Maestría en Estudios del Comportamiento (tesis)
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Intervención comportamental para aumentar la capacidad psicológica y motivación reflexiva de los estudiantes de pregrado que han cometido faltas contra la integridad académica(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rodríguez Moreno, Juliana; Molina Hurtado, Luisa Fernanda; Arboleda Durán, Yessica; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Intervención en madres gestantes de la comuna 13 de Medellín, vinculadas a los servicios de unidad administrativa especial buen comienzo de 2024, que busca mejorar los conocimientos y habilidades de extracción y conservación de leche materna(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Osorio, Johana Alexandra; García Munoz, Carolina; Pemberty Montoya, María Dorancy; Torres Cadavid, SusanaÍtem Reducción de barreras y ampliación de beneficios, para aumentar la afiliación de trabajadoras remuneradas del hogar a la seguridad social(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Londoño Jaramillo, Sara; Montoya Jaramillo, SaloméÍtem Estrategia comportamental para aumentar los espacios de desconexión en personal de enfermería, gerontología y cuidadoras en un hogar gerontológico de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Múnera Quintero, Victor Alfonso; Aguirre, David Alejandro; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaThis study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate a behavioral intervention using the EAST Framework with the goal of improving the burnout index by increasing disconnection behaviors among nursing assistants, gerontology workers, and caregivers at a Gerontological Home specializing in degenerative diseases (dementia) in Medellín. The intervention consisted of four components: 1. A physical space called the Disconnection Zone, 2. Videos called Wellness Capsules, 3. A WhatsApp group named Conscious Well-being, and 4. Another WhatsApp group called Sharing Well-being. The intervention was evaluated through a qualitative workshop, as initial high desirability prevented participants from reporting burnout levels at the beginning of the intervention. The results indicate that the Disconnection Zone was well received by the healthcare staff, and the disconnection groups were also positively valued, though variability in their use was observed. Additionally, the disconnection videos became a key tool for those experiencing unexpected moments of unrest and stress, due to their easy access and brevity, which allowed them to be used as a quick strategy to increase moments of disconnection for the healthcare staff at the Gerontological Home.Ítem Intervención comportamental tipo nudge para incrementar la participación de los estudiantes en las elecciones a representante estudiantil de posgrado en la universidad EAFIT (Colombia) para el periodo 2024(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rojas Saldarriaga, Mateo; Sanín Echeverri, Mizrain Edrei; Mazo Barrientos, Juan DanielÍtem Intervención comportamental para incrementar la inscripción a un programa de educación financiera online, en población vulnerable de Nariño, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Kisner Mira, Sandra; Arroyave Duque, María Alejandra; Cardona Tamay, Diana Maritza; Jaramillo Gaviria, Ana MaríaThis study examines efforts to enhance enrollment in a financial education program targeting customers from the Social segment of a financial institution, residing in the department of Nariño, Colombia. The intervention consisted of sending invitation messages via WhatsApp, designed using behavioral techniques such as promoting trust, facilitating action, using simple language, and highlighting benefits, after identifying key behavioral barriers to enrollment. Despite these efforts, the results did not show a significant increase in program enrollment, indicating the need to reconsider the strategies employed. It is recommended to consider the clients' preferred communication channels, personalize invitation messages, and incorporate behavioral variables in audience segmentation. This study contributes to the field of financial education by exploring interventions based on behavioral principles within low-income populations. However, limitations were noted in the availability of demographic data and the capacity to influence certain aspects of intervention design. Further research is recommended to enhance the effectiveness of such programs.Ítem ¿Puede la empatía reducir las percepciones negativas sobre el contrario político? : intervención comportamental tipo nudge para mitigar la deshumanización política en el contexto actual colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orrego López, Mónica María; Trujillo Urrea, Juan PabloÍtem Proyecto Leé : proyecto basado en los estudios del comportamiento para fomentar la lectura recreativa en niñas y niños del barrio Bello Oriente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez, Juan Esteban; Jaramillo Arango, Laura; Ospina, Margarita; Cano, Carolina A.This master's thesis in Behavioral Studies from EAFIT University presents a behavioral science-based intervention to promote recreational reading among children in Bello Oriente, Medellín. The central issue is the low reading habit in Colombia, compared to other similarly developed countries. Through this pilot project, we seek to develop activities to increase voluntary and recreational reading. In collaboration with the Waima and Casa Loma foundations, dynamic and pedagogical activities were developed for this community. An interactive diagnosis revealed that children had a positive disposition towards reading but in the practice, they didn’t actually read. The diagnosis was based on the COM-B model by the Behavioral Change Wheel, focusing on functions such as modeling, enablement, and persuasion to promote recreational reading. While the intervention design was based on the MINDSPACE model. In-person sessions included gamification strategies and experiences designed to increase reading engagement. The effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated through individual surveys. Important ethical aspects were considered when working with under-aged subjects, ensuring a safe and respectful environment. Results include an increase in the number of pages read weekly, which contributes to cognitive development and general well-being of the children in Bello Oriente. This approach aims to transform reading into a desirable and accessible activity for all participants, improving their reading skills and quality of life.