Examinando por Materia "Internal combustion engines"
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Ítem Acondicionamiento del motor para conversión a gas natural vehicular(Universidad EAFIT, 2010) Cardona Isaza, Carlos Andrés; Díaz Torres, Adalberto GabrielÍtem Construcción de un prototipo de una planta portátil para producción de bioetanol hidratado(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Jaramillo Ruiz, Gustavo José; París Londoño, Luis SantiagoÍtem Defining engineering characteristics of an electric kit for motorcycle hybridization in the Colombian context using QFD(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2018-01-01) Polanía S.; Betancur E.; Osorio-Gómez G.In Colombia, air pollution problem is mainly caused by land transport, with a considerable number of internal combustion engine vehicles, and a motorcycles segment preference, electric vehicles emerge as an innovative solution to this problem. However, the country is not ready to adopt this technology on a large scale. In this way, this document proposes the development of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methodology in order to define and categorize Engineering Characteristics (EC) of an electric hybridization kit for motorcycles in the Colombian context. The proposed kit is oriented to the Street\sport segment, with an engine displacement between 111 c.c and 135 c.c. Besides, a technical and competitive analysis of the kit, with direct competitors in the Colombian context, based on the requirements provided by a multidisciplinary group of engineers and potential users is presented. Finally, the results obtained from the methodology implementation are classified according to the PDS categories proposed by Pugh for a further stage of product design. © 2018 Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved.Ítem Desarrollo de un dispositivo cilindro-émbolo para la medición de algunas propiedades y procesos termodinámicos clásicos con carácter académico(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Mira Hernández, Carolina; París Londoño, Luis SantiagoÍtem Design of a solar competition vehicle strategy with a Cyber Physical System approach(2014-03-27) Mejía Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Osorio Gómez, Gilberto; Serrano Rico, Andrés; Gaviria Mejía, Pablo; Barrera Velásquez, Jorge; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Diseño; Ricardo Mejia (rmejiag@eafit.edu.co); Gilberto Osorio (gosoriog@eafit.edu.co); Andres Serrano (aserran4@eafit.edu.co); pablo Gaviria (pgaviri2@eafit.edu.co); Jorge Barrera ( jbarre13@eafit.edu.co); Ingeniería de Diseño - GRIDSolar Energy has been a challenge in mobility solutions -- That is why some world-class contests have been pushing researchers and practitioners to find optimal solutions for an efficient integration of solar powered vehicles -- This article presents the design and implementation of the strategy and performance monitoring for the first Colombian solar competition vehicle with a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) approach -- The strategy system, as well as CPSs, has to deal with two kinds of elements: physical technologies and cyber technologies -- They interact with the environment, the human domain and each other -- The understanding and implementation of these interactions will be described, being the key for designing an effective strategy system in order to improve the vehicle’s performanceÍtem Diseño de un analizador de motores reciprocantes de combustión interna a gasolina o a gas(Universidad EAFIT, 2010) Elejalde Sierra, Juan Sebastián; Mejía Cardona, Alejandro; Díaz Torres, Adalberto GabrielÍtem Diseño de un freno prony para la medición de potencia(Universidad EAFIT, 2008) Gutiérrez Benítez, Laura; Corrales Posada, Carlos Andrés; Quirós Morales, Luis FernandoÍtem Diseño de un sistema de adquisición de datos para un motor de combustión interna de cuatro tiempos de Renault Twingo(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Hoyos Arango, Daniel; Martínez Pinto, Leimer; Díaz Torres, Adalberto GabrielÍtem Diseño del sistema de un bloque motor 2 tiempos para modelismo de combustión interna(Universidad EAFIT, 2008) Urrego Lopera, Alejandro; Páramo Bermúdez, Gabriel JaimeÍtem Diseño y construcción de un banco de pruebas para un motor de combustión interna de Renault Twingo(Universidad EAFIT, 2008) Mejía Lotero, Nicolás; García Ceballos, Sebastián; Diaz Torres, Adalberto GabrielLa propuesta del diseño y construcción del banco de pruebas para un motor de Renault Twingo, es un proyecto que nace de la necesidad de algunos profesores de la universidad EAFIT por crear semilleros o grupos de investigación en el área de mecánica automotriz; siendo este el primer paso para que posteriormente sea implementado un nuevo laboratorio de mecánica experimental automotriz en este mismo plantel -- Por lo tanto se realiza una propuesta de diseño para este sistema, definiendo los términos y condiciones de la construcción -- Se utiliza un motor D7F B700 de Renault Twingo, el cual estaba inoperante e incompleto -- Se realiza la búsqueda y consecución de las piezas y elementos faltantes para su funcionamiento, bajo un esquema de patrocinio con una empresa aseguradora de automóviles -- Posteriormente se realiza el respectivo ensamble del motor y las piezas faltantes y se pone en óptimas condiciones -- Después de diseñar el banco de pruebas y definir los parámetros de construcción, éste es materializado con el apoyo económico de la universidad -- El banco de ensayos esta conformado por una estructura metálica, cuya función principal es soportar el motor -- Tiene un panel de control, donde se pueden observar todas las variables medidas por los instrumentos conectados al motor, tales como la presión del aceite, la temperatura del motor, temperatura del aceite, r.p.m, voltaje, amperaje, las horas totales de funcionamiento; además de esto un switch de encendido y una palanca de aceleración -- La unión de todos los elementos mencionados anteriormente, es decir, la instrumentación, el motor y la estructura, es el producto de un trabajo extenso, tanto teórico como practico, dando así como resultado el banco de