Escuela de Administración
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Examinando Escuela de Administración por Tipo de documento "Tesis de Maestría"
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Ítem 50 años de gerencia tecnocrática de los ingenieros de la Escuela de Minas de Medellín en las empresas de servicios públicos en Medellín 1920-1970(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) González Salazar, Natalia; López Díez, Juan CarlosÍtem A call for research on soft-skills in international entrepreneurs : a systematic literature review(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Zuluaga Quintero, Estefanía; Román Calderón, Juan PabloÍtem A Fuzzy ELECTRE method with k-means clustering to qualitative characterize provision factors(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pérez Muñoz, Natalia; García Suaza, Carlos Daniel; Peña Palacio, Juan AlejandroÍtem A systematic literature review of the concept of aesthetic taste : a research agenda(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Agudelo Moná, María Camila; Ceballos Ochoa, Lina María; Maya Castaño, Jorge HernánÍtem A systematic literature review of the current trends and challenges of internationalization of higher education in Latin America(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Gómez Brand, María Fernanda; González Pérez, María AlejandraThis paper aims to consolidate a sample of existing academic literature on the modes, trends, risks and challenges of the internationalization of higher education in Latin America published over the last 15 years -- Following a systematic literature review methodology, it was seeking to analyze and synthesize a sample of 25 published academic articles on the specifically chosen topic -- As a consequence of this review, it was found that progress has been made on the subject and there is an awareness of the impact it has on quality, international indicators still lag far behind those of more developed regions -- The creation and implementation of accreditation and evaluations processes, the commodification of higher education and the presence of new providers and regionalization efforts were perceived as trending topics in the publications -- Risks and challenges such as lack of governmental support and brain drain, are respectively perceived by researchers as the most concerning -- Finally, an emphasis is made on the comprehensiveness that must characterize this process in order to be successful, meaning that it should “embrace all the educational processes” (Gacel-Ávila, 2007, 406)Ítem Acciones que favorecen la admisión en las sedes regionales de la Universidad de Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Aristizábal Montoya, Gladis Adriana; López Gallego, Francisco DaríoThe University of Antioquia, through its regionalization model, has reached all regions, consolidating itself as a departmental project for equity and development. This has earned it the recognition of the territories by articulating its strategies and proposals to local realities; however, currently, the supply of academic programs in these areas is limited, and the admission rate is low, although there is an alternative envisioned with the Academic Agreement 597 august 2022, which establishes the minimum standardized score with which the available places are assigned in each program. In this sense, this work aims to provide a theoretical framework on the issue of access to higher education in regions, accompanied by experiences and recommendations of experts obtained in semi-structured interviews, to develop strategies to improve admission rates in University’s regional campuses.Ítem Acciones, impacto financiero y costos en la industria petrolera : efecto de fluctuaciones en precios del petróleo(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Bulla Hernández, Claudia Marcela; Escalante Gómez, Juan EstebanObjective: Analyze the cost management in an oil sector organization, this to identify how the external financial impact and costs produced by the fluctuation of oil prices affect positively or negatively, this to determine the consequent actions for an adequate mitigation process. Method: this is a qualitative case study through circumstantial and historical documentary analysis; the researcher performs non-participant observation to document the technical response that the Colombian company under study applies to the costs, this in a given period of time when the fluctuation of the oil price was down. Results: The researcher, through his documentary analysis, interacted gradually with the activity analyzed, which allowed him to determine the strategies used by the company under study while evidencing the useful processes that led to the solution of the problem. This research allows us to understand how to budget an action plan based on the adaptability of available resources against financial changes, to obtain adverse results that the crisis normally leaves, which makes it possible for the company to remain in the business market. This investigative documentary experience and analysis of the technical contribution in cost reduction, is based on the initiatives of the work team and financial savings obtained, this provides a look-up table that serves as a guide for future administrations in similar cases. Finally, the personal contribution of the researcher is provided by simplifying the documented process, taking into account the potential and optimization methods identified as a result of the documentary analysis. Conclusions: The improvement in the operative efficiency is demonstrable through the documentary analysis, this manages to explain how the geopolitical factors, environmental damages, new technologies of extraction and crude production, influence directly in the fluctuation of the oil price and in turn in the market internal of each country; the financial impact that derives from these factors can be positive when the profitability exceeds the production cost and can be thought of as investment, or of a negative type when the prices fall to the point of putting the cost of production at risk; The fluctuation of oil prices generates drastic consequences in negotiations of all kinds, this reaches several productive sectors of a country. It is to understand that being prepared allows the sustainability of the company in times of crisis, this mitigates the external effect with the optimization of processes. The company under study thanks to its cost optimization plan provides the necessary information to consolidate practical consultation tables with guiding questions.