Maestría en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas (tesis)

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    Lineamientos para la formulación de políticas públicas comunales para municipios de quinta y sexta categoría
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rodríguez Molina, José David; Guzmán Aguinaga, Brayan Anibal; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia
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    Bases para la construcción de una política pública para la atención del trastorno del espectro autista en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Moreno, David; Vieira Silva, Juan Guillermo
    The present paper means to offer a set of foundational propositions so as to build a Public Policy for Autist Spectrum Disorder (ASD) attention in Colombia. Born from the need to guarantee the fundamental rights of health and education to a vulnerable population with an increasing prevalence rate, and which, within the country, may account for over a million individuals using conservative estimates. While some may state that there are enough tools both in policy and reality, the experience of the ASD community and their families has a tendency to show otherwise, that is to say, the system not only does not protect them but rather discriminates them actively, by not allowing some accomodations that may make their condition more bearable. On that same note, the paper observes the experiences other countries have had, including New Zeland, Spain, and the United States; with three different scopes which may help attend the needs of the community in different ways, all of which answer to their environment. Regarding the viability of the public policy, both in its design and execution, with it being holistic so as to take care of the needs of the people with ASD and their environment, and making it so that they may feel protected and integrated, it is important to remember that the rates of detection and diagnosis are increasing globally, and that, while conservative estimates may show about a million individuals with ASD in Colombia, a more recent estimate shows this number grow up to one-and-a-half million people, which makes it viable from a policy-making perspective so that it is taken into account on the public agenda. Finally, some proposals for foundations are given, regarding the attention to different problems that have been identified via literature review and conversation with the ASD community.
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    Mujeres rurales y participación en los Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial (PDET) : el caso del municipio de Remedios
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Arismendy, Sara Isabel; González Sanmartín, Laura Isabel; González Malabet, María Auxiliadora
    The Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial (the Territorial Development Programs, PDET for its acronym in Spanish), created within the framework of the 2016 Peace Agreement, were conceived as a critical tool to promote citizen participation in the regions most affected by the armed conflict, with a particular focus on the inclusion of rural women. The present work aims to analyze the contribution of these programs to the effective participation of rural women in the municipality of Remedios, identifying barriers and opportunities for their participation in decision-making scenarios. Through a qualitative methodology, which includes surveys and semi-structured interviews with rural women and critical actors, the research reveals that, although the PDETs have created formal spaces for participation, the influence of women in decision-making remains limited and, in many cases, is just symbolic. The study's contribution lies in analysing the dynamics of female involvement in post-conflict contexts, providing recommendations to strengthen the mechanisms that allow a true transformation in gender equity and the leadership of rural women.
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    Motivaciones conductuales en la toma de decisión de adquirir créditos informales tipo gota a gota en Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Barrera Bolaños, Pablo Andrés; Osorio Osorio, Natalia; Rodríguez Valencia, Amalia; Álvarez Franco, Pilar Beatriz
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    Análisis de los planes integrales de seguridad y convivencia en Medellín (2016-2023) : escenarios de definición y destinación recursos para la gestión de la seguridad y convivencia en el distrito de ciencia, tecnología e innovación de Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Londoño Sierra, Daniel; Rojas Bermeo, Diana Paola
    This research examines security and coexistence management in Medellín, focusing on the Comprehensive Security and Coexistence Plans (PISCC) and their funding through the Territorial Security Fund (FONSET). Following the 1991 Constitution, security responsibilities and functions were delegated to local entities, supported by regulatory frameworks and tools such as the PISCC and the Territorial Public Order Committee (CTOP), which is responsible for prioritizing and allocating resources for security and coexistence management. The study centers on the periods 2016–2019 and 2020–2023, evaluating whether FONSET resources were managed with rigor and effectiveness in alignment with Medellín's security needs. Additionally, it explores the dynamics among stakeholders and decision-making scenarios within the CTOP, aiming to deepen understanding of the impact of security resources and policies on the city.
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    Hacia un modelo de asociatividad intra-zonal, para la gestión de Presupuesto Participativo, en el distrito de Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ovalle Mazo, Yuricza Ovalle; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia
    This document is proposed as an approach to a model of intra-zonal associativity of urban character that outlines the guidelines for the development of an effective strategy in the execution of the resources of the Participatory Budget in the district of Medellin. This model takes as a reference the analysis of the intra-zonal problems of Zone 1, formed by the communes Popular, Santa Cruz, Manrique and Aranjuez, as well as their dynamics of citizen participation. The document starts from the fact that the Territorial Associative Schemes - EAT in force in Colombia and regulated by Law 1454 of 2011 are efficient in their operation for the solution of problems and/or the exploitation of advantages common to the members of the EAT.
