Geología (trabajo de grado)
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Ítem Análisis de susceptibilidad geológica con menor sesgo : comparación de metodologías de análisis para la gestión del riesgo geológico(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Álvarez Uribe, Alejandro; N/ACurrently, many analyses aiming at understanding the various phenomena associated with risk management in geology are based on heuristic approaches. The degree and quality of these analyses depend significantly on the expert's knowledge and experience about the geomorphological processes present in the study areas. Due to the ambiguity of this method, it is susceptible to subjective interpretations. This paper analyzes other methodologies used for susceptibility analysis. Among the alternatives are heuristic, statistical, deterministic methodologies, and methods based on training and simulation (AI), identifying which of these provides a more solid foundation for decision-making in geological risk management, while addressing the challenges associated with implementing these methods and their impact on the effectiveness of the analyses.Ítem Gestión de aguas subterráneas en Colombia : estrategias frente a los efectos del cambio global(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Villegas Girón, Santiago; N/AÍtem Operador directo basado en deep learning para resolver la ecuación de Poisson(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cuellar Quintero, Edwin Alexi; Rincón Durán, Luis Felipe; Restrepo Correa, Isabel CristinaÍtem Aeromagnetic Modelling of the Sudbury Structurre : Precense of a Central Uplift?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guardo Cardona, Sebastián; Ugalde, HernánThe Sudbury Structure (SS) is an impact crater in Northern Ontario (Canada), known for its significant concentrations of sulfide ores and the complexity of its structural setting. Even after decades of research and exploration, essential questions about its basin structural arrangement remain unresolved. One of these unsolved problems is the existence of the impact crater’s central uplift, a structure that, if recognized, might improve the understanding of the Sudbury Structure's geological history and its mineral deposit arrangement. Here, we evaluated whether the SS’s South Range could house the Structure’s central uplift. A 3D model of the SS's South Range's central zone using magnetic and structural data is presented here to evaluate the presence of the central uplift within this area. We identified a dome-shaped structure on the model's lower noritic surface, accompanied by a horizontalizing behavior on the model's upper overlaying surfaces. By comparing the observed modeled structural disposition with a conceptual model representing a present central uplift scenario, we propose the presence of this structure in the SS’s South Range's central zone. This consideration might help to clarify Sudbury Structure subsurface rocks disposition relating some of its main magnetic and structural characteristics to the final modeled surfaces' magnetic values and geometrical tendencies.Ítem Efectividad y aplicaciones de imágenes satelitales y sensores remotos en la exploración de aguas subterráneas : análisis y recomendaciones para el contexto colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vargas Agudelo, Juan Andrés; Jaramillo Uribe, MarcelaThis study explores how satellite imagery and remote sensors can aid in the exploration and management of groundwater, with a particular focus on Colombia. Various technologies that have proven effective in finding aquifer recharge zones and assessing groundwater potential are analyzed. These tools, which differ in their level of detail and coverage, are key to efficiently obtaining valuable information about water resources over large areas. Although their use in Colombia has been limited, they have been particularly useful in regions such as La Guajira, where they provide crucial data for water management in arid zones. However, their application faces challenges, including persistent cloud cover in some areas of the country, the complex geology of the Andes, and the high cost of some advanced technologies, which limits their use in specific contexts. It is concluded that a strategic combination of these methods, tailored to the available resources and the geographical characteristics of each region, can significantly improve the accuracy of aquifer exploration. Integrating various technologies, both aerial and satellite-based, is key to gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the subsurface and supporting sustainable groundwater management in Colombia.Ítem Efectividad y aplicaciones de imágenes satelitales y sensores remotos en la exploración de aguas subterráneas: análisis y recomendaciones para el contexto colombiano.(Universidad EAFIT, 2024-11-13) Vargas Agudelo, Juan Andrés; N/AThis study explores how satellite imagery and remote sensors can aid in the exploration and management of groundwater, with a particular focus on Colombia. Various technologies that have proven effective in finding aquifer recharge zones and assessing groundwater potential are analyzed. These tools, which differ in their level of detail and coverage, are key to efficiently obtaining valuable information about water resources over large areas. Although their use in Colombia has been limited, they have been particularly useful in regions such as La Guajira, where they provide crucial data for water management in arid zones. However, their application faces challenges, including persistent cloud cover in some areas of the country, the complex geology of the Andes, and the high cost of some advanced technologies, which limits their use in specific contexts. It is concluded that a strategic combination of these methods, tailored to the available resources and the geographical characteristics of each region, can significantly improve the accuracy of aquifer exploration. Integrating various technologies, both aerial and satellite-based, is key to gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the subsurface and supporting sustainable groundwater management in Colombia.