pruebasÍtem Electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle(Springer-Verlag France, 2020-01-21) Simón Polanía-Restrepo; Santiago Jaramillo-González; Osorio, G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Diseño; Ingeniería de Diseño (GRID)Design and implementation processes of a functional model of an electric hybridization kit for modification of a manual transmission motorcycle are presented in this paper. Considering the complexity of the development and the need to integrate different disciplines of engineering and design, the design process follows the VDI Guideline 2206 and proposes the use of the V-model. Requirements stated by a multidisciplinary group of engineers and potential users are presented as the starting point of the design methodology, followed by a conceptual design phase, and a detail design process according to three specific domains: mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and information technology. In order to achieve fuel economy and fewer emissions, a control with three different driving modes [Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) mode, Hybrid Mode and Regenerative Mode] is proposed including an intelligent switch between a 125 c.c ICE system and a 1000 W BLDC electric motor. Finally, a functional model of the modification kit is assembled on the motorcycle and its functionality is verified. The results show a considerable decrease in the use of the ICE, identifying the electric modification kit as a viable solution for the environmental problem generated by the motorcycles segment. © 2020, Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature.Ítem Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la conformación de una comercializadora de refrigerantes orgánicos para vehículos de motor de combustión interna localizada en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Chavarriaga Duque, Sebastián; Londoño Márquez, Nathaly; Álvarez Hernández, Juan EstebanSe hizo un estudio de pre-factibilidad para identificar y analizar los elementos claves para establecer una empresa comercializadora de lubricantes refrigerantes en la ciudad de Medellín -- Los refrigerantes se clasifican de acuerdo a su composición química y de esto depende su rendimiento y calidad -- Los refrigerantes son esenciales para la vida útil del vehículo y actualmente no existe una oferta de productos con altas especificaciones para nuestro mercado -- Los refrigerantes orgánicos contienen unas características especiales de funcionamiento, calidad, rendimiento y composición que los hacen diferenciadores en el sector -- Esto ofrece una oportunidad de negocio para satisfacer un mercado poco explorado en la ciudad de Medellín -- El mercado objetivo para el cual se ofrecerá el producto mencionado, se estima en 6 mil vehículos que pertenecen al 7% del total circulan en la ciudad de Medellín: tipo automóvil, campero y camioneta; además tienen una antigüedad no mayor a 10 años y pertenecen a los estratos 4, 5 y 6 -- El montaje de esta empresa requiere una inversión inicial de $86 millones de pesos para compra de equipos de oficina, mercancía e insumos, trámites legales y adecuaciones a un local y bodega comercial -- De los cuales el 50% será aportado por socios y el restante se financiará a través del Fondo Nacional Del Ahorro a un término de 5 años -- Según el estudio organizacional, inicialmente la empresa estará conformada por un administrador de ventas, un administrador operativo y un auxiliar de bodega y se conformará como una Sociedad por Acciones Simplificadas -- A través de la evaluación económica y financiera del presente trabajo de calculó que invirtiendo 86 millones, es una empresa que puede pagar dicha inversión y generar un valor adicional por 272 millones en un término de 5 años de la evaluación -- Ésta misma evaluación se hace sin el cálculo de los valores a la perpetuidad de los ingresos -- Es decir genera una Tasa interna de retorno superior al 74%E.A, superando el Costo del Capital Ponderado del proyecto, el cual es de 7,2% -- A partir del análisis de los diferentes factores de mercado, técnicos, legales y económico financieros evaluados, identificamos que éste proyecto empresarial es viableÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de un Centro de Servicios Técnico-Mecánicos, para vehículos automotores terrestres que operan con motores tipo Diesel(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Piedrahita Llano, Juan Camilo; Fernández Durango, Jorge Andrés; Castaño Jaramillo, Cesar AugustoÍtem Estudio prospectivo tecnológico de combustibles alternativos para automóviles(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Gärtner Escobar, Felipe; Londoño Velásquez, Santiago; Mora Gutiérrez, Luis AlbertoÍtem Evaluation of two strategies NMPC into HIL applied to the operation of an internal combustion engine(Springer-Verlag France, 2018-02-01) Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Ingeniería, Energía, Exergía y Sostenibilidad (IEXS)The hardware in the loop (HIL) platforms constitute an accelerated engineering design medium that subsequently reduces the risk of failure in the implementation process. This fact is enhanced when the designer is faced with extremely complex tasks and when design errors can lead to destructive and costly testing. The design of complex algorithms such as non-linear controllers applied to electronic control units of combustion engines, is a task of higher complexity level, and tests with incorrectly adjusted drivers can result in engine breakdown. This document reports the performance and effectiveness of a two-HIL scheme as an interactive design platform used for the design of electronic control units ECU, for internal combustion engines. The implementation and adjustment of two NMPC strategies aimed at optimizing the operation of the engine from three fronts: energetic, economic and environmental, involving independent and simultaneous objectives, give an account of the usefulness of the interactive design scheme. © 2017, Springer-Verlag France.