Maestría en Mercadeo (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para la introducción de la marca de cuidado de la piel Vibes en el canal de venta minorista de las farmacias
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sepúlveda Ramírez, María Camila; López Márquez, Manuela; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
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    Desarrollo del Modelo Expert para la construcción de identidad de marcas región Caso: Riux-Risaralda Experiencia Universitaria
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024-02-12) MURCIA RANGEL, WILMAR EDUARDO; ECHEVERRI LOPERA, CAMILO ANDRÉS; Sepulveda Cardona, Edwin Andrés
    The need to create identity for cities, regions, and territories through city or region branding has become a cornerstone in the positioning strategy of these places in both local and global markets. The overarching goal of this thesis work is the development of a unique model that implements agile methodologies synthesized into three stages of theoretical-practical development. These stages involve engagement with communities and economic sectors, facilitating the convergence of stakeholder visions and organizational objectives. This applied research is based in the implementation of an innovative and agile model within the state of Risaralda – Colombia, aimed at constructing a brand for a university region by 2023. The detailed analysis of this case allows for a deeper exploration of the application and combination of agile methods adaptable to communities, regions, and territories, seeking to imbue identity into the mission-driven purpose of their respective sectors, thereby creating powerful and competitive brands in the market.
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    Plan de mercadeo para la empresa TAC (Taller de Arquitectura y Ciudad)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castellanos Aponte, Iván David; Valencia Herrera, Elizabeth Cristina
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    Plan de mercadeo para Mi Hotel San Diego
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Mejía, Valentina; Ruiz Velásquez, María Andrea
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    Exploración de la influencia del efecto cheerleader en la atención visual de los consumidores en la publicidad digital de lencería femenina en Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Clavijo Echeverry , Valentina; Marín Tamayo, Alejandro; Gaviria Rincón, María José; Mejía Gil, María Claudia
    This work was born from the interest of exploring the Cheerleader Effect, a visual cognitive bias in which people are perceived as more attractive when they present themselves in a group than individually and understanding its influence on consumers of women's underwear in Medellín, when observing the digital advertising carried out by women's lingerie brands. Concepts such as perceptual process and visual perception process were developed throughout this work, understanding that they are terms linked to cognitive biases. The research was developed qualitatively and was supported by data collection instruments, such as the eye tracker and the in-depth interview, to understand whether this bias generated changes in the participants' visual attention to the models of the images. images. advertising, answering the question about how the Cheerleader Effect influences this perceptual process, as well as contributing to the study of this bias that did not yet have research carried out in Colombia from the field of marketing. 30 women between 18 and 34 years old who live in Medellín and are located in strata 4 and 5 of the city were interviewed. In addition, they are women interested in purchasing women's lingerie for daily use from brands such as Leonisa, Tania, Bronzini and Punto Blanco. This research shows that the Cheerleader Effect does influence the visual attention of the participants, showing greater interest in group images than individual ones.
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    Hidromiel, la cerveza milenaria : exploración de las actitudes hacia la hidromiel de consumidores entre 18 Y 40 años
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Correa Serna, Carolina; Villegas Cano, Vanesa; Ceballos Ochoa, Lina María; Natalia Restrepo Reyes
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para Maquí
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Blanco Briceño, David Santiago; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María; Mejía Gil, Maria Claudia
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    Motivaciones de compra de camisetas en jóvenes centeniales en la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Buitrago Bedoya, Omar; Koock Obando, Mauricio; Agudelo Calle, Alejandro; Londoño Vélez, Natalia
    This research focuses on the motivations that influence the T-shirts purchasing decisions of young centennials. The perspectives and experiences of ten students from 14 to 19 years old, belonging to socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3, from nine Educational Institutions in Pereira, Colombia, are explored. The methodological approach is qualitative and exploratory, using semi-structured interviews to collect data. The results highlight the importance of comfort, durability and personal style needs as key factors in the choice of t-shirts for this demographic group. Likewise, the investigation into the emotional aspects allowed us to identify the sensation of sensory reward when acquiring a garment, linked to feelings of happiness and gratification. Socially, an identification with groups, a search for authenticity and an expression free of labels was observed, which becomes a significant purchase motivation. These findings reveal a complex intersection of motivations that guide the purchasing decisions of the population studied.
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    Plan de mercadeo : proyecto de economía circular en el sector textil OFFCORSS REMADE: C.I. HERMECO
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Osorio Jurado, Juan Alejandro; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
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    Plan de mercadeo Cool Drink
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) López Carvajal, Laura; Guzmán Garzón, Catalina Cecilia
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    Plan de mercadeo para la empresa True
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pinilla Dávila, María José; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
    The objective of this work was to present a marketing plan for the Antioquia streetwear brand, True, in order to encourage customers who are in segments B and C to repurchase products during the year, because it was identified that these groups were not able to make two purchases in 365 days during last year. Furthermore, this responds to what was found in a study carried out by the company Everilion, a brand that works with SaaS products, where it was shown that it is six times more expensive to achieve a new customer than to retain an old one. To carry out the marketing plan, we began with an internal and external analysis of the company, which led to the development of the design of a SWOT matrix to rectify the identification of positive aspects and improve the organization. The information collected served as the basis for defining the mission, vision and action plan, as fundamental components of the plan. With its development, the aim is to increase the brand's sales through a real approach to True's customers.
