Maestría en Gerencia de la Innovación y el Conocimiento (tesis)
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Marco para el proceso de desarrollo de iniciativas de emprendimiento corporativo, una herramienta de innovación para la perdurabilidad : caso compañía de financiamiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Castañeda Pareja, Izzmay Nemessis; Franco Ruiz, CamiloÍtem ¿Existe una relación entre la perspectiva de género y la gestión de la innovación en Colombia? Una propuesta de modelo para su implementación(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Rivera, Laura Catalina; Álvarez Mesa, CatalinaÍtem Estrategias para mitigar la fuga de conocimiento en Grafix Digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Serna Botero, Iveth Yamile; Agudelo Villegas, Diego Alejandro; Henao Cálad, MónicaÍtem Creación y movilización del conocimiento en el observatorio de juventud de la Secretaría de Juventud de Medellín : un estudio de caso(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Miranda Contreras, Jhon Byron; Botero Saldarriaga, María Camila; Álvarez Mesa, CatalinaThe present degree work of the Master's Degree in Innovation and Knowledge Management focuses on the analysis of the creation and mobilization of knowledge in the Observatory of the Youth Secretariat of the Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Medellín, during the period 2020-2023. Using a qualitative approach and the case study method, the processes of collection, analysis and dissemination of information in the Observatory were explored, as well as their relationship with decision-making in the Youth Secretariat. Interviews and documentary review were used to better understand this dynamic. The results highlight the fundamental role of the Youth Observatory (YO) in providing essential information for strategic planning and execution of actions aimed at youth. In addition, its collaboration with academic institutions and its work in raising awareness in educational institutions and youth meetings stands out. This case study aims to delve into the role of the YO as a key entity in public youth policy, highlighting its contribution to the understanding of the needs and problems of youth in Medellín, as well as its influence on the decisions of the Ministry of Youth. youth.Ítem Propuesta de Programa de Intraemprendimiento Corporativo (PIC) para una organización del sector banca en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Suárez Duque, Alejandro; Jiménez Vásquez, Carlos FedericoÍtem Propósitos estratégicos para la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación en el marco del Modelo Integral de Planeación y Gestión-MIPG en el Hospital General de Medellín Luz Castro de Gutiérrez E.S.E. que facilite el logro de los objetivos institucionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ramírez Ríos , Myriam Lucía; Henao Calad, MónicaÍtem Modelo de innovación social digital basado en ecosistema de financiamiento, producción y comercialización del agro colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mejía Castillo, José Leonardo; Álvares Mesa, CatalinaThis study focuses on the necessity for transformation within the Colombian agricultural ecosystem, encompassing financing, production, and commercialization. Within this context, digital social innovation emerges as a catalyst for addressing the deeply rooted challenges in the sector. The convergence of social innovation, seeking creative and efficient solutions to social problems, with digital technologies, enabling broad-scale connection and collaboration, presents a promising opportunity to enhance the resilience of agriculture against climate and inequality challenges. Aligned with this vision, the research advocates for a holistic approach to the agricultural issues in Colombia. Beyond fragmented solutions, it proposes a systematic and sustainable approach recognizing the transformative potential of digital social innovation. This approach not only aims to address immediate issues but also to foster productivity and competitiveness in the sector equitably and sustainably, thereby generating a positive impact on society as a whole. In its analysis, the thesis underscores the fundamental role played by digital technologies in creating an enabling environment for social innovation within Colombian agriculture. The connectivity and collaboration facilitated by these tools allow for the development of adaptive and context-specific solutions designed to address the specific needs of farmers and rural communities. Within this context, the research not only identifies current challenges but also proposes a conceptual framework and model for the implementation of digital social innovation in Colombian agriculture. It emphasizes the importance of strategic collaborations among various stakeholders, including governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and local communities. In summary, this thesis advocates for a comprehensive and proactive vision for the development of Colombian agriculture, with digital social innovation at its core. By recognizing the transformative potential of technology and collaboration, the aim is to build a resilient, dynamic agricultural ISD ecosystem in harmony with its social and environmental context.Ítem Gestión del conocimiento en las startups colombianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Merizalde Maya, Susana; Hernández Cartagena, Estefanía; Franco Ruiz, CamiloÍtem Innovación en portafolios de extensión de las facultades de medicina en Colombia : el rol de las capacidades dinámicas para la innovación en servicio y la gestión de ecosistemas(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rojas Gualdrón, Diego Fernando; Álvarez Mesa, Catalina; Álvarez Mesa, CatalinaÍtem Fortalecimiento del modelo UbiTAG para la gestión de la innovación en educación y el cierre de brechas educativas en la postpandemia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arrieta Domínguez, José Angel; Marulanda Arroyave, José Brocardo; Leal Fonseca, Diego ErnestoÍtem Intraemprendimiento : rediseño del modelo de negocio de las misiones internacionales de llegada de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bustamante Correa, Ana María; Franco