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Ítem A domain-specific modeling framework for attack surface modeling(SciTePress, 2020-01-01) Sun, T.N.; Drouot, B.; Golra, F.R.; Champeau, J.; Guerin, S.; Le Roux, L.; Mazo, R.; Teodorov, C.; Van Aertryck, L.; L'Hostis, B.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesCybersecurity is becoming vital as industries are gradually moving from automating physical processes to a higher level automation using cyber physical systems (CPS) and internet of things (IoT). In this context, security is becoming a continuous process that runs in parallel to other processes during the complete life cycle of a system. Traditional threat analysis methods use design models alongside threat models as an input for security analysis, hence missing the life-cycle-based dynamicity required by the security concern. In this paper, we argue for an attacker-aware systems modeling language that exposes the systems attack surfaces. For this purpose, we have designed Pimca, a domain specific modeling language geared towards capturing the attacker point of view of the system. This study introduces the formalism along with the Pimca workbench, a framework designed to ease the development and manipulation of the Pimca models. Finally, we present two relevant use cases, serving as a preliminary validation of our approach. © Copyright 2020 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.Ítem USING VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY IN THE CALCULUS CLASSROOM(IATED-INT ASSOC TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT, 2020-01-01) Vega, J.; Nieto, A.; Cordoba, C.; Gil, G.; Trefftz, H.; Esteban, P.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesEducation, nowadays, is going through a transition process. ``New Students'' require tools that allow them to improve their technical knowledge and, besides that, strengthen soft skills such as communication and teamwork. Developments that use Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as a means for teaching have shown to have positive impacts on factors such as understanding, motivation and agility in the learning process of university students. In this article we describe the development of two tools, one based on Virtual Reality and one on Augmented Reality, to teach Multivariate Calculus to university students. The applications through experimentation and collaborative observation, allow them to understand concepts such as functions, quadratic surfaces, directional derivative, traces and contour lines. Both applications provide students and educators the change to experiment though digital environments used in a class in multivariate calculus. Each application includes two different roles: student and educator. The student is an observer. The professor and the students are represented through avatars that interact with each other. The educator role is more complex, allowing the user to create and modify functions and quadratic surfaces and create planes that intersect the surfaces that represent the functions. Students within the Virtual Reality environment experience ran the application on their phones. They used Virtual Reality glasses to immerse themselves in the experience and a remote Bluetooth controller to walk through the virtual environment. They were able to walk on and under the displayed mathematical functions. The instructor, on the other hand, created and modified those functions and directed the learning experience showing different interactions among planes and surfaces. The instructor ran the VR application on a computer. Meanwhile, students using the Augmented Reality application, were able to visualize functions and surfaces through the camera of their phones when pointing to the marker. Each student had the possibility of pointing to any place within the surface with a green dotted marker. They could also observe overlapping with the surfaces. The instructor had the same functionalities as in the virtual reality application. This study showed that almost all students encountered the experience satisfying and helpful. They thought it was revealing in many ways, allowing them to visualize abstract surfaces and traces easily. Also, some students pointed out their wish of including these experiences since the beginning of the course. In the full article, we plan to describe the creation of both VR and AR applications and provide data on the student perceptions.Ítem Adaptive LAMDA applied to identify and regulate a process with variable dead time(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-01-01) Morales L.; Pozo D.; Aguilar J.; Rosales A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn this paper, an adaptive intelligent controller based on the fuzzy algorithm called LAMDA (Learning Algorithm for Multivariable Data Analysis) is presented in order to identify and regulate a process with variable dead time. The original algorithm has been used for supervised and unsupervised learning, whose main field of application is the identification of functional states of the systems. In this work a modification of LAMDA has been implemented which is capable of online learning using hybrid techniques. The proposal consists of two stages: training stage to learn about the unknown plant in order to establish initial parameters to the controller, and a second phase, called application, in which the control strategy is updated using online learning. The proposed method is tested in the control objective of regulation of a process with variable dead time, to analyze the viability of its utilization in these types of systems in which their dynamics are variable and unknown. © 2020 IEEE.