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    Análisis de implementación del CONPES 4086 para la mejora del servicio de acueducto de la población afrocolombiana en Acandí, Chocó (2022-2024)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guerra Muriel, David Alejandro; Pérez Moreno, Hugo Ferney; Amaya Osorio, Lucidia
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    Evaluación de resultados del programa “Línea 123 Mujer Antioquia” de la Gobernación de Antioquia (2020-2023)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Cardona , Yenny Marcela; Amaya Villegas, Yeni Alexandra; Tobón Zapata, Santiago
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    El reto de la gobernabilidad de los corregimientos de Medellín en la implementación de políticas, programas y proyectos para resolver los problemas públicos durante el periodo 2012 a 2023
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arango Hernández, John Fredy; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia
    The township of San Antonio de Prado in the city of Medellín has experienced significant demographic growth in recent years, generated by urban pressure that has transformed rural life into the dynamics of urban life. The growing population has been demanding, in different scenarios, greater capacity of the central government to solve public problems. In this sense, this research aims to examine whether or not the current institutional design through which the district administration governs the Corregimientos facilitates the implementation of programs and projects to solve public problems, specifically in the Corregimiento of San Antonio de Prado.
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    La agenda mediática y la agenda gubernamental en el primer año presidencial de Pastrana y Samper
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sánchez Aguirre, María Inmaculada; Montoya Cuartas, Vanessa; Viera Silva, Juan Guillermo
    This study explores the complex relationship between the media agenda and the governmental agenda in Colombia, focusing on the first years of the governments of Ernesto Samper Pizano (1994-1998) and Andrés Pastrana (1998-1999). The Revista Semana is used as a source of analysis, given its relevance at the time and the availability of its online archives.The study is based on agenda-setting theory, which examines how the media influences public perception and determines social priorities. Factors such as news selection, editorial focus, governmental communication strategies, and citizen response are analyzed.The research centers around the following question: How is the media agenda configured during the first year of a government and how does it interact with the governmental agenda? To answer this question, existing literature on measuring political and legislative agendas is reviewed, highlighting the importance of making key decisions in research design, such as the level of government, the issue, the political actor, and the indicator of notoriety.The study classifies Revista Semana's publications by sectors and subsectors, following the classification proposed by the Comparative Agendas Project, adapted to Colombia. This allows for the identification of how the media agenda is configured and how it reflects or does not reflect the presidential agenda.In conclusion, this study contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics between the media agenda and the governmental agenda in Colombia, highlighting the importance of analyzing how the media and political leaders interact and influence each other.
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    Composta Medellín : revolución circular en la gestión de residuos urbanos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rivera Úsuga, Carolina María; Tangarife Ciro, Juan Fernando; Cadena Gaitán, Carlos Miguel
    After reviewing successful experiences of home composting in other countries, this work proposes to implement a pilot program called "Composta Medellín" that promotes on-site rotary composting as a circular economy strategy. The analysis carried out for the research identified that more than 50% of municipal solid waste in Medellín is organic, and its disposal in landfills generates significant environmental impacts and economic costs. Based on this, the main objectives of the pilot program are to significantly reduce the organic waste reaching the La Pradera landfill, foster sustainable habits among citizens, and use the generated compost to regenerate soils and promote food security. It is concluded that this innovative initiative will effectively and sustainably address the waste crisis in Medellín, transforming citizens' habits, reducing waste management costs, and regenerating the city's soils. It is recommended to bring it to the Council to allocate an annual budget and provide incentives to gradually scale up the program.
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    Autonomía municipal y asociatividad : tensiones y retos derivados del Plan Estratégico Metropolitano de Ordenamiento Territorial (PEMOT) del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá (AMVA)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Toro Cantillo, William Oswaldo; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia
    Abstract Metropolitan Areas are a contemporary paradigm for conurban areas, which generate challenges and tensions for the allied municipalities, based on metropolitan events that affect two or more municipalities. Metropolitan events that seem to go beyond the sphere of municipal autonomy when regulating their territories. It seems that such associativity could imply difficulties of a practical nature when it comes to ordering the metropolitan territory. The metropolitan areas as an entity with legal identity, has a legal framework in the Colombian law, by having as main norm the organic law 1625 of 2013 and in the hierarchical order denoted in the law 388 of 1997, it seems to be in the beginning that they constitute a limiting factor to the autonomy that the municipalities gained with the implementation of the political charter of 1991.
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    Evaluación intermedia de cumplimiento de la política pública de Sabaneta 2016-2026
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Alcaraz, Jonny Alberto; Alfonso Cely, Stefanny; Gándara Guerra, Nerea
    The municipality of Sabaneta is often referred to as the young city of the Valle de Aburrá. Young people represent one-fifth of the total population of the municipality. Therefore, the public youth policy of Sabaneta 2016–2026 sought to solve the needs of the young people of Sabaneta for many problems encountered, through different intervention strategies. However, the programmatic objectives defined in the design of the policy could only be implemented to the extent of the interests of the different governments, which were often contrary to the expectations of the population. As a result, the municipality's young people did not find the programs and projects implemented within the framework of the public youth policy sufficient, effective, or satisfactory.