Ruiz, CamiloÍtem Ecosistema de aprendizaje como habilitador estratégico en Botero Soto Soluciones Logísticas(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Córdoba Romero, María Alejandra; Gamboa Urrego, AlejandroÍtem Procesos de gestión del conocimiento organizacional- caso de estudio Filarmónica de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Zapata Serna, Santiago; García Callejas, DannyÍtem Modelo para pensar la creación de innovaciones sociales en el transporte público. Caso escalable basado en las dinámicas de movilidad de los habitantes de las comunas 14 el Poblado y 1 Popular(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Restrepo Mesa, Sara; Álvarez Mesa, Catalina; Franco Arango, LauraÍtem Aceleradoras corporativas exitosas (contexto latinoamericano) : análisis de los modelos, capacidades estratégicas y recursos claves, en una región con desafíos y complejidades propias. Un estudio de mercado emergente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Jiménez, Sara; Hincapie Romero, Katherine; Betancur Álvarez, José AlejandroThis research intends to explore the corporate acceleration models of leading companies in Latin America. The study of these cases seeks to increase readers' understanding of the strategy, approach and strategic capabilities that are making these corporate accelerators successful and sustainable amid Latin American market particularities. This business research was developed under a qualitative research framework, using semi-structured interviews and secondary information such as documents, presentations, and reports of the analyzed companies. The study was divided into four fundamental phases in the research process and had a scope in the Latin American region, taking Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia as reference countries. The main results of this analysis present a general characterization of the accelerators analyzed and make an exhaustive review of their way of working with special emphasis on their main unique differentials. It is expected that these results will contribute to those corporations that want to implement their acceleration model, and also to those companies that already have an acceleration model implemented and want to reference it in order to find possible opportunities for improvement. In addition, this document contributes to knowledge generation for future research and the development of a new methodology to improve the quality of corporate acceleration models.Ítem Sistematización de experiencias de conocimiento en la revisión y modificación de los planes de ordenamiento territorial en Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Acevedo, Carlos Andrés; Díez Gaviria, Ana CeciliaThe objective of this degree work is to systematize the knowledge experiences of nine representative municipal administrations of each of the subregions of Antioquia during the process of review and modification of their Territorial Ordering Plans (POT), with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge management of other municipalities that intend to start the same process; this within the framework of the review and modification of the POT in Antioquia. The subjects participating in the research exercise were the nine planning secretaries of the prioritized municipalities, under the qualitative approach and using the methodology of systematization of experiences, which allowed the analysis of the participatory processes, the knowledge acquired collectively and the results obtained during the processes. formulation of the POT. Once the experience was systematized, knowledge was consolidated, the implemented methods were identified and these aspects were interpreted to generate new knowledge. This leads to the main statements that emerged during the systematization, which are subject to continuous improvement and the inclusion of new findings, depending on their application in future POT review and adjustment work. The main results of this investigative exercise consisted of identifying key aspects of the territories, as well as rescuing lessons learned, achievements, strategies and challenges faced. From the position of systematizing the experience, the degree work focused on exploring the experiences lived by the planning secretaries during the diagnosis stage of the POT, especially in its Institutional Dimension. To do this, the prioritization criteria for the municipalities were defined, the structure of the survey and the interview were designed as tools for data construction. Subsequently, said data were ordered and classified in an Excel-type consolidation matrix, which was used to carry out the exercise of focusing and delimiting the results, based on the analyzes of the PESTAL and SWOT components. As a practical implication, the importance of strengthening the processes of systematization of experiences is highlighted, since this practice becomes a valuable tool to improve the POT review and adjustment processes, since it allows identifying lessons learned and sharing knowledge between municipalities, which which until now had not been carried out in the different previous POT review and modification exercises in Antioquia.Ítem Las capacidades de innovación en los departamentos de experiencia del cliente como impulsor para la gestión de la innovación organizacional : caso de estudio de un retail colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Posada Acevedo, Isabel Cristina; Ortega, Ana MaríaÍtem Propuesta de innovación en el modelo de negocio del producto “Nómina” de una entidad financiera colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Uribe Ortiz, Natalia; Vásquez Jiménez, Carlos FedericoÍtem Gestión del conocimiento en los procedimientos facturación comercial de estudiantes y gestión de créditos Icetex de la Unidad de Asesoría Integral – Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mazo Álvarez, Juan Felipe; Escobar Soto, Jhon FredyÍtem La gamificación como elemento motivacional para influir en la intención de intercambio de conocimiento en una empresa de consumo masivo del sector de alimentos(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Toro Naranjo, Carlos Andrés; Giraldo Giraldo, Cristian Camilo; Mejía Gil, María Claudia; Giraldo Aristizábal, Juan Camilo