Geología (trabajo de grado)

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  • Ítem
    ¿Cuál es el efecto del ENOS en los caudales de los ríos en Colombia?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ceballos Restrepo, Juliana; Restrepo Angel, Juan Darío
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    Caracterización geomorfológica a lo largo de la trayectoria de escorrentía para la estimación de la propagación de movimientos en masa
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Martínez Osorio, Johan Steven; Ruiz Restrepo, Daniel Felipe
    Landslides generally propagate certain distances, threatening the lives of people and/or infrastructure not only at the origin site of the landslide but also along the propagation trajectory, therefore, it is necessary to estimate the maximum distance a mass could travel to assess the potential impact zone. There are empirical and numerical methods for estimating the potential propagation distance, with numerical methods being limited to specific landslides and potentially costly and time-consuming. Hence, empirical methods are useful for regional-scale studies, primarily relying on geometric correlations from the landslide origin point, but they do not consider geomorphological characteristics along the propagation trajectory. In this study, ten geomorphological characteristics (referred to as topographic barriers) were identified along the runout trajectory of landslides, significantly influencing the determination of the maximum reach distance of the mass. Since the influence percentage of these barriers depends on their location relative to the landslide's origin zone, a dominant weight with respect to the maximum propagation distance could not be established for most, but applicable relationships exist for curves, deviations, and opposing walls. Likewise, it is recommended to consider all geomorphological features for runoff analyses.
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    ¿Es la sexta extinción en masa una realidad?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Quintero Soto, Yerson Alexander; N/A
    Determining whether we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction is crucial to recognize the current biodiversity crisis and take urgent measures for species conservation. This research examines the characteristics and evidence of past mass extinctions and reviews proposed hypotheses for measuring modern extinction rates, selected for their relevance and scientific controversy. These hypotheses employ methodologies such as numerical formulas based on fossil records of ancient and recent extinctions, and analyses of the traits of vulnerable species. They notably utilize data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on threatened species. The results highlight four main hypotheses defining a modern crisis of species extirpation, although with discrepancies in the data due to paleontological biases and limited data on currently described species by the IUCN. While each hypothesis suggests different extinction rate results, they generally illustrate a crisis of species extirpation caused by human intervention and in relation to previous extinctions. Despite the data discrepancies, it was possible to illustrate and provide evidence of a significant loss of biodiversity compared to previous levels, primarily characterized by human causation.
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    Caracterización de un yacimiento de Caolín para la industria cerámica en el municipio de La Unión, Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Acevedo Duque, Ana María; Álvarez Pérez, Johann Eliécer
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    Impactos del cambio global en la recarga directa de acuíferos en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ruiz Castro, Daniela; Jaramillo Uribe, Marcela
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    Análisis de metodologías estadísticas y morfométricas para la estimación y valoración de la geodiversidad en la cuenca del río Samacá (Boyacá), en contexto de ambientes sedimentarios-estructurales con enfoque en la gestión del patrimonio geológico
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pinzón Bocarejo, Camilo Andrés; Marín Ceron, María Isabel
    The geodiversity in Colombia is an invaluable tool for analyzing diversity patterns, especially when a unified definition is available. This study aims to highlight the importance of geodiversity by applying statistical (Valentín, 2021) and morphometric (Ramírez, 2022) approaches. This opens an educational and/or touristic perspective for several types of audiences to understand the landscape that surrounds them. Geodiversity maps and inventories of Geosites of interest (LIGs) categorized for scientific, touristic, and didactic purposes help local communities in understanding and supplying guidance to visitors, thereby creating economic development opportunities through lodging, transportation, and trained personnel. The method used, which combines a statistical approach including morphometric diversity in the Samacá River basin, allows validation of the technique in complex structurally sedimentary environments (typical in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera) and sheds light on areas of special interest in the future for geoeducation and geotourism in the Samacá River basin. The results obtained revealed spatial variability of geodiversity controlled by the structural geology and the river network in the study area.