Ítem Mindspace y ahorro : estrategias comportamentales para el futuro financiero de los jóvenes(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Mejía, Hilmer; Echeverri Echeverri, Estefanía; Valencia Aguilar, Mateo; Jaramillo Gaviria, Ana MariaThe objective of the present study was to promote saving behavior among tenth-grade students of an Educational Institution in the Municipality of Copacabana, Antioquia. Through the creation of saving goals and the control of expenses, the aim was to develop greater financial literacy that would enable an increase in saving actions among the students. A quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test measurement and a non-probabilistic convenience sample of a single group was conducted. Four presential sessions were held, during which various behavioral techniques based on the components of the MINDSPACE model (Messenger, Incentive, Norm, Default, Salience, Priming, Affect, Commitment, Ego) were addressed. The results showed an increase in students' saving behavior, from 47.8% to 63%. The variable measuring the amount of savings reported a lower overall average in the post-test compared to the pre-test. Additionally, 23.9% experienced a positive change related to expense control. It can be concluded that the behavioral strategies used in the intervention process successfully promoted saving behavior and expense control among the students.Ítem El museo que comparte amigos : intervención conductual EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely) y su impacto en el comportamiento de revisita al Parque Explora(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gaviria Arteaga, Juan Pablo; Cano Torres, Carolina A.Ítem Intervención comportamental para lograr que los líderes de Contento BPS implementen el modelo de felicidad SPIRE en sus equipos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mosquera Moreno, Diego Fernando; Torres Giraldo, Valeria; Torres Cadavid, SusanaAt Contento BPS, a call center based in Itagüí, Antioquia, attempts have been made for 4 years to implement the SPIRE happiness model, a theory that aims to improve employee well-being. However, since the model must be implemented voluntarily, its impact has not been as expected. This project aimed to design a behavioral intervention to encourage the implementation of the SPIRE model in call center leaders, and that, in this way, it could also impact their work teams. According to BCW guidelines and findings. This research was carried out under the following phases: conceptualization that allowed us to know that it was necessary to intervene in reflective motivation, opportunities and capabilities; (2) design of the intervention protocol where the BCTs and functions of the intervention are described; and (3) results that showed good levels of acceptability to the model supported by social support techniques and credible sources as behavioral leveragers. In terms of loyalty, the main event was completed, which was the co-creation workshop and its deliverable was shared with the company, as well as the conceptualization of a communications campaign.Ítem Intervención comportamental para fortalecer el reconocimiento de líderes a colaboradores en una planta de manufactura(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Galindo Toro, Claudia Alejandra; Buitrago Vargas, Ángela Patricia; Cano Torres, Astrid CarolinaÍtem Intervención comportamental para mejorar funciones cognitivas y memoria de trabajo en los empleados del back - office en una empresa del sector BPO : reducción estrés y percepción de carga(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Durango Salinas, Evelyn; Cuartas Arias, Jorge MauricioCognitive load and stress are problems constantly faced by human beings, whether for work, academic or personal reasons. Any situation that requires an effort of attention or concentration requires people to invest their cognitive resources. The objective of this study was to apply a behavioral intervention under the EAST framework and validate whether strengthening cognitive abilities and developing planning skills can modify the perception of mental workload and thus reduce the stress levels of back-office employees in a BPO company. This study was developed in 3 phases: Conceptualization, Intervention and effectiveness evaluation. The results showed that 89% of the employees indicated that the planning tools provided were useful to better plan their time and in relation to the perception of load, 82% indicated that it was easy to manage their daily workload. In relation to cognitive breaks, 83% of employees indicated that they were effective in improving productivity and managing their daily workload. Applying these strategies not only in work contexts can contribute significantly to improving productivity and finding a balance between work and personal life. It is recommended to continue researching and promoting these practices in organizations to manage employee health.