Economía (trabajo de grado)
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Ítem Feminización de la agricultura & su impacto en la producción del café colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Apraez Apraez, Anita Isabella; Jaramillo Restrepo, Paulina; Quintero Vásquez, Laura María; Muñoz Mora, Juan CarlosÍtem Relación entre competitividad y bienestar : un enfoque multidimensional del desarrollo humano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Anaya Lopera, Natalia; Londoño Grajales, Juan David; Goda, ThomasÍtem Análisis de la contribución de la educación no formal al mercado laboral colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cardona Jaramillo, Juliana; Rendón Pamplona, Sara; Hernández Flórez, MónicaÍtem A Novel Ornstein Uhlenbeck Levy Model Conditioned on an Unknown Mean : Frecasting of the VIX(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Aguirre Posada, Mario; Almonacid Hurtado, Paula María; Pérez Monsalve, Juan PabloÍtem Influencia de la adopción de criterios ESG dentro de la valoración financiera de empresas estadounidenses que cotizan en la bolsa de valores NASDAQ 100(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Amelines Osorno, Estefanía; Urrego Moscarella, Tomás; Álvarez Franco, Pilar Beatriz; Puerta Álvarez, Henry DanielWhile companies that implement ESG criteria may enjoy positive market perception, evidence suggests these practices don't necessarily translate into increased corporate value. Analyzing ESG criteria in tech companies shows that those adopting sustainable practices don't always achieve significant valuation impact, especially compared to traditional financial metrics like EBITDA, book value, or stock price. An econometric analysis of 25 NASDAQ 100 companies indicates that although ESG adoption is relevant, its contribution to corporate valuation is limited. This suggests that while sustainability is important, it isn't a decisive competitive advantage in the tech sector. Essentially, the applied econometric models reveal that the explanatory power of ESG criteria on firm value is low, indicating that other financial factors play a much more crucial role in determining value. However, when analyzing the subset of the five most representative tech companies in the NASDAQ 100, the impact of ESG criteria is significant. This indicates that larger, more market-dominant companies find sustainable practices more relevant to their valuation. This finding suggests that the influence of ESG criteria may vary depending on a company's size and position within the tech sector. It implies that companies with higher market capitalization are better positioned to leverage the competitive advantages associated with sustainability.Ítem Impacto del volumen de transacción en la generación de capital(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rey Ardila, María Camila; Pineda Cancino, Juan David; Montoya Gil, Juan MiguelÍtem Medición del turismo en el crecimiento económico de América Latina durante el período de 1995-2018(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vellojin Sierra, Linda Rosa; Quirós Arango, Luis FernandoThis thesis investigates the relationship between economic growth and tourism in Latin America and a subset of filtered countries (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay) highlighting the crucial role that tourism plays as a driver of development in the region. In the first instance, previous empirical studies are reviewed in order to understand how tourism has contributed to economic growth over time. To quantitatively analyze this relationship, the panel data methodology is used, covering the period from 1995 to 2018; The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate is considered as the dependent variable, while the independent variables are unemployment, inbound tourism expenditure, inflation, and population growth. In the analysis for Latin American countries as a whole, inbound tourism expenditure does not show a significant effect on GDP growth, while in the filtered subset of countries, inbound tourism expenditure is significant and has a direct effect on GDP growth, suggesting that tourism is an important driver of economic growth in these countries. The different results between Latin America as a whole and the filtered countries underscore the importance of analyzing specific contexts to obtain more precise conclusions about significant effects of tourism on economic growth.