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    Plan de mercadeo iAgency
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Santiago Pereira, Ángela Carolina; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
    In the revolutionary world of marketing, everyday companies deal with different challenges that require the skills of leaders and teams capable of carrying out actions that mobilize the evolution of the companies, in order to last in time and be competitive in the market in which they are located. This objective requires the rigor of a marketing plan such as the one presented below, in which concepts are developed, an analysis is established and a work structure is built with tools for the formulation, planning, control and evolution of the main objectives, which will represent for the company iAgency the establishment and growth of the business.
  • Ítem
    Evolución del comportamiento de compra y consumo del shopper figital en plataformas digitales en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Agudelo Herrera, Alejandra; Hurtado Yepes, Luis Miguel; Sepúlveda Cardona, Edwin Andrés
    The global health problem experienced in 2020 brought variations in the behavior and habits of Colombian consumers, leading society in general to have more contact with the digital environment in different aspects of their lives; leading a change in the social and economic dynamics, which in turn boosted electronic commerce in general because it became strategic to boost the country's economy. The brands had to adapt to a new environment and saw the need to harmonize the experience of the physical channel with the digital channel to improve the value proposition and vice versa. For the development of the theme, concentrated our analysis and study in Colombia, in the period of time that covers from December 2019 to mid-2023; used an exploratory-descriptive investigative process; interviewed managers and Directors of fashion Companies in Colombia, multiple choice polls to costumers, in order to find the key aspects that the companies under study must adopt to improve the experience for their users and their proposal of value on digital platforms, understanding the importance of the new “Phygital” consumer.
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    Análisis de la experiencia de los estudiantesde posgrado de la Universidad EAFIT - sede Medellín, en el proceso de matrícula
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sánchez Chapetón, Diana Katherine; Bernal Bernal, María Clara; Bedoya Jiménez, Julián Esteban; Agudelo Calle, Jhonny Alejandro
  • Ítem
    Identificación de las oportunidades de mejora en la experiencia de usuario del sitio web de preguntas frecuentes de Bancolombia para personas con un perfil explorador
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rave Restrepo, Beatriz Elena; Pérez Molano, Olga Lucía; Higuita Olaya, Daniel
    Organizations use website FAQs to improve the user experience, but Bancolombia's FAQ saw 18.5 million visits in 2020 with a 40% dissatisfaction rate. This study uses mixed, descriptive research to identify ways to enhance information quality, accessibility, content personalization, and navigation. The findings can help Bancolombia increase site visits, reduce dissatisfaction, and improve customer service in the banking sector, with future research opportunities.
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    Análisis y desarrollo de estrategias para aumentar el posicionamiento de la empresa Aceites y Repuestos AUTOVAN
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vanegas Sánchez, Juliana; Henríquez Diaz, Ángela María
    AUTOVAN is a traditional company in the spare parts sector, with a presence of over 45 years in the city of Pereira. It specializes in the commercialization of automotive spare parts. Initially, it started as a miscellaneous store for multi-brand spare parts, and later shifted its focus to the manufacturing of clutches under its own brand. Currently, AUTOVAN is exclusively dedicated to the marketing of automotive spare parts, including repair kits for Diesel vehicles, sales and repairs of turbochargers, and its flagship product, the sale of Mac brand batteries for gasoline cars. This project focuses directly on positioning the AUTOVAN brand in the Coffee Axis (Armenia, Pereira, and Manizales) to be recognized as the leading company in the marketing of Mac brand batteries. The study involves the development of a marketing plan, beginning with an analysis of the internal and external environment of the company to identify its challenges and opportunities. Subsequently, the battery market is investigated, and based on the environmental possibilities, a strategic objective is proposed, which concentrates on positioning the AUTOVAN brand. To ensure the achievement of the objective, various strategies are proposed. These strategies are expected to be implemented through different activities that will allow the company to validate the market and establish a strong brand presence.
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    Propuesta plan de mercadeo Gedecol S.A.S
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Montoya Londoño, Luisa Fernanda; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María
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    Motivación de compra de ropa interior femenina en el Valle de Aburrá
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Acevedo Martelo, Tomás; Giraldo Vargas, Alejandra; Acevedo Mejía, Erika Cristina; Restrepo Reyes, Natalia
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    Perfil del visitante eafitense foráneo nacional e internacional. Segmentación por motivaciones hacia el hospedaje en Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Muñoz Gallego, Daniela; Chavarría Rendón, Johan Andrés; Castrillón Orrego, Sergio Alonso
    Knowing the motivations, needs and aspirations of each individual is essential so that decision-making is the result of reasonable and sufficient knowledge beyond mere intuition. For this reason, it is necessary to understand foreign students who come to Universidad EAFIT, both national and international, during their academic mobility, when searching for accommodation, identifying their profile and specific characteristics, investigating what motivates them when searching a place to stay, provide them with specific benefits that respond to their unmet needs, and creating proposals that aim at their integrity and find possible accommodation solutions that facilitate off-campus housing. To have a clear overview of the study situation, 57 surveys and six interviews were carried out –whose guides are found in the appendices section– as well as a complete documentary analysis that addresses the research problem, the related question and the objectives, providing a solid context and justifying the importance of the inquiry. Additionally, theoretical approaches and methodological strategies were integrated to obtain a more complete understanding of the motivations, needs and aspirations of the individuals who decide to travel and study at EAFIT.
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