Maestría en Estudios del Comportamiento (tesis)
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Ítem Adherencia al estiramiento para un entorno laboral seguro.(Universidad EAFIT, 2024-02-28) Villegas Fernández, Isabela; Orjuela Giraldo , Natalia Liset; Lemos Hoyos MariantoniaSafety and health at work are fundamental for the well-being and quality of life of employees. Haceb Company seeks to reduce overexertion accidents through a behavioral intervention aimed at promoting adherence to stretching in the Technical Service Business Unit (UBN), where high rates of overexertion accidents have been recorded. To this end, a pre-experimental design was conducted with self-report measures before and after the intervention. The intervention was developed based on the methodological framework of the behavior change wheel and the EAST framework. Reminder messages, group warm-ups, instructional videos, and family messages were employed. The intervention showed a positive impact, with a statistically significant increase in knowledge about stretching and a higher frequency of stretching exercises. However, recognizing the bias of desirability, it is recommended to incorporate objective measurements from Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to evaluate the effects on musculoskeletal health and physical performance of the intervened population.Ítem Adultos mayores : hacia una población empoderada para protegerse frente a ciberdelitos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vera Sepúlveda, Silvia; Monsalve Palacio, María Andrea; Romero Restrepo, Tamara; Peláez Jaramillo, Sergio; Cardenas Niño, LucilaÍtem Aumentar el uso de la herramienta en línea Webpath Express como instrumento hábil para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la comunidad educativa en un colegio de la Estrella (Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Osorio Rico , Ricardo Andrés; Arboleda Cano , Diana Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, Jonathan; Mazo Barrientos, Juan DanielThis work presents a behavioral intervention carried out in an educational institution in the municipality of La Estrella (Antioquia), where the Behavior Change Wheel model was used (Michie et al 2011). The behavioral problem to be intervened was the underuse of the WebPath Express online tool of the library's bibliographic software by students and teachers. In the conceptual framework, three key variables were defined to mobilize the intention to change, supported by theoretical and empirical references, which were: Digital literacy, perceived usefulness and collaboration and institutional leadership. These three variables, according to the research found (Becerra 2016, Domínguez & Echeverría 2011, Vergara & Lloreda 2020, Valerio 2011, Lomos et al 2023, Ormaza & Fajardo 2023), presented evidence of their effectiveness in mobilizing the use of ICTs in the teaching exercise. The entire process is presented with these major sections: Introduction, Conceptual Framework, Diagnosis, Intervention Design, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.Ítem Campañas no partidistas basadas en estudios del comportamiento para aumentar la intención de voto : una investigación cuasiexperimental(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Salazar Martínez, Juan Camilo; Silva Jaramillo, SantiagoAccording to the research "Radiography of Disillusionment: electoral participation in Colombia", the demographic segment with the highest electoral abstention in the country are young people between 18 and 25 years old with 59% abstention. The present investigation sought to show how non-partisan campaigns based on behavioral studies can increase the intention of electoral participation for the national presidential and congressional elections of 2022 in young people eligible to vote in rural municipalities of Antioquia located in territories whose governance indicators are lower than the national average (Territorial Democratic Governance Index, UNDP). Through three treatment groups, we sought to identify and compare the effects of non-partisan campaigns designed under the concepts of rational choice, normative choice or social choice. The results of the non-partisan campaign based on social norms made it possible to demonstrate the effects on the increase in the intention of electoral participation in the young population of Bajo Cauca, Antioquia. This experiment allowed corroborating that the action of voting is, above all, a social act where the descriptive expectations established in groups and subgroups allow predicting and intervening in electoral behavior.Ítem Clasificación de residuos para niños en etapa preescolar : una apuesta por la educación ambiental temprana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Osorio , Laura; Henao Loaiza, Marta Lucía; Vélez Zapata, SaraEnvironmental education is part of the essential alternatives to try to take care of the planet. In this intervention we work with 5 and 6 year old children, belonging to the preschool grade of an educational institution in the city of Medellín, applying a series of activities focused on teaching the proper classification of waste generated during school snacks (constant source of waste), specifically in the consumption of the industrialized ration (IR) of the school feeding program (PAE). In the diagnosis and design stages of this project, we use tools from the wheel of behavioral change and the EAST methodological framework, under the premise of clear, simple and attractive communication with the children's audience. To measure the impact of the intervention, we applied pre- and post-test qualitative instruments, resulting in a significant change in this behavior, making it possible to reduce the environmental footprint of the educational institution. We conclude that it is possible to incorporate the appropriate classification of waste in this population group, taking into account the specific context and complying with conditions such as: the instruction of basic knowledge, the use of altruistic motivation focused on tender messages and the provision of elements that help overcome physical barriers. Furthermore, children easily appropriate this type of knowledge and show enthusiasm for sustainable activities. We recommend the inclusion of environmental education programs from the beginning of the academic stages, and the strengthening of different pro-environmental initiatives related to waste management.