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Ítem El Abuso de los delitos de posesión : el caso del Artículo 197 del Código Penal Colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mosquera Torreglosa, Edita Shamira; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoThe main objective of this article is to describe the figure of possession in criminal law, in light of the crimes of danger, increasingly used by legislators worldwide for reasons of criminal policy; highlighting as a product of this proliferation of criminal types that arises under this modality the crime of illicit use of communications networks, in which two behaviors are outlined, namely, that of possessing and that of using; Considering in this work that this last behavior lacks legitimacy, as it happens with a good portion of the range of crimes of possession that today abound in criminal legislation, at the international level.Ítem El actuar en lugar de otro : inciso 3o del artículo 29 del Código Penal(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Hoyos Aristizábal, Yaneth Amparo; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Acuerdo final de paz y los derechos a la verdad, reparación y no repetición : estándares internacionales(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Moreno González, Daniel; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosThe present research starting from a summary of the theoretical conception of transitional justice and subsequent historical recount of the main cases of application in the world and in Colombia to carry out an analysis of the transitional justice system agreed upon by the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP in the Final Peace Agreement of 2016, specifically in the hypothesis of early acceptance of responsibility before the Special Justice for Peace by those most responsible for serious violations of human rights, international humanitarian law and crimes of war, in order to determine if the benefits granted there respect the rights to truth, reparation and non-repetition of the victims.Ítem Agentes del estado y paz negociada en Colombia: reflexiones para la aplicación de los mecanismos de Justicia transicional para agentes del estado en Colombia desde las exigencias del Principio de garantías de no repetición(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Romo Delgado, Carlos Esteban; Gómez Sánchez, Gabriel IgnacioWithin the frame of the Transitional Peace Process achieved in Colombia, is it possible to face the legacy of major and systematic violations against human rights, when members of the law enforcement members have no political or judicial possibilities for demobilization and disarmament? -- This article establishes the existing difficulties due to lack of conditions and a significant and relevant reason for the inclusion of law enforcement members in the penal benefits established on the “Comprehensive System for Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition” (SIVJRNR by its acronym in Spanish) in the Peace Agreement implementation in Colombia -- For such purpose, the difficulties of such inclusion are examined from theoretical and dogmatic elements to find possible consequences reflected upon the demand of measurements and conditions binding that, in a compensatory way, replace demobilization and disarmament and give guarantees of no-repetition to the victimsÍtem El alcance de la garantía decenal de construcción en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Robledo Manrique, Laura; Aramburo Calle, Maximiliano AlbertoÍtem Las alianzas público privadas como una alternativa para el desarrollo sostenible de las regiones(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Escobar Orrego, Liliana; Díaz Díez, Cristian AndrésPrivate public alliances are based on a contractual relationship that is distant from the Common State contracting, this one corresponds to generating private investment funds that are responsible for the transfer of responsibilities, as well as for the transfer of risk, which is one of the essential characteristics and differentiating from the public private alliance contract, since this contractual modality induces the private investor to assume the risks derived from the design, construction and possible delays arising from the execution or complexity to carry out the works or the rendering of the service agreed -- To meet this essential characteristic, the private sector needs to develop a sound financial structure for the project, which ensures the long-term stability of the contract. Within the PPPs, it is essential to analyze the relationship between risk and profitability, prior to the start of the project, in a reasonable and efficient manner -- This prior analysis, in turn, involves developing, by governments, adequate risk mitigation mechanisms, greater transparency and better design of transactions, because with these previous measures, renegotiations between the parties in the execution of the projects -- It is also important to take into account that not only infrastructure adequacy for the region can be left in the hands of private investment, it is the duty of each State to set investment objectives and to realize, with its own resources, those that do not generate higher costs, the financial point of view, as political The way in which public-private alliances are formed, the exchange of information, as well as the consensus reached with the different