Ítem Análisis de las unidades geomorfológicas por fotointerpretación y parámetros morfométricos que influyen en la ocurrencia de avenidas torrenciales en la cuenca de la quebrada Naranjal en Quetame, Cundinamarca(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Agualimpia Perea, María Paula; Valencia Ortiz, Joaquín AndrésNatural disasters associated with torrential floods are considered among the most destructive phenomena in Colombia due to the country’s geological and geomorphological characteristics. This study aims to identify the geomorphological parameters influencing the occurrence of these events in the Naranjal basin, located in Quetame, Cundinamarca. To achieve this, photointerpretation processes were carried out to identify geomorphological units at a scale of 1:10,000, and morphometric parameters of the basin were calculated to analyze the dynamics that generate torrential flood processes. The study revealed that the Naranjal basin is almost entirely dominated by a denudational environment, where intense weathering and erosion processes are facilitated by steep terrain and low drainage capacity. Its elongated shape and morphometric parameters indicate a slow hydrological response, which increases the risk of torrential floods during intense rainfall events.Ítem Suite apinítica cretácica en la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia : Batolito de Santa Fe y Granulita de Pantanillo(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rentería Vergara, María Camila; Ribero García, Iván Darío; Bustamante Londoño, CamiloÍtem Relación Vp/Vs y heterogeneidad cortical en los Andes colombianos : implicaciones magmáticas y estructurales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Lizarazo Anaya, Hugo Esleider; Avellaneda Jiménez, David SantiagoÍtem Contribución de las herramientas de teledetección y procesamiento computacional en la estimación de caídas de rocas en proyectos viales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Rodríguez, Juan Diego; N/AThis study analyses the use of remote sensing and computational processing tools for the quantitative estimation of rock falls in road projects. Advanced technologies such as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and digital photogrammetry allow for the generation of detailed three-dimensional models and the acquisition of high-resolution data of rock masses, significantly improving the risk assessment of slopes. These techniques overcome the limitations of traditional methods by facilitating access to hard-to-reach areas and offering greater precision in the identification of risk zones. The use of processing programs such as the Discontinuity Set Extractor (DSE) enables the identification and characterization of discontinuities in rock masses, a key factor in the analysis of slope stability. Likewise, the use of simulation software such as RocFall and RockGIS allows for the modelling of trajectories and distributions of blocks during their fall, providing essential information for the planning of mitigation measures. In particular, the implementation of the fractal fragmentation model in RockGIS represents a significant advance, improving the simulation of block behavior and, therefore, the effectiveness of protection strategies. The results indicate that the application of these technologies contributes significantly to road safety by providing detailed information that optimizes the design of containment barriers and other protection solutions. Also, the improvement towards the possible complete automation of these processes could further increase the efficiency in the management of geological risks in road projects, promoting the safety and sustainability of infrastructures.Ítem Impacto de las actividades humanas en el transporte de sedimentos fluviales hacia los océanos : perspectiva desde el río Magdalena(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vargas Gómez, Juliana; N/AAnthropogenic activities increasingly exert greater control over the production, transport, and accumulation of sediments in river basins. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of human activities on sediment transport from rivers to oceans, focusing on the Magdalena River, Colombia’s most important river basin. Human activities have heightened sediment transport, especially in regions dominated by deforestation and agriculture, as seen in the Magdalena River. Globally, while reservoirs retain sediments and reduce transportation to coastal areas in some regions, in others, the impact of deforestation, agriculture, and mining increases the riverine sediment load. Studying variations in sediment transport is essential in the Anthropocene, an era in which human activity is the main agent of environmental change. The use of models like BQART enables estimation and prediction of changes in sediment transport, providing data for resource management and biodiversity conservation in affected areas. In conclusion, the results of this review highlight the need for public policies that mitigate human impact on river systems, promoting sustainable practices to protect both river and coastal ecosystems as well as water quality and at-risk habitats.