Ítem Aceleradoras corporativas exitosas (contexto latinoamericano) : análisis de los modelos, capacidades estratégicas y recursos claves, en una región con desafíos y complejidades propias. Un estudio de mercado emergente(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Jiménez, Sara; Hincapie Romero, Katherine; Betancur Álvarez, José AlejandroThis research intends to explore the corporate acceleration models of leading companies in Latin America. The study of these cases seeks to increase readers' understanding of the strategy, approach and strategic capabilities that are making these corporate accelerators successful and sustainable amid Latin American market particularities. This business research was developed under a qualitative research framework, using semi-structured interviews and secondary information such as documents, presentations, and reports of the analyzed companies. The study was divided into four fundamental phases in the research process and had a scope in the Latin American region, taking Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia as reference countries. The main results of this analysis present a general characterization of the accelerators analyzed and make an exhaustive review of their way of working with special emphasis on their main unique differentials. It is expected that these results will contribute to those corporations that want to implement their acceleration model, and also to those companies that already have an acceleration model implemented and want to reference it in order to find possible opportunities for improvement. In addition, this document contributes to knowledge generation for future research and the development of a new methodology to improve the quality of corporate acceleration models.Ítem Aceptación de la estrategia “Home Try On” en E-commerce de gafas en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Velásquez Castaño, Catalina; Díaz Cadavid, Óscar de Jesús; Muñoz Molina, Yaromir; Arias Salazar, AlejandroThe “Home Try On” strategy is an alternative to solve one of the biggest fears of online purchase that is not receiving what is expected, generating a new experience of buying for customers that allows to know and have direct contact with the products before buying them -- This study aims to know the acceptance of the "Home Try On" strategy in e-commerce of glasses in the city of Medellin through qualitative and quantitative research to recognize the consumption habits of people and their perception of purchases over the internet, identify business success cases that use the strategy and pilot test results -- There is evidence of a generalized acceptance of the strategy by the study subjects, and identified the key factors that must be borne in mind when implementing the strategyÍtem Aciertos y desaciertos en las estrategias de promoción turística del Eje Cafetero durante los años 2010 y 2011(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Mejía Gaviria, Alejandra; Zuluaga Bedoya, Resfa Yazmín; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoLa investigación se realizó para analizar las estrategias empleadas por parte del sector privado, para la promoción turística del Eje Cafetero, durante los años 2010 y 2011 -- Partiendo de las premisas de autores reconocidos y experiencias nacionales e internacionales, se planteó un estudio de tipo cualitativo -- Esta consta del análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas, realizadas de acuerdo con la actividad y experiencia de importantes representantes del sector privado del turismo, en las áreas de hotelería, agremiaciones y operadores de turismo -- Los resultados indican que las estrategias empleadas son congruentes con el desarrollo de las actividades sociales y turísticas de la zona -- En cuanto a los operadores de turismo, reconocen claramente los potenciales de la región -- Los operadores hoteleros evidencian una concordancia en cuanto a los sitios más visitados, considerando que se oferta una excelente calidad en los servicios, capacitación constante del personal y altos estándares de calidad -- Las asociaciones y agremiaciones evidencian el alto reconocimiento del territorio como destino turístico, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional -- Adicionalmente, existe un empleo de estrategias muy similares en los sectores, como por ejemplo el ofrecimiento de un grupo de productos: el turismo de naturaleza (Ecoturismo), el turismo cultural y el turismo de deportes y aventura -- No obstante, se resaltan algunos desaciertos, como el poco apoyo gubernamental, la falta de información por parte de la población, la falta de publicidad y promoción, la infraestructura de los aeropuertos, el costo en las tarifas aéreas y la señalización de vías secundarias y terciariasÍtem El acosador laboral como víctima y victimario(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Restrepo Rendón, José LuisÍtem Acoso laboral : experiencias de mujeres victimizadas por otra mujer en el rol de jefe en organizaciones del Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Betancur Jiménez, Jhony Alexander; Ospina Valencia, Mónica Marcela; López Gallego, Francisco DaríoWorkplace bullying (mobbing) today represents a highly sensitive phenomenon for those who suffer it, as well as for those who harass, a situation that seems to be subtle and latent, but which ultimately causes losses that can be representative for organizations. During the semester 2 - 2022, this phenomenon has been analyzed in 10 women victimized by Another woman in the role of boss in organizations in the Aburrá Valley and different behaviors or behaviors that cause this type of phenomenon have been identified, in this case, among mujeres Objective: To identify common elements in the testimonies of the experiences of women who have been allegedly victimized by another woman in the role of bosses in organizations in the Aburrá Valley, with the purpose of contributing to critical and constructive reflections on the phenomenon of workplace harassment . Method. A descriptive qualitative study was carried out using the in-depth semi-structured interview, the Leymann questionnaire and the sociodemographic survey of 10 women who have probably perceived harassing behaviors by their bosses, later a transcription of responses is made, they are analyzed and triangulated for the results obtained. Conclusions. Among the common elements in the testimonies of women who were probably harassed at work by another woman in the role of boss, it is evident that the type of harassment that has most influenced them is psychological, since the behaviors are aligned with the purpose to obstruct work through harassment, devaluation, demotivation and fear.