Maestría en Gerencia de Proyectos (Tesis)
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem El inglés como clave para el impulso del turismo en Envigado(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Yepes García , Luisa Fernanda; Ruíz Escobar, María Camila; Benjumea Díez, Jhon MiguelÍtem Lecciones aprendidas del proyecto minero Buriticá de Zijin – Continental Gold(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Hernández Navarro, Rafael Iván; Tobar Guinand, José MauricioThis work presents a qualitative analysis of the lessons learned from the Buriticá mining project, developed by Zijin-Continental Gold in Colombia. Through the identification, prioritization, evaluation, and capitalization of experiences gained during the project’s execution, these insights were captured via semi-structured interviews conducted with personnel directly involved in the project. The findings highlight the importance of efficient contract management and having a clear detailed engineering plan from the outset. Additionally, the implementation of proven and documented methodologies to manage lessons learned is proposed, as these have been shown to be effective as input information to ensure best practices in future project development.Ítem Evaluación de la estructuración financiera en la construcción del túnel de Fuemia : caso del proyecto concesionado Autopista al Mar 2 en el Urabá Antioqueño(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Aguilar Anaya, Luis Fernando; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de última milla de fibra óptica para el municipio de Ginebra (Valle del Cauca)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mafla Betancourt, Wilton; DÍez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelThe proposal for the installation of the last mile of Ginebra Valle del Cauca is built considering the historical connectivity needs of the region, accentuated by the crisis generated by the outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, which showed a substantial delay with respect to connectivity in Colombia, the department of Valle del Cauca and, particularly, in the municipality of Ginebra. Having evidenced the need that the population currently must access information via the internet, telephone communication with their loved ones and varied television, this proposal aims to lay the foundations for inserting the municipality (especially its rural area) in the concert of connected regions with state-of-the-art systems. This service does not have most of the population. The aim is to identify and characterize the potential clients that require this service, this being the starting point for calculating how many elements is required (Gpon, towers, amplifiers, fiber optics) and in which places the extension and installation should be done. of the fiber. Subsequently, the study will be presented as a project to the general royalty system as a social impact project.Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la apertura de un nuevo local de hamburguesas gourmet andes burger en el municipio de el Retiro(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ríos Londoño, Felipe; Henao Arango, María CeciliaÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para una nueva unidad de negocio de Aviles entidad de salud(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jaramillo Betancur, Daniela; Arboleda Uribe, Manuela; Henao Arango, María CeciliaÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de una app móvil para promover la salud mental en Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Hormechea, Laura Vanessa; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe objective of this prefeasibility study is to evaluate the feasibility of developing a mobile application for mental health in Antioquia, Colombia. Given the growing concern about mental disorders in the world, it is necessary to explore solutions such as an innovative tool that provides support for people who face these challenges in silence. The population of Antioquia is increasingly concerned about mental disorders. To achieve a solution, the needs and preferences of the Antioquia population will be analyzed considering the socioeconomic and cultural environment. The research involves a review of the scientific literature on mental health, an evaluation of the current state of mental health in Antioquia and a market and competitive analysis of mobile wellness applications. Information will be collected on the perceptions that the Antioquia population has about mental health, technological habits and barriers to accessing mental health care. The final purpose is to design, develop and implement the mobile application as a technological option that contributes to the well-being of users. However, it would not be an absolute solution. Since the application cannot replace the professional care of psychologists and psychiatrists. The idea is perceived as a valuable complement for those who want to work on their emotional well-being. This study will be carried out through the UNIDO methodologyÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el cultivo y comercialización de Auricularia aurícula en la vereda El Capiro, Rionegro(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Manrique Castrillón, María José; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad de una entidad sin ánimo de lucro para la educación no formal de mujeres rurales en el municipio de El Santuario, Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jaramillo Caro, Susana; Velásquez Aristizábal, Laura Andrea; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad de una cadena de panaderías artesanales con inclusión de personas con discapacidad física en centros deportivos de alto tráfico en el Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Villamil, Juan Camilo; Correa Moreno, Luisa Fernanda; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelThis paper assesses the feasibility of a handcraft bakery chain within high-traffic sports centers in "el valle de Aburrá" region, focused on the employment inclusion of individuals with physical disabilities. Combining financial and social analysis, the study uses quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys of high-traffic sports centers frequent users, to gauge both market potential and perceptions of labor inclusion. This approach aims to establish a profitable, socially responsible business model that yields tangible and sustainable benefits.Ítem Estructuración de una PMO para la Universidad Católica de Manizales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jiménez Tabares, Freddy Armando; Díez Benjumea, Jhon MiguelThis degree work presents the proposal of the structure of a Project Management Office (PMO) for the Catholic University of Manizales, as a support for the formulation and management of institutional projects. In order to achieve this objective, we start with the evaluation of project maturity within the institution, under the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3). The OPM3 methodology provides a structured assessment of project management maturity, which allowed identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the university. On this basis, a PMO was designed that fits UCM's needs, defining its objectives, functions, services and organizational structure. The proposed PMO serves as a reference framework for project management at the university and allows for the establishment of a continuous improvement process.