Mundo Asia Pacífico, Vol. 09, Núm. 16 (2020)
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Ítem Yanbian, the third Korea(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Hernández, Ana María; López, Luisa Fernanda; Universidad EAFITÍtem Mongolian: that unsuspected mystery(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Ramírez, Natalia; Universidad EAFITÍtem Cultural factors of corporate governance in South Korea(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Guinand, Laura; Arenas, María Camila; Universidad EAFITThe article analyzes how Confucian values influence South Korea’s tra- de culture and draws parallels with Latin America. The analysis is based on a comparison of Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture between Colom- bia and South Korea, concluding that despite various similarities, Korea’s long-term orientation and the affiliate relations that result from the Confucian tradition have been essential for the greater success of the Asian country’s companies.Ítem Duality in the definition of anime(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Álvarez, Jhenny; Melguizo, Yesenia; Universidad EAFITThis review aims to investigate and give its opinion on the collective imagination that has been built around anime as a means of entertainment and dissemination of Japanese culture, starting from its etymology, from the analysis of its origins, then going through the process of reception in the nation and its establishment as a cultural icon of the land of the rising sun; later, its reception in Colombia and thus, propose a contextualized definition.Ítem Korea 2020 Coffee Show(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Guevara, María José; Universidad EAFITÍtem Okja: a critique of capitalism(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Posada, Julián; Zuluaga, Tatiana; Universidad EAFITOkja is a film directed by the South Korean writer and director Bong Joon-ho and co-written by Bong and Jon Ronson, it has the participation of actors such as Steven Yeun (better known as Glenn in the series The Walking Dead) and Devon Bostick of the series American The 100 . The film was released in 2017 by the Netflix platform internationally and by the film production company Next Entertainment World in South Korea. It had a budget of 50 million dollars and raised 2 million dollars.Ítem How immigration can boost the Japanese economy by mitigating the effects of population aging(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Castillo, Dionisio; Universidad EAFITThe economic impact of immigration depends on the characteristics of the host countries. Immigration has had positive results in countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, and the UK. This paper seeks to demonstrate how Japan would also benefit from immigration. The main barrier to implementing inclusive policies in Japan is the longstanding cultural belief, that immigrants are invaders instead of equal who can enjoy the same rights as native-born Japanese. The aging of Japan’s population is affecting its labor market where there is more demand than supply, meaning that the overall economy is running below its potential. In order to match demand with supply, Japan needs to contemplate the plausible option of letting in more immigrants to fill up vacancies. If Japan fails to do this, it will see a decline in its output capacity, meaning that it will lose competitiveness and productivity with adverse effects on the economy.Ítem Dead Kids review(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Zapata, Mónica; Universidad EAFITÍtem Memory and Literature: Colonization and Construction of the Past in the Novel Pachinko(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) del Valle, Verónica; Universidad Nacional de La PlataMemory is the construction of the past and, directly linked to experience, it is related to social, cultural, or political identities. It enables ways of understanding disputes and consensus on the meaning attributed to the past. This paper analyzes various aspects of Korean history and culture during the Japanese colonial rule of 1910–1945, as depicted in “Pachinko” (2017), one of the first novels written for the Anglo-Saxon audience on this theme. It is addressed using an analysis based on memory and history, taking into account the experiences of the Korean people exiled in Japan.Ítem The Role of Women in Korea: A Review of Historical Milestones(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-25) Najar, Valentina; Universidad EAFITWomen have been a key pillar for the development of Korea. Her traditional role as housekeeper and educator of children allowed certain extent the nation ́s progress, over time her role has changed due to various milestones that allowed her insertion in society along with the establishment of rights formerly reserved exclusively for men. This essay seeks to delve into historical facts that have been essential for the construction of the role occupy by women in Korean society today. Important milestones that have contributed to the distancing of the traditional role oriented towards an area of female liberation in Korean society will be mentioned. Finally, a brief mention to the current situation of Korean women will be made.Ítem Asia, The Fourth Transformation and the Global Change of Power(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Laborde, Adolfo Alberto; Maldonado, Marcela; Universidad Anáhuac; Universidad Autónoma de Baja CaliforniaThis paper mainly places Mexico’s national interests within its foreign policy, as part of the transformation context that Mexico is currently undergoing, known as The Fourth Transformation –4T. It takes into account changes in the global balance of power and presents alternatives in this area, which will contribute to their accomplishment. Based on the importance of diversifying international economic trade relationships, as a key factor to eliminate dependence on the North American market, Mexican exports to the American market accounted for 76% of the total exports in 2018 according to the Secretariat of Economy (2019). Consequently, this paper is based on the assumption that “while the country’s political and economic diversification is necessary, there are still no clear strategies, as opposed to the proposals made by our main partners in the world, especially those in Asia (China, South Korea, and Japan), which have recently shown interest in strengthening their ties with Mexico.” To this end, an analysis is conducted using the neorealist approach of international relationships, of the sources of power by Joseph S. Nye Jr. (2011), and of the power transition theory by Tammen (2000).Ítem Unicorns Gallop Rampant Through China And India: Successes And Similarities(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Pérez, James; Marrugo, Lina; Tordecilla, Verónica; Universidad Tecnológica de BolívarThis study aims to explore the success and characteristics of the novel business model used by Chinese and Indian unicorn firms as well as attempts to develop a framework called CEHI (Collocation, Entrepreneurship Attitudes, High Tech Startups, and Innovation) for the analysis of global unicorn firms. The liter- ature on unicorn firms is immature in business, management, and accounting (BMA) literature found in Scopus and Web of Science. To bridge this gap, this paper performs a holistic review of the existing literature, exploring and analyzing all unicorns in China and India (referred to collectively as Chindia) (89 Chinese Unicorns and 16 Indian Unicorns as of 2019) to provide insights into the phenomenon and contribute towards future avenues for research into unicorns.Ítem Dynamics Of The Relation Between Latin America And China: Cluster Analysis, 2005–2018(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-19) Wong, Sara A.; Valverde, Ivanna; Silva, Carlos A.; Escuela Superior Politécnica del LitoralLiterature discusses the symbiosis between financing loans granted by China to Latin America and exports from this region to China. This paper contributes to this literature by providing empirical evidence on the relation be- tween Latin American countries and China by creating a typology of countries based on different key aspects such as trade, commodity dependence, debt, environment, and institutionalism in four years over time (2005, 2010, 2015, and 2018). The dependence of countries on financing from China is taken into account, given the limited access to international markets as well as how aspects of government corruption and stability impact such dynamics. The contrast between countries and indicators shows that the relation between China and Latin America involves different aspects beyond bilateral trade.