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    Geoquímica de los mármoles de Calina Ltda
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Jaime Quintero, Valentina; Marín Cerón, María Isabel
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    Migración del río Putumayo sector Puerto El Carmen, Ecuador
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cabrera Capera, Facnory; Restrepo Ángel, Juan Darío
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    Aprendizaje automático para la identificación mineralógica de material particulado - Bogotá, Cali y Valle de Aburrá (Colombia)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gutiérrez Silva, Juan Alberto; Duque Trujillo, José Fernando
    Identifying the mineral components present in particulate matter can be of great help to understand the dynamics of air pollution, especially to detect the presence of minerals that are dangerous for inhalation (such as asbestos). In this work is developed a methodology for the clustering of chemical data obtained through scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) in samples located in Bogota, Cali and Valle de Aburrá (Colombia). Rausch et al. (2022) and Avellaneda et al. (2020) develop and apply a methodology based on random forest algorithms to separate categories of particles, including minerals. In this work, a generalized algorithm based on DBSCAN is proposed as a complement. It allowed to analyze a set of 3716 samples previously classified as "mineral". The results reveal the presence of at least 15 different minerals. Despite a relatively low classification effectiveness (~20%), this work represents a significant advance in this area, as precedents are few or non-existent for this type of application. It is notable, also, that the presence of Serpentine (Antigorite variety) was detected in Medellín. The findings of this study reveal that most of the particles correspond to quartz, calcite, kaolinite and plagioclase. Despite the limitations, the algorithm demonstrates its effectiveness in mineral identification. However, improvements that could increase its accuracy are recognized. Overall, this study establishes a starting point for future chemical characterization analyses of particulate matter.
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    Vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación del Sistema Acuífero del Altiplano Nariñense aplicando el método GOD
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Patarroyo Barragán, Laura Lucía; Enríquez Hidalgo, Laura Sofía; Jaramillo Uribe, Marcela
    The capacity of an aquifer to be contaminated depends on its intrinsic properties, that is the possibility of substances entering on it, due to hydraulic properties of the overlying lithology. The main cause of contamination is given by anthropogenic activities on the surface. The Altiplano Nariñense Aquifer System (SAAN) is influenced by geomorphological features that allow the recharge of the system, from this, it was proposed that the infiltration of polluting loads is correlated with the topography. To estimate vulnerability, geological, hydrogeological information and water points sampled in 2005-2006 were collected, which allowed us to apply the GOD method that involves three parameters related to the type of aquifer, lithology of the unsaturated zone and depth of groundwater. Three of the five vulnerability indices proposed by this method were evident, associated to the classification “very low”, “medium” and “high”, where medium vulnerability predominates with 51.09% of the total area. Because the main use of land in the Altiplano Nariñense (AN) is for agriculture and this activity requires agrochemicals, there is a probability that these are the main contaminants, and it is also evident that a part of the surface water system has a high index of potential alteration of water quality and its interaction with the aquifer system would also contribute to the dispersion of contaminants. The result was compared with the vulnerability map with the land cover map in the AN, which indicates that 88.44% is destinated to agricultural territories.
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    Agrogeología del silicio : comprensión de los materiales geológicos y la formación de suelos para el fortalecimiento de la agricultura
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Barrientos Acevedo, Iván Andrés; Hernández Pérez, María Isabel
    The characteristics of silicon fertilizers depend on aspects related to their raw materials, manufacturing process, physical presentation and chemical composition. It is evident that the application of silicon in agriculture generates significant benefits for plants by improving their resistance to biotic and abiotic stress, and enhancing the absorption of essential nutrients. These products are primarily derived from inorganic silicates, extracted in their mineral forms and processed to convert them into soluble forms, which, when added to the soil, become silicic acid, a bioavailable source for plants. The stability of silicon fertilizers is a critical aspect, and their effectiveness may vary depending on soil conditions and the type of crop. The edaphological heterogeneity in Colombia, with various soil types and climatic conditions, creates a favorable environment for the cultivation of silicon-accumulating plants, such as rice, sugarcane, corn, wheat, cassava, potatoes, soybeans, and sugar beets. Understanding the mechanisms of silicon absorption and transportation, the appropriate choice of fertilizers, and the edaphological variability in agricultural production are key factors in the effective application of silicon for the benefit of agriculture.
