Psicología (trabajo de grado)
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Ítem Dinámicas familiares de mujeres que han cumplido sentencias en la cárcel(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Sierra Garzón , Manuela; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaObjective. Analyze how the family dynamics of four post-sentenced women are constituted upon returning home. Conceptual framework of references. The reintegration of post-sentenced women is addressed through an analysis of social and family dynamics. Likewise, the investigation explores the employment obstacles and difficulties they experience upon completing their sentence. Method. Qualitative, descriptive-interpretative study implemented in a focus group with 10 women from the city of Medellín who have served prison sentences, of legal age, regardless of social stratum, race or city of origin.Ítem Relatos sobre la muerte : una mirada vivencial, médica, jurídica y religiosa sobre la eutanasia, distanasia y muerte digna en Medellín (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Restrepo González, Martín; Vásquez, AndrésObjective. To analyze the medical, religious, juridical, and legal perspectives on euthanasia, dysthanasia, and dignified death in Medellin (Colombia). Conceptual references. The concepts of euthanasia, dysthanasia, dignified death, religion, legislation, experience, medicine, palliative care are described.Ítem Estilos de apego y satisfacción sexual : estudio de caso en mujeres jóvenes universitarias(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jácome Santodomingo, Ana María; Arango Ríos, Juliana; Vásquez Ochoa, Miguel AndrésÍtem Características de personalidad y conductas problemáticas asociadas con el juego patológico en adultos jóvenes de Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montoya Velásquez, Manuela; Cuartas Arias, Jorge MauricioÍtem Identificación y autoconcepto con relación a personajes femeninos en la industria de los videojuegos, series televisivas, obras literarias y su efecto en mujeres de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Echavarría López, Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Experiencia con los estilos de crianza en mujeres exitosas en cargos directivos en Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) González Morales, Doris Marcela; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioThis research focused on identifying the experience with parenting styles that could affect success in professional performance, from the experience of female managers in the city of Medellin. For this, an exploratory qualitative research approach is used, with the application of the phenomenological-hermeneutic method, seeking to delve into the relationship between the experience of parenting styles and subsequent professional success. To carry it out, research was carried out on the existing concepts related to professional success and parenting styles as a reference framework, complemented with semi-structured interviews, to 10 women directors of companies in the city of Medellín, the result of which is the subjective definition of success as coincidence in the interviewed group, the identification of mainly subjective indicators of the evidence of success and the identification of internal and external causes for its achievement, within which the parenting style is identified as one of the elements which, from their experience, are associated with their subsequent professional success.Ítem Experiencia del proceso psicoanalítico en adultos jóvenes de Medellín, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Builes Hernández, Daniel; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioObjectives. To analyze the lived experience of the psychoanalytic process of young adults in Medellin, Colombia. Method. A qualitative study was conducted, with a phenomenological- hermeneutic approach, using an inductive method with semi-structured interviews as the primary instrument. Results. The experience of the psychoanalytic process is mediated by the expectations of the client, the experience regarding the psychoanalyst, and the experience of the psychoanalytic treatment. Thus, a qualitative framework was proposed to depict the lived experience of the clients regarding the psychoanalytic process. Conclusions. The speech of the interviewees, regarding their experience of the psychoanalytic process, was understood, critiqued, compared, and explained. spaÍtem Determinantes de deserción universitaria de una institución privada de Medellín (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Parada Peláez, Santiago; Orejuela Gómez, Johnny JavierÍtem Revisión de la intervención asistida con animales, con énfasis en los efectos psicológicos, en artículos publicados entre 2019-2024(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Tovar Trujillo, Itzel Alejandra; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioObjective To review the psychological effects that have been reported as part of the process of animal-assisted intervention applied to different patient groups, especially with oncology patients, in articles published between January 2019 and March 2024. Method A systematic literature review was performed using various academic databases. Filters were applied to select articles in Spanish or English, available in full text and including a theoretical review of intervention studies with dogs. A Microsoft Excel matrix was used to organize the information and finally 35 selected articles were obtained, which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results Thirty-five review articles were reviewed, which in turn reviewed research results with different populations. Five narrative reviews, twenty-four systematic reviews, five meta-analyses and one hypothetical review were found. The research on Animal Assisted Intervention allowed observing benefits in various diagnoses, including autism spectrum disorders, dementia, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, among others. Recent studies highlight improvements in quality of life, stress reduction and emotional and social strengthening. Conclusion Although promising, more rigorous research and standardization of protocols are needed to support the clinical effectiveness of Animal Assisted Intervention.