Maestría en Derecho (tesis)
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Ítem La resonancia magnética funcional como herramienta para probar la intensidad del dolor físico como daño evento en los procesos jurisdiccionales de responsabilidad civil extracontractual en Colombia. Una mirada desde el juicio de admisibilidad de la prueba pericial en el CGP(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Agudelo Correa, José Horacio; Villa García, FelipeÍtem Derechos del consumidor financiero ante negación o finalización unilateral injustificada de un producto bancario. Análisis desde una perspectiva del consumidor financiero(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gil Jimenéz, Óscar; Nieto Nieto, Norma CeciliaThis article presents the results of the research project developed by the author to answer the question: What legal mechanisms exist in Colombia to protect the financial consumer when a banking entity decides to deny access or unilaterally terminate a contract? The text is presented in four main sections: the first deals with offering a characterization and approach to the definition of financial consumer; The second identifies and explains the protection and claim mechanisms available and the emerging rights for the consumer; thirdly, the avenues available to the financial consumer in the event of an eventual unjustified unilateral termination of a contract or unjustified denial of access to any product or service by a banking entity. To carry out the research, the qualitative legal research methodology was chosen, allowing the documentation, review and reading of the legal phenomenon that is intended to be studied, to recognize the structure of the financial system and the fundamental aspects of the relationship that exists between the consumer and the banking entities, and thus carry out an objective analysis of the access to the Financial System from the perspective of the growing area of Consumer Law.Ítem Cláusulas restrictivas de responsabilidad civil en las condiciones de uso de las plataformas digitales : meta platforms, un caso objeto de estudio (2012-2022)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Alvarado Romero, Gianfranco; Flórez Peláez, JuanaÍtem La crisis de la representación política en la Universidad de Antioquia y en la Universidad EAFIT : ¿Un giro de la representación?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Giraldo Moy, Esteban , Esteban; Mártinez Márquez, Wilmar ArleyÍtem Medidas cautelares innominadas en la Superintendencia de Sociedades(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mejía Barrera, Isabel; Baena Aramburo, FelisaThis thesis examines the use of unnamed injunctive relief by the Superintendencia de Sociedades in Colombia, focusing on insolvency proceedings and corporate conflicts. It explores the legal foundations, jurisprudential evolution, and current practices of the Superintendencia in applying these measures. Through case studies, a conservative trend in the request and decree of unnamed precautionary measures is identified in both insolvency and corporate conflict processes. Various unnamed precautionary measures are proposed to enhance the protection of the rights of the involved parties and ensure fair and efficient management of corporate resources. The need for greater training and awareness among legal representatives and the Superintendencia is emphasized to fully exploit the potential of these legal tools.Ítem Justicia ambiental y bioculturalidad : traducciones interlegales en el resguardo indígena de Cañamomo y Lomaprieta 2016-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Hoyos González, Pablo Adolfo; Madrigal Pérez, MauricioReserve, located in the department of Caldas, Colombia. The author argues for the necessity of establishing a horizontal and cooperative dialogue between indigenous and state environmental authorities to address the current civilizational crises, advocating for an ethical approach in the defense of territory. The author refers to the reserve's own regulations as a means to externalize biocultural visions and achieve environmental justice. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the importance of recognizing ethnically differentiated communities and their spiritual and cultural conceptions in the formulation of environmental regulations, highlighting the reserve's autonomy in creating internal regulations and its proactive role in decision-making. The thesis concludes by emphasizing the need to recognize the Cañamomo and Lomaprieta Indigenous Reserve as a cultural and environmental authority to strengthen environmental justice and proposes future research lines, such as coordination for environmental governance, the possibility of a special indigenous environmental jurisdiction, and comparative studies between indigenous reserves regarding environmental justice. Lastly, the urgency of addressing the issue of water scarcity in the reserve is highlighted.Ítem ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias jurídicas del incumplimiento del deber de asesoría del fiduciario en los contratos de fiducia mercantil?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montoya Duque, Camilo; Gaviria Cardona, AlejandroÍtem La vinculación del asegurador en el marco del proceso de responsabilidad fiscal con fundamento en la expedición de pólizas Claims Made(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cuartas Orrego, Tomás; Estrada Escobar, Luis FelipeThis research paper provides a brief descriptive overview of the procedure contemplated by the legislature aimed at completing the fiscal responsibility process, while identifying its main characteristics. Subsequently, it delves into the main topic of the text, which concerns the involvement of insurance companies in procedures conducted by comptroller offices based on the issuance of policies known as "claims made" policies. The main objective of the text is to study some practical challenges arising from the interpretation and application by the General Comptroller of the Republic of "claims made" policies, particularly considering the guidelines established in Circular 005 of 2020 by the Comptroller. Finally, two scenarios, one procedural and one non-procedural, will be addressed, which are suitable for mitigating or avoiding the risks arising from potential irregular decisions of the fiscal control entity.