Escuela de Artes y Humanidades
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Ítem Proceso de ASC - ACTITUDES Y CREENCIAS SOBRE LA PAZ Y LA VIOLENCIA EN COLOMBIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Zuluaga-Aristizábal, Marda; Gálvez-Ortiz, Claudia; López-Sánchez, Daniela; Prieto-Lozano, María Paula; Guiral-Quinchía, Julián; Torres-Merchán, Ana María; Orozco-Castillo, Carolina; Restrepo-Ruíz, Natalia; Valle-Zuluaga, Carolina; Daza, Leidy Daniela; Universidad EAFITThis work investigates the attitudes and beliefs that, about peace and violence, are found in the written interventions of the comments on the Facebook pages of two media outlets: El Colombiano and El Espectador, specifically about the peace agreement. . Investigating beliefs implies a reflection on the ideologies and representations present in a society, which are incorporated and recreated by the subjects that constitute it. For this reason, critical discourse analysis was used as a method, from the sociocognitive perspective of Van Dijk (2007), seeking a reflection on social problems through the analysis of discursive structures, which give rise to beliefs and attitudes. 15 primary and 12 secondary attitudes were identified, as well as three types of ideologies that underlie them.Ítem Proceso de ASC - CONOZCAMOS Y FORTALEZCAMOS HABITOS EN LA COMUNIDAD EAFITENSE(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Lopera, Angelica; Suárez, Elena; Gaviria, Catalina; Duarte, María Alejandra; Torres, Susana; Lemos, Maríantonia; Universidad EAFITDebido a la pandemia del COVID19 los hábitos asociados a la salud cambiaron en toda la población. Este estudio buscó evaluar la manera como se impactaron los hábitos de las personas de la comunidad eafitense (profesores, estudiantes, administrativos) para tener la base de desarrollar una intervención comportamental orientada al cambio de uno de los hábitos. Los resultados del estudio señalaron que la actividad física fue uno de los ma´s afectados, por lo que se desarrolló una intervención orientada a incrementarlo.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ECOPATRIA, PORQUE LA BIODIVERSIDAD TAMBIEN HACE PARTE DE LA SOCIEDAD QUE HABITAMOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Alzate Hincapie, Brian Steven; Bula García, María Alejandra; Palomino Ochoa, Santiago; Osorio Beltrán, Valentina; Castaño García, Wendy; Ortíz Zapata, Matías; Pizarro Bello, Albeiro Alfonso; León Ávila, Natalia; Lopera Velásquez, María Alejandra; Universidad EAFITThis project is an initiative focused on research and knowledge dissemination, specifically with a scientific, political, and environmental emphasis—distinct tones that form a song society needs to hear. Our instrument for telling these stories is the experimental documentary podcast, characterized by the interplay of various sounds, such as the voices of characters accompanied by bioacoustics. We propose to create sound content based on empirical research, microethnography, and community engagement in the five townships of Medellín, featuring narratives that detail and precisely explain the interactions among different actors within a social ecosystem. The goal is to create stories accompanied by unique sounds that can be used to disseminate knowledge across various academic fields within the Colombian context. To achieve this, we will produce a knowledge dissemination podcast, composed of data, sounds, people, stories, research, and multidisciplinary collaboration, aimed at reaching a diverse audience and serving as a repository of scientific information.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ESTUDIO Y REPORTAJE SOBRE LA MIGRACION DE PERSONAS EXTRANJERAS (ENTRE ELLAS LOS HAITIANOS) A TRAVES DE NECOCLI, ANTIOQUIA: EL "OTRO HUECO" PARA REALIZAR EL SUEÑO DE IR A ESTADOS UNIDOS Y CANADA.(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Penagos, Natalia; Henao, Isabela; Barrera, Simón; Jaramillo, Valeria; Arias, Juan Daniel; Hernández, Jerónimo; Avendaño, María Victoria; Correa, Carlos Mario; Betancur, Juan Gonzalo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - ESTUDIO Y REPORTAJE SOBRE LA MIGRACION DE PERSONAS EXTRANJERAS A TRAVES DE NECOCLI, ANTIOQUIA - EL "OTRO HUECO"- PARA REALIZAR EL SUEÑO DE IR A ESTADOS UNIDOS Y CANADA. FASE 2(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Castaño, Lorena; Penagos, Natalia; Jaramillo, Valeria; Lopera, Laura; Hernández, Jerónimo; Torres, Jerónimo; Betancur, Juan Gonzalo; Echavarría, Miguel Ángel; De Silvestro, Pablo; Montes, Estefanía; Correa, Carlos Mario; Palomino, Santiago; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - EXPERIENCIA DE TOMA DE DECISIONES EN PRACTICAS EVALUATIVAS DESDE LA EXPERIENCIA DE DOCENTES Y ESTUDIANTES(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Manrique-Tisnés, Horacio; Valle-Zuluaga, Carolina; Ordóñez-Echeverri, Monserrat; González-Peña, Maritza; Universidad EAFITDecision-making in evaluative practices is fundamental in the teacher-student interaction, however, it has been little studied