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Ítem Análisis de los procesos de Gestión humana en la Gerencia de proyectos del sector construcción en Colombia: revisión bibliográfica(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Naranjo González, Alexandra; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioOne of the great challenges facing construction companies in Colombia to ensure the success of their projects has to do with the proper management of human capital, which, according to Calderón, Naranjo y Álvarez (2007): “Has become the cornerstone of organizations, as it affects the entire framework administrative and decision making” (n. p.) -- That, added to the new global trends, makes it urgent to implement strategies that increase the competitiveness of companies. Therefore, it is necessary today to answer the following questions: What are the current perspectives of human capital management in construction companies worldwide? -- What are the characteristics of local businesses and their human management strategies? Which of these trends should be adopted and adapted by Colombian construction companies? This research was carried out in order to know not only the different trends of human capital management that are imposed internationally in the construction, but also to know how to increase the productivity of companies now takes intangible resources as the strategic support of the organization it is also a matter of making a comparison with Colombia and exposing the set of processes and systems developed by companies so that their human capital helps organizational growth -- In the process of inquiry, aspects such as structured programs and investment in the management of human capital are very poor -- Few Colombian construction companies have formalized career plans for their employees -- The evaluation of performance does not meet the expectations of entrepreneurs, focusing much more on the identification of problems than on the search for strengths, very few human capital processes are defined in a standardized and organized manner -- The research includes a general and a specific context of how Colombia is broadly in the political, economic, social and legal; the theoretical considerations that justify the research; the bibliographic review of 45 articles and the respective findings, and, finally, the conclusionsÍtem Análisis del efecto de la tributación sobre la competitividad de los países(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Fernández Correa, Andrés Felipe; Suárez Echeverry, Juan Camilo; Mejía Mejía, Juan FelipeEn este estudio se hace una revisión bibliográfica de las diferentes aproximaciones a la definición de competitividad, de tributación y a la relación que existe entre estos dos conceptos, para posteriormente realizar una relación empírica de los mismos -- A diferencia de otros estudios, la competitividad se analiza a partir de la Productividad Total de los Factores (PTF) y la tributación no se unifica en un único índice, sino que se descompone en sus tres principales variables: número de pagos, tiempo requerido para pagar impuestos y tasa total de impuestos sobre ganancias comerciales -- El análisis estadístico realizado sugiere la existencia de una correlación entre la competitividad (medida como PTF) y la tasa de impuestos sobre las ganancias comerciales, además de mostrar que esta correlación es negativa -- Adicionalmente, muestra que el efecto de la tributación sobre la competitividad es contemporáneo -- Las otras dos variables tributarias no mostraron correlación alguna con la PTFÍtem Apertura comercial y distribución de los ingresos en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Jaramillo Cuenca, Juan David; Gómez Cifuentes, Alfonso de JesúsÍtem Condiciones laborales en el sector cafetero: la jornada, el salario y el descanso: El caso del municipio de Andes, Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Gómez Restrepo, David Ricardo; Restrepo García, José GabrielÍtem Las condiciones laborales en un hogar infantil de Medellín adscrito al ICBF(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Escobar Mejía, Alexandra; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaÍtem Dependence Between Income and Savings Rates in Professionals Located in the South of the Aburra Valley(Universidad EAFIT, 2013-11-29) Rave Gómez, Elkin; Institución Universitaria CeipaÍtem Determinantes de la brecha salarial entre el empleo formal e informal en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Manco Rivera, Cristian Camilo; Canavire Bacarreza, Gustavo JavierÍtem Diagnóstico del sistema de compensación en una empresa del sector manufacturero en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Bautista Rivera, Claudia Silvana; Cárdenas González, Claudia María; Urrego Morales, Dolly Janeth; López Moreno, Juan Pablo; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoPor medio del diagnóstico del sistema actual de compensación de la empresa objeto de estudio, en adelante la empresa X, se buscó determinar si este se ajustaba