Ítem Diseño de un prototipo de estimulación cognitiva enfocado en los dominios ejecutivos de flexibilidad cognitiva y planificación en realidad virtual(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sierra Echavarría, Pablo, Jorge Mauricio; Cuartas Arias, Jorge MauricioÍtem Razones de uso de prácticas de desarrollo personal alternativas a la terapia psicológica en un grupo de adultos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Calle Isaza, Isabela; Vásquez Ochoa, Andrés MiguelÍtem Efectos psíquicos en personas allegadas a sujetos que han realizado actos suicidas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Patiño Gómez, Valeria; Martínez Torres, Juan JoséÍtem Experiencia de los estudiantes de pregrado de psicología en la realización de su trabajo de grado de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Medellín en el año 2024(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Moreno Morales, María Camila; Carmona Otálvaro, Juan GabrielÍtem Teorías subjetivas sobre el aborto en personas identificadas con los providas y proelección(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mier Saldarriaga, Samuel; Cano Saldarriaga, Estefanía; Vásquez Ochoa, Andrés MiguelContrast the different subjective perspectives on abortion in the year 2024, through subjective theories in a group of adults identified with pro-life and pro-choice in Medellín, Colombia.Ítem Análisis de la percepción de la agresión sexual según hombres y mujeres de diferentes edades y estratos socioeconómicos de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Valencia Romero, Mariana; Zuluaga Aristizábal, Marda UcarisÍtem Las implicaciones del bienestar en el personal aeronáutico en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Velásquez Sepúlveda , Sara; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaThe following research work aimed to describe the implications of well-being and its characteristics in aeronautical personnel in Colombia. To reach the results, a semi-structured interview was carried out, which sought to have a greater approach to well-being and its characteristics, such as social well-being, work well-being, subjective well-being and psychological well-being, this was carried out with 8 participants who are residents of the city of Medellín, all of them have aeronautical degrees since they work in areas such as PCA (Commercial Airplane Pilot), TCP (Passenger Cabin Crew), Aeronautical Psychology and (TMA) Aircraft Maintenance Technicians, however, only 4 of them are working in tasks related to aeronautics, of the others who are not currently within this environment, Three have not managed to join airlines although their attempts have been significant and only one of them is not part of it by their own decision. It was observed that the vast majority of participants find well-being and its spheres in a balanced manner, except for work well-being, which has been affected by crisis situations in the country, the lack of opportunities in relation to A large number of professionals in these areas, however, have seen how they act in a way related to positive psychology and the tools they have to face certain life situations have been of great help for their development and finding the balance that they need. they need to have well-being.Ítem Significación de la moda andrógina en los jóvenes de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Toro Arenas, Salomé; Ochoa Gómez , Isabella; Orejuela Gómez, Jonny JavierÍtem La influencia de la estimulación musical en el desarrollo cognitivo : una revisión sistemática(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jaillier Pérez, Juanita; Cuartas Arias, Jorge MauricioObjective: Musical stimulation in various academies promises comprehensive child development that sets them apart throughout their youth. This systematic review aimed to analyze such practices and determine whether this promise is genuine or merely a conception. Methods: Following PRISMA standards for systematic reviews, the influence of musical stimulation on children's development was evaluated by reviewing trials, articles, and existing studies in the Scopus, National Library of Medicine, and Scielo databases. Out of 24 studies found, only 6 met the inclusion criteria. All studies considered in this review concluded that both music and musical stimulation influence various spheres of children's cognitive development. Conclusions: Musical stimulation is a significant ally for the comprehensive development of children, thus distinguishing those who have been in such spaces in academic and general life scenarios.Ítem Percepción del desempeño en la práctica clínica de estudiantes de psicología con y sin proceso psicoterapéutico personal(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montoya Lopera, Mariana; Vásquez Ochoa, Andrés MiguelObjective. To compare the perception of performance in clinical practice of psychology students with and without personal psychotherapeutic process. Method. A questionnaire and a qualitative study with an exploratory modality was carried out in which 9 psychology students who had already done their professional practice were interviewed, five with a personal psychotherapeutic process and four without a personal psychotherapeutic process. Results. The findings reveal the importance of the personal psychotherapeutic process in the training of competent clinical psychologists. Those who have experienced this perceive significant positive effects, unlike those who omit it by overestimating their abilities. It is crucial to rethink institutional practices and incorporate strategies that deconstruct resistance, provide resources for appropriate emotional management, and promote the authentic development of the clinical style of each future professional. In this way, comprehensive training can be ensured that prepares psychologists committed to their well-being and that of their patients.Ítem El sentido del trabajo que otorgan los jóvenes estudiantes - trabajadores a través de las variables sociodemográficas - organizacionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Viúdez Pérez, Camino; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaThe objective of this research is to describe the meaning that young students - workers give to work through sociodemographic - organizational variables. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology was adopted, using semi-structured interviews to respond to the different categories of analysis, namely, type of contract, type of work, working hours and representation of women and men in the work context within the denomination student -worker. The findings indicate that the indefinite contract prevails among the participants, contradicting the common perception that student workers, due to their age or length of experience, generally do not access this type of contract. Furthermore, it was found that, despite having gone through a global pandemic, only two of the ten participants use teleworking, challenging the widespread notion that remote work has become widespread in all areas, sectors and circumstances. This study offers new perspectives on the working conditions of young student-workers and emphasizes the need for policies and programs that improve their working conditions and facilitate a smoother transition from education to the workplace.