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    La Asamblea Departamental en el proceso de las políticas públicas en Antioquia : un análisis a la dinámica de formulación y debate de las ordenanzas
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Alvarado Ospina, Alejandra; Gómez Salinas, Laura Estefania; Vieira Silva, Juan Guillermo
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    Análisis de los Procesos Restaurativos Integrales con Enfoque Territorial (PRIET). Una propuesta de instrumento de gobierno para la implementación del punto 5 del acuerdo final para la paz en Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Pérez Velásquez, Nicolás Darío; Zapata Londoño, Andrés; Mesa Betancur, Xamara
    Although the Peace Agreement and the changes that arise with it aim to territorialize national provisions for effective peacebuilding, from the very conception of its design and approval, an urban approach or component that would give clues was not considered. or tools to territorial entities for the implementation of agreements in non-rural contexts. It is there, where the Comprehensive Restorative Processes with a Territorial Approach (PRIET) are formulated, an initiative of the Secretariat of Non-Violence of Medellín, for the implementation of point 5 of the Peace Agreement in the city with an urban focus. Thus, in the development of this work, an analysis of the State at the local level and its practical ways of materializing peace through the PRIET is proposed, seeking to investigate how these are framed as instruments of territorialization and construction of territorial peace in the city, and its relationship both in the implementation of the Peace Agreement and in the Public Peace Policy of Medellín.
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    Análisis de agendas políticas subnacionales : el caso de la Asamblea Departamental de Antioquia 2001-2023
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gallego Congote, Daniel; Vieira Silva, Juan Guillermo
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    Evaluación de implementación a la política “Construye bien” en el Distrito de Medellín (2020-2023)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ossa Vásquez, Laura Camila; Roldán Zapata, Juan Diego; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia; Chacón Barrero, Mario Leonardo
    The Construye Bien Policy has been implemented in the Medellín District since 2018. Its aim is to develop prevention, awareness, identification, surveillance, geo-referencing, monitoring, and control activities for legal, informal, and illegal construction processes. Given the implications of the Policy, this document proposes to carry out an implementation evaluation of the thematic axis of Control and Surveillance, specifically in the polygon that includes the Santa Elena district, with part of the Manrique, Villa Hermosa and Buenos Aires neighborhoods with the Piedras Blancas, Matasano and Media Luna villages, between 2020 and 2023. The study focused on this specific area because it is one of the 65 zones prioritized by the policy, as it is one of the areas with the greatest impact on the growth of irregular settlements. Four interviews were conducted with people involved in the issue, who presented their views on the development of the District's policy. The final stage of this study is the implementation evaluation, which will allow us to conclude whether or not the policy is being effective in the control and surveillance of the territory. The national government, for example, has shown little interest in partially or totally demolishing the irregular settlements and is more inclined to seek options for consensus-building without considering the level of risk that many of these informal constructions represent for the communities. That is why in the recommendations we are including some elements that could be incorporated to improve the application and reduce the possible negative impact that the policy may have generated in vulnerable communities.
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    Análisis de las políticas públicas para el mejoramiento e impulso del empleo y la productividad en Quibdó (Chocó – Colombia)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Guerrero Morales, Kevin Miguel; Ramos Villa, María Eugenia
    This research analyzes whether the current public policy on employment and productivity, in force in Quibdó (Chocó) since 2019, has had a real impact on the improvement of one or both subjects; the analysis is focused on the main diagnosed causes that generate the high rates of unemployment and lack of productivity in said municipality; likewise, the barriers and limitations in the implementation of the public policy are identified, which hinder the achievement of positive results in terms of employment and productivity in this territory of Colombia; and, finally, strategic recommendations are proposed that can be integrated into Quibdó's public policy to obtain more and better results in terms of employment and productivity.
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    Los observatorios de política pública en el Valle de Aburrá : una mirada a su incidencia en la toma de decisiones
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Flórez Acevedo, Lizeth Andrea; Gutiérrez Gómez, Oscar Eduardo; Vásquez, Carolina Sánchez
    Public policies in public management are a key instrument for participatory construction. Through the realities of the population to which they are directed, these policies establish strategic intervention actions to transform situations that limit access and enjoyment of rights. In this sense, an information system is necessary to allow sufficient monitoring and generate data that contributes to decision-making and improvements in results. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to analyze how public policy observatories in the Valle de Aburrá affect public decision-making in a delimited period of 10 years (2012-2022). For this, a qualitative approach was used with the technique of document analysis, using information sent by the 10 municipalities that are part of the subregion of interest and public entities responsible for monitoring public administration. The results showed that, although there are advances in municipalities that have administrative and financial capacity (as is the case with Medellín), the majority do not have a functioning observatory that allows decision-making with more specific information about their local realities. On the contrary, they mostly rely on indicators from regional or national entities.
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