communities, are what guarantee the success of the alliance, the interaction with the private sector for the cases that are indicated is very broad and their representatives play a primary role in the development of projectsÍtem Análisis de las órdenes proferidas por la Corte Constitucional en el auto 413 de 2015 – caso focalizado Chocó y de las reacciones provocadas por el fallo en las entidades estatales obligadas a su cumplimiento(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Moreno Bejarano, Ady Yulieth; Barboza Vergara, AntonioThis research aims to identify the administrative actions deployed by state entities required to comply with the structural orders issued in Auto 413 of 2015 by the Constitutional Court, and the effects that the decision has generated in the provision of health services in Chocó, to To achieve this goal, the judicial records and proceedings of the Special Monitoring Room were studied in the process of monitoring the focused case: Chocó. In addition, the reports submitted until May 30, 2020 by the public bodies receiving the Court's orders were reviewed in the framework of the follow-up, the previous information was extracted from the roadmaps of the file that rests in the Constitutional Court of the focused case, to which access was obtained through a right of petition; In the same way, during the study, journalistic reports, related jurisprudence and specialized doctrine on the matter were consulted. From the study of the case, the process of monitoring compliance with Order 413 of 2015 advanced by the Court is concluded, it has generated spaces for debate about the precarious conditions of the provision of the Health service in Chocó and contributed to the improvement of some problems. However, the structural failures of the system remain, there is no clear and effective public policy for health care in the scattered areas of the Chocoan territory, access to specialized medicine continues to be limited, since, although there are a greater number of available specialties, the professionals are not enough to meet the demand and the financial and administrative difficulties of health in Chocó have not been overcome.Ítem Análisis del artículo 217A del Código Penal Colombiano, a la luz del principio de proporcionalidad de la pena(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Penagos Quintero, John Jairo; Escobar Vélez, SusanaÍtem Análisis del comportamiento del homicidio en Medellín (2006-2015): posibles causas y retos para la ciudad(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Trujillo Montoya, Ricardo Federico; Tamayo Arboleda, Fernando LeónThis document aims to provide knowledge about the murder as a factor of criminality between the years 2006 and 2015 in the city of Medellin, Colombia, having as source of interpretation different criminology studies and statistical data supplied from the different institutions of the city, starting by information from entities such as the Fiscalía General de la Nación, Policía Nacional, Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses Regional Antioquia, and the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE) -- On this statistics, we can appreciate different variables, as well as its impact on the 16 communes and 5 small villages from the city and the years in which there has been higher murder rateÍtem Análisis del delito de inducción o ayuda al suicidio (artículo 107 del Código Penal Colombiano)(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Camacho Hauad, Victoria Eugenia; Escobar Veléz, SusanaÍtem Análisis del tipo penal de extorsión. Artículo 244 del código penal colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Rincón Ortiz, Oscar Iván; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoÍtem Análisis dogmático de las conductas de hurto por medios informáticos y semejantes (art. 269i) y transferencia no consentida de activos (art. 269j) ley 1273 de 2009(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Grisales Pérez, Giovanni Stalin; Restrepo Rodríguez, DianaLa razón de este documento, surge del incremento desmesurado de los delitos informáticos a nivel mundial, conductas como el hurto por medios informáticos y la transferencia no consentida de activos, afectan en nuestro país, tanto a personas naturales como jurídicas, padeciendo cada una de ellas en su medida, graves detrimentos patrimoniales a través de la pérdida de sus bienes económicos e información privada a la que acceden de manera ilegal los delincuentes cibernéticos. Esa razón, llevó a que se hiciera un estudio dogmático de ambas conductas punibles, tomando como referencia los cientos de casos que mes a mes ingresan a los despachos de las Fiscalías de Medellín y que fueron muchos de ellos analizados con el fin de ilustrar de una manera clara, sencilla y comprensible a Jueces, Fiscales, funcionarios de Policía Judicial, abogados, estudiantes de derechos y todos aquellos que quieran conocer desde lo jurídico el amplio y complicado mundo de los delitos informáticos en Colombia.