Ítem Lecciones aprendidas Sinapsis Group Ingenieros SAS en proyectos y cotizaciones desarrolladas por la compañía de construcción(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ochoa Álvarez, Nicolás; Henao Arango, María CeciliaThis research analyzes the lessons learned in project management and cost estimation at Sinapsis Group Ingenieros SAS, a company focused on sustainable civil engineering and construction projects. Recurring challenges include underestimation of timelines, poor interdepartmental communication, inadequate risk management, and discrepancies between estimated and actual costs. Solutions proposed based on the PMBOK (2017) include the implementation of a schedule baseline, the use of agile methodologies, the creation of a risk register, the incorporation of value engineering, and the use of BIM. These measures have improved the accuracy of project planning and execution, reducing delays and additional costs. Furthermore, client and supplier relationships have been strengthened through follow-up meetings and the use of SCM, optimizing logistics and enhancing communication.Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una marca de aromáticas a base de panela pulverizada con frutos liofilizados para la empresa Agronat en el municipio de Marinilla Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Briñez Vera, Jesús Eduardo; Goméz Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Lecciones aprendidas en los proyectos de renovación secundaria San Marcos 500/230kV y Páez 230kV(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Anaya Monterroza, Jhonatan Manuel; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Lecciones aprendidas en los proyectos de construcción que ha gestionado una empresa del sector de construcción de Medellín en los últimos 3 años(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Carvajal Echavarría, Diana Patricia; Henao Arango, María CeciliaÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para la producción y comercialización de butacos y mesas auxiliares en plástico reciclado en la sabana centro de Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rozo Martínez, Leidy Paola; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioÍtem Estudio de prefactibilidad para analizar la viabilidad de la unidad de negocio virtual en la Universidad EAFIT(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Montesino Espitia, Boris Nair; Medina Rendón, Juan Pablo; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioVirtual education emerges as an innovative and essential solution to address current demands for accessibility and quality in the educational field. This project aligns with global trends in digital transformation and local needs for flexible, high-quality learning opportunities. In Colombia, the growing acceptance of virtual education programs, supported by policies promoting digitalization, creates a favorable environment for its development. Universidad EAFIT, with its strong academic reputation and capabilities, can position itself as a leader in this market through the implementation of a new virtual education business unit. The project will be developed within the university's main campus, with an initial investment focused on acquiring technological infrastructure, human resources, and virtualizing selected programs. This study applies the UNIDO project evaluation methodology to assess the technical, financial, legal, and market feasibility of the initiative, aiming to establish a sustainable business model that enables EAFIT to expand its educational impact and contribute to the country's social and economic development.Ítem Estudio de prefactibilidad para el desarrollo de un proyecto ecoturístico en la vereda de San Pedro finca la Marquesita en el municipio de Anserma Caldas (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bedoya Velez, María Elisa; Corrales Saldarriaga, Juan David; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe present feasibility study aims to determine the viability of developing an ecotourism project in the San Pedro village, La Marquesita farm, located in the municipality of Anserma, Caldas. To this end, an exhaustive analysis of the tourism sector in the region was conducted, identifying trends, opportunities, and threats that could influence the project’s development. Additionally, the potential market was evaluated, understanding the needs and preferences of the target audience and analyzing the existing competition. A detailed technical feasibility study was carried out, considering the required infrastructure, available natural resources, accessibility, and the carrying capacity of the environment. Legal and regulatory frameworks were also identified, and the necessary administrative processes and procedures for efficient project management were established. Furthermore, the project’s environmental impact was assessed, designing mitigation, control, correction, conservation, and compensation measures to ensure the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity in the area. The financial viability was calculated by estimating investment costs, expected revenues, and projected cash flows, as well as identifying available funding sources. Finally, potential risks associated with the development and operation of the ecotourism project were identified and mitigation strategies were implemented. This study provides a solid foundation for informed and strategic decision-making in the management of ecotourism projects in the region.Ítem Diseño de una oficina de gestión de proyectos (PMO) para la empresa laboratorios Medifarma S.A.S.(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Muriel, Juan Pablo; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe purpose of this study was to design a Project Management Office (PMO) for the pharmaceutical company LABORATORIOS MEDIFARMA S.A.S. This included determining methodologies, creating an implementation plan, and evaluating the achievement of objectives through indicators. To achieve this, case study analyses, expert interviews, and surveys were conducted to gather quantitative and qualitative data. The study concluded with the selection of the best type and model of PMO to meet the company’s needs. The results of this work include the organizational diagram, action methodology, schedule, and budget, among other key elements for the effective implementation of the PMO.Ítem Lecciones aprendidas en los proyectos de construcción que ha gestionado una empresa del sector de construcción de Medellín en los últimos 3 años(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Carvajal Echavarría, Diana Patricia; Henao Arango, María Cecilia