from the perspective of the experience of those involved. Therefore, we propose as a research question: How is the experience of decision-making in evaluative practices from the perspective of teachers and students? Consequently, the objective of this project is to analyze the experience of decision making in evaluative practices from the perspective of university teachers and students, understanding their logic, with the intention of proposing alternatives to improve the experience of decision making in these practices. To answer the question and fulfill the objective, we propose an analytical and phenomenological-hermeneutic approach, which allows us to explore the experiences of the subjects involved in decisions about evaluation from both the teacher's and the student's perspective. Although evaluation is a topic that due to its importance has been studied from many perspectives (Salinas, 2013), we consider that it is important to ask ourselves about what those directly involved (teachers and students) experience when making decisions, since this approach has been little explored (as evidenced in the state of the art presented below), being of paramount importance to understand many associated phenomena such as, for example, motivational factors of students and teachers, conflicts that arise in the classroom, academic fraud behaviors, effects of the proposed changes in evaluation models (focused on teaching, focused on learning), incidence of new technologies in evaluation processes, challenges and challenges in understanding the integral formation of the new generations in our context, but with the influence of other contexts in an increasingly interconnected world, among others.Ítem Proceso de ASC - EXPERIMENTOS DE IMAGINACION NARRATIVA: EFECTOS DE LA ESCRITURA CREATIVA EN LAS CAPACIDADES MORALES DE ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pino Posada, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - EXPERIMENTOS DE IMAGINACION NARRATIVA: LA RECEPCION ETICA DE OBRAS LITERARIAS Y LA ESCRITURA CREATIVA COMO HERRAMIENTAS PARA EL ESTIMULO DE LA EMPATIA(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Pino Posada, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - GAMABEATS: PSICOLOGIA DE LA MUSICA Y EL COLOR PARA LA CREACION DE PRODUCTOS SONOROS Y AUDIOVISUALES(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Acuña Jaimes, Karla Lorena; Chaverra Castaño, Yhilmar Andrés; Gallego Ramírez José Eduard; Betancur Jaramillo, Pablo; Ramírez Rossi, Julieta; Ospina Zapata, Manuela; Sánchez Cadavid, Maria José; Tamayo Londoño, Maria José; Zabaleta Bustos, Alejandro; Lopera Velásquez, María Alejandra; Universidad EAFITThis project focuses on investigating and experimenting with the relationship between sound, colors, and emotions to create musical themes that can accompany audiovisual communication products or other creative content. The research explores the physical and emotional connection between sound waves and light (spectrum colors) and how they can generate different sensations in people. The aim is to experiment with creating pieces that can be used in various contexts and types of content to correctly impact the target audience. To achieve this, a free-to-use music library will be created, composed based on the research findings. This library will be accessible to audiovisual content creators (both fiction and non-fiction), allowing them to find and download musical fragments tailored to different moods according to the needs of each product. The production of this sound content will involve three stages: 1) Research Phase: Investigating the relationship between emotions generated by colors (color psychology) and the sounds produced by those colors. 2) Creative Experimentation: Exploring the creative possibilities of these findings to produce musical pieces related to them. 3) Interactive Platform Implementation: Developing an interactive platform where various categorized pieces can be downloaded based on emotions. Throughout this work, the project will delve into how the relationship between music, color, and emotion allows melodies to tell their own story and how this can be used to create communicative tools that place the audience within a specific narrative and emotional context. Thus, the project will contribute to academic research in the psychology of music, colors, and emotions, aiding in the education of content creators.Ítem Proceso de ASC - LOS TENTACULOS DE LA MINIFICCION: POSIBILIDADES INTERDISCIPLINARES E INTERMEDIALES DE UN GENERO LITERARIO EN BOGA(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Pino Posada, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - MUSEO DE LOS ESFUERZOS INUTILES(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Henao, Rodrigo; Universidad EAFITIt is an installation that aims to reproduce the idea portrayed in the short story "The Museum of Useless Efforts" by Cristina Peri Rossi. Although the story is used as a reference, the goal is not to reproduce it. An installation will be created in the style of an art gallery, where the artworks will be the useless efforts. Each piece can be composed of music, video, sculpture, and the use of augmented reality.