Escuela de Finanzas, Economía y Gobierno
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Ítem $2.6BN marriage of Ebay and Skype ended in divorce(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Zuluaga Arbeláez, Juan Sebastián; Gaitán Riaño, Sandra ConstanzaeBay acquired Skype for $2.6 billion in 2005, which was a very high price compared to Skypes revenues of only $7 million. The acquisition was meant to boost eBay’s revenues, by making it more convenient for buyers and sellers to communicate on the auction platform. Shared benefits were seen to increase the number of users for Skype and enhance the features available for eBay users within its platform. Unfortunately for eBay, their customers did not find any use for Skype’s technology, which was initially intended to connect sellers and buyers quicker and make communication easier. After years of trying, the acquisition led to a write-down of the value of Skype in eBay’s books and finally (and luckily for eBay) led to a sale to Microsoft. Microsoft acquired Skype and created its division within the company that reported directly to Microsoft’s CEO. The company has adopted a passive stance to materialize the synergies while being conservative of Skype strategy, brand, and user experience. Different independent sources categorize this deal as a success. Our analysis highlights the approach Microsoft took for the governance of the collaboration and how it was adapted to the sources of potential joint value and the major capabilities of Skype business model and competitive position.Ítem 40 años de reformas al Estado en Colombia : una mirada al diseño de las políticas de reforma al Estado colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) García García, Juan Mauricio; Leyva Botero, SantiagoÍtem A comparison of wage dynamics in two Latin American countries: different policies, different outcomes(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Carvajal Osorio, Luis Carlos; Canavire Bacarreza, Gustavo JavierThis article explores the variations in the wage distribution in two Latin American countries, Bolivia and Colombia, which have had different economic policies in recent years -- Using data from household surveys, a decomposition of the wage distribution in each country using Functional Principal Component Analysis is conducted -- The results suggest that Bolivia, which has taken left-wing economic policies, has experienced a general increase in wages, especially benefiting the least skilled workers and the informal sector -- On the other hand, the wage distribution in Colombia, whose economic policy has been focused on free-market principles, has become more concentrated around the median wage, mainly due to changes in the formal sector wagesÍtem A private equity firm to acquire the furniture company La-Z-Boy(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Puyo Velásquez, Martín; N/AA leveraged buyout (LBO) is a common transaction within private equity firms, although not restricted to them. It refers to a transaction in which a company buys out another company, often buying the entirety of the outstanding shares and funding the transaction with debt. This type of transaction has both proponents and opponents, because while it may be true that the use of debt increases the return on equity, it may also be the case that an otherwise company with a strong balance sheet be turned into a financially distressed company. This paper goes through the process of structuring an LBO and assessing the implications that it could have for both the company and its investors.Ítem A regulatory approach to ESG strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez Mesa, Daniel; Navia Rojas, Camilo Antonio; Mejía Lara, María JoséÍtem Acceso a financiación para soportar la estrategia de internacionalización de Cementos Argos S. A. : caso empresarial(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Mapura Bañol, Pamela; Sánchez Gómez, Manuel Alejandro; Restrepo Tobón, Diego AlexanderIn 2012, Cementos Argos S. A. faced one of the most transcendental financial decisions in its history: to define among different options the best one, to finance the continuity of its internationalization strategy; this strategy, which had started in 2005 with the acquisition of two North American companies: Southern Star Concrete Company and Concrete Express and which sought to increase its presence in the United States and Central America considerably starting in 2013, to become an important competitor in the American continent in the cement and concrete industry. In this case study, the reader must decide which will be the best financing option considering the financial situation in 2012 and the changes in the capital structure and cost of capital, explore new options or abandon the transaction.