Maestría en Ingeniería (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Variability modeling language and tool to represent, configure and evaluate Convolutional Neural Network architectures
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Murillo Portocarrero, Julián Alexander; Mazo Peña, Raúl
    The process of designing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures currently relies on manual design or the involvement of experts. This process is not only time-consuming but also expensive due to the sheer number of combinations that architects need to do to arrive at the right network hyper-parameters that fit the current problem. In this work, we analyze the current state-of-the-art, in which several approaches have been proposed to automate such processes and explore alternatives for the automated design of Convolutional Neural Networks and Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Additionally, this work proposes a method for hyper-parameter variability generation from a variability model of such convolutional neural networks. The variability model proposed in this master thesis is used to represent, intensively, the valid combinations of parameters corresponding to each convolutional neural network. The language, called CNN variability language, borrows some concepts from Software Product Lines (SPL) and was created on the VariaMos platform to enable architects and engineers not just to create CNN architectures but also to automatically generate configurations, generate executable Jupyter Notebooks for each configuration, and generate comparison reports to speed up the NAS process.
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    Velocidad de corrosión en estructuras metálicas enterradas para soporte de paneles solares
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Lotero Carvajal, Carolina; Builes Brand, Manuel
    Identification of geotechnical characteristics and definition of the calculation of corrosion rate in buried metallic structures following the Romanoff calculation method accompanied by the validation of the FHWA standard where resistivity and PH are the main characteristics. In the design of metallic structures supporting solar panels, the useful life of the structures ranges from 20 to 25 years, time in which the guarantee should be covered both against environmental corrosion and subway corrosion.
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    Slam y Groundtruth usando marcadores
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Escobar Acevedo, Julián; Castaño Cano, Davinson
    The present thesis project focuses on the comparison of a visual SLAM method based on ArUco markers, using these markers for both the generation of the ground truth and the execution of SLAM. The research is carried out in the environment of EAFIT University. A marker is placed on top of the robot and a panoramic camera covering the entire area where the robot is located is used for the ground truth method. For the SLAM method, a camera located on the robot is used. During the experiments, markers are distributed around the perimeter of the study site. The camera integrated into the robot allows the detection of the perimeter markers. Initially, a map of the area is created using the ROS working environment, which is compared with real measurements for validation. Subsequently, the location of the robot is determined using both methods mentioned. The obtained data are compared to analyze the variance, as well as the mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE). Finally, conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of implementing this visual SLAM method either as ground truth or on the robot itself. This study contributes to the advancement in understanding and applying simultaneous localization and mapping techniques in robotic environments using ArUco markers.
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    Estrategias de crecimiento para el fortalecimiento de un negocio de comercialización de vestuario
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Hoyos Sánchez, Juan Fernando; Franco Eastman, Harold Augusto; Franco Eastman, Harold Augusto
    Since the middle of the last century, the textile and clothing industry in Colombia has been one of the largest sources of employment and contribution to the industrial and economic development of the country. It was during that boom time when the micro-business Creaciones Azucena was created, dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of clothing for 36 years. However, the different phenomena of globalization such as international trade with the opening of markets, industrial renewal, overproduction, the entry of new Asian players, smuggling, the pandemic, inflation, among others, put this sector in check. in Colombia, leading it to a deep crisis and forcing the company to reduce its operation in 2018 to only market clothing. However, despite being hit so hard, this industry is still very relevant to the economy, as it serves a basic massive need such as clothing and contributed 9.4% of the GDP in Colombia in 2022. Given the above, the purpose of this study is to discover and prioritize new strategies, business models and digital technologies that allow Creaciones Azucena to take advantage of market opportunities, strengthen its operation, growth and survival in a globalized world.
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    Hoja de ruta para la implementación del proceso de planeación de ventas y operaciones S&OP en una empresa manufacturera
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ramírez Zuluaga, Juan Sebastián; Castro Zuluaga, Carlos Alberto
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    Metodología de implementación blockchain para la mejora en rendimiento, seguridad y transparencia de las transacciones en el sector bancario – Caso de uso
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Naranjo Marín, Juan Camilo; Lalinde Pulido, Juan Guillermo
    The present work focuses on analyzing and presenting a methodological strategy to implement blockchain technology and how this can improve the performance, security, and traceability of financial transactions in the banking sector through a use case. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution to address various challenges in various sectors such as health, supply chain, among others. Helping in terms of trust and security, in which the financial sector could improve. The hypothesis raised establishes that the implementation of blockchain technology can solve these problems and further optimize operations. To address this objective, the current problems in the financial sector, specifically in financial transactions, will be identified. Subsequently, it will be analyzed how blockchain technology can solve these problems and deliver the promising results that have been obtained around the world in terms of efficiency, transparency, and security. A baseline implementation model will be proposed based on the findings obtained.
