Maestría en Sostenibilidad (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Retos y oportunidades en el proceso de ganadería sostenible del Grupo Nutresa
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Grajales Vásquez, Alison Tatiana; Romero Hernández, Laura Daniela; Castaño Betancur, Nancy Janeth; Collazos Acosta, María del Pilar
    Good Livestock Practices (GLP) play a crucial role in advancing Nutresa Group responsible sourcing objectives, especially within the integrated purchasing model of the meat business. This model involves agreements with suppliers for managing cattle from raising to delivery. To foster the adoption of GLP and promote more sustainable sourcing practices, a price incentive program has been introduced. This initiative enables cattle suppliers to boost their annual income by participating in the program Despite these incentives and the multiple benefits of implementing sustainable actions, significant gaps persist in the adoption of these practices. Furthermore, suppliers lack motivation to engage in this purpose, which we investigated through a qualitative analysis of semi-structured surveys involving various stakeholders in this context: farmers, farm coordinators from Nutresa Group, certifying entities, and associations. Given these challenges, the motivation for this research is to identify the enablers, opportunities, and critical points in the certification process, aiming to contribute to the consolidation of a local and sustainable supply chain aligned with the organization's strategy towards its stakeholders. Likewise, it is expected to contribute to the literature by integrating two components that have not been extensively developed together: the livestock sector and a successful cooperative sourcing model like Nutresa's, providing a reference point for future studies aimed at sector development. Thus, it is acknowledged that the absence of clear and rigorous regulation, the capacity of the certifying entity, the relationship among the actors involved and the challenges related to understanding the requirements and advantages of sustainable livestock farming processes and the economic resources available to materialize the certification process, lead suppliers to maintain conventional practices. Because even without certification, they can continue to be allies of the meat business, since it is intended that this is a gradual process and accompaniment beyond a requirement, therefore consolidating a virtuous cycle for the organization and its stakeholders, representing benefits in the different sustainability dimensions. In spite of the opportunities in this process, the roadmap established by the Meat Business for developing its suppliers has become a benchmark for the sector and other companies in creating stakeholder value, fostering more resilient supply chains to meet current and future socio-environmental challenges.
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    Retos y oportunidades para el desarrollo del pago por servicios ambientales en la provincia de Cartama
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Betancur, Sebastián; Sierra Vásquez, Sebastián; Gutiérrez Rúa, Juliana María
    In the development of this research, an exploration and analysis of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is conducted as a potential tool to promote ecosystem conservation in the Cartama Province. Based on its location, regional importance, and ecosystem diversity, the Province could implement this mechanism. Starting from a literature review and the analysis of international references and enabling regulations in Colombia, criteria were established for the development of PES. This information was subsequently analyzed in the context of Cartama and validated through interviews with local stakeholders. The research results propose challenges and opportunities that can be considered when implementing PES in the Cartama Province, contributing to current discussions on sustainable development models for the territory. Additionally, a guide is proposed to facilitate practical measurement of the social return on investment for the three main stakeholder groups in PES development: communities, companies, and government.
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    Evaluación y cuantificación del impacto social en proyectos WASH de agua potable en Colombia : caso Aquavida
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Caro Garcia, Mónica María; Ospina Restrepo, Paola Andrea; Carrero Rivera, Diana Marcela
    Ensuring sustainable and equitable access to water and sanitation is a global concern, which is reflected in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6. Globally, progress in access to safe drinking water services is notable but insufficient. It is expected that by 2030 only 81% of the world's population will have access to safe drinking water in their homes. Colombia is part of this challenge; In the year 2023, it is reported that 25% of the country's population has inadequate access to drinking water service, with rural areas being the most affected. The programs developed by non-governmental organizations become relevant in this context, as is the case of Aquavida of the Grupo Argos Foundation, through the delivery of clay filters for purification to families in remote areas of the country. To validate the social impact of this program, we took surveys and interviews from a sample of the beneficiary population in the 8 departments of Colombia to estimate, from a multivariate model, the relationship between the use of the clay filter and the possible reduction in illnesses and reduction of expenses at home. The evidence allows us to infer that WASH programs, such as clay filters in populations with a lack of access and water quality, show benefits in terms of social impact and an increase in economic savings; on the other hand, they allow us infer that there is a weak relationship between the perception of water quality and the reduction of diseases. On the other hand, a significant relationship is observed between economic savings in families due to reduced expenses for purchasing water or purchasing gas/electricity and the good use and condition of the clay filter, added to a positive perception of the water in the filter, being families with incomes less than 0.4 SMMLV. who experience a greater positive impact in reducing expenses. This allows us to infer that the good use of the filter generates a good perception in families of having drinking water for consumption, therefore this condition allows generating economic savings by avoiding the purchase of bagged or bottled water or the purchase of gas or electricity.
