Maestría en Comunicación Política (tesis)
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Ítem Análisis de emociones para campañas políticas en Twitter : estudio comparativo de las campañas a la alcaldía de Bogotá y Medellín de Claudia López y Daniel Quintero en las elecciones regionales de Colombia del 27 de octubre de 2019(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Duque Giraldo, Santiago; Salazar Martínez, Carlos AndrésÍtem Análisis de las estrategias de comunicación institucional en los municipios de Rionegro, La Ceja y La Unión : un estudio y diagnóstico de sus concejos municipales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arango Cardona, Paula Andrea; Bedoya Cardona, Catalina María; Henao Londoño, Robinson; Restrepo Echavarría Néstor JuliánThe following research aims to analyze the incidence of citizen participation and trust in the corporations of the municipal councils of Rionegro, La Ceja and La Unión, taking into account the characteristics of each municipality and the importance of strengthening the relationship with citizens from the public institutions. This research presents a historical journey regarding the municipal councils in Colombia, and its updated functionality in three municipalities of Eastern Antioquia in which an analysis is carried out regarding the legitimacy and trust in these corporations. The municipal councils are legitimate according to the constitutional precepts and regulations from the law 136 of 1994; through the application of qualitative and quantitative tools, it is possible to find that these corporations recognize the loss of confidence in public institutions due to the triggering of factors such as acts of corruption in the Colombian scenario, in addition, an inalienable relationship is identified between the municipal councils, the public communication and citizen participation. It is expected from the research, carried out through surveys of citizens and interviews with council members, to propose an effective communication model for strengthening the relationship with people, which enhances the management of strategic information and communication processes of municipal councils, encourage participation, and legitimize them as an institution. It is a model that can be applied according to the contexts of each municipality, which will reduce the personification of politics and turn them into a more solid and reliable entity.Ítem Análisis de percepción de la implementación de la política pública de medios y procesos de comunicación alternativos, independientes, ciudadanos y comunitarios de Medellín desde la perspectiva de sus beneficiarios(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rivera Posada, Ana Isabel; Betancur Betancur, Juan GonzaloPublic policies aim to address various types of public issues that affect a specific sector. The Public Policy for Alternative, In dependent, Citizen, and Community Media and Communication Processes in Medellín, which came into effect in 2019, seeks to contribute to the strengthening of all stakeholders in the sector and ensure the right to communication in the city. Additionally, it aims to support economic, social, and legal sustainability. Although the development of this policy is still in its early stages, this work intends to provide an initial analysis of its implementation and the main challenges for subsequent phases. Thus, th is text presents a review of some categories framed within the right to communication and how much the public policy has favored the strengthening of media and communication processes and, through its qualification, its impact on the public sphere.Ítem Análisis del nivel de profesionalización de la campaña ganadora en Cartagena de Indias en las elecciones locales de 2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Reyes Torres, María Dilia Rosa; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánThis article analyzes the campaign of William Dau, an outsider who won the Cartagena de Indias elections in 2019 with the slogan of the fight against corruption. In the first place, a conceptualization of the framework of political communication is presented, and secondly, a journey through the history of subnational elections in Colombia is presented. Third, the Inproco methodology is applied to measure the level of professionalization of the Dau campaign. Subsequently, the result obtained is explained and, finally, the interpretation of how this leader defeated the political clans of the city is exposed.Ítem Campañas al Concejo en la era digital : impacto y revolución a través de las redes sociales en las elecciones de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) González Gómez, Daniel; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánÍtem ¿Cómo se realiza una campaña electoral a nivel subnacional? Una propuesta de análisis desde los municipios de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cadavid Arango, Manuela María; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánÍtem La comunicación en la gobernanza para el cambio climático - el caso del carbón en Amagá(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Valencia Bedoya, Andrea del Mar; Cadena Gaitán, CarlosAfter the harmful effects of climate change, decarbonization through energy transition is projected as a great goal for the year 2050, and along this path, climate governance triggers collective actions and interactions which determine how power is exercised to care for the planet. This article, based on a qualitative-interpretive study, investigates the existence of communication conditions for a climate governance in Amagá, a coal mining municipality in the department of Antioquia.Ítem Comunicación pública con perspectiva de género. Análisis del caso de la Universidad EAFIT, 2019-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mendoza Ortiz, Nathaly; Bonilla Vélez, Jorge IvánThis article examines the public communication strategies implemented by Universidad EAFIT from 2019 to 2023 with a gender perspective. Using a mixed-method approach, the study assessed gender representation and inclusion in the university's official website and Instagram posts. The results indicate a positive evolution in promoting gender equality, especially after the appointment of a female rector in 2021. However, significant disparities persist in female representation at the specialization and postdoctoral levels, as well as in leadership positions in STEM areas. The research highlights the need to implement proactive strategies to promote female leadership, develop mentorship and support programs for women in STEM, review and adjust recruitment and promotion processes, and ensure an integrated and coherent communication strategy. These recommendations are based on a detailed evaluation of the quantitative and qualitative data collected, as well as an interview with a female leader at the university.Ítem Comunicación pública en las empresas : una apuesta reputacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez Tinoco, Stephanie Liseth; Bonilla Vélez, Jorge IvánThe public communication today has a wide scene in business environments. It is not exclusive to public institutions, nor is it restricted to companies that provide products or services for mass consumption. Why? Because today's world, the companies and brand´s narratives reach larger audiences than just those people who are directly related to the focus of the business, which requires thinking from the place and the purposes of public communication to manage reputation, as the center of corporate sustainability. This article relates the concepts of public communication, traditional corporate communication, and comprehensive corporate communication and, through interviews, presents experiences and visions of how these communication dynamics are lived today.