Ítem Proceso de ASC - MUSEO DE LOS ESFUERZOS INUTILES ETAPA 2(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Henao, Rodrigo; Universidad EAFITIt is an installation in which thirteen useless objects are exhibited in conjunction with thirteen musical pieces. The curatorial text accompanying each useless object is a literary minifiction in the form of ironic instructions for use. The installation seeks to immerse the visitor in a sensory and cognitive experience that engages them in reflections and imaginings about the utility and futility of many human practices, desires, and projects. The idea is that through objectual, auditory, and textual materializations, an exploratory spirit is activated around the meaning of many vital efforts and even around the need to lucidly and aesthetically embrace their meaninglessness.Ítem Proceso de ASC - OPERA HOSPITAL MENTAL. OPERA DEL TERROR. PARTE 1(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Henao, Rodrigo; Universidad EAFITCreation of a horror opera based on events that occurred in a mental hospital. Presented in an unconventional warehouse-style setting, where the audience will be immersed in the performance through the use of 8.1 electroacoustic music and acoustic instruments. The atmosphere will be conditioned with systems of movable panels, video beam projections, lights, and other gadgets, all synchronized with the music to enhance a more vivid experience.Ítem Proceso de ASC - PREVALENCIA DE LOS VALORES CRISTIANOS EN EL LIBERALISMO POLITICO CONTEMPORANEO DESPUES DE LA "MUERTE DE DIOS"(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ross Hernández, Raquel; Vélez López, Germán Darío; Universidad EAFITOne of the most controversial issues in Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy is, not surprisingly, the refutation of God and his uselessness in today's society, which he exposes as the "death of God", bringing with it the fall of Christian morality as the hegemonic principle of values. This fall means a nihilistic state in society, because for the author it finds itself with a lack of values when it manages to refute its previous morality, since there is an absence of an entity that judges and determines good and evil; This state and refutation of God is due to various historical and political events, such as the Peace of Westphalia, the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution, which brought with them new beliefs and ideals, such as the Enlightenment and liberalism as hegemonic political theory which promotes a secular state and a division of this with the church, thus creating a new social paradigm and building a new morality on the destroyed, a morality where man and his individuality as the center of the world and not God. With regard to the above, as researchers we will analyze how true is Nietzsche's assertion that Christian morality is nonexistent as a hegemonic scale of values in today's society.Ítem Proceso de ASC - REALIZACION DE CINCO TESTIMONIOS PERIODISTICOS CON VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS DEL CONFLICTO ARMADO COLOMBIANO, EXPERIMENTANDO EN LA PRODUCCION DE VIDEOS CON IMAGENES DE 360 GRADOS(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Bettin, Camila; Barrera, Simón; Penagos, Natalia; Henao, Isabela; Castellanos, Sofía; Correa, Carlos Mario; Betancur, Juan Gonzalo; Universidad EAFITÍtem Proceso de ASC - TOMA DE DECISIONES INDIVIDUALES E INTERINDIVIDUALES EN LA INTERACCION PROFESOR-ESTUDIANTE(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Manrique-Tisnés, Horacio; Valle-Zuluaga, Carolina; Universidad EAFITIndividual and inter-individual decision-making influences the dynamics of the classroom, as well as the evolution of those involved, due to the transmission and construction of ways of proceeding based on the adoption of one of these positions. To this extent, we consider it convenient to make a first approach to the subject by means of the realization of a state of the art that allows us to analyze those implications that decision making may have in the teacher-student interaction, both from an individual and interindividual perspective, with the purpose of contributing to the knowledge in the area, and as a contribution to the understanding of these dynamics.