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    Aplicación de técnicas geoeléctricas como alternativa para la caracterización de zonas afectadas por alteración hidrotermal en la Formación Amagá
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mosquera Arango, Sebastián; Velásquez Ospina, Miguel; Gómez Gutiérrez, Diego Felipe
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    Caracterización petrológica con énfasis en microestructuras aplicado a rocas milonitizadas a la altura de la quebrada Sinifaná – Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Calero Castaño, Julián Armando; Duque Trujillo, José Fernando
    The petrographic analysis and microstructural characteristics allow us to know in greater detail the mineralogy, alterations and structures associated with tectonic processes that affect the minerals in the rock. The present work is located near the village of Bolombo, on the right bank of the Sinifaná stream, and inside a tributary stream of the basin. Here we observe the development of a shear zone that affects the Sabaletas Schists and places them in contact with the Quebradagrande Complex. In order to understand this shear zone, a mineralogical characterization was carried out, based on petrography with emphasis on the microstructures, defining a protomylonite, which involves rock fragments and disaggregated minerals of quartz and plagioclase, fractured with microfaulting and a diversity in the porphyroclasts, S'-C type microstructures and recrystallization processes, which allowed estimating possible evolutionary environments, as well as offering a correlation with the lineament proposed by Peláez (2020) where the present shear zone is developed, related to the Cauca-Almaguer Fault System.
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    Detección de cambios en la cobertura vegetal para el municipio de Florencia, Caquetá
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Beltrán Rojas, Julitza; Ramírez Rojas, María Isabel
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    Geoconservación en la Laguna de La Cocha y el Valle de Sibundoy : "un enfoque integral para la gestión territorial"
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Erazo Sánchez, Ángela Sofía; Vásquez Beltrán, Paula Viviana; Montoya Londoño, Nicolás; Marín Cerón, María Isabel
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    Caracterización geoquímica y mineralógica de esmeraldas del Cinturón Esmeraldífero Oriental y Occidental como base para su diferenciación : caso de estudio : Chivor y Muzo (Colombia)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Botero Soto, Camila; Gómez Gutiérrez, Diego Felipe
    Colombian emeralds, recognized worldwide for their gem quality, are found in the Eastern Cordillera, and are distributed along two prominent parallel belts: The Western Emerald Belt and the Eastern Emerald Belt, represented by the Muzo and Chivor mining districts, respectively. These emeraldiferous corridors were part of the Colombian Cretaceous sedimentary basin, which, under the influence of diverse geological parameters, managed to concentrate particular geochemical anomalies in each region, which allowed establishing criteria to differentiate both belts at a geochemical and mineralogical level. This work aims to define solid criteria to differentiate the Muzo and Chivor regions, providing information for the identification of the distinctive characteristics of these two important mining districts in Colombia.
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    Clasificación de las desembocaduras fluviales del Caribe colombiano usando el diagrama de Galloway cuantitativo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Cuervo Cano, Angie Lisbet; Paniagua Arroyave, Juan Felipe
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    Los gonfoterios de Soatá, Boyacá
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Valencia Sánchez, Samuel; Carrillo, Juan David
    Proboscideans were part of the megafauna that habited South American ecosystems during the Pleistocene. Recent taxonomic revisions established that two species inhabited the continent. In Colombia, gomphothere fossils have been reported in the Andean and Caribbean regions, indicating a widespread distribution. Most remains are fragmentary however, and specific taxonomic assignations are not possible. In this study new gomphothere remains from the Soatá Formation in the Eastern Cordillera are described. According to the morphometric and anatomical features, it is proposed that the gomphothere species that inhabited the Chicamocha Canyon region during the Late Pleistocene corresponds to Notiomastodon platensis, supporting the hypothesis that Andean valleys functioned as migratory corridors for Pleistocene megafauna.
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