Ítem How Useful and Understandable is the APPLIES Framework? A Preliminary Evaluation with Software Practitioners(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01) Rincón, L.; Chavarriaga, J.; Mazo, R.; Salinesi, C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesAlthough engineering software product lines have proven to be an efficient way to develop similar products with high quality and increased time-to-market, companies must determine if they are willing to do the business and technical changes that this strategy requires. To support decision making, we are proposing APPLIES, a framework for evaluating the motivation and preparation for adopting product lines in an organization. We reviewed drivers, success factors and barriers described in the literature and proposed a comprehensive framework where these aspects can be prioritized and inter-related by diverse stakeholders in a company. Decision makers can use the resulting information to advise or not the implementation of product lines. This paper reports an initial evaluation of our proposal: a quasi-experiment where a group of 14 practitioners discussed motivators and barriers for adopting product lines, applied the framework and answered a set of questions about it. Our results show that reviewing the proposed factors contribute to evaluate if product line engineering could be adopted. However, we noted some problems with the used descriptions and visualizations that we must tackle to improve the framework and prepare further evaluations. This paper presents lessons learned in the process and gives some advice to researchers proposing similar techniques. © 2018 IEEE.Ítem A methodology for Data Analytic Based on Organizational Characterization through a User-centered Design: A Position Paper(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-01-01) Astudillo B.; Santorum M.; Aguilar J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesData Analytic (DA) is currently a very important approach to obtain the best possible benefit of the data, but its degree of difficulty compared to other computational processes limits its implementation in organizations. In addition, it remains a term highly confused with respect to other areas of data science, such as data mining, and Big Data. There are few methodologies for its implementation, in addition, its complexity makes it non-participatory, with a certain degree of resistance on the part of the users. The knowledge and skills of users must be exploited when analyzing and producing the business intelligence necessary for the Data Analytic execution. In this position paper, we explore the possibilities of contribution through a Methodology for Data Analytic, which is extended with the incorporation of features extracted from a user-centered design (UCD) approach inspired by the ISEA methodology. This existing DA methodology, called MIDANO, will be extended using gamification techniques, to facilitate the applicability and understanding, in order to guarantee a participation of organizational actors, resulting in a Participatory Data Analytic Methodology. © 2020 IEEE.Ítem APPLIES: a framework for evaluAting organization's motivation and Preparation for adoPting product LInEs(IEEE, 2018-01-01) Rincon, L; Mazo, R; Salinesi, C; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn the software industry, product Lines has emerged as an attractive approach to perform planned reuse. Nevertheless, a product line solution is not appropriate for all the cases and requires some conditions to be implemented successfully. The literature offers several contributions regarding the adoption of product lines. However, only a few of these support decision-makers for taking well-informed decisions in favor or against following this approach. This paper presents APPLIES, a framework to (i) detect signals that could motivate an organization to adopt a product line approach (ii) assess to what extent a company is prepared for supporting the practices necessary to adopt a product line. APPLIES is grounded in a thematic analysis of the literature and was preliminarily evaluated with two experts through a survey and an interview. The results of the evaluation provide us insights to create an improved version of the proposal following a design-science method.Ítem CME – A web application framework learning technique based on concerns, micro-learning and examples(SPRINGER, 2018-01-01) Correa, D.; Isaza, F.A.; Mazo, R.; Giraldo, G.L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesNowadays the use of Web Application Frameworks has been the default choice to develop software applications inside the web domain. These frameworks provide many benefits such as: faster development, enhanced security, and clearer structure of code. However, web application frameworks have a high learning curve and each time someone wants to learn a framework, a recurrent question arises: How to reduce that learning curve and be able to use a new web application framework in a short time? Several learning techniques have been used in the context of frameworks; for instance, example-based learning, tutorials, cookbooks, and tools. Nevertheless, those approaches have their own limitations and the question about what is the best way to learn soon those frameworks remains open. In this paper, we introduce a new web application framework learning technique called CME (Concerns, Micro-learning and Examples). This technique defines a customized learning path that a novice developer should follow to learn to use a web application framework. The learning path was built as a mix of concerns, micro-learning and example-based learning concepts. To validate this technique, we carry out a quasi-experiment about a web application framework learning and the development of small web applications with: (i) the use of CME and (ii) the use of a cookbook. The quasi-experiment results showed preliminary evidence that when using CME, novice developers become more operational to develop small web applications in a reduced period of time compared with the use of a cookbook. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.Ítem Automatic detection of number-plate and traffic infractions of motorcyclists by Intelligent Transportation Systems(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Valencia, J.F.; Ramírez-Guerrero, T.; Castãeda, L.F.; Toro, M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesPublic Transportation Strategic Systems are a digital transformation for the urban transportation service in the Colombian medium-size cities, from 200,000 to 600,000 inhabitants. The implementation of the urban public transportation services has not started in many cities; as a result, this cities in Colombia have an increase of illegal motorcycle taxis, which cause a high number of road accidents. The main method for controlling illegal motorcycle taxis is by giving the drivers transit fines. In order to give such transit fines, transit police have several control points in medium-size cities. In this article, we developed a mobile application to detect three types of transit infractions usually committed by motorcycle taxi drivers. The purpose of this application is to be a tool for the transit police agents to disincentivize the use of motorcycle taxis. The mobile application detects a possible transit infraction, saves the photo, motorcycle plate number, date, and time. Afterwards, the application generates a support for the transit infractions that will be issued by the transit police officer. We performed an experiment using this mobile application in the city of Valledupar, Colombia. The mobile application captured 40 possible transit infractions. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ítem Use of a serious game for teaching operations programming: Students' perceptions(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01) Carmona Gonzalez G.L.; Pelaez Valencia L.E.; Trefftz H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesThis paper describes the experiences in the design, construction and validation of a serious game to be used as a support to teach Operations Management (or Operations Programming) in a Production Engineering program. The aim of this publication is to describe the perceptions of the students during the various development stages of the process. A semi-experimental study was conducted in order to determine the pedagogical effectiveness of the use of the game, but in this paper the authors focus on the perceptions of the students, which may become an important input for other faculty interested on using serious games as support for teaching other engineering courses. © 2018 IEEE.Ítem Exhaustive community enumeration on a cluster(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01) Trefftz C.; McGuire H.; Kurmas Z.; Scripps J.; Pineda J.D.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesA parallelization based on MPI and OpenMP of an algorithm that evaluates and counts all the possible communities of a graph is presented. Performance results of the parallelization of the algorithm obtained on a cluster of workstations are reported. Load balancing was used to improve the speedups obtained on the cluster. Two different kinds of load balancing approaches were used: One that involved only MPI and a second one in which MPI and OpenMP were combined. The reason for the load imbalance is described. © 2018 IEEE.Ítem Implementing an active learning platform to support student learning in a numerical analysis course(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2017-01-01) Zabala F.J.C.; Parker H.E.; Vieira C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesClassroom instruction in the 21st century needs to incorporate innovative, research-based pedagogies. The engineering classroom is currently experiencing a shift towards more active learning activities due to both advances in educational research, and advances in technologies that enable practices such as the flipped classroom model. Given that course transformation is a gradual process that begins at the level of the instructor, educators need access to the essential tools and training in order to introduce these changes into the curricula. This paper introduces a course re-design based on Self-Determination Theory and Constructivism; and outlines effectively implemented active learning strategies using the flipped classroom model. The data were collected from a Numerical Analysis course, which is an important course across several engineering disciplines at Universidad EAFIT. This course enables engineering students to solve complex problems using mathematical and computational methods. This paper describes the implementation of an online active learning platform called "Numérico Interactivo" for two related engineering courses: Numerical Analysis (NA) and Numerical Processes (NP). The platform was available to all students, but only NA implemented it using a flipped classroom model. NP made the platform available as an optional course tool. Informed by SDT principles, "Numérico Interactivo" includes a variety of instructional materials such as explanations, examples, frequently asked questions (FAQ), self-assessment tools, and evaluation. This study compares the two courses in terms of: (1) students' perceptions about the instructional materials of the course; (2) students' use of the platform; and (3) students' perceived usefulness of the different elements within the platform. Results suggest that students in the NA course found the classroom sessions and the homework assignments more useful as compared to the students enrolled in the NP course. In addition, in the NA course students used the platform more often for class preparation and to study before each module. The way in which the platform was implemented in NA also increased student motivation in the course. Overall, the results suggest that "Numérico Interactivo" is useful to implement course re-designs into engineering and computing education courses, but such tools need to be guided by active learning practices so that students can fully benefit from them. © 2017 IEEE.