Ítem Modelo geológico 3D del depósito VMS en la mina El Roble, Cordillera Occidental de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ávila Gómez, Manuel Stiven; Siachoque Velandia, AstridÍtem Distribución de las litofacies de la formación Guayabo entre el pozo Saltarín-1A y el Campo Rubiales en la cuenca Llanos Orientales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rodríguez Vergel, Nicolle Valentina; Beltrán Triviño, Alejandro; Redondo Toro, LauraÍtem ¿Cuál es el efecto del ENOS en los caudales de los ríos en Colombia?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ceballos Restrepo, Juliana; Restrepo Angel, Juan DaríoÍtem Caracterización geomorfológica a lo largo de la trayectoria de escorrentía para la estimación de la propagación de movimientos en masa(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Martínez Osorio, Johan Steven; Ruiz Restrepo, Daniel FelipeLandslides generally propagate certain distances, threatening the lives of people and/or infrastructure not only at the origin site of the landslide but also along the propagation trajectory, therefore, it is necessary to estimate the maximum distance a mass could travel to assess the potential impact zone. There are empirical and numerical methods for estimating the potential propagation distance, with numerical methods being limited to specific landslides and potentially costly and time-consuming. Hence, empirical methods are useful for regional-scale studies, primarily relying on geometric correlations from the landslide origin point, but they do not consider geomorphological characteristics along the propagation trajectory. In this study, ten geomorphological characteristics (referred to as topographic barriers) were identified along the runout trajectory of landslides, significantly influencing the determination of the maximum reach distance of the mass. Since the influence percentage of these barriers depends on their location relative to the landslide's origin zone, a dominant weight with respect to the maximum propagation distance could not be established for most, but applicable relationships exist for curves, deviations, and opposing walls. Likewise, it is recommended to consider all geomorphological features for runoff analyses.Ítem ¿Es la sexta extinción en masa una realidad?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Quintero Soto, Yerson Alexander; N/ADetermining whether we are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction is crucial to recognize the current biodiversity crisis and take urgent measures for species conservation. This research examines the characteristics and evidence of past mass extinctions and reviews proposed hypotheses for measuring modern extinction rates, selected for their relevance and scientific controversy. These hypotheses employ methodologies such as numerical formulas based on fossil records of ancient and recent extinctions, and analyses of the traits of vulnerable species. They notably utilize data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on threatened species. The results highlight four main hypotheses defining a modern crisis of species extirpation, although with discrepancies in the data due to paleontological biases and limited data on currently described species by the IUCN. While each hypothesis suggests different extinction rate results, they generally illustrate a crisis of species extirpation caused by human intervention and in relation to previous extinctions. Despite the data discrepancies, it was possible to illustrate and provide evidence of a significant loss of biodiversity compared to previous levels, primarily characterized by human causation.Ítem Caracterización de un yacimiento de Caolín para la industria cerámica en el municipio de La Unión, Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Acevedo Duque, Ana María; Álvarez Pérez, Johann EliécerÍtem Impactos del cambio global en la recarga directa de acuíferos en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ruiz Castro, Daniela; Jaramillo Uribe, MarcelaÍtem Análisis de metodologías estadísticas y morfométricas para la estimación y valoración de la geodiversidad en la cuenca del río Samacá (Boyacá), en contexto de ambientes sedimentarios-estructurales con enfoque en la gestión del patrimonio geológico(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pinzón Bocarejo, Camilo Andrés; Marín Ceron, María IsabelThe geodiversity in Colombia is an invaluable tool for analyzing diversity patterns, especially when a unified definition is available. This study aims to highlight the importance of geodiversity by applying statistical (Valentín, 2021) and morphometric (Ramírez, 2022) approaches. This opens an educational and/or touristic perspective for several types of audiences to understand the landscape that surrounds them. Geodiversity maps and inventories of Geosites of interest (LIGs) categorized for scientific, touristic, and didactic purposes help local communities in understanding and supplying guidance to visitors, thereby creating economic development opportunities through lodging, transportation, and trained personnel. The method used, which combines a statistical approach including morphometric diversity in the Samacá River basin, allows validation of the technique in complex structurally sedimentary environments (typical in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera) and sheds light on areas of special interest in the future for geoeducation and geotourism in the Samacá River basin. The results obtained revealed spatial variability of geodiversity controlled by the structural geology and the river network in the study area.Ítem Geoquímica de los mármoles de Calina Ltda(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Jaime Quintero, Valentina; Marín Cerón, María Isabel