Maestría en Ingeniería (tesis)
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Ítem Occupational health and safety management in the process of maintenance of railway infrastructure, in the process of confined spaces(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ruiz Román, Paola Andrea; Castañeda, Leonel FranciscoPublicación Identificación de taludes susceptibles a deslizamiento por medio de la Metodología de Taludes Naturales (MTN) para un caso de estudio : vereda el Vallano, sector astilleros, municipio de Envigado, departamento de Antioquia, Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Alarcón, Ferney Andrés; Prieto Salazar, Jorge AlonsoThis research evaluated the susceptibility to landslides using the Natural Slopes Methodology (MTN), in order to identify the stability of the terrain in critical areas of the El Vallano village, Astilleros sector, Municipality of Envigado, Antioquia. The research, of a descriptive and applied nature, used the MTN proposed by Tomás Shuk, which correlates geomorphological parameters such as height and length of slopes to estimate their stability in complex terrain and with limited primary information. The study showed a progressive deterioration in the stability of the slopes, with an increase in the number classified as high susceptibility over long time horizons. This pattern is attributed to factors such as erosion, soil saturation, climatic variations and unregulated human activities. Likewise, due to uncontrolled runoff, which has been linked to previous surface landslides. Based on these findings, slope stabilization in Vereda El Vallano requires a comprehensive approach that combines advanced technical solutions and principles of environmental sustainability. The proper management of surface and subsurface water emerges as a fundamental pillar, highlighting the use of strategically located drainage systems and bioengineering techniques, such as the incorporation of phytoremediation species and living barriers. These measures not only reduce soil saturation and strengthen its shear resistance, but also contribute to mitigating the risks associated with landslides, promoting long-term geotechnical stability.Publicación Plataformas de experiencia digital para la enseñanza de experiencia de usuario, un estudio de caso(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Rueda, Manuel Alejandro; Lalinde Pulido, Juan GuillermoThe implementation of a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) at Universidad EAFIT not only enhances the user experience through its corporate benefits but also offers opportunities to improve the teaching processes of user interface design in three of its undergraduate programs. This study explores the DXP features that can be leveraged in learning experiences and the key aspects that guide institutional decision-making toward the consolidation of a more integrated digital asset ecosystem, facilitating greater visibility of students' practical work.Ítem Aprendizaje experiencial en la gestión de la cadena de suministro : un enfoque práctico basado en un caso aplicado(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arroyave Arcila, Julieth Andrea; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio Augusto; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio AugustoÍtem Closed-form Solution of Timoshenko Frames on Elastic Winkler Foundation Using the Green's Function Stiffness Method(EAFIT, 2024) Posso Sabogal, Cristian Daniel; Molina Villegas, Juan Camilo; Ballesteros Ortega, Jorge Eliecer; Molina Villegas, Juan CamiloThis paper presents a method to obtain the exact closed-form solution for the static analysis of Timoshenko beams and frames on elastic Winkler foundation, subjected to arbitrary external loads and bending moments. The solution is derived using the Green’s Functions Stiffness Method (GFSM), a novel mesh reduction method that combines the strengths of the Stiffness Method (SM) and Green’s Functions (GFs). By incorporating the core concepts of the SM, the GFSM exhibits similarities to the Finite Element Method (FEM), including the use of shape functions, stiffness matrices, and fixed-end forces. The application of GFs facilitates the derivation of analytical expressions for displacement and internal force fields for arbitrary external loads and bending moments. Three examples are presented: a single-span beam, a two-span beam, and a one-bay, one-story plane frame on elastic Winkler foundations; which demonstrate applicability and efficacy of the method.Ítem Aumento de la producción de HDPE recuperado para la fabricación de baldes de pintura en la empresa proyecciones plásticas lirio del campo S.A.S(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bautista Picón, Laura Daniela; Rodríguez Arroyave, Carlos ArturoÍtem Method for increasing climate change resilience of mobility corridors based on territorial features : case in railways systems(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Coy Coy, Jairo Iván; Zając, Grzegorz; Castañeda Heredia, Leonel FranciscoÍtem Hacia la ingeniería de plataformas, la evolución de DevOps : un mapeo sistemático de la literatura(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guisao Baena, Yohan Alexander; Suescún Monsalve, ElizabethÍtem Reference Model of Appropriation of Digital Technologies for Learning in Higher Education Institutions(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Franco, Germán Alberto; Tabares Betancur, Marta Silvia; Tabares Betancur, Marta SilviaIn the digital age, technology for learning has promoted a constant evolution in educational dynamics. This leads higher education institutions to rethink themselves with new styles or models to achieve the adoption and adaptation of technologies in new academic environments. However, very few frameworks for acquiring and deploying digital technologies for learning that integrate such technologies. This paper proposes a model to guide the appropriation of digital learning technologies in the Higher Education Institutions. To achieve it, initially, an exploration of the literature concerning the appropriation of digital technologies in the context of learning for higher education institutions was made, and then, data was collected that allowed us to understand the state of the appropriation of digital technologies for learning; Thus, a model with interrelated components for appropriate digital technologies for learning was designed. It included metrics that allow us to know the level of appropriation. Finally, the authors validated its relevance to digital technologies for learning projects among stakeholders through their strategic