Ingeniería de Procesos (trabajo de grado)
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Proceso enzimático y uso del ultraturrax para el reproceso de borra de café(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Toro Castañeda, Elizabeth; Builes Toro, SantiagoÍtem Influencia del diseño del fotobiorreactor en crecimiento microalgal y producción de pigmentos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Pérez Arango, Mariana; García Cardona, Marian Fernanda; Aristizábal Castrillón, Adriana; Gómez Velásquez, Natalia; Zapata López, Daniela; Cardona Rendón, Lorena; Arroyave Quiceno, CatalinaÍtem Market analysis and product strategies in the field of carbon capture and storage : a study for the company Ecom(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rojas Jiménez, Esteban; Builes Toro, Santiago; Gottschalk, AxelÍtem Desarrollo de materiales activos para electrodos de baterías de ion litio(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sepúlveda Hidalgo, Kevin Andrés; López Pérez, Alejandra; Orozco Gallo, Diana Constanza; Calderón Gutierréz, Jorge Andrés; Orozco Silva, CatalinaÍtem Evaluación del efecto de la intermitencia lumínica y fotoperiodos en el crecimiento de Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 en fotobiorreactor tubular horizontal(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Márquez Hernández, Juan Felipe; Miranda Parra, Alejandra María; Sáez Vega, Álex ArmandoÍtem Evaluación del procesamiento hidrolítico de residuos textiles de corte tipo poliéster/algodón(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Julio Suárez, Laura Marcela; Giraldo Estrada, CatalinaÍtem Producción de biomaterial elaborado con SCOBY de Kombucha casero(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Martínez Arcos, Ángela Patricia; Correa Santa, Andrés Felipe; Giraldo Estrada, CatalinaÍtem Estandarización de la máquina BO 05 de una unidad de negocios de una empresa de empaques(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Patiño Pérez, Natalia; Ruiz Velásquez, WilmerÍtem Desarrollo de una solución para el mejoramiento de la gestión del proceso de programación del mantenimiento de los activos de una empresa de transmisión de energía(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mejía Taborda, Juan Felipe; Posada López, Laura; Alzate López, Juan FelipeÍtem Propuesta para el desarrollo de una solución de administración y trazabilidad de controles en proceso para una empresa interamericana de transporte de energía(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Escobar Silva, Juan Sebastián; Suárez Bohórquez, Samuel José; Ospina Montoya, Juan CamiloÍtem Evaluación del potencial adsorbente de la semilla de aguacate para la remoción de un colorante(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Salgado Durango, María Fernanda; Ospino Mulett, Gabriela María; Estrada Giraldo, CatalinaÍtem Efecto de aditivos poliméricos en la producción de Amauroderma omphalodes en cultivo sumergido(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Chávez Bohórquez, Luis Fernando; Gallo Machado, JacoboÍtem Evaluación de la producción de lipasas fúngicas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Henao Martínez, Mauricio; Olarte Fernández, Ana María; Marín Palacio, Luz DeisyLipases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis and synthesis of esters formed from glycerol and fatty acids. fatty acids, are present in different organisms, however, microbial lipases are of greater interest commercial. These are highly used in industries such as food, paper and pharmaceutical, applicability that is limited by the little evaluation of lipase-producing microorganisms for specific processes, the high production cost and problems associated with the systemic use of enzymes. The rationale for this study is to select from a group of microorganisms of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Trichoderma and Botrytis, a microorganism capable of producing lipid enzymes in a complex medium with a low-cost substrate, as an agro-industrial residue. For this, the radial growth of microorganisms in a solid medium defined with olive oil was evaluated. as the only source of carbon and energy, those with the highest growth were selected to determine the kinetic parameters and lipid activity in a submerged culture with a defined fatty medium, and evaluate the and production of lipid enzymes in a complex medium whose fatty substrate was the residual pulp of the palm oil industry. Among the microorganisms evaluated, it was found that the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium produced lipases. following its growth in defined media with lipids as the only source of carbon and energy, In addition, the lipases produced by Aspergillus flavus have higher activity compared to those produced by Penicillium, however, this microorganism has low lipid activity due to microgram of protein that it had, in the culture in complex medium that was 5.12x10-3 U/mg with respect to the obtained in defined medium of 1.94x10-2 U/mgÍtem Diseño de un sistema de adsorción para la separación de CO2(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Reinoso Rojas, Aminta Elena; Bermúdez Ríos, Carlos Arturo; Builes Toro, SantiagoÍtem Reducción de desperdicio de alimentos en la Universidad EAFIT : hacia una producción y un consumo responsables(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Giraldo Velasquez, Santiago; Godoy Cocoma, David Alberto; Hernández Díaz, Paula MarcelaFood loss and waste in the food system is a topic of global interest, and from the sustainable development objectives, given the impacts that this implies for the environment, the economy and society. Restaurants, as elements at the end of the food chain, can play a significant role in reducing or eliminating these impacts by modifying their production and consumption patterns. With the purpose of having a successful case in Medellin, this project aims to propose alternatives that favor the reduction of food waste in a restaurant of the EAFIT University, supported by measurements that demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits promoting a sustainable food system. This research is based on two questions: How much food waste is produced in the restaurant and what is its final composition; what viable management alternatives can be implemented in the restaurant to increase the efficiency of the use of resources; and what is the cost-benefit of the restaurant's waste management? And what is the cost-benefit of optimizing the process by implementing the proposed actions? The research project is structured as a case study applying the "Target-Measure-Act" methodology for food waste reduction. As a result, it was possible to establish a target of 7% reduction of food waste in conjunction with the restaurant's work team. To achieve this goal, different actions were implemented in the different stages of the process. The reuse of waste such as eggshells, orange peel, lemon peel, and cilantro stems stood out. The cost-benefit analysis showed not very high cost savings for this case study, but it was possible to conclude that the methodology needs to be implemented not as a pilot, but rather by developing all the parameters established by the methodology in order to better determine the cost savings that the restaurant can achieve.Ítem Evaluación de fertilizantes comerciales en la producción de microalgas : utilizadas en la licuefacción hidrotermal(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Ramírez Osorio, Christian Camilo; Gámez Rivas, José Fernando; Miranda Parra, Alejandra María; Sáez Vega, Alex ArmandoÍtem Evaluación de metodologías para extracción de compuestos de cáscaras de aguacate para conservación de frutas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Múnera Gutiérrez, Edier Andrés; Castaño Torres, Pamela; Giraldo Estrada, CatalinaÍtem Formación de películas comestibles a base de biopolímeros para la conservación de frutas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Aguilar Barahona, Sara; Paniagua Arboleda, Darlene Audrey; Giraldo Estrada, Catalina; Hernández Tenorio, Fabián EnriqueÍtem Extracción de fibras de celulosa de las hojas de piña para su uso en la industria papelera(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Quintero Quintana, María Camila; Ardila Arias, Alba NellyÍtem Evaluación del coeficiente volumétrico de transferencia de masa KLa sobre la producción de biomasa, metabolitos y morfología de Amauroderma omphalodes(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) García Navas, Camila Andrea; Gallo Machado, Jacobo