Ítem Análisis dogmático y político criminal del delito de fraude al sufragante : consideraciones especiales en relación con el engaño típico y algunas formas de manipulación de votantes a través de plataformas digitales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Giraldo Viana, Kelly Johana; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Análisis normativo y jurisprudencial sobre la intervención del juez de conocimiento en el sistema de preacuerdos y negociaciones(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Palacio Vásquez, Juan David; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoÍtem Análisis político criminal y dogmático del delito de daños en los Recursos Naturales de Colombia (Art. 331 del CP)(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Rojas Escobar, Laura; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoEl análisis dogmático y político criminal que se propone del delito de daño en los recursos naturales (artículo 331 del Código Penal Colombiano), pretende desentrañar las razones tras el auge de criminalización de esta infracción ambiental y delimitar correlativamente las circunstancias de aplicación del tipo en contextos donde la intervención penal sea legítima, excluyendo por su parte aquellas situaciones que vulneran las garantías básicas del imputadoÍtem La aplicación judicial de la carga dinámica de la prueba en los procesos de responsabilidad civil médica : bajo la vigencia del Código General del Proceso(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Arias Gómez, Tatiana; Posada Botero, José DavidÍtem Aproximación dogmática al concepto de injusto penal en los delitos de peligro abstracto: una especial consideración al tratamiento jurisprudencial del tipo penal de concierto para delinquir(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Duque Pedroza, Andrés Felipe; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoLa única manera de hacer coherentes las exigencias para el entendimiento del injusto dual (desvalor de acción y desvalor de resultado) con los delitos de peligro es suponiendo que, en todos los casos, el peligro sea un elemento propio del tipo y, por ende, su comprobación se constituye como el desvalor de resultado en estas formas delictivas -- Lo anterior, a nuestro juicio, conlleva a que los delitos de peligro deban ser interpretados, siempre, como delitos de peligro concreto -- Los denominados delitos de peligro abstracto, en los cuales no se pueda verificar de manera concreta el desvalor de resultado, carecen, por esencia, de justificación racional -- Se propone entonces aquí una construcción teórica que de manera normativa permita verificar el desvalor de resultado en los delitos de peligro, de cara con la función del bien jurídico colectivoÍtem Aproximaciones dogmáticas y jurisprudenciales del tipo penal de fraude de subvenciones en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cortés Cano, Omar Felipe; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoWith the issuance of the Anti-Corruption Statute through Law 1474 of 2011, the state system set out to generate a response to acts against the Public Administration that affected, in addition to its proper functioning, public assets and its morality. One of the novelties of this Statute was the creation of the crime of subsidy fraud, in which those who obtained aid or assistance from the State were penalized, without complying with the requirements demanded by law to access it, or who They would have been used for a different purpose. With this, a series of debates have been generated, such as, for example, the one referring to whether, effectively with this, the protection of the legal good of the Public Administration is intended, since it would also affect the economic and social order, legal right protected in turn by the Penal Code. Therefore, carrying out a dogmatic and conceptual analysis, it is necessary to face it, in order to generate debates and arguments that allow drawing conclusions and particular positions. Going to foreign legal systems where the figure of subsidy fraud has a greater development, as is the case of Spain, will be necessary to establish comparisons and differentiations between these two systems, since, in Europe, this criminal type dates from the decade of the 70's. Consequently, this work presents a series of conceptual and jurisprudential approximations on the criminal type of subsidy fraud.Ítem ¿Las asociaciones público privadas sugieren una huida del derecho administrativo en materia de contratos públicos, específicamente el contrato de concesión?(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Donado Llano, Álvaro Cesar; Gil Alzate, WillingtonThe object of this investigative work resides in the analysis of a contractual typology used by the state through the entities that comprise it and developed in Law 1508 of 2012, Public Private Associations, the foregoing in the face of the dogmatic proposal called as The "Flight from Administrative Law", as it is, is intended to show whether in this way of contracting the elements proposed by doctrinants such as Gaspar Ariño in the Spanish legal system and Professor David Suarez Tamayo in the Colombian system are present. To develop the proposed research, issues will be addressed that will seek to give scope and depth to the issues to be contrasted, on the one hand, the regulatory scope that governs the contractual typology of Public-Private Associations in Colombia will be analyzed, in order to verify whether these contracts allow the contracting public entities avoid the rules, controls and principles that would be proper to regulate their actions and verify in this way if the phenomenon of Flight of Administrative Law is present.Ítem Aspectos dogmáticos y político criminales del delito de violencia intrafamiliar en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Urquijo Tejada, Luis Mauricio; Cadavid Quintero, Alfonso