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    Engagement State Definition and Detection in Education : A Review
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Bocanumenth Orozco, Aurora; Rendón Vélez, Elizabeth; Rendón Vélez, Elizabeth
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    Design and Development of a Low-cost Pediatric Videolaryngoscope
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Jaramillo, María José; Arango Aramburo, José Fernando; Isaza Saldarriaga, Juan Felipe; Isaza Saldarriaga, Juan Felipe
    Endotracheal intubation is performed to provide ventilatory support to a patient of any age. Every medical procedure that requires general anesthesia requires intubation, and for this reason, it is a life-saving procedure. This maneuver is a challenge in pediatric patients between 0 months and 12 years of age, since their anatomy and oxygen consumption differ compared to an adult. In patients with difficult airways, where there is no good visibility of the structures, a videolaryngoscope is used. It has higher success rates compared to a conventional laryngoscope. Its use has become widespread since the COVID-19 pandemic, as it reduces exposure to respiratory secretions. This article presents the design, manufacture and testing of a low-cost pediatric videolaryngoscope, for patients between 6 and 12 months, and which are intended to respond to the low availability of this type of equipment in Colombian health care centers. The BioDesign Innovation Process methodology was adapted for its creation. The prototypes were manufactured using 3D printing. Validation was performed by 28 experts using simulators and the results were promising, obtaining a success rate of 98.8% for the designed device.
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    Strategy for Implementation of Unit Tests in Software Product Lines
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Troyano Perenguez, Alexandra; Correa Botero, Daniel
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    Implementación de la herramienta “Colores, Materiales y Acabados” como estrategia de diferenciación de marca en Diptico Studio
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Orozco Bedoya, María Isabel; Patiño Santa, Luis Fernando; Patiño Santa, Luis Fernando
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    Implementación de técnica de diagnóstico no-invasivo para el mantenimiento de compuertas radiales Hidroituango
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mira Albanés, Luis Fernando; Botero Herrera, Francisco Javier
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    Technician’s Training Policy Optimisation for Effective Maintenance in Critical Single-Component Systems Considering Maintenance Quality
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Herrera Arcila, Camilo; Martinod Restrepo, Ronald Mauricio; Bistorin, Olivier
  • Ítem
    Propuesta de diseño de doble calzada entre el Alto de las Palmas y el sector de Don Diego
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bergaño Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Zapata Múnera, Abraham Uriel
    Vehicle congestion problems are a fundamental part of the planning agenda of the main cities and territories of the world, because it is a problem that affects the economic performance and quality of life of people. The commercial and industrial development along with the population growth of eastern Antioquia due to the development of real estate projects has generated a high demand for traffic on the road between El Alto de Palmas and the Don Diego sector, presenting vehicular congestion, mobility difficulties and low circulation speeds in the sector, which has increased travel times between the Aburra valley and the San Nicolas valley, thus decreasing the quality of life of the population of the two regions for a total of 12.79 km.. This road belongs to the first generation concession Devimed S.A., which in turn is in charge of the operation and maintenance of the roads of Eastern Antioquia. In view of the importance and impact it brings to the mobility of the region, the need arises to improve the road infrastructure of the route 56AN-01 corridor. This road begins in the Alto de Palmas sector at abscissa Km10+380 (roundabout in the Mall Indiana sector) to the Don Diego Sector roundabout in the municipality of El Retiro at Km 23+170 . This project consists of solving the mobility problem through the design of an additional roadway to the existing one, thus improving the operating conditions. For this purpose, a diagnosis of the current state of the existing infrastructure was carried out, contemplating the traffic study that contains information such as capacity, geometric surveys and secondary information such as bibliographic references, after this the INVIAS traffic analysis tables are used to determine the service levels and current capacity. Subsequently, the alternative of a double carriageway with a projected traffic at 20 years, to evaluate your need. Once these criteria are obtained, the geometric design is carried out as established by the National Highway Institute (INVIAS) in the geometric design manuals, AASHTO GDHS-7US Department of Transportation. Based on the design information, the budget is presented based on the analysis of unit prices (APU) and work quantities.
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    StockOdissey como estrategia gamificada para el desarrollo de competencias en el control y la gestión de inventarios
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vélez Estrada, Deicy Yurlyana; Castro Zuluaga, Carlos Alberto
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    Spatial Elements and Their Influence on Creative Work : A Systematic Literature Review
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mejía-Londoño, Valentina; Rendón-Vélez, Elizabeth; Rendón Vélez, Elizabeth
  • Ítem
    Modelos logísticos de madurez para almacenes de clase mundial
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rendón González , Juan Esteban; Arrieta Posada, Juan Gregorio
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