a las necesidades de la empresa, tanto en cuanto a bienestar de sus empleados como de estrategia organizacional -- Se evidenció que existe la necesidad de ajustarlo a las nuevas tendencias mundiales existentes, mediante la evaluación acerca de cuáles temas se deben mantener y cuáles nuevas prácticas se pueden adaptar -- Para realizar dicho diagnóstico se desarrolló una serie de análisis, de conformidad con el enfoque metodológico del profesor Purushotham (2009), que se emplea como respaldo conceptual de la totalidad del presente documento y que explica los factores que influyen en el diseño y la aplicación de los sistemas de compensación y beneficios -- Según dicho enfoque, un sistema de compensación y beneficios no está diseñado en el vacío y se debe ubicar en el entorno en el que se desarrolla; por tal razón a través de una serie de análisis estadísticos internos, como encuesta socioeconómica, penetración de beneficios y compensaciones variables existentes, y los resultados de un estudio salarial efectuado por un ente externo a la empresa, se buscó inicialmente definir los factores internos y externos en los que está fundamentado el sistema de compensación de la empresa X y se revisó la tendencia hacia beneficios flexibles y emocionales -- Por último, a la luz de los resultados arrojados por el análisis de la información estadística así como de las tendencias existentes, se brindan unas recomendaciones basadas en un análisis DOFA -- Dado que la empresa en su estrategia tiene un énfasis en control de los recursos, se analizará la posibilidad de utilizar metodologías que permitan flexibilizar y variabilizar la compensación, de forma que las metas y objetivos planteados sean consistentes con los resultados del negocioÍtem ¿Dónde vivir en Medellín? Determinantes de la demanda de ubicación residencial para el 2012(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Ibarbo Marín, Juliana; González Gil, María Paulina; Cardona Sosa, Lina Marcela; Morales Zurita, LeonardoÍtem Efectos de la disminución de los parafiscales en las organizaciones del departamento de Risaralda(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Zuluaga Pérez, Hadys Vanessa; Uribe De Correa, Beatriz AmparoEn la reforma tributaria aprobada en el país en diciembre de 2012 se redujeron cinco puntos de los aportes parafiscales -- Este trabajo evalúa los efectos de la misma en 20 organizaciones del departamento de Risaralda -- Se encontró que las empresas no han generado cambios fundamentales en su funcionamiento y que dichos efectos fueron neutros, positivos y negativos dependiendo del tipo de organización -- Este cambio fue beneficioso para aquellas cuyos ingresos dependen intensivamente de mano de obra, pues reduce sus costos, y negativo para las que tienen altos niveles de ingreso con poca mano de obra pues para ellas aumenta la tributación -- En aquellas organizaciones donde el efecto fue positivo, las acciones implementadas fueron aumento de utilidades, incremento de salarios y creación de bonificaciones a los empleados; las organizaciones que percibieron efectos negativos suprimieron empleos y las que percibieron efectos neutros no realizaron cambios -- Si bien en el tiempo de implementación de la reforma se generaron nuevos empleos y se aumentó la formalidad laboral en el departamento, las organizaciones lo explicaron más por temas de mercado y otras normas que por la disminución de los parafiscales -- La reforma tributaria de 2012 permitió aumentar el flujo de caja de las organizaciones, pero la percepción general respecto a los cambios tributarios es negativa -- Sin embargo, los resultados no son concluyentes pues se requieren más estudios y esperar más tiempo para evaluar en profundidad los efectos de esta disminuciónÍtem Effects of the minimum wage on employment : the case of Colombia using a Density Discontinuity Approach(Universidad Eafit, 2019) Granados Ibarra, Silvia Juliana; Posso Suárez, Christian ManuelThis article implements a novel methodology under a Density Discontinuity Approach, to quantify and analyze the effect of the minimum wage policy on employment and related outcomes using Colombia’s Great Integrated Household Survey for years 2011 to 2018. To do so, I apply Jales (2018) two-sector model that involves parametric and non-parametric estimation of parameters of interest that govern the estimated distribution of wages in the absence of the minimum wage. The main results of this project include a 19% disemployment effect caused by the presence of the minimum wage, a 28% probability of workers movement to informality, and a non-compliance for informal workers of 88%, with respect to the counterfactual scenery of an economy without Government intervention through minimum wages.