Maestría en Administración - MBA (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Estudio de factibilidad para un gimnasio sostenible en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Restrepo Ramírez, Andrea; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María; Serrano Rivero, Sergio Andrés
    This work carries out the feasibility study of a gym that utilizes exercise machines while simultaneously generating electrical energy from movement. The purpose is to harness the generated energy and transform the business into a sustainable gym, aligning with current trends of minimizing the environmental impact of economic activities. The work consists of three main activities to assess the project’s viability: a market survey through semi-structured interviews, a technical and administrative study involving expert interviews and secondary sources, and a financial analysis to determine economic feasibility. The exercise aims to investigate the impact of using energy-generating machines both from an economic perspective and as a unique selling proposition. Additionally, it seeks to analyze whether the investment in these machines can yield an attractive return for potential business investors.
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    Diseño de un modelo de mejora para la reducción de tiempo en la ejecución de proyectos en la compañía Dell Technologies
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arias Linares, Jhon Alexander; Marciales Camacho, Harold Andrés; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio
  • Ítem
    Creación de una estrategia de extensión de línea como apalancamiento estratégico de la marca El Castillo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Urrea Parra, María Alejandra; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Londoño Vélez, Natalia
    In 2019, El Castillo brand was created by Distribuidoras Imperial and El Castillo; it is currently known in the antioquian market for the commercialization of food products, toiletries and personal care products. To enhance the growth of the brand and consolidate its position in the market, an extension of the line of grains is intended, incorporating beans and lentils, through a strategic leverage; this, in favor of the constant growth in the market and its future projection. With this in mind, the aim was to build a line extension leverage strategy to boost Distribuidora Imperial's growth and increase its market share in the grain market; to achieve this objective, a mixed methodology was established through which a complete overview of production, consumption and related trends was obtained, and which also provided relevant information from the consumers of the brand and the products of interest. With the information obtained, a value proposition was defined to respond to consumer needs and expectations, and a general strategy was established for the distribution of the new product. This analysis has suggested a suitable environment to carry out the line extension in response to the current demand for the products and the image that consumers have of the brand, since they highlight that, due to its added value, the current proposal is feasible.
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    Gamificación como ejercicio preparatorio a la implementación de la etapa de diagnóstico de la metodología Estramipyme
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castaño Bardawil, Alberto; Escarria Buritica, Carolina; Corrales Ríos, Guillermo Andrés; Rivas Montoya, Luz María; Tobar Muñoz, Hendrys Fabián
    Background: inclusion is one of the fundamental pillars of Open Strategy. However, it can lead to contradictions, unintended consequences, and new challenges, particularly when involving large numbers of people who may not be prepared to participate in the exercises. Gamification offers an engaging and effective solution to prepare participants, thus enhancing the quality of the results. Purpose: this study aims to utilize Gamification as a tool to prepare participants for diagnostic exercises and the definition of strategic challenges in MSMEs, following the Estramipyme methodology. This will be achieved through the creation of a digital Game-Based-Learning (GBL) resource that facilitates the development of the necessary foundations for these exercises. Design/Methodology/Approach: this qualitative research followed a five-stage process. It began with the identification of needs through open-semi-structured interviews and validation with experts. Subsequently, a prototype was constructed, followed by an evaluation phase. The results were then analyzed and interpreted, leading to corrections to the prototype based on the feedback received. Results: the findings of this study revealed that the use of gamification as a knowledge transmission tool is powerful, as it enriches the learning process and makes it enjoyable. Originality/Value/Contributions: this research enhances the Estramipyme methodology by introducing a digital Game-Based-Learning (GBL) resource that can be applied in strategic consulting and the training of undergraduate and graduate students at EAFIT University.
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    Modelo de negociación y gestión de proveedores. El caso de Operadora Avícola Colombia S. A. S.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ortiz Correa , María Isabel; Osorio Atehortua, Luis Fernando; Escalante Gómez, Juan Esteban
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    Plan estratégico para la comercialización de un café especial (Café de Altura)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Avendaño Giraldo, Carolina; Rendón Cortés, Luis Fernando; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María
    This work focuses on determining the viability and formulation of the strategy to enter the specialty coffee marketing business, through the application of the Estramipyme Model, as a very good alternative to improve income from coffee sales for the La Selva farm located in the municipality of Villamaria, Caldas. Currently the farm bases its economic activity on the production of high-altitude coffee, and this is sold as green coffee, the farm always seeks differentiation in the cultivation process, in such a way that they can obtain a higher economic premium at the time to deliver their green coffee to large stores, but the transformation and marketing processes are not present in their value chain since someone else is in charge of carrying them out, thus achieving the greatest profitability. The idea is to make a strategic direction that allows for long-term projection, and produce, transform, and market coffee beans and ground in bag presentations, to market it through different channels and in the future export it. This strategic plan was developed using the Estramipyme methodology, a methodological design that, through a series of established stages, allows the strategic process of a small or medium-sized company to be carried out. In general terms, this methodology is composed of six stages in which data is collected using primary sources and secondary sources. In the same way, tools from the field of strategy are applied and the value proposition for the organization is concluded. Finally, a process of synthesis was made, interpretation and analysis of the results obtained in the development of the work was carried out with the objective of adjusting the business prototype that currently exists and proposing a definitive proposal.
