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Envíos recientes
Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la expansión de distribuidores de agroquímicos en Ecuador : estudio de caso de Quimagro(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Villacrés Chávez , Héctor Iván; Vega Pallo, Karla Verónica; Reconco Euceda, Rommel RigobertoÍtem Estudio de viabilidad financiera para la producción de una hectárea de granadilla (Pasiflora Lingularis) en el municipio de Sonsón, departamento de Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ríos Betancur, Juan Pablo; Sanders, Arie AdrianusThis thesis develops a prefeasibility study for the production of one hectare of passion fruit (Passiflora ligularis) in the municipality of Sonsón, Antioquia, with the objective of evaluating the technical and financial viability of the project in the local market context. The work is framed within the interest of leveraging the favorable agroecological conditions of the region to strengthen the passion fruit value chain, considering both the domestic market and export opportunities. 7 The specific objectives of the study include: analyzing the agroecological conditions of Sonsón for passion fruit production, assessing financial viability through cost and revenue analysis, identifying the main pests and diseases affecting the crop, and exploring available marketing channels in local and regional markets. To achieve these objectives, an integrated methodology was used, combining PESTEL analysis, financial analysis techniques such as Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) calculations, as well as the collection of primary and secondary data. The PESTEL analysis evaluated the external environment across political, economic, social, technological, ecological, and legal factors, while the financial component focused on tools like discounted cash flow analysis to determine project profitability. Additionally, interviews with local producers were conducted, and some of them were accompanied in their activities to obtain detailed information on costs and production practices. The financial analysis results show an NPV of COP 97.462.735 and an IRR of 49.9%, indicating a high profitability for the project, with an estimated investment recovery period of 2.61 years. These results suggest that passion fruit cultivation in Sonsón is economically viable, provided that appropriate management practices are implemented and market price variations are considered. The PESTEL analysis highlighted the need to address significant risks, particularly in environmental terms due to climate change and economic aspects related to price and production cost fluctuations. Furthermore, access to technology and financing were identified as critical factors for improving the efficiency and sustainability of the crop. 8 In conclusion, passion fruit production in Sonsón represents a promising opportunity for small and medium-sized farmers in the region, given its attractive financial returns and favorable agroecological conditions. However, the project must tackle challenges associated with environmental sustainability, technological upgrades, and market diversification to ensure its long- term viability. The adoption of technological innovations, improvement in commercialization infrastructure, and strengthening of institutional support are essential to maximize benefits and minimize the risks associated with the crop.Ítem Análisis de prefactibilidad de implementación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en granja avícola Emmanuel, Honduras(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Alvarado Robles, Carlos Arturo; Cortés Matamoros, Victoria AlejandraÍtem Análisis de prefactibilidad para un chip de papa hecho en aire forzado de papa Solanum Tuberosum. L variedad Superchola en el Cantón Quito – Ecuador(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Yánez Campaña, Karla Vanessa; Cardona Ponce, Jorge AlfredoÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de la unidad de negocio de productos especializados en salud y nutrición para mascotas en la empresa Biotecno ZF SAS(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mesa Echavarría, Alejandra; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa integral de servicios agrícolas en el suroeste antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Álvarez Restrepo, Hernán Darío; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de una línea de productos sustitutos a la carne a base de vegetales en el municipio de Pensilvania Caldas(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arango Giraldo, Andrés Mauricio; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Estudio de factibilidad un modelo de negocio para la implementación de servicios de fumigación agrícola con drones en el cultivo de caña de azúcar en la República de Nicaragua(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Madrigal, Carlos Alberto; Reconco, RommelÍtem Diseño de un plan exportador de brazo mecánico con ventilador para aplicación en el sector hortícola(2024) Lozada López, Natalia; Zuñiga Raigoza, Jaime AlbertoÍtem Desarrollo de un plan exportador de carne de cordero desde Colombia a un futuro mercado potencial con un enfoque estratégico y sostenible(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Obregón Flórez, José María; Godoy, AlexÍtem Prefactibilidad técnica de la producción de concentrado de fruta congelada (melón y sandía) en el departamento de Choluteca, Honduras(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Álvarez Álvarez, Oneyda Noely; Rojas de Francisco, Laura IsabelTaking advantage of the availability of some fruits such as watermelon and melon in the department of Choluteca, Honduras, processing these fruits could represent an opportunity for innovation to offer a product with greater durability that is easily accessible and prepared to different consumers in the area. There are different fruit processing techniques from artisanal processes to industrial processes. Currently in Honduras, the processing of different fruits is being highlighted, including mango, tamarind, soursop, nance, among others, with which drinks are being prepared and offered to the national market, most of them are being made in an artisanal way. To carry out this study, an analysis of the demand for frozen fruit was carried out in a certain population of the different municipalities surrounding the City of Choluteca, in addition to an analysis of the possible production costs of melon and watermelon concentrate. The results showed that 90% of the surveyed population has consumed fruit concentrates, 5% expressed not having access to these products. Some financial variables such as NPV, IRR and PRI were also analyzed, while production costs, labor and sales projections were calculated. .