Ítem Implementación de un sistema de simulación de carga y un sobrealimentador eléctrico en un motor de combustión interna para estudiar su desempeño(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Solarte Henao, Stevens Mauricio; Hermández Lordui, Mónica PatriciaÍtem NMPC controller applied to the operation of an internal combustion engine: formulation and solution of the optimization problem in real time(Springer-Verlag France, 2018-02-01) Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Acosta Maya, Diego Andres; Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Acosta Maya, Diego Andres; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción; Ingeniería, Energía, Exergía y Sostenibilidad (IEXS)Numerical optimization solve problems efficiently where such efficiency is focused on the speed with which the optimal x* is achieved, is open line of research and strong work in the scientific community in order to achieve control systems in dynamic processes with response times of the order of milliseconds. A clear example of this, is the implementation of optimal controller’s combustion engines. For subsequent approach to the design and implementation of nonlinear model predictive control controllers, it has made a comparison of yields algorithms quadratic programming by active set with linearization restrictions, and sequential quadratic programming with single shooting technique to solve quadratic optimization problem formulation referred to a dynamic internal combustion engine of spark ignition, in embedded systems with real-time processing. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.Ítem NMPC controller applied to the operation of an internal combustion engine: formulation and solution of the optimization problem in real time(Springer-Verlag France, 2018-02-01) Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Acosta Maya, Diego Andres; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Desarrollo y Diseño de ProcesosNumerical optimization solve problems efficiently where such efficiency is focused on the speed with which the optimal x* is achieved, is open line of research and strong work in the scientific community in order to achieve control systems in dynamic processes with response times of the order of milliseconds. A clear example of this, is the implementation of optimal controller’s combustion engines. For subsequent approach to the design and implementation of nonlinear model predictive control controllers, it has made a comparison of yields algorithms quadratic programming by active set with linearization restrictions, and sequential quadratic programming with single shooting technique to solve quadratic optimization problem formulation referred to a dynamic internal combustion engine of spark ignition, in embedded systems with real-time processing. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.Ítem NMPC controller applied to the operation of an internal combustion engine: formulation and solution of the optimization problem in real time(Springer-Verlag France, 2018-02-01) Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Acosta Maya, Diego Andres; Chica, J.A.V.; Torres, A.G.D.; Acosta Maya, Diego Andres; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)Numerical optimization solve problems efficiently where such efficiency is focused on the speed with which the optimal x* is achieved, is open line of research and strong work in the scientific community in order to achieve control systems in dynamic processes with response times of the order of milliseconds. A clear example of this, is the implementation of optimal controller’s combustion engines. For subsequent approach to the design and implementation of nonlinear model predictive control controllers, it has made a comparison of yields algorithms quadratic programming by active set with linearization restrictions, and sequential quadratic programming with single shooting technique to solve quadratic optimization problem formulation referred to a dynamic internal combustion engine of spark ignition, in embedded systems with real-time processing. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.Ítem Optimizing performance in spark ignition engines with simulation metamodels(Springer-Verlag France, 2019-01-01) Zutta E.; Acosta D.; Diaz G.; Zutta E.; Acosta D.; Diaz G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos; Procesos Ambientales (GIPAB)This work develops a systematic methodology able to identify the desired work points, the metamodels were evaluated varying air–fuel ratio, ignition timing, compression ratio, and combustion duration using design of computer experiments and RSM. It provide the possibility to determine optimal control parameters, according to selected objectives and operating constraints. This methodology is able to automatically identify the optimal engine calibration with less computational effort. Only in this way, the reliability of an integrated metamodel/optimizer approach can be included in a general-purpose that is to identify the engine calibration that minimizes motor vehicle emissions according to European emission standards (European Union in Off J Eur Union 50, 2007). As long as it improves mean effective pressure and reduces exergy destruction due to heat transfer and combustion process. Since, in internal combustion engines, more than 30–40 % of fuel energy wastes through the exhaust and just 12–25 % of the fuel energy converts to useful work. So, researchers are motivated to recover the heat from the waste sources in engines using the ways which not only reduce the demand of fossil fuels, but also reduce the harmful greenhouse gases and help to energy saving (Hatami et al. in Neural Comput Appl 25(7–8):2079–2090, 2014). The advantages of this contribution include the ability to study a wide range of parametric space and to independently evaluate physical and chemical processes, and detailed in-cylinder information, which is normally not available or is inaccessible in experiments. The uncertainty of the information in this unexplored design region can be quantified. Finally, the problem of optimizing involves three optimization fronts, energetic, economic and ecological (Chica and Torres in Int J Interact Des Manuf 12(1):355–392, 2018). © 2019, Springer-Verlag France SAS, part of Springer Nature.