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    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la fabricación y comercialización de heno peletizado para equinos en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ovalle Arteaga, Isabella; Villada Henao, Melissa; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio
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    Relatos autobiográficos en un caso de éxito empresarial “El caso de HRA Uniquímica SAS”
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Velásquez Jaramillo, Daniel; López Gallego, Francisco Darío
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    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa de comercialización de productos de arte de buena calidad en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Acosta David, Samantha Nathalie; Barriga Bonilla, Santiago Andrés; Gómez Salazar, Elkin Arcesio
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    Plan de negocios para la enseñanza de programación a niños por medio de plataformas digitales
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Prada Vásquez, Ronny Javier; Salazar Gómez, Francisco Javier; Giraldo Hernández, Gina María
  • Ítem
    Iniciativas para capturar sinergias en una empresa multinegocio
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castiblanco Muñoz, Andrés Felipe; Rivas Montoya, Luz María
    This qualitative study aims to prioritize synergy initiatives for Interpesaje S.A. and Laboratorios de Metrologia Sigma S.A.S., two businesses that are part of a multi-business company in the industrial sector in Colombia. The senior management of the multi-business company hopes to capture synergies between its business through joint management, to ensure constant growth, greater participation in target markets, a long-term diversification strategy and greater benefits for its shareholders. To identify possible synergy initiatives, documentary review, interviews and focus groups were used as data collection techniques. To analyze the data, matrices in Excel were built to facilitate the process of classifying the identified synergy opportunities between business. Finally, the synergies proposed by managers from different areas of the different business were prioritized, which will facilitate the implementation of the initiatives to capture the expected synergies. This document will not only facilitate corporate decision-making related to capturing synergies, but even the postulation of future corporate strategies.
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    Plan exportador Adrissa
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mejía Sánchez, Andrés; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
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    Plan exportador : La Traviesa S.A.S.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cardona Vera, María José; Ríos Molina, Carolina
    The purpose of this research is to determine the target market for organic herbs of La Traviesa S.A.S. and to propose an export plan. This is done as follows: firstly, potential target markets for the company are selected; secondly, an analysis of the current economic situation (political risk, GDP, inflation, unemployment, ease of doing business, and socioeconomic level), social and cultural variables (organic consumption trends and Hofstede dimensions), market size (volume imports, retail market, and organic market), and specific company variables (quality seals, cold chain logistics, direct air access, tariffs, and import requirements) is conducted to identify the target market according to the current situation of countries and the company. Finally, a weighting of the variables is performed and the target country to which the company could export is determined. Subsequently, strategies and action plans are designed to enable the organization to execute what is proposed in the work, which was carried out using the market selection methodology of EAFIT University in collaboration with the company's manager who provided the necessary information for its construction.
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    Modelo de negocio en plataforma digital que permita al usuario seleccionar su proveedor
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montoya Montes, Juan David; Méndez Franco, Juan Manuel; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Delgado Restrepo, Ricardo de Jesús
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    Plan exportador : Confecciones Millar S.A.S.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Grignard Almeida, Jean Francois; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
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    Análisis de vulnerabilidades en los procesos de gestión en una empresa del sector construcción con enfoque en contratación pública
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ochoa Gómez, Lucas Daniel; Marino López, Paul Andrés
    Professional experience has generated certain negative feelings regarding some factors that exist to create a company under the parameters required by Colombian law, and that in the end constitute barriers to business development. The rules seem to be inclined so that third parties have greater protection and benefit over the businessman. Employees, control organizations, contractors, among others, have more guarantees, demonizing the businessman, showing him as the person with an unlimited resource, who must comply with countless taxes, benefit burden, business risks, policies, guarantees and financing In this context, the purpose of this analysis is to learn about the inconveniences that a person without experience in business creation, specifically in the construction sector, currently faces in Colombia. The aim is to present in detail the areas that surround you, in your social circle (friends, family, colleagues), in the business environment (training, seniority, experience), and the environment in which your business niche is located (competition). unfair, illegality, absence of the state)
  • Ítem
    Plan exportador de gulupa para la finca La Florida Aranzazu - Caldas
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Naranjo Beltrán, Mayra Geraldine; Ortiz Arango, Jaime Andrés; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo
  • Ítem
    Redefinición del sistema operativo de Aris Mining Marmato en términos de productividad, rentabilidad y eficiencia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Echeverry Sánchez, Cristian David; Escalante Gómez, Juan Esteban
    This degree work is oriented to redefine, in terms of productivity, profitability and efficiency, the operating system of the company Aris Mining Marmato. For this purpose, a quantitative approach research, descriptive scope and non-experimental design was developed, which was explored through a three (3) phases structure (identification of the current structure + benchmarking of the operation system + adaptation/design of a new system), critical aspects related to the business model, its performance and potential for permanence in market. The diagnosis carried out revealed that the mine’s operating system (supported by different areas: Production, Planning, Geology, Maintenance, supply) does not have accurate resource estimation models, information system, monitoring initiatives, supply policies, asset allocation and concrete follow-up metrics to identify variations and action plans to face the problems, situations, or anomalies in the operation. On the other hand, and based on the literature review carried out, the implementation of a hybrid methodology that integrates the identification of bottlenecks and the short interval control was proposed. In this way, it would be possible to improve the conditions for understanding and defining the system, the articulation of resources and plans, the follow-up of the operation’s performance, the data centralization, metrics formulation, follow-up and ratios development
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