guidelines for appropriation in different academic contextsÍtem Utilización de desechos textiles para la industria de la construcción(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Cadavid, Ángela María; Zapata Múnera, Abraham UrielÍtem Efectos del proceso de integración de la biofilia y la arquitectura en el bienestar de las personas en el Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cadavid Suárez, José Mateo; Zapata Múnera, Abraham UrielÍtem Guía evaluativa para el diseño sísmico de estructuras de concreto(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Arias, Diego Alejandro; Botero Palacio, Juan CarlosÍtem Cálculo de líneas de influencia en vigas de Timoshenko utilizando funciones de Green(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ovalle Contreras, Raúl José; Molina Villegas, Juan CamiloÍtem Evaluación patológica de las estructuras que atraviesan la quebrada la volcana en la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Fuentes Nieves, Jeison Arley; Botero Palacio, Juan CarlosÍtem Patrones de sostenibilidad : gestión de capacidades para apalancar el crecimiento de pymes en entornos VUCA(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) López Arias, Christian; Guarín Grisales, Álvaro de JesúsThis research explores factors that generate unsustainability in Colombian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) environments, through a mixed approach that combines quantitative and qualitative analyzes from surveys of entrepreneurs and corporate leaders with experience in innovation, business, strategy and organizational competitiveness. The results reveal that factors such as lack of access to financing, intensified competition, changes in the market, macroeconomic fluctuations and technological obsolescence significantly affect and put business sustainability at risk, limiting the ability to adapt to changes in the business environment. Research suggests that companies must constantly monitor their environment and business model to ensure desirability, feasibility and viability, which are critical to long-term sustainability. Strategic ambidexterity becomes a fundamental activity to generate continuity opportunities for businesses, highlighting the importance of using mechanisms that diagnose and enable the efficient exploitation of existing business models from the understanding of sustainable patterns such as desirability, feasibility and viability and the exploration of new models to face the challenges generated by highly uncertain environments that constantly threaten processes, products and businesses. Patterns such as continuous innovation and adaptability stand out, essential to maintain competitiveness in volatile, ambiguous, complex and highly uncertain environments.Ítem Modelo de excelencia operacional sector industrial colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ochoa Naranjo, Juan Esteban; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio Augusto; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio AugustoOperational excellence models have been implemented by various companies worldwide to guide their organizational procedures, to be able to last over time and guarantee their profitability. For the Colombian case, no model of this type has been documented to promote operational excellence in national companies, this work seeks to carry out a bibliographic review on the relevant models of operational excellence in the industry and supported by the judgment of experts, to develop a reference model for the search for operational excellence, presenting companies with a model with their respective improvement tools and indicators, on which they must work to focus on the company's overall results, seeking to maximize sales and not on local efficiencies, allowing them to look at the organization with a holistic approach and understand the relationships between the different areas and how they work generate synergies in the organization to achieve the main objective of every company: to generate greater profitability through sales. Here we will make a compilation of the different models most used nationally and internationally, which will allow us to make a tool that allows companies to identify the current position of their strategic state. This model will also be used as a diagnostic and evaluation tool to review the degree of maturity that a company has around the search for operational excellence, where opportunities for improvement will be found and, how to iterate on the model and generate systematic continuous improvement for companies in the industrial sector in Colombia.Ítem Efecto de la temperatura en la reducción del tiempo para la producción de crudo, destilado y aislado de CBD(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rojas Londoño, Johan Sebastián; Ramírez Echeverri, Sergio AugustoÍtem Asset management of railway systems considering the track-vehicle interface(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Araque Argüelles, Diego Alonso; Castañeda Heredia, Leonel FranciscoÍtem Desarrollo de prototipo de prótesis ajustable multiusuario de miembro superior(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Chávez Castaño , Juan Camilo; Guarín Grisales, Álvaro de JesúsThe World Health Organization estimates that around 1.3 billion people in the world live with disabilities, and in Colombia it is estimated that there are 1,298,738 people with disabilities, 18.5% of them affected in the upper limbs. Amputation in this area negatively impacts the patient's independence, functionality, and emotional state. To address this problem, a study was carried out based on a projective methodological cycle to design an adjustable and universal prosthesis for cases of amputation of the middle third of the forearm or the entire hand. During the research, a prosthesis prototype was created that was easy to fit and suitable for daily activities, with a comfortable and secure fit between the socket and the residual stump. However, the need to soften the coupling between the terminal device and the prosthesis was identified due to difficulties in its manipulation. Damage to the ratchet guide was observed and the need for adjustments to the suspension device was detected for users with greater muscle mass in the biceps. The simulations showed that the socket is safe, but the terminal device requires redesign due to evident structural flawsÍtem Análisis comparativo de cargas de viento : evaluación de la norma NSR-10 y resultados numéricos mediante dinámica de fluidos computacional(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ortega Tobón, Juan Jacobo; Jaramillo Fernández, Juan Diego