Ítem Promover el diligenciamiento cuidadoso de la evaluación docente en estudiantes de pregrado de una Institución de educación superior de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Villada Rodríguez, Paula; Castañeda Suárez, Sara; Román Calderón, Juan PabloÍtem “Lo que hoy resisto, mañana disfruto”: intervención comportamental tipo boost para mejorar el ahorro en la institución educativa Vida para todos en Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Hernández Castaño, Sara María; Bueno Londoño, Daniela; Peláez Jaramillo, SergioÍtem Aumentar el uso de la herramienta en línea Webpath Express como instrumento hábil para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la comunidad educativa en un colegio de la Estrella (Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Osorio Rico , Ricardo Andrés; Arboleda Cano , Diana Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan; Mazo Barrientos, Juan DanielThis work presents a behavioral intervention carried out in an educational institution in the municipality of La Estrella (Antioquia), where the Behavior Change Wheel model was used (Michie et al 2011). The behavioral problem to be intervened was the underuse of the WebPath Express online tool of the library's bibliographic software by students and teachers. In the conceptual framework, three key variables were defined to mobilize the intention to change, supported by theoretical and empirical references, which were: Digital literacy, perceived usefulness and collaboration and institutional leadership. These three variables, according to the research found (Becerra 2016, Domínguez & Echeverría 2011, Vergara & Lloreda 2020, Valerio 2011, Lomos et al 2023, Ormaza & Fajardo 2023), presented evidence of their effectiveness in mobilizing the use of ICTs in the teaching exercise. The entire process is presented with these major sections: Introduction, Conceptual Framework, Diagnosis, Intervention Design, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.Ítem Intervención comportamental para disminuir el número de agresiones físicas en los internos de la institución ciudad don Bosco de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Lopera Estrada, María Clara; Rendón Duque, Julián Alberto; Mejía Candamil, César David; Palau Vasco, AlexanderÍtem Intervención comportamental para que las personas de una empresa del sector constructor en Medellín aprendan a identificar alertas de phishing(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bravo Giraldo, Andrea; Arcila Ossa, María Alejandra; Vélez Ruiz, Sebastián; Cardona Mesa, LauraThe exponential growth in digital adoption in the daily lives of Colombians has facilitated our everyday activities but also exposed us to new cybersecurity risks, such as phishing. Phishing is a type of fraud that deceives individuals into taking actions that expose themselves or their organizations and steal confidential information or money. Phishing attacks cannot be prevented solely through technology, as attackers exploit individuals and their cognitive biases. This paper describes a behavioral Boost intervention within the context of the Master's degree in Behavioral Studies at EAFIT University. It aims, through a pre-experimental design, for members of a construction company in Medellín to be able to correctly identify whether an electronic message contains phishing alerts. We will address the selected target behavior, the individuals and institutions involved, the behavioral focus we aim to modify, as well as the details of the intervention, limitations, results, and conclusions. Although the intervention did not achieve a statistically significant impact, the descriptive analysis showed a 5% improvement in the ability to identify warning signals, in both phishing messages and legitimate messages from institutions. We hope this work contributes to the strategies of institutions and individuals in addressing this issue.Ítem Clasificación de residuos para niños en etapa preescolar : una apuesta por la educación ambiental temprana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Osorio , Laura; Henao Loaiza, Marta Lucía; Vélez Zapata, SaraEnvironmental education is part of the essential alternatives to try to take care of the planet. In this intervention we work with 5 and 6 year old children, belonging to the preschool grade of an educational institution in the city of Medellín, applying a series of activities focused on teaching the proper classification of waste generated during school snacks (constant source of waste), specifically in the consumption of the industrialized ration (IR) of the school feeding program (PAE). In the diagnosis and design stages of this project, we use tools from the wheel of behavioral change and the EAST methodological framework, under the premise of clear, simple and attractive communication with the children's audience. To measure the impact of the intervention, we applied pre- and post-test qualitative instruments, resulting in a significant change in this behavior, making it possible to reduce the environmental footprint of the educational institution. We conclude that it is possible to incorporate the appropriate classification of waste in this population group, taking into account the specific context and complying with conditions such as: the instruction of basic knowledge, the use of altruistic motivation focused on tender messages and the provision of elements that help overcome physical barriers. Furthermore, children easily appropriate this type of knowledge and show enthusiasm for sustainable activities. We recommend the inclusion of environmental education programs from the beginning of the academic stages, and the strengthening of different pro-environmental initiatives related to waste management.Ítem Intervención comportamental para fortalecer la resolución de problemas en los jugadores del club deportivo Megatalentos de la categoría “Primera B, semiprofesional sub-21” de la Liga Antioqueña de fútbol(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Infante Sarmiento, Javier; Piedrahita Gil, Juan David; Acevedo Mesa, Carmen NataliaThe main purpose study, is to run a behavioral intervention to strengthen problem solving in Megatalentos club members under 21 division Antioquia soccer league. Currently the team shows high levels of dropout members. Metodology applied was the Wheel of change (Michie et al., 2014, p. 40). The intervention was developed in 3 phases: diagnosis, intervention and results evaluation, showing players increasing training attendance, better comunication with team´s coaching staff when troubles came up, creating solutions and better team conversations presenting alternatives to improve performance, and showing good achievements in problem solving without losing process and having greater participation in the team. Some recomendations were develop to continue the research working on other behavioral intervention methods allowing análysis with longer term results.