Ítem Estrategia para disminuir la rotación de personal en Teleperformance Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Zuñiga Hernández, José Carlos; Marin Ramirez, Oscar Eduardo; Betancur Hurtado, Carlos MarioTeleperformance Colombia Human Management department has a great response in terms of attracting, retaining and developing technology-related generations, which demands constant feedback, accelerated growth within organizations and a form of leadership and compensation that adapts to their needs, motivations and lifestyles. Some of their employees are not located in Teleperformance Colombia just for the fact of receiving a good salary, as Beltrán Benjumea (sf), Managing Director of PageGroup Colombia, also comment, they also seek a good "emotional salary", which offers them better quality life, balance of personal life and work, also seek that the organization has a good reputation, share their values and can have constant communication with their managers. According to internal sources at Teleperformance HR, these needs and lifestyles demanded, are having a higher turnover compared to past generations, 20 years ago the average turnover was between 2% and 3%, 10 years ago it averaged between 3% and 5 % Which brings negative consequences on issues such as: financial goals, decreased productivity, learning curves that impact the operation and the lack of successors for the strategic audience of Teleperformance Colombia.Ítem Factores culturales locales que influyen sobre las prácticas de gestión humana en el sector bananero del Urabá antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Agudelo Gómez, Viviana Patricia; Jojoa Castro, Mery Yamile; Macias Serna, María IsabelThe main objective of the research presented is to identify how local cultural factors influence the Human Management practices of the banana companies present in Urabá Antioquia. The context where the study was developed is a geographical area of Colombia, characterized by a high agricultural dedication, specifically the production of export-type bananas, which contributes a greater percentage to the economy of the region and the country. Hence, the presence of a population native to the territory and that from other sectors of the country, as well as historical factors of violence, displacement, illegal occupation of the territory; give rise to the configuration of a considerable cultural breadth to take it into account as an important factor in banana organizations. Throughout the history of the business, it has been organized in associations of producers, marketers and union groups, which have made it possible to formalize benefits and conventional salaries, which grant important guarantees to those who work in the sector. Due to the above, the employment relationship was considered from the strategic point of view of human management, focusing on identifying which cultural factors of the region such as: Customs, Rituals, Stories and Values exert influence on human management practices implemented by companies. and addressed to their operational base. To achieve this, the research was developed through the qualitative research methodology, which allowed us to find that the presence of local cultural factors in the operational base of the banana companies influence Human Management practices, as they enable their implementation. or they also become hindering factors; therefore, by taking into account the experiences and knowledge of human management leaders and operational leaders, it was concluded that knowing and being aware of the local cultural context is a necessary strategic task so that the design and implementation of practices are coherent and contribute to the organizational objectives pursued.Ítem Factores que inciden en los costos de la mano de obra en el sector privado de Brasil(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Pino Posada, Oswaldo Andrés; Uribe Marín, Ricardo; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz AmparoBrasil, referente de los mercados emergentes por su potencial e influencia económica, se ha convertido en un país atractivo para empresas con estrategias de expansión en Latinoamérica -- En este sentido, la mano de obra, en general, cobra relevancia dentro de los principales aspectos por ser analizados y evaluados por los empresarios que tengan en sus planes la penetración de este mercado -- Sin embargo, este ejercicio investigativo se concentra, en forma específica, en recopilar información relevante, práctica y de fácil consulta sobre los costos asociados a la contratación de la mano de obra en el sector privado del vecino país y que sirva como insumo para la toma de decisiones de las empresas -- De tal manera, el objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una exploración documental que permitiera identificar, analizar y sintetizar los factores que inciden en los costos de la mano de obra en Brasil; de modo tal que se convierta en un documento de consulta para empresarios y académicos -- Por tanto, este documento contiene aspectos de Brasil relacionados con: las características generales del país (geográficas, demográficas y económicas); las condiciones de la mano de obra y el mercado laboral; los aspectos generales de la seguridad social; las normas, leyes y decretos que regulan la mano de obra; la explicación de los tipos de contratos de trabajo, y el análisis