Ítem Determinantes financieros del éxito o fracaso de las ofertas públicas iniciales(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cano Núñez, Juan Manuel; Gómez Mejía, Juan Pablo; Támara Ayús, Armando LeninÍtem Análisis relacional entre la formación y las ocupaciones laborales de los egresados de educación para el Trabajo y el Desarrollo Humano (ETDH) en Colombia entre 2021 y 2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sánchez Calderín, Luis Felipe; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloThis study focuses on the relationship between labor occupations and the educational training of graduates of Education for Work and Human Development (ETDH) programs between 2021 and 2023. Based on the information provided by DANE through the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH), the correspondence (fit) and mismatch (mismatch) between studies and occupations is calculated, with a focus on gender and regional gaps. Additionally, a logit model is used to estimate the influence of certain factors on this relationship, such as age, gender, region of origin and the economic sector in which the graduate is employed. The results suggest that there are differences between the regions of Colombia in terms of the match between training and occupations. The gaps stand out in the Orinoquía, Llanos and Amazonía region, where the mismatch is more pronounced. In turn, women face complex conditions, as they have a higher proportion of mismatches compared to men.Ítem Determinantes de la estructura de salarios en Colombia entre 2007 y 2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arteaga Arango, Alejandra; Posada Posada, Carlos EstebanThe study addresses the determinants of the wage structure in Colombia from 2007 to 2023. Using the Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares (GEIH) and a Structural Vector Autoregressive Model (SVAR), it examines the relationship between the number of skilled and unskilled workers, the interaction between physical and human capital, and the potential for skill-biased technical changes. The study concludes that economic growth and capital accumulation were key determinants in shaping the wage structure during the 2007–2023 period. The results are robust across different model specifications and adjustments to the analysis period.Ítem Impacto de las transferencias del gobierno sobre la resiliencia financiera : análisis para países latinoamericanos en el periodo pos-COVID-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Restrepo Yepes, Juan Felipe; Álvarez Franco, Pilar Beatriz; Cruz Castañeda, VivianÍtem Entre fronteras y enfermedades : sífilis gestacional y congénita en migrantes venezolanos en el departamento de Antioquia (2020-2022)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Arias Toro, Valentina; Arboleda Chavarría, Emmanuel; Ceballos García, Grey Yuliet; Puerta Álvarez, Henry DanielThis study aims to investigate the correlation between sociodemographic characteristics and access to health services with the incidence of gestational and congenital syphilis in Venezuelan migrant mothers and children in Antioquia during the period between 2020 and 2022. The research examines how migration impacts public health in this region, highlighting the public health repercussions and the reduction of human capital associated with these diseases. To achieve this, an empirical analysis based on concrete data is employed, complemented by a theoretical analysis that contextualizes the situation within the Latin American and national spheres. Likewise, the study identifies correlations between socioeconomic variables, such as affiliation with health systems and access to public services, and the incidence of syphilis in this population. Additionally, the methodology combines econometric models and descriptive statistics, using data from official sources such as the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia. The findings provide useful data for developing more effective and accessible public policies, addressing the deficiencies in health care for migrants. In this way, it contributes to better syphilis control and more adequate care, promoting the economic and social integration of migrant families in Antioquia.Ítem Contribución del turismo al PIB per cápita en Casanare, Meta, Santander, Bogotá D.C, San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina durante el periodo 2013-2023(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sánchez Cardona, María del Mar; Guerrero Herrera, Adrián Andrés; Quirós Arango, Luis Fernando; Puerta Puerta, Henry DanielThis work aims to analyze the impact of tourism on the Colombian economy, specifically in five departments with high GDP per capita (Casanare, Meta, Bogotá, San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, and Santander) during the period 2013-2023. This issue has gained importance in recent years as tourism has grown exponentially in the country, driven by greater air connectivity and an increase in foreign visitors. This growth has created a multiplier effect in sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and commerce. However, the effects of tourism are not solely positive, as seasonality, inflation, and the overexploitation of resources affect the economic and social stability of these regions, causing discontent among residents due to the externalities of tourism. Consequently, a thorough study is necessary due to the lack of research and information on the subject. An econometric panel data model will be developed to evaluate the relationship between tourism and GDP per capita, aiming to determine whether this activity impacts the purchasing power of residents in different regions, considering variables such as nationalities, reasons for travel, and GDP per capita. This research seeks to determine how tourism contributes to long-term economic growth and the thresholds at which its positive effects may reverse. The results will provide an empirical basis for decision-making in sustainable tourism policies, aiming to maximize the economic benefits of tourism while minimizing its negative impacts.