Ítem Acción colectiva para garantizar el derecho a la salud : estudio de caso Mesa Antioquia : “incidencia de la acción colectiva en la garantía del derecho fundamental a la salud en Antioquia 2015 a 2018”(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Manrique Hernández, John Jairo; Martínez Saldarriaga, Luis Alberto; López Lopera, Gloria EstellaThis paper aims to describe the relationship between effective collective action and public policies, based on identifying the processes promoted by the Mesa Antioquia collective, for the implementation of the Statutory Health Law 1751 of 2015, which establishes the mechanisms to guarantee The right to health in Colombia, however, this right is highly violated due, among other reasons, to the insufficient collective action processes of the different actors. This work is based on the theories that approach the conceptualization of social movements and the relationship between effective collective action, supported on trust, with public policies, especially with the fundamental right to health. It is a qualitative research, based on the case study that is a methodological tool for inquiry, empirical evidence was obtained from direct observation, review of documentary information, semi-structured interviews and the realization of a focus group.Ítem Acción y reacción de los camioneros colombianos frente a la política pública de competitividad: análisis desde la teoría de los grupos de presión(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Huari Mateus, Lina María Margarita; Escobar Blanco, Paola AndreaA partir de las teorías de los “grupos de presión”, se analiza el “paro” como mecanismo utilizado por los Camioneros Colombianos para detener la consecución de las metas de la política pública de competitividad, fijada por el Gobierno Nacional a través de la expedición de varios documentos CONPES expedidos entre los años 2006 y 2011; la investigación permite concluir que el uso del paro es factor determinante en ejecución de las metas de la política pública de competitividad, debido al impacto que produce como herramienta de acción y reacción de los camioneros como grupo de presión, demostrando que existe una relación directa y constante entre las decisiones de gobierno y el ejercicio de la protesta -- El caso de los Camioneros Colombianos, es un ejemplo de la convergencia de diferentes intereses en la formulación y ejecución de políticas públicas y de la necesidad de encontrar un equilibrio entre las fuerzas sociales que confluyen en su planeación y ejecuciónÍtem Acciones gubernamentales que inciden en la calidad educativa básica y media vocacional : el caso del municipio de La Estrella 2012-2015(2018) Uribe Tobón, Diana Marcela; Rodríguez Restrepo, Franky; Muñoz Tobón, María Alejandra; Peláez Arango, Juan RafaelThe current work is an analytical document about the quality of elementary and middle vocational public education in the Estrella city (Antioquia- Colombia) during 2012 and 2015. Analysis that bring to the account, ideas of the school surroundings, their inner reality, back ground information like lectures and systematic research from primary and secondary resources. Resources that guide the analytic group to elaborate appropriate theories that intend to enhance and/or solve local education problems. The initial hypothesis of this work claims that the quality of the education is determined by different factors and the decision maker, where intent to describe if is the contents of the education, infrastructure, uniform, school transportation, school food, teachers training, connectiveness or access to vitality what leaded the Estrella City to show significative advances in the quality of the education during 2012-2015. On light of the hypothesis, results were found effective regarding allocation of the education budget, which clearly shows an increase of 148% in the period of time mentioned above; confirming this way, the importance of the decision maker, who determinately influence public administration, where process can be lead to transform education and the vison of population about the role of the education in the society.Ítem Acciones público privadas que promueven el emprendimiento social como forma de mitigar el desempleo juvenil en el municipio de La Ceja, Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Correa Carmona, Juan Carlos; Irurita Muñoz, María IsabelYouth unemployment in the currently economic and social context, in Latin American countries and especially in Colombia, has become a problem that requires special attention on the agendas of governments, especially local governments or municipalities, where it is accentuated much more the phenomenon. The author intends to establish a way to face this problem, based on concepts associated with social and economic development, such as: Human Development, as the guiding principle of the local economy that guarantees democracy, inclusion and the empowerment of human capital and building trust that translates into social capital. The Governance from the practice that is specified in the PPAs (Public-Private Alliances) as a model of Social Responsibility of the actors of the territory, to produce social wealth and Social Economy, which is specified through the promotion and chaining of entrepreneurship from capacities and skills and not only from the productive demand; to finally see an integrated model of Social Development. This work presents an analytical structure of concepts and founded theories regarding human development, especially citing authors such as Manfred Max Neef, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Bernardo Kliksberg and Sergio Boisier, among other actors who compile and direct their studies towards a alternative economy, olso called the third sector. It makes a review of the current situation of employment in Colombia, until reaching the current situation of the young population in the Municipality of La Ceja, thus proposing a reality framework for political and business analysis. Lastly, it establishes an analysis methodology from a conceptual framework and a categorical matrix, which encompasses the concepts, the reality and the social object of development for a locality based on young people. An evaluation of the concepts, based on the assessment of young people from La Ceja, based on their needs according to Max Neef, as well as their vision and relationship with private and public companies, is what is defined as a conclusion and establishes a strategy and political proposal to be followed by a small city that intends to implement the social economy model.