Ítem Proceso de ASC - VIOLONCHELO EN COLOMBIA. LISTADO DE OBRAS ESCRITAS ENTRE 1964 y 2022 POR MUJERES COMPOSITORAS. PREPARACION PARA LA EDICION DE LAS OBRAS DE JAQUELINE NOVA SONDAG(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Martínez, Luisa; Giraldo, Dafne; Arias, Javier; Universidad EAFITThe doctoral thesis of Javier Arias from the National Autonomous University of Mexico collects 139 works located for cello, solo, duo, for multiple cellos and as a solo instrument written by composers in Colombia during 1896 to 2017 for a total of 67 creators of which 57 are men and only 10 women. The present research project seeks to answer a) why is there such a discrepancy in the range of men composers vs, women composers, b) why women composers and their works are not being considered in the same manner that those from male composers, c) how professional training for cellists in Colombia has commonly been addressed in the different educational institutions and how they formulate their curricula, d) why the study of works by Colombian composers has not been contemplated, e) what happened to the music for cello written by women composers since 2017 up to 2022. Javier Arias points out in his doctoral thesis that since there has not been a systematization and classification of works for cello written in Colombia, it is very difficult to promote the use of these works. Some professors from institutions of higher education had previously addressed the issue, and joined efforts so that, at least in their chairs, some of the repertoire could be used. However, it cannot be said that such efforts have been coordinated and generalized for all institutions: rather, they were specific cases. These problems generated the idea of the formulation of a research project that would contribute to making works from male and female composers equally known and accessible through the dissemination of their works and their implementation in the cello curricula. This research project was officially consolidated in 2022 to locate, classify and systematize the works for cello written by women composers in formats such as solo cello, duet, multiple cellos as well as soloist instrument written between 2017 and 2022 to promote and make them accessible to the actors of interest. It is important to clarify the figure of Jacqueline Nova Sondag, a pioneer and promoter of electroacoustic music in the country who was the first woman to graduate with a title in composition and an important reference of composition in Colombia. Her works with cello are: "Scherzo in primitive style" for violin and cello, composed in 1964, “Mesure” for cello and piano written in 1965, and "Scherzo bitonal" for viola and cello, from 1967. These works were the first ones found written by a woman composer, therefore are of high importance for publishing. In addition to preparing Sondag's works, this project seeks to compile and classify the works of Colombian women composers from 2017 to 2022 who, with their works, have contributed significantly to enriching the repertoire in question. With the data provided by composer Melisa Vargas Franco, it has been possible to search via email and social networks for the composers mentioned there. In addition to this, a call was made on Instagram, as a search, to which some composers who provided their works responded. With the above, 29 works were compiled in the various formats already mentioned and a consolidated of 18 composers among which are Violeta Cruz (Bogotá, 1986), Carolina Noguera Palau (Cali, 1979), Alba Fernanda Triana (Bogotá, 1969), Susana Vásquez (Medellín, unknown) Laura Fernanda Zúñiga (Bogotá, unknown), Laura Zapata Cortés (no data), Erika Sáenz Burdón (no data), Manuela Pulido Gutiérrez (no data), Maria Eugenia Gómez (no data) and Leidy Montilla (no data), all of them with one work; Claudia Calderón (Palmira, 1959), Alba Lucía Potes (Cali, 1954), Natalia Valencia (Medellín, 1976), Ana María Franco (no data), Michele Abondano (no data) and Laura Echeverri Rendón (no data) with two works each and Paola Arévalo Lasso (no data), with four works.Ítem Proceso de ASC - WRÃ JÎBUSU (MUJER COLIBRI)(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Henao, Rodrigo; Universidad EAFITThis project will create a musical work that takes the oral tradition discourses of the Embera culture and reimagines them under the aesthetic parameters of the 21st century. Tradition, music, dance, and technology will be integrated, creating a new vision of how Embera culture's beliefs are disseminated. Wẽrã Jîbusu (hummingbird woman) is a mythical musical character of the 21st century, created by the research group. She will be responsible for narrating and singing the stories of her Embera people from her present-day perspective. She is a living, multi-timbral instrument, and her soul in motion brings to life bodies, voices, songs, mystical soundscapes, words, and images. The mission of her songs is to awaken the souls that are unaware of the magic and wisdom of her people.Ítem Proceso de ASC - ¿COMO (NO) VIVIR? RESPRESENTACIONES LITERARIAS DE LA VIDA BUENA(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Pino Posada, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITEl presente proyecto de investigación se propone rastrear diversas representaciones literarias de la vida buena (feliz, lograda, auténtica, con sentido, etc.). En concreto, se sirve del planteamiento sociológico contemporáneo de una vida en resonancia (Hartmut Rosa) para rastrear tematológicamente en obras de la literatura universal articulaciones narrativas, poéticas y ensayísticas de experiencias de resonancia o de su contrario.