detallado de los factores que inciden en los costos de la mano de obra, incluyendo el cálculo tanto de los costos laborales como del factor prestacional, el comparativo con Colombia y unos ejemplos prácticos de referenciaÍtem For love or for money? A study of the marriage wage premium in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-06-22) Gómez Duarte, Laura; Coavas Blanquicett, Sami GabrielÍtem El impacto del incremento en el salario mínimo en el empleo de las diferentes ocupaciones en los principales sectores económicos de Colombia entre 2021 y 2023(Universidad Eafit, 2023) Alzate Laverde, Andrea; Cardenas Carmona, Daniel; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloIn this study, an analysis of the labor market situation in Colombia will be conducted from 2021 to June 2023. Similarly, it will estimate how increases in the minimum wage impact employment in Colombia for the main occupations of workers in the country, especially in the most economically relevant sectors in terms of the number of workers they generate. This study will be carried out using a sample of data extracted from the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares on the population of employed individuals in the Colombian labor market. It will be analyzed through descriptive statistics to assess the situation of workers, such as income levels, occupational positions, formal and informal employment, and their distribution across economic sectors. Finally, through the use of panel data, the sensitivity of employment in economic sectors to changes in the minimum wage will be estimated, and the results will be studied based on the classical economic theory of perfect and imperfect competitive markets. Heterogeneity is observed among different sectors and occupations, which is important to consider in the analysis. For some labor submarkets, the wage employment elasticity is negative, which is consistent with the understanding of markets closer to perfect competition, especially in the hotel and education sectors. For other submarkets, the wage-employment elasticity is positive, indicating the presence of imperfect competition and companies with market power, as is the case in the trade and manufacturing sectors.Ítem Implementación obligatoria de la nómina electrónica en Colombia : implicaciones en materia laboral, económica y tributaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Pineda Zuluaga, Vanessa; Garzón Hurtado, Laura Cristina; Múnera Posada, ArmandoIn this research work we will focus on everything related to the consequences of mandatory implementation of the electronic payroll in Colombia. The above taking into account that due to the characteristics of the Colombian territory, difficulties could rise in the application, adaptation and regularization of the new regulations related to electronic invoicing. This topic is important because the problems that may arise in the implementation of all these new technologies must be analyzed, which, in the specific case, is electronic payroll, which is derived from the implementation of electronic invoicing. The above will be observed from different perspectives such as in labor, legal, tax and economic matters. In addition, we will use comparative law to investigate the effects, both positive and negative, that the implementation of electronic payroll has had in other countries. Bearing in mind that they may have different characteristics and elements from Colombia, but that, in the same way, they serve for the analysis.Ítem Influencia del salario emocional en el bienestar de los funcionarios públicos del grado auxiliar, asistencial y oficinista del Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia LOPE y despacho del Sena, regional Nariño(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Robledo Herrera, Ángela María; Muñoz Casanova, Ángela Rocio; Rubio Maya, Carlos AndrésThe proposed research seeks to highlight and identify how the administrative issue of human talent management related to emotional salaries in a national organization is addressed and applied within the public context, entities that usually develop their activities of welfare to their officials within the budget allocated after approval of the competent ministry and framed in rigid normative concepts that limit their field of application and sometimes it is difficult to size its real impact on the organization and welfare of staff. Normatively the state seeks to favor the development mainly of its officials or related personnel under the administrative career modality, by joining efforts within the civil service to ensure that benefits of both staff and their families, currently all actions are aligned under the premises of the IPPM Integrated Planning and Management Model, which considers servers as one of the most important resources for organizations. The National Learning Service, SENA, being an entity with great relevance in the mission of the Colombian state, is not alien to such strategies and seeks to define its own line of action that allows it to