Ítem La actitud frente al liderazgo ejercido por los mandos medios de una empresa familiar del sector educativo en la ciudad de Barranquilla(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Martínez Camacho, Osiris María; Henao Galeano, Carlos MarioObjective: Identify the attitude towards the leadership exercised by the middle managers of a family company in the educational sector in the city of Barranquilla. Conceptual reference framework: the conceptual reference makes a journey from the approach to the definition of leadership based on authors such as Enciso (2012); González (2015); Martínez, (2012); Páez, & Perilla, (2012) up to the leadership styles according to Alles (2005) and competences for the management of educational institutions, going through the types of leadership, antecedents of leadership, leadership theories, instruments for the measurement of leadership, Leadership in the sources of power in organizations, authority, power and leadership based on Cabrera & Zayas, (2006) leadership and leadership in organizations, attitude an approach to its definition, components of attitude and, leadership styles and competences for the management of educational institutions. Method: quantitative research with a descriptive and cross-sectional approach. A case study based on the application of self-administered questionnaires to employees in the middle positions of a family company in the educational sector in the city of Barranquilla, focused on three categories: Belief in the middle management, feelings regarding the middle managers and behaviors potentials towards the middle management, developing in three phases; the initial phase consists in the identification of the state of the art in relation to the existing theories on leadership and the performance of functions in middle positions; the intermediate phase, consists of a fieldwork based on the design of the instrument, approach with the subjects participating in the research and data collection through self-administered questionnaires and the final phase, where it is tabulated, an analysis is made statistical information and the conclusions resulting from the analysis of the information.Ítem Actitudes de las mujeres frente al uso de servicios de mantenimiento de su motocicleta(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Muñoz Pulgarín, María Camila; Muñoz Molina, Yaromir de JesúsÍtem Actitudes de los bogotanos en el uso de realidades mixtas : realidades virtual y aumentada(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Yepes Rios, Juan David; Ortiz Uribe, Sandra Milena; Rojas de Francisco, Laura IsabelÍtem Actitudes de los empleados frente al cambio organizacional en la Secretaría de Educación del Distrito de Barrancabermeja(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Gómez Calao, Maribel; Giraldo Henao, CatalinaÍtem Actitudes de los funcionarios frente al proceso de transformación digital en una institución de formación a nivel técnico y tecnológico(EAFIT, 2020) Pastrán Castellanos, Flor de Jesús; Giraldo Henao, CatalinaObjective: characterizing workers’ behavior regarding the digital transformation process in a technical college. To do so, it is necessary to identify what the main college workers’ beliefs, feelings and actions are in regards to the digital transformation process implementation. Method: A quantitative-descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out through a case study in which an online survey was filled out by the actual linked workers (staff and contractors) of a specific technical college. Results: a survey was applied to 310 workers. 103 voluntary responses were obtained, equivalent to 33% of the participants. This allowed us to identify participants’ cognitive attitudes in 61%; effective in 63%, and behavioral in 75% regarding the digital transformation process that was carried out by the institution. Conclusion: appropriate attitudes were identified in the workers taking into account the cognitive, affective and behavioral components in relation to the digital transformation process the institution was performing.Ítem Actitudes del millennial medellinense presentes en la decisión de compra de un servicio de alojamiento en Estados Unidos(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) González Romero, María Alejandra; Rojas De Francisco, Laura IsabelIn order to set effective sales strategies aimed to be at the forefront of the needs and desires of Medellin’s Millennials, in relation to their tourism activities, the present research is intended to establish a set of knowledge based on the identification of beliefs, emotions and behaviors that may appear during the process of deciding which lodging service to buy into the United States. To do so, concepts related to tourism, Millennials, and the attitudes that influence their purchase decision are pointed out within this research, trying to identify the factors they take into account when buying this kind of services, such as the use of technology and the quick and easy access to information. To achieve it, a qualitative research is carried out by means of deep interviews, composed of a protocol focused on topics such as travel companions, main travel destination into the United States, usage of Internet, before, during and after the trip, travel insurances activation, sustainability promotion, social and ecological commitment into the accommodation places, housing with pets, relevant features to choose the accommodation, types of accommodation preferences into the United States and technological tools to make reservations for housing. The results show motivators such as showing tourism as a life purpose, preferences to travel to the United States and services expected. With these findings, it is created a material with which advice for travel agencies and accommodation’s suppliers can be offered.Ítem Actitudes hacia la inserción laboral de excombatientes provenientes del posconflicto de un grupo de responsables de selección de personal en empresas privadas(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Bula Díaz, Myriam Mercedes; Benavides Piandoy, Carlos Andrés; N/AÍtem Activos organizacionales y factores ambientales más relevantes en proyectos de transformación digital(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arenas Valdivieso, Juan Sebastian; Uribe Ochoa, Beatriz Amparo