in the companies, the comparative study of the cases and the analysis of the results.Ítem Proceso de ASC - INVESTIGACION BASICA: ATRIBUTOS DE LA EXPERIENCIA DE MARCA EN EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS EN COLOMBIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Bejarano Botero, Luis Mauricio; Villegas Gómez, Juliana; Universidad EAFITOrganizations have multiple characteristics to compete in the market, in which finding a space and differentiating is increasingly difficult. When delving deeper into the implementation of the Service Design methodology, a gap is found in the definition of the characteristics that the brand experience should have. This is why the purpose of this study is to develop a method that allows organizations to establish Brand variables, which function as a guide for a service design focused on experience. This is intended to be resolved through a qualitative method, through the technique of in-depth interviews, with 4 experts in the area of services and branding and nine strategists and leaders with experience in service companies in Colombia. The main result was that there is no reference or unified methodology to translate brand attributes into user experience. This work presents a proposal for a three-step process to translate brand attributes into experience.Ítem Proceso de ASC - INVESTIGACION CREACION E INTERDISCIPLINARIO: EXPERIENCIAS DE APRENDIZAJE PARA LA RELACION AMBIENTAL Y LA VALORACION DE EMPRESAS SOSTENIBLES EN ESTUDIANTES DE EAFIT Y UPB(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Higuita-Olaya, Daniel; Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Universidad EAFITWe are currently perceiving the effects of climate change caused by environmental degradation, a situation that has generated transformations that in urban centers are aggravated by the accelerated dynamics of production and consumption. Antioquia is one of the regions with the greatest biodiversity in the world, however, the way in which that diversity is being used is not sustainable. This project is based on the idea that a learning experience can influence the configuration of an environmental relationship and the valuation of sustainable companies in students from EAFIT University and Pontificia Bolivariana. In this panorama, the purpose of this research, led by the SMART, SIIE incubators, both from the EAFIT university, from the Department of Marketing and Organization and Management respectively, in the company of the Culturama incubator from the design faculty of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, is to build a system of learning experiences that contribute to the configuration of the environmental relationship and the valuation of sustainable companies in students from both universities. As a result of the research, the following transmedia experience was created ( and the following Primer for its implementation:Ítem Proceso de ASC - LA INFLUENCIA DEL CONSUMO SOCIALMENTE RESPONSABLE EN LAS ACTITUDES HACIA PRODUCTOS COSMETICOS CERTIFICADOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Mejía-Gil, María Claudia; Ortega-Álvarez, Ana María; Universidad EAFITColombia is no stranger to the new consumer trend. People are primarily concerned about the impact of the products they use on their health and the environment. This makes them look for products, in different categories such as food, transportation, clothing and cosmetics, that identify with their values. Multiple brands claim to have sustainability characteristics, however, in the market there are different seals that guarantee the sustainability characteristics they claim to have. This research seeks to establish if there is a relationship between the presence of sustainability certification seals in cosmetics, and the purchase intention of the products in young women, interested in leading a lifestyle aligned with socially responsible consumption, through a survey that measures the purchase intention of lipsticks with and without green labels, applying the CSR scale and another green label scale, to a sample of 300 people. Among the results, it was found that purchase intention increases when makeup products have green seals.