be a benchmark in terms of welfare programs for its officials and provide adequate and targeted spaces to contribute to the balance of its work development, professional and personal. It is important to analyze the use of the concept of emotional salaries in the public sphere, since there are differences in how it is applied in private enterprise, that they must comply with the formalism of the norm and face the controls of the entities responsible for evidencing its application and development. The present study seeks to show how appropriate is the welfare plan, incentives and emotional salary that must design and implement state enterprises to strengthen the welfare of their officials. This strategy is seen as an advantage over the regulation of private sectors where the welfare of their employees is an enforceable requirement, but optional to retain their human talent. In Colombia, admission to public employment by administrative career offers benefits for employees, one of the most outstanding is the job stability of this modality, so it could be considered from a vision of emotional salary. Public sector workers entering an administrative career are guaranteed secure and sustainable long-term employment. This gives them economic peace of mind and confidence that their employment is not subject to sudden or unexpected changes. In addition, job stability allows employees to focus on their professional development without the constant worry of losing their job. The motivation of public employees is achieved through a variety of incentives, ranging from the recognition of the best employee of the month to bonuses and rest days. (Cabrera, 2014, citado en Galvis-García & Cárdenas-Triana, 2016, p. 23). These schemes and incentives foster a positive work environment and can increase productivity and employee satisfaction in the public sector. It is important that in addition to salary, employees need to feel that they have opportunities for professional development and that their work is meaningful. It is interesting to measure through the process of interviews conducted with officials of the auxiliary, assistance and clerical level, who by their degree have the lowest economic recognition in the salary scale defined for SENA, therefore becomes an interesting study subject with which you can consider the application of the concept of emotional salary and its implications by participants, for which it is clear that there is a welfare plan and that State entities are obliged to implement it in the most effective manner.Ítem Ingreso básico incondicional para la población colombiana : análisis de viabilidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Reina Correa, Laura Alexandra; Jaramillo Moreno, Andrés José; Gutiérrez Lenis, José FernandoThe Basic Income has been a subject of study throughout history, specifically as a proposal for localities where the population finds itself in situations that prevent them from having a good quality of life. In Colombia, this issue has been the focus of discussion after the Covid-19 pandemic, given that the consequences it brought with it, in addition to the rise in poverty and unemployment, have been devastating for the country. For this reason, this document seeks to make an analysis of the feasibility of applying a basic income in Colombia, to achieve this a literature review was carried out where empirical evidence of its application in different contexts was considered. In addition, the costs that the Basic Income would have, were estimated if it were applied in the current situation of the country. It is concluded that it would have positive effects on the community, however, it was found that in a post-pandemic economy its costs are unsustainable in the short and medium term.Ítem La interpretación del art. 30 de la Ley 1393 de 2010 por parte de la UGPP : alternativas jurídicas para el empleador(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez Forero, Juan Felipe; Salas Mazo, Daniel; Múnera Posada, ArmandoAs a result of the issuance of Law 1393 of 2010, specifically article 30, which establishes a rule for limiting non-constitutive labor payments of salary for the purpose of calculating the Base Contribution Income (IBC) used for the payment of Social Security contributions, the UGPP (Colombian entity responsible for overseeing and controlling social security contributions) provided an interpretation of this provision under its normative authority. However, this interpretation was subsequently subject to reinterpretation in a unification judgment by the Council of State. With the initial interpretation by the UGPP, several employers in Colombia were subjected to demands and sanctions. Nevertheless, with the new interpretation given by the Council of State, many of the charges and penalties imposed by the entity would lack a legal basis, resulting in financial harm to these employers. This work aims to determine various legal alternatives available within the Colombian legal framework for affected employers to restore their property rights.