Ítem Propuesta a Cervecería Nacional para vincular al modelo de negocio de cervezas industriales la producción de cerveza artesanal(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cuacés Guzmán, Stalin Abimael; Zúñiga Raigoza, Jaime AlbertoÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para nueva línea de negocio en planta procesadora de lácteos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jiménez Flores, Lauren Walesks; Guerrero Latorre, Jorgue HarleyThe Hacienda Vallecillo dairy plant, through the different products it develops, has observed in consumers in the department of Comayagua, the need for natural yogurt consumption, therefore, the management of this organization has proposed to evaluate a pre-feasibility study of the production and sale of yogurt, so; The research data reveals an unmet demand of 56%, indicating a space in the local market for the introduction of this new product. Consumer acceptance reaches 96%, further supporting the viability and acceptance of natural yogurt in the department of Comayagua. The financial analysis shows that the investment for this new product line will be recovered in 1.28 years, depending on the payback period. In addition, the internal rate of return reaches 72%, confirming the profitability of the project. This pre-feasibility study conclusively shows that the expansion into natural yogurt production is a wise strategic decision for the Hacienda Vallecillo dairy plant. The combination of demand, acceptance and positive financial indicators support the implementation of the project, which will not only help in the company's positioning in the dairy sector, but also generate profitability in the short and long term.Ítem Estudio técnico y percepción de mercado para la comercialización de pulpa détox de la empresa Pulpas del Valle en la ciudad de Quito(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Merizalde Oña, Clemencia; Cardona Ponce, Jorge AlfredoÍtem Análisis preliminar para el diseño de una planta exportadora de camarón blanco Litopenaeus en la ciudad de Machala de la provincia de El Oro en Ecuador(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rueda Romero, Ximena Lisset; Acosta Marchetti, AdelaÍtem Evaluación financiera de la producción de palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis) en la finca Palmas Marijo por infección de Phytophthora infestans(Universidad EAFIT, 2024-03-04) Herrero, Daniel; Reconco Rommel RuizThe objective of this study was to evaluate the financial impact of Phytophthora infestans infection on oil palm production at the Palmas Marijo farm and to determine its influence on the economic sustainability of the crop. The methodology employed included an analysis of agricultural management, contrasting production costs with income generated. The interaction between the disease and agricultural practices was considered to provide insight into the financial challenges faced by oil palm growers in the area. The results revealed a significant impact on the profitability of the production units due to the high incidence of Phytophthora infestans. The economic and technical analysis conducted during the months of January to October 2023 identified the management of this disease as a major challenge and highlighted the importance of an integrated approach that includes the implementation of clean planting material, site preparation, sanitary measures, fungicide use, biological control and improved resistance in plant development. The conclusions derived from this study highlighted the urgent need for more effective management strategies to mitigate the negative financial impacts caused by the high incidence of Phytophthora infestans in oil palm production. In addition, it highlighted the importance of investing in more sustainable and resilient agricultural practices to ensure the long-term viability of this activity in the region of La Másica, Atlántida, Honduras.Ítem Diseño de un plan exportador para la empresa cultivo de flores Tanurin(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Turbay Lopera, Samuel; Roldán Yepes, RaquelÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad de acopio, extracción y comercialización de Citrus latifolia en la ciudad de Guatemala(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Carrillo Chicas, Víctor Miguel; Salazar Gómez, Francisco JavierCertainly, in a context where business and commercial projects play a crucial role in the global economy, there is a need to carry out comprehensive evaluations and analyses to determine their financial and operational viability. In this regard, the project presented below focuses on the production and marketing of lemon juice in Guatemala. This project has undergone a rigorous financial evaluation process, considering key variables such as revenues, costs, investments, depreciations, and other fundamental aspects for its development. Throughout this presentation, we will delve into the detailed results of this evaluation, including cash flow analysis, financial indicators, and conclusions that support informed decision-making. The strategic and financial planning of this project has been based on solid data and projections, allowing us to understand its viability in the past and its potential for the future.Ítem Granja porcina autosostenible en el sector Poza Honda, parroquia Patricia Pilar, cantón Buena Fe, provincia Los Ríos, en el país de Ecuador(Universidad Zamorano, 2023) Silva Riofrio, Luis Alfredo; Castillo Zambrano, RogelIn Ecuador there is a comparative advantage in meat production, and factors such as the wide availability of inputs and the natural environment that led to agro industrial production. The availability of soil, climate, surface and water allows the entire pork industry to be developed while respecting the environment and animal welfare. Therefore, in the following work, the prefeasibility of the construction of a self sustainable farm dedicated to the production of pigs in the Poza Honda sector, Patricia Pilar parish, Buena Fe canton, Los Ríos province, in the country of Ecuador will be evaluated. Determining the aspects and requirements necessary to carry out the aforementioned activities, and for these various studies are carried out, such as market studies, where the current situation in terms of demand and supply of the product to be supplied is specific, and the existing competitive situation of the product. Technical studies, taking into account operational and functional aspects, requirements on and off campus, materials and supplies for the construction of the barn, based on the requirements of the animals, production processes and various factors. It is necessary for the normal functioning of pig production, as well as a final economic study in which all economic and financial parameters are analyzed.Ítem Análisis del entorno para la formulación de un bio-nematicida a base de extractos botánicos(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Betancur Ruiz, Juan David; Guerra Aranguren, María Alexandra
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