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    Implicaciones de aplicar estrategias de sostenibilidad en empresas medianas del sector agroindustrial
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Quiceno Cadavid, María Alejandra; Meneses Avella, Andrés Julián; Mesa White, Juanita
    The adoption of sustainable practices at the corporate level is a fundamental pillar for the development and long-term success of productive activities. In agriculture and agroindustry, these practices gain significant relevance, as these activities play an important role in the food supply chain, provide employment to more than one billion people, and generate more than $1.3 billion in food annually, according to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Globally, the urgency to address the climate crisis and consumer demands, driven by growing environmental awareness and challenges, constantly pushes the sector to maintain a state of continuous improvement and adopt sustainable approaches in its practices. Considering this, this document aims, through a case study, to diagnose the reality of medium- sized agricultural/agroindustrial companies in Colombia. Using qualitative interviews and content analysis, we will explore how the implementation of sustainable practices is reflected in the company's environmental, social, economic, or corporate governance development. Additionally, we will identify the benefits these strategies bring to operational efficiency, the quality of life of their employees, the well-being of local communities, and the environment. Specifically in Colombia, acquiring knowledge and experience to implement and manage sustainability programs is prioritized. Due to their characteristics, medium-sized agroindustrial companies have the resources and the purpose of expanding into new markets but lack the implementation of these systems or do not have their strategies properly documented to measure and communicate them. In conclusion, this study proposes, through a diagnosis and improvement plan based on a business case study, to identify the intersection between corporate responsibility, environmental management, and innovation in the agricultural and agroindustrial sector. The goal is to deeply understand the challenges and benefits linked to the transition towards sustainability and contribute to strategic decision-making in this sector, under the premise that sustainability is not an option but a necessity and the key to generating value and business survival.
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    Mujeres, agricultura y paz : un estudio sobre el empoderamiento en Montes de María
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montoya Giraldo , Viviana Patricia; Gómez Taboada, Sonia Rosa; Ramírez Morales, Jorge Enrique; Zapata Giraldo, Valeria
    In the region of Montes de María, marked by armed conflict and agrarian challenges, rural women face difficulties that limit their participation and empowerment in agriculture, affecting their economic autonomy and contributing to the perpetuation of gender inequalities. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the factors driving the empowerment of rural women in Montes de María in agriculture and evaluate how this empowerment significantly contributes to their economic independence and peacebuilding in their communities. Mixed research methods were employed for data collection in the field through focus groups, with data being qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed to delve into the perceptions and experiences of rural women regarding agriculture and empowerment. Additionally, information was cross-referenced with relevant scientific literature to enrich the context and understanding of the findings. The results show a significant advancement in community-led processes by rural women, indicating a conscious understanding of their active role in family and society. However, challenges ranging from climatic vulnerabilities affecting their food and economic security to barriers in land access and entrenched patriarchal structures in society were identified, limiting their ability to fully exercise their empowerment. The study concludes with a set of recommendations advocating for strengthening policies on land restitution, access and titling, promoting technical training tailored to the needs of rural women, fostering leadership in agricultural projects, facilitating organization and association, improving access to markets, and addressing gender-based violence. These proposed actions have the potential to generate a positive impact on the lives of rural women, promoting their economic autonomy and strengthening their participation in decision-making to contribute to sustainable peace in the region.
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    Estrategia para la reducción de la huella de carbono corporativa de la Universidad EAFIT
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Atencio Álvarez, Angélica María; Rozo León, Lina Marcela; Martínez Londoño, Edgar Alberto
  • Ítem
    Desarrollo de la estrategia de reducción de huella de carbono de Nitrofert S.A.S
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Obando Mera, Carolina; Hernández del Valle, Maira Fernanda; Echeverry, Luis Miguel; Grupo Empresarial Nitrofert; Enel Colombia S.A ESP
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