Ítem Comportamientos asociados a la capacidad de agencia de las mujeres entre 18 y 35 años para afrontar el acoso sexual en el sistema de transporte público masivo Metro de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Sánchez Sánchez, Adriana María; Ledesma Cano, María Cristina; Tabares Quiroz, JulianaÍtem Comportamientos de agilismo en un equipo de una organización financiera de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Jaramillo Gaviria, Ana María; Mancera Trejos, Laura Yasmin; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Compromiso público para fomentar comportamientos proambientales orientados al cuidado del agua en la Serranía de San Lucas, El Bagre(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Palau Vasco, Jesús Alexander; Vélez Zapata, SaraÍtem Construcción de confianza digital a partir de una intervención argumentativa multimodal en el Marco East con un A/B testing(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cano Torres, Astrid Carolina; Arteaga Orrego, Juan Pablo; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Control de la privacidad de la información en aplicaciones de teléfonos celulares(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arango Ramírez, María Camila; Muñetón Lopera, Andrés Felipe; Ramírez García, María Isabel; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem ¿Cuál es el efecto de la gamificación para fomentar el aprendizaje grupal al interior de la Corporación Mundial de la Mujer Medellín?(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Pardo, Natalia; Román Calderón, Juan PabloÍtem Decisiones reproductivas en mujeres adolescentes : intervención comportamental en torno al uso de métodos anticonceptivos modernos(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Macías González, Deisy Johana; Molina Cañas, Ana Lucía; Orrego Varón, Mayra Alejandra; Martínez Londoño, JulianaÍtem Desarrollar capacidades para la ética digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Fernández Osorio, Diana; Alarcón López, Leandro; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Diversidad e inclusión en los procesos de atracción y selección : protocolo de intervención organizacional basado en ciencias del comportamiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Murillo Mendoza, Jenniffer Jeannette; Muñoz Zapata, Juliana Milena; Plaza Chavarria, Isabel Cristina; González González, ManuelaIntroduction: Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are organizational challenges due to the gap between intentions and behaviors. Intervention protocols from behavioral sciences allow closing this gap to create diverse and inclusive spaces. Method: Using a communicational strategy, based on identifying capacities, opportunities and motivations, D&I was promoted in 32 individuals responsible for attraction and selection processes. Results: A three-step protocol was created, using sensitization -understanding of the problem-, learning – developing an integral concept of D&I-, and feedback -establishing commitment. Conclusion: This methodology promotes organizational behaviors and social impact initiatives.Ítem La efectividad de las intervenciones tipo nudge en la filantropía : un caso de estudio en una universidad colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Yepes, Isabel Cristina; Gutiérrez Ramírez, Isabel Cristina; Jaramillo Silva, SantiagoÍtem El museo que comparte amigos : intervención conductual EAST (Easy, Attractive, Social, Timely) y su impacto en el comportamiento de revisita al Parque Explora(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gaviria Arteaga, Juan Pablo; Cano Torres, Carolina A.Ítem Empujones para el pago a tiempo de créditos educativos(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Navarro Machado, Alexandra; Acosta Vélez, Kathalina Maria; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Estrategia comportamental para aumentar los espacios de desconexión en personal de enfermería, gerontología y cuidadoras en un hogar gerontológico de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Múnera Quintero, Victor Alfonso; Aguirre, David Alejandro; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaThis study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate a behavioral intervention using the EAST Framework with the goal of improving the burnout index by increasing disconnection behaviors among nursing assistants, gerontology workers, and caregivers at a Gerontological Home specializing in degenerative diseases (dementia) in Medellín. The intervention consisted of four components: 1. A physical space called the Disconnection Zone, 2. Videos called Wellness Capsules, 3. A WhatsApp group named Conscious Well-being, and 4. Another WhatsApp group called Sharing Well-being. The intervention was evaluated through a qualitative workshop, as initial high desirability prevented participants from reporting burnout levels at the beginning of the intervention. The results indicate that the Disconnection Zone was well received by the healthcare staff, and the disconnection groups were also positively valued, though variability in their use was observed. Additionally, the disconnection videos became a key tool for those experiencing unexpected moments of unrest and stress, due to their easy access and brevity, which allowed them to be used as a quick strategy to increase moments of disconnection for the healthcare staff at the Gerontological Home.Ítem Evaluación de una intervención comportamental para el mejoramiento de la separación de residuos por parte de funcionarios públicos de una entidad gubernamental(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cifuentes Preciado, Henlly Marbel; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaCurrently, one of the great challenges of humanity is to reduce the impacts caused by harmful human being actions on the environment, there are more and more strategies added to find alternative solutions that respond to this purpose and to the alleged challenges, not only because of the large industries participation in the damage caused to nature but because of individual responsibility as a fundamental part of this process. This pre-experimental study aimed to design, implement and evaluate, under the EAST Framework, a behavioral intervention whose objective was to evaluate its impact on the correct classification of waste by 14 officials of a public entity. The intervention implementation consisted of the use of an interactive application, which allows users to search for the waste, obtaining as a result the container in which it should be deposited and/or the cleaning indication for the correct management of the waste. For the collection of samples, a pre- and post-intervention measurement was carried out by weighing cans using a digital dynamometer and a virtual survey. In the analysis of results, there is evidence of a tendency to decrease the weight of the black garbage disposal and an increase in the weight of the white garbage disposal, which indicates that the officials carried out the separation of the waste with a tendency to classify them in the garbage can. usable, thus reducing the non-usable waste disposed of in the white bin.Ítem Ice-breaking para la construcción de confianza organizacional : estudio cuasiexperimental para incrementar niveles de confianza horizontal y vertical dentro de la organización cultural Red de Músicas de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Castañeda Gaviria, Laura; Arroyave Gómez, María Alejandra; Silva Jaramillo, Santiago