Ítem Riqueza generacional : estrategias de portafolios financieros(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jaramillo Correa, Felipe; Giraldo Arango, MateoÍtem Historical Persistence : Examining the Effects of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on COVID-19 Vaccination Patterns(Tilburg University, 2024) Ramírez Cruz, Juan José; Giraldo Osorio, Marcela; Laplana, AntonioHistorical persistence is an important factor to understand how our institutions, former policies, and historical events shaped our societal constrains nowadays; our present-day attitudes; and how our economic interactions will be shaped in the long run. The identification of persistence in interdisciplinary sectors can have important implications for policy-making in future strategies, making these decisions more effective and targeted at our objectives by researching how former approaches shaped contemporary responses. This article studies the impact of former historical events and policies such as the 1918 Great Influenza, and the interventions to mitigate it, on present-day decisions concerning public health issues, specifically COVID-19 vaccination rates. By interpreting how these historical events shaped current behaviours and institutional frameworks, it enhances the opportunity to design efficient crisis mitigation plans which can address disparities across demographics and geography, and it is an alternative point of view for policy-makers and researchers to understand inherited human behaviour and societal resilience for future research and more accurate governmental interventions.Ítem Efectos del nivel de ingresos sobre las tasas de divorcio(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) David Higuita, Frank Dony; Téllez Falla, Diego RestrepoÍtem Explorando la señalización corporativa a nivel sectorial en el mercado bursátil estadounidense : el caso de las recompras de acciones(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Rugeles Aristizábal, Felipe; Chaparro Cardona, Juan Camilo; Montoya Gil, Juan MiguelThis research offers a detailed analysis of the informational content of stock buyback plan announcements and how the reactions of different market agents influence the Price-Earnings Ratio, relative to their sector, of the companies that execute them. The study covers a sample of 40 companies from the U.S. stock market between the years 2018 and 2023, using Fixed Effects models that control for entity and temporality. The results for the complete sample reveal that, on average, repurchase announcements are associated with excess returns of 1.05% in the Price-Earnings Ratio relative to their sector on the day the announcements are made. Furthermore, it is observed that these effects are durable within a ten-day post-announcement window, gradually diminishing to an equivalent effect of 0.20% daily on the tenth day. Additionally, sector-specific analyses show divergences in the results, varying in magnitude, durability, and the sign of the effects, reflecting the specific characteristics of the companies in each sector and how these condition the investors' reactions to the signals sent by the entrepreneurs.Ítem Análisis regional de las brechas del capital humano relacionado con el embarazo adolescente en Colombia (2000-2015)(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mogollón Vargas, Rubi Juliana; Vélez Uribe, Esteban; Ceballos García, Grey YulietThis study examines the relationship between teenage pregnancy and school dropout in Colombia between 2000 and 2015, using data from the National Demography and Health Survey. Through the use of Propensity Score Matching, it analyzes how early motherhood affects the accumulation of human capital, identifying regional and temporal differences in formal education. The findings suggest that teenage pregnancy results in a lower accumulation of human capital, manifested in reduced years of schooling. Although the gaps have decreased over time, notable differences persist between regions. The study underscores the importance of implementing comprehensive policies that not only prevent teenage pregnancy but also support the educational continuity of young mothers, aiming to strengthen the country's socioeconomic development.Ítem Una discusión abierta : la descentralización de la economía colombiana y el valor agregado(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Veléz Mejía, María Fernanda; Restrepo Medina, Camila; Hurtado Rendón, ÁlvaroÍtem Análisis del impacto de los precios de la gasolina en la inflación municipal en Colombia : una estimación SVAR(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bañol Palacio, Andrés Felipe; Amaya Arbeláez, Juan Luis; Tabares Pozos, Germán Augusto