Ítem Accountability en Colombia como ejercicio de movilización ciudadana: el caso de la rendición pública de cuentas en el final del gobierno liderado por Aníbal Gaviria Correa en la Alcaldía de Medellín 2012-2015(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Jaramillo Luján, Miguel Andrés; Maya Salazar, Adolfo LeónEl Estado, desde su concepción elemental, apela a la construcción de una agenda democrática y unas soluciones para los problemas públicos, con el acompañamiento de los ciudadanos, por medio de herramientas como la rendición pública de cuentas -- En Colombia la norma propone a los gobernantes realizar audiencias públicas y emplear diversas herramientas de contacto con el ciudadano -- Este trabajo se pregunta si estos ejercicios realmente permiten la movilización de los ciudadanos en un diálogo horizontal con injerencia en la toma de decisiones frente a la agenda públicaÍtem Accounting information and the structure of corporate debt covenants(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Marín Salazar, Daniel Alejandro; Ilić, Iva; Aledo Martínez, JuanaIn this End of Mater Project, we analyse the most relevant empirical and theoretical papers and main ideas behind them -- Following academic work made us understand what is the role of accounting information in the improvement of debt contracting and how it achieved this, among different mechanisms -- Here we are focusing our attention on two different theories, The Agency theory and The Incomplete contract theory -- We consider really important the differences between two of them and how they, together, influence contract making -- Furthermore, we base our analysis on different type of covenants included in both theories, as well as on the impact of accounting conservatism to risk reduction or at least risk perception -- Finally, we explain importance of existence of renegotiation process both, ex-post and ex-ante -- All this in order to understand how debt covenants are made, why lenders rely on them and why in different case scenarios they play completely different roleÍtem Accounting reporting decisions and firms' innovativeness(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gómez Ávila, Mathius; Pedraza Orjuela, María Victoria; Guo, BingWe collect information about how financial factors affects innovation in a company, we focus on papers that have studied how innovation, measure by patents granted to a firm and non-self citations of those patents, is affected when a company goes public, when the stock present high liquidity and if the type of investors play an important role -- Also we study, if laws and regulation regarding credit supply and anti takeover laws impacts innovationÍtem Aceptación de la violencia doméstica, pobreza y desigualdad: evidencia para Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cataño Sánchez, José Leonardo; Fajardo González, Deisy Johanna; Velásquez Gaviria, DanielÍtem Acercamiento a la evaluación del proyecto Mujeres Jóvenes Talento de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Duque Muñoz, Diana Isabel; Flórez Arévalo, Ana Gabriela; López Lopera, Gloria EstelaÍtem Acercamiento a un modelo pedagógico rural aplicado por la Corporación Futuro para la Niñez, enmarcado en la generación de capacidades y la teoría del desarrollo endógeno(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Castrillón Ruiz, Lina María; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Acercamiento al estado de la economía social en el municipio de Envigado : un análisis de los principales factores económicos de este territorio, las empresas sociales que tiene y una propuesta legal y práctica de constitución empresas sociales.(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Londoño Arroyave, David Alfonso; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Active portfolio management process with sentimental factor. Iterative deep learning approach(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Alemán Muñoz, Julián Alberto; Pantoja Robayo, Javier OrlandoÍtem Actividades complementarias ejercidas por las usuarias del programa Juntos que contribuyen al desarrollo personal y familiar en el sector la Alameda, distrito de Cajabamba, provincia de Cajabamba, departamento de Cajamarca, periodo 2016 - 2017(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Zurita Cáceda, Mónica Alejandra; Medina Ccoyllo, CeciliaÍtem Activos comunitarios en la minería aurífera de Segovia y Remedios : el impulso de las acciones colectivas autoorganizadas(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) González Rúa, Luisa Fernanda; Eslava Gómez, Adolfo