Ítem El subcontrato en el derecho privado : algunos problemas y propuestas de solución(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Moreno Giraldo, Eduardo; Velásquez Cadavid, AlejandroÍtem La responsabilidad civil derivada de la enseñanza y práctica de deportes extremos o de aventura(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Holguín López, Mariana; Gaviria Cardona, AlejandroÍtem Configuración de la responsabilidad civil del notario en Colombia por la descentralización por colaboración(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Rios, Thomas; Mejía Rico, EstebanThere are multiple discussions that have been taking place surrounding the configuration of the Civil Responsibility of the Notary in the Colombian context. This discussion has crossed dualities concerning whether its Civil Liability should be granted from contractual or extra contractual component, considering the ordinary jurisdiction or contentious administrative and if it would be given under a subjective or objective regimen of guilt. That is why, an inquiry was undertaken regarding the development of responsibility, its legal nature framing the requirements that have been given throughout mainly from the 20th century until today. For this, it is necessary to analyze the principle of decentralization by collaboration established by 1991 Colombian Political Constitution, and the established verdicts by the Constitutional Court and regulatory laws of civil responsibility. To achieve the goals of this exercise, it will be used the legal method in order to understand problems, normative regulatory and jurisprudential contradictions regarding the elements of civil responsibility such as generator fact, guilt, link of causality and damage, this last as a consequence of the derived actions of the trust that lead social and stately a notary, who since his particular role, creates important performances of the public function without being a public official, which is vital to recognize in case of incurring in civil responsibility under what parameters would have to be processed a notary.Ítem Los Dispute Boards (DB) en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano y su implementación en el sector de la infraestructura(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Zapata Gaviria, Alejandro; Ariza Zapata, CarolinaÍtem La socialización de perjuicios y su aplicación en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guzmán Cardona, Juan José; Velásquez Cadavid, AlejandroTraditionally in Colombia, the right compensation has responded to a declaration of responsibility in a dyadic system: victim and responsible for causing the damage. However, in comparative law recently, the legal theory of the socialization of damages or compensation has been implemented, which separates the compensation from the declaration of responsibility, with the objective to be the State, in the development of national solidarity, the called to compensate the victim in special cases where their right to compensation cannot be realized. In this sense, the present investigative work describes the theory of the socialization of damages and its implementation in the Colombian legal system.Ítem La objeción de conciencia como derecho fundamental autónomo : un análisis desde el tratamiento jurisprudencial de la corte constitucional colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jurado Vélez, Maritza; Ramírez Grisales, Richard SteveÍtem La garantía de acceso a la conectividad como deber prestacional del Estado(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cano Lopera, Yolanda Cristina; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoConnectivity is currently recognized as the most suitable means for exercising digital rights. Over the last three decades, multilateral organizations and states have been establishing commitments regarding the guarantee of access to digital connectivity as an autonomous right and the elimination or reduction of digital divides that hinder the realization of the principle of equality among human beings. In Colombia, the Congress of the Republic and the Executive branch have established regulations for the provision of public Internet service. At the same time, judges have started to recognize its significance as a mechanism for the exercise of some rights, such as the fundamental right to education. Despite efforts, today differentiated access to the internet, information and communication technologies, and digital rights continue to create disparities in both the analog and digital worlds. It is the responsibility of states to remove barriers that prevent people from exercising their rights in the digital world in accordance with the principle of human dignity.Ítem Régimen de responsabilidad civil aplicable ante la causación de daños ambientales consecutivos de acuerdo con la sentencia SU455-20(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Machado Ángel, Ricardo Alberto; Mejía Rico, EstebanÍtem La responsabilidad civil de las entidades bancarias derivada del fraude electrónico sufrido por los consumidores financieros en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Trujillo Montoya, Carolina; Mejía Rico, EstebanÍtem Injusticias epistémicas : aportes al enfoque sociojurídico para el análisis de contextos de vulneraciones sistemáticas a los derechos humanos e infracciones al derecho internacional humanitario(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) López Cárdenas, Mónica; Gaviria Mira, Jorge JuliánÍtem Sobre la causal de disolución por no cumplimiento de la hipótesis del negocio en marcha : un enfoque desde la responsabilidad de los administradores(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Uribe Velásquez, Miguel; Aramburo Calle, Maximiliano AlbertoÍtem Principales mecanismos judiciales contemporáneos para la reivindicación de los derechos de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género : un análisis comparativo al interior del derecho colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Álvarez Urrego , María Fernanda; Rueda Vallejo, Natalia