Ítem Solving Large Systems of Linear Equations on GPUs(Springer, 2018-08-19) Ocampo, Juan Diego; Yepes, Johan; Zabala F.J.C.; Trefftz, Christian; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesGraphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become more accessible peripheral devices with great computing capacity. Moreover, GPUs can be used not only to accelerate the graphics produced by a computer but also for general purpose computing.Ítem APPLIES: A framework for evaluAting organization's motivation and preparation for adopting product lines(IEEE Computer Society, 2018-01-01) Rincón, L.; Mazo, R.; Salinesi, C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesIn the software industry, product Lines has emerged as an attractive approach to perform planned reuse. Nevertheless, a product line solution is not appropriate for all the cases and requires some conditions to be implemented successfully. The literature offers several contributions regarding the adoption of product lines. However, only a few of these support decision-makers for taking well-informed decisions in favor or against following this approach. This paper presents APPLIES, a framework to (i) detect signals that could motivate an organization to adopt a product line approach (ii) assess to what extent a company is prepared for supporting the practices necessary to adopt a product line. APPLIES is grounded in a thematic analysis of the literature and was preliminarily evaluated with two experts through a survey and an interview. The results of the evaluation provide us insights to create an improved version of the proposal following a design-science method. © 2018 IEEE.Ítem 10 Challenges for the Specification of Self-Adaptive Software(IEEE, 2018-01-01) Munoz-Fernandez, JC; Mazo, R; Salinesi, C; Tamura, G; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesThe demand for systems that continue on operation by adapting themselves in response to disturbing changes in their environment has increased in the last decades. Those systems, termed self-adaptive software (SAS) systems, should be developed with techniques and methods appropriated for analysing and designing this kind of systems, starting from the requirements phase. Several contributions propose approaches to improve the specification of requirements for those systems. This paper aims to review the most significant challenges still open in the domains of languages for requirements specification and methods for model verification of self-adaptive systems, independently of their particular application areas. More concretely, the main contribution of this paper is a list of ten challenges to achieve a better-defined specification of requirements for SAS systems, and a more effective verification of such specifications. These challenges are well worthy of being addressed in both communities, the requirements engineering (RE) and the SAS one.Ítem Towards an improved ASUM-DM process methodology for cross-disciplinary multi-organization big data & analytics projects(Springer Verlag, 2018-01-01) Angée, S.; Lozano-Argel, S.I.; Montoya-Munera, E.N.; Ospina-Arango, J.-D.; Tabares-Betancur, M.S.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesThe development of big data & analytics projects with the participation of several corporate divisions and research groups within and among organizations is a non-trivial problem and requires well-defined roles and processes. Since there is no accepted standard for the implementation of big data & analytics projects, project managers have to either adapt an existing data mining process methodology or create a new one. This work presents a use case for a big data & analytics project for the banking sector. The authors found out that an adaptation of ASUM-DM, a refined CRISP-DM, with the addition of big data analysis, application prototyping, and prototype evaluation, plus a strong project management work with an emphasis in communications proved the best solution to develop a cross-disciplinary, multi-organization, geographically-distributed big data & analytics project. © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Ítem Un Enfoque Conectivista Aplicado a la Formación para la Investigación en un Curso de Fundamentación de Nivel de Doctorado en Modelamiento Sistémico(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2019-01-01) Parra Valencia J.A.; Peláez Valencia L.E.; Delgado González I.A.; Toro Lazo A.; Trefftz Gómez H.; Vargas Agudelo F.A.; Arias Vargas J.L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesÍtem Solving large systems of linear equations on GPUs(Springer Verlag, 2018-01-01) Llano-Ríos T.F.; Ocampo-García J.D.; Yepes-Ríos J.S.; Correa-Zabala F.J.; Trefftz C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesGraphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become more accessible peripheral devices with great computing capacity. Moreover, GPUs can be used not only to accelerate the graphics produced by a computer but also for general purpose computing. Many researchers use this technique on their personal workstations to accelerate the execution of their programs and have often encountered that the amount of memory available on GPU cards is typically smaller than the amount of memory available on the host computer. We are interested in exploring approaches to solve problems with this restriction. Our main contribution is to devise ways in which portions of the problem can be moved to the memory of the GPU to be solved using its multiprocessing capabilities. We implemented on a GPU the Jacobi iterative method to solve systems of linear equations and report the details from the results obtained, analyzing its performance and accuracy. Our code solves a system of linear equations large enough to exceed the card’s memory, but not the host memory. Significant speedups were observed, as the execution time taken to solve each system is faster than those obtained with Intel® MKL and Eigen, libraries designed to work on CPUs. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018.Ítem Scalable. Ad Hoc, Low Cost, Mobile, Online Laboratories(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-01-01) Zapata-Rivera L.F.; Larrondo Petrie M.M.; Zalewski J.; Shockley J.; Costa J.; Lalinde-Pulido J.; Cristobal E.S.; Castro M.; Miguel Rodriguez A.; Saliah-Hassane H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesThe IEEE Educational Society has sponsored the development of IEEE-SA P1876™ standard for Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories. This paper proposes two different architectures that integrate components to support educational online laboratories, through the use of xAPI statements to communicate between Remote Laboratory Management Systems, Virtual Learning Environments and Learning Analytics Generators. Proof of concept implementations of three scalable, ad hoc, low-cost, mobile, online laboratories that utilize the proposed distributed and centralized architectures are described, one fully integrated to an Actionable Data Book. The next steps would be to implement Mobile Massive Open Online Laboratories (M-MOOLs) within the context of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), using the P1876™ standard under development. © 2018 IEEE.Ítem What You Define, Is What You Need: Defining Agile/Traditional Mixed Methodologies(2017-10-12) Andres Felipe; RINCÓN, RAFAEL DAVID; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesDefining software development methodologies may jointly include traditional and agile frameworks practices. Agile frameworks give teamwork structure and dynamics which are focused on delivering value in an incremental wayÍtem An Innovation Model in Curriculum Design for Teaching Engineering at Universidad EAFIT(IEEE, 2014-01-01) Zea, Claudia M.; Rodriguez, Alberto; Bueno, Natalia A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas; I+D+I en Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesConstant changes in technology pose continuous challenges for higher education institutions that are training the engineers of the future. These changes are making it necessary to adapt the curriculum in order to develop the skills needed by the XXI century engineer. Moreover, instead of thinking in a large curriculum reform at a specific moment, it is necessary to define curriculum management processes that include change as a natural component of the process. In addition to these global trends, each institution has a particular context and thus, the analysis in each institution has unique characteristics, a common methodological approach, and a reference model that can be built as long as it is flexible enough to include that context. This paper describes a model developed for curriculum management inside the School of Engineering at Universidad EAFIT - Colombia. This model includes the institutional context and is based on a process approach defined by the Business Process Management (BPM) methodology. The model uses the Burlton Hexagon as a theoretical framework to identify organizational structure, strategies, policies, infrastructure, technology tools and human capital. It is also a mechanism for specifying curricular macro processes including the global and institutional context. The proposed model is based on three pillars: (a) scientific research in education, which promotes the use of the scientific method as a strategy to ensure an approach to problems based on evidence which allows the construction of educational innovation projects, (b) education engineering focused on engineering education, which transforms the learning by developing basic, professional, and transversal skills as well as those specific for an engineer of the XXI century, and (c) interactive educational communities, both face to face and virtual, as spaces for knowledge management that support collaborative working and experience-sharing, managed by its members working together promoting initiatives to develop educational innovation projects focused on specific topics, that answer questions related to teaching and learning needs. The formulation and development of educational innovation projects are the responses to different needs identified on specific courses that are transformed into research questions. These projects aim to renew the curriculum so that it dynamically evolves based on classroom experiences. Thus, the curriculum renewal is based on critical thinking about the problems found in engineering education. The use of the scientific method and the collaborative approach enables drawing solid conclusions based on the experimental results. The model proposes the formulation and development of innovative educational projects in which scientific research applied in education aims to transform teaching, academic and administrative practices. As consequence, curricular innovations that integrate learning objects and educational, methodological and assessment strategies, are developed by an interactive learning community composed by teachers. Finally, the results obtained by applying the model in some courses in the School of Engineering of Universidad EAFIT are presented. These results include reducing the drop-out rate of students, redefining admission and graduation profiles, and micro-curricular redesign based on competences using projects, among others.