Maestría en Estudios del Comportamiento (tesis)
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Ítem Comportamientos de agilismo en un equipo de una organización financiera de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Jaramillo Gaviria, Ana María; Mancera Trejos, Laura Yasmin; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Desarrollar capacidades para la ética digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Fernández Osorio, Diana; Alarcón López, Leandro; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Comportamientos asociados a la capacidad de agencia de las mujeres entre 18 y 35 años para afrontar el acoso sexual en el sistema de transporte público masivo Metro de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Sánchez Sánchez, Adriana María; Ledesma Cano, María Cristina; Tabares Quiroz, JulianaÍtem Intervención comportamental tipo Nudge para incentivar el hábito de ahorrar : estudio de caso Ruta Progreso(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Restrepo Castro, Juan Esteban; Montoya Jaramillo, Salomé; Zabala Uribe, Elizabeth; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Construcción de confianza digital a partir de una intervención argumentativa multimodal en el Marco East con un A/B testing(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cano Torres, Astrid Carolina; Arteaga Orrego, Juan Pablo; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Diversidad e inclusión en los procesos de atracción y selección : protocolo de intervención organizacional basado en ciencias del comportamiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Murillo Mendoza, Jenniffer Jeannette; Muñoz Zapata, Juliana Milena; Plaza Chavarria, Isabel Cristina; González González, ManuelaIntroduction: Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are organizational challenges due to the gap between intentions and behaviors. Intervention protocols from behavioral sciences allow closing this gap to create diverse and inclusive spaces. Method: Using a communicational strategy, based on identifying capacities, opportunities and motivations, D&I was promoted in 32 individuals responsible for attraction and selection processes. Results: A three-step protocol was created, using sensitization -understanding of the problem-, learning – developing an integral concept of D&I-, and feedback -establishing commitment. Conclusion: This methodology promotes organizational behaviors and social impact initiatives.Ítem El mejoramiento del cumplimiento de las responsabilidades de los comodatarios de la Secretaría de Participación Ciudadana del Distrito de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Suárez Zuluaga, Jorge Humberto; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoÍtem ¿Qué tan fácil puedes caer en noticias falsas? Una intervención comportamental digital tipo boost para el fortalecimiento de capacidades de discernimiento de la información en escenarios electorales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ramírez Agudelo, Manuela; Ruiz Montoya, Sara; Osorio Zapata, María Clara; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Terapia cognitivo conductual para promover comportamientos efectivos en la búsqueda de empleo en personas desempleadas : ensayo controlado(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Castaño Zuluaga, Martha Isabel; Acevedo Mesa, Carmen Natalia; Mejía Guerra, Paola Andrea; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia; Feld, Brian HugoÍtem Intervención comportamental tipo Nudge a ciclistas de Manizales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mazo Barrientos, Juan Daniel; Mera Duque, Juan Manuel; Orrego Martínez, Jorge Andrés; Cadena Gaitán, Carlos MiguelÍtem Intervención comportamental para incentivar la adherencia a la práctica regular de actividad física(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ramón Carvajal, Sandra Milena; Henao Suárez, Diego Luis; Lemos Hoyos , MariantoniaÍtem El impacto de una intervención comportamental enfocada en dar a conocer a vendedores la plataforma Grand Prix en una empresa de distribución de licores de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Hernández Ruiz, David; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaÍtem Evaluación de una intervención comportamental para el mejoramiento de la separación de residuos por parte de funcionarios públicos de una entidad gubernamental(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cifuentes Preciado, Henlly Marbel; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaCurrently, one of the great challenges of humanity is to reduce the impacts caused by harmful human being actions on the environment, there are more and more strategies added to find alternative solutions that respond to this purpose and to the alleged challenges, not only because of the large industries participation in the damage caused to nature but because of individual responsibility as a fundamental part of this process. This pre-experimental study aimed to design, implement and evaluate, under the EAST Framework, a behavioral intervention whose objective was to evaluate its impact on the correct classification of waste by 14 officials of a public entity. The intervention implementation consisted of the use of an interactive application, which allows users to search for the waste, obtaining as a result the container in which it should be deposited and/or the cleaning indication for the correct management of the waste. For the collection of samples, a pre- and post-intervention measurement was carried out by weighing cans using a digital dynamometer and a virtual survey. In the analysis of results, there is evidence of a tendency to decrease the weight of the black garbage disposal and an increase in the weight of the white garbage disposal, which indicates that the officials carried out the separation of the waste with a tendency to classify them in the garbage can. usable, thus reducing the non-usable waste disposed of in the white bin.Ítem La efectividad de las intervenciones tipo nudge en la filantropía : un caso de estudio en una universidad colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Yepes, Isabel Cristina; Gutiérrez Ramírez, Isabel Cristina; Jaramillo Silva, SantiagoÍtem Control de la privacidad de la información en aplicaciones de teléfonos celulares(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arango Ramírez, María Camila; Muñetón Lopera, Andrés Felipe; Ramírez García, María Isabel; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Impacto de los Nudges argumentativos enfocados a cambiar la disposición de compra de vehículos eléctricos en los conductores del Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mejía Gómez, Daniel; Sánchez Vélez, Kelin Daniela; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoThe Valle de Aburrá region is one of the most polluted areas in Colombia, so it is urgent to accelerate the decarbonization of individual transport, promoting the transition to electric vehicles. Despite having a regulatory framework since 2019 that encourages the change to this technology, adoption has been slow, especially considering the high cost of these vehicles for the average Colombian population. People with greater purchasing power, despite having the economic capacity to make the change, are not making it at the expected speed because there are a variety of erroneous arguments produced by ignorance of this technology, which means that they do not consider it when looking for their next vehicle. The proposed intervention follows the EAST methodological framework, and aims to evaluate, through an experimental design, whether by refuting existing thinking using argumentative nudges around savings, the environment and autonomy, it is possible to modify the willingness to purchase electric vehicles among drivers of medium-high and high socioeconomic status in the Valle de Aburrá and thus facilitate the adoption of this new technology.Ítem Operadores responsables : del modelo EAST a la norma social(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cáceres Escobar, Piedad Paola; Hernández Cañola, Liza María; Galeano Arias, Felipe; Vélez Zapata, SaraThe objective of this intervention was to identify how people's perception of their role changes, based on actions proposed by behavioral sciences, seeking to reinforce the stereotype of responsible operators in collaborators of power generation plants in a power generation company. the city of Medellin. For the implementation, a design was used under the EAST model seeking to mobilize the social norm, with pre and post evaluation of the results, which showed that the perception of people can change from interventions in which their context is considered, allowing the installation of behaviors based on new social norms that promote the adoption of safe practices within the operation. This change can be generated from messages that operate as Nudges after the segmentation of the population and the knowledge of the perceptions about the role of the operator in hydroelectric plants, thus facilitating the recognition of elements that promote the social norm.Ítem ¿Reconocemos el maltrato animal? : aumentando el nivel de conocimiento sobre maltrato animal a través de intervenciones comportamentales guiadas por el modelo MINDSPACE(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Marín Marín, Jennifer Alejandra; Romero Ramírez, Andrés Felipe; Bustamante Betancur, Luisa; Cano Torres, Astrid CarolinaÍtem Intervención comportamental para promover los niveles de actividad física en miembros de la Universidad EAFIT : prueba de concepto(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Torres Cadavid, Susana; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaÍtem Empujones para el pago a tiempo de créditos educativos(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Navarro Machado, Alexandra; Acosta Vélez, Kathalina Maria; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan