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Universidad EAFIT


The doctoral thesis of Javier Arias from the National Autonomous University of Mexico collects 139 works located for cello, solo, duo, for multiple cellos and as a solo instrument written by composers in Colombia during 1896 to 2017 for a total of 67 creators of which 57 are men and only 10 women. The present research project seeks to answer a) why is there such a discrepancy in the range of men composers vs, women composers, b) why women composers and their works are not being considered in the same manner that those from male composers, c) how professional training for cellists in Colombia has commonly been addressed in the different educational institutions and how they formulate their curricula, d) why the study of works by Colombian composers has not been contemplated, e) what happened to the music for cello written by women composers since 2017 up to 2022. Javier Arias points out in his doctoral thesis that since there has not been a systematization and classification of works for cello written in Colombia, it is very difficult to promote the use of these works. Some professors from institutions of higher education had previously addressed the issue, and joined efforts so that, at least in their chairs, some of the repertoire could be used. However, it cannot be said that such efforts have been coordinated and generalized for all institutions: rather, they were specific cases. These problems generated the idea of the formulation of a research project that would contribute to making works from male and female composers equally known and accessible through the dissemination of their works and their implementation in the cello curricula. This research project was officially consolidated in 2022 to locate, classify and systematize the works for cello written by women composers in formats such as solo cello, duet, multiple cellos as well as soloist instrument written between 2017 and 2022 to promote and make them accessible to the actors of interest. It is important to clarify the figure of Jacqueline Nova Sondag, a pioneer and promoter of electroacoustic music in the country who was the first woman to graduate with a title in composition and an important reference of composition in Colombia. Her works with cello are: "Scherzo in primitive style" for violin and cello, composed in 1964, “Mesure” for cello and piano written in 1965, and "Scherzo bitonal" for viola and cello, from 1967. These works were the first ones found written by a woman composer, therefore are of high importance for publishing. In addition to preparing Sondag's works, this project seeks to compile and classify the works of Colombian women composers from 2017 to 2022 who, with their works, have contributed significantly to enriching the repertoire in question. With the data provided by composer Melisa Vargas Franco, it has been possible to search via email and social networks for the composers mentioned there. In addition to this, a call was made on Instagram, as a search, to which some composers who provided their works responded. With the above, 29 works were compiled in the various formats already mentioned and a consolidated of 18 composers among which are Violeta Cruz (Bogotá, 1986), Carolina Noguera Palau (Cali, 1979), Alba Fernanda Triana (Bogotá, 1969), Susana Vásquez (Medellín, unknown) Laura Fernanda Zúñiga (Bogotá, unknown), Laura Zapata Cortés (no data), Erika Sáenz Burdón (no data), Manuela Pulido Gutiérrez (no data), Maria Eugenia Gómez (no data) and Leidy Montilla (no data), all of them with one work; Claudia Calderón (Palmira, 1959), Alba Lucía Potes (Cali, 1954), Natalia Valencia (Medellín, 1976), Ana María Franco (no data), Michele Abondano (no data) and Laura Echeverri Rendón (no data) with two works each and Paola Arévalo Lasso (no data), with four works.
La tesis doctoral de Javier Arias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México recoge 139 obras para violonchelo solo, en dúo, violonchelos múltiples y como instrumento solista escritas por compositores en Colombia durante 1896 a 2017. Estas obras dan un total de 67 creadores de los cuales 57 son hombres y 10 mujeres. El presente proyecto de investigación busca responder a) ¿Por qué hay tanta discrepancia en el rango de compositores hombres versus compositoras, b) ¿las mujeres compositoras y sus obras están siendo consideradas de la misma manera que las de los compositores? c) cómo se ha abordado comúnmente la formación profesional de los violonchelistas en Colombia en las diferentes instituciones educativas y cómo formulan sus planes de estudio, d) por qué es tan limitado el repertorio de obras de compositoras colombianos en el país, e) qué pasó con la música para violonchelo escrita por mujeres compositoras desde 2017 hasta 2022. Javier Arias señala en su tesis doctoral que, al no existir una sistematización y clasificación de las obras para violonchelo escritas en Colombia, es muy difícil promover el uso de estas obras. Algunos profesores de instituciones de educación superior ya habían abordado el tema con anterioridad y aunaron esfuerzos para que, al menos en sus cátedras, se pudiera utilizar parte del repertorio. Sin embargo, no puede decirse que estos esfuerzos hayan sido coordinados y generalizados para todas las instituciones, sino que se trata de casos concretos. Estos problemas generaron la idea de la formulación de un proyecto de investigación que contribuyera a dar a conocer y acceder a obras de compositores colombianos. Después de analizar el estado del arte en este tema, este proyecto de investigación se consolidó oficialmente en 2022 para localizar, clasificar y sistematizar las obras para violonchelo escritas por mujeres compositoras en formatos como violonchelo solo, dúo, violonchelo múltiple, así como instrumento solista escritas entre 2017 y 2022 para promocionarlas y hacerlas accesibles a los actores de interés. Es importante aclarar la figura de Jacqueline Nova Sondag, pionera y promotora de