Ítem Comunicación, caricatura y política en tiempos de la hegemonía conservadora (1886-1930)(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mejía Espinosa, Rafael Esteban; Maya Salazar, Adolfo LeónÍtem Comunicar para gobernar : la comunicación de lo “político” para la implementación del Plan Integral de Seguridad y Convivencia Ciudadana PISCC de Medellín 2020- 2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Agudelo Botero, Juan Diego; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánÍtem Las concejalas de Medellín 2019, ¿falta enfoque de género? Análisis de las estrategias de comunicación de campaña desde la comunicación política y el enfoque de género(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Tamayo Castaño, Paula Andrea; Vélez López, Ana CristinaThis article makes a reflection that aims to unite political communication and gender theories, as two currents of thought and analysis of social and political phenomena. For this, the analysis and description of the posters and flyers designed and used in the campaigns of the five elected councilors in Medellin in 2019 is carried out to determine whether they incorporate the gender approach. Analysis shows that, in one case, there is a commitment to building a political image that incorporates the gender approach, while the remaining cases, choose to repeat the hegemonic image of the political, associated with the masculine. In this line, it is important to incorporate the gender approach as a tool that allows women to understand, express and make visible the participation of women in spaces of power and decision-making.Ítem Consideraciones sobre comunicación política y ciencias del comportamiento y la decisión en la agenda pública de cultura ciudadana en la Alcaldía de Medellín desde el 2004 hasta el 2019(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Guisao Crespo, Lina Marcela; Echeverri Álvarez, JonathanÍtem Cromas : mujer, arte y Colombia : la visibilidad del arte femenino de los salones nacionales de artistas a través de una narrativa transmedia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) López Suaza, Vanessa; Vélez López, Ana CristinaÍtem ¿Cuál es la estrategia de comunicación política de las alcaldías de Medellín y Bogotá en el escenario del paro nacional, las protestas sociales y las medidas para enfrentar el Covid-19?(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Montoya Echavarría, Juan Camilo; Velásquez Hurtado, Omar MauricioThis is an analysis of the political communication strategies of the Mayor of Medellin and the Mayoress of Bogota, as they faced, at the beginning of their governments, the protests in the cities against the National Government and the management of the pandemic until May 2020. The analysis gathers testimonies, interviews, news and the way they communicated measures and decisions to citizens.Ítem El Concejo de Medellín : percepción vs cifras(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Rojas Álvarez, Julián Andrés; Monsalve Usuga, Héider Alexánder; Salazar Martínez, Carlos AndrésÍtem El cubrimiento mediático del Paro Nacional de la Revista Semana. Dimensión simbólica de la realidad, poder simbólico y medios de comunicación(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bedoya Moncada, Santiago; Bonilla Vélez, Jorge IvánÍtem Elementos de profesionalización en la campaña presidencial de Gustavo Petro (2022-2026)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Angarita Ospina, Juan Diego; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánThe objective of this article is to analyze the elements of professionalization of the campaign of Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia 2022 - 2026, understanding the term as the use of strategies and tactics that prioritize the intensive use of technological innovations and mass media, with in order to captivate voters. For this purpose, the methodology (Restrepo-Echavarría, Rodríguez-Díaz and Castromil, 2018) was used, which allowed establishing the level of professionalization in the political campaign through the organizational and communicative dimensions, in which four categories were developed in which eight indicators were taken into account: “Campaign command: centralized vs. Decentralized”; "Presence of external consultants in command areas"; "Sources of autonomous financing"; "Professionalization of the campaign group"; “Paid militancy”; "Advertising insertions in mass media"; "Use of new resources"; “Support from opinion leaders”. In Colombia, electoral contests move between opinion voting and machine voting, with an increasingly preponderant role for public opinion, particularly in large urban centers. Recent campaigns have included new social actors, as well as new techniques and tools. This is the case of the participation of agents such as 'k-poppers', digital influencers, as well as alternative media. Similarly, the space occupied by social networks such as TikTok and Twitch, WhatsApp or the segmentation of direct messages via Instagram is increasingly notorious. On the other hand, new digital platforms for the registration of militants have gained space, as well as alternative sources of financing through tools such as Vaki, among others. In this context of permanent technological innovation, the main finding of the research was that the level of professionalization of the Gustavo Petro 2022 presidential campaign was medium-high (1.61).Ítem Las estrategias de comunicación de gobierno en las redes sociales : un análisis del alcalde de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias, William Dau Chamatt 2020-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Velásquez Portnoy, Valentina; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánÍtem Estrategias de comunicación política en Colombia y Perú : análisis de las campañas de Gustavo Petro 2022 y Alberto Fujimori 1990(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rentería Valencia, Gladys Zabrina; Restrepo Echavarría, Néstor JuliánPolitical communication strategies have varied over the years; Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyze the communication strategies implemented during the presidential campaigns of Peru in 1990 whose winner was Alberto Fujimori and the Colombian presidential campaign of Gustavo Petro in 2022. The development starts from considering whether both Campaigns have similar characteristics within their political communication strategies or, on the contrary, differentiating elements in each one of them despite occurring at different times. Consequently, it is emphasized that both candidates use populist strategies on which they focused their campaign issues; while the most differentiating component was given from new political scenarios such as the use of social networks. finally, both presidential campaigns made use of the tools they considered necessary to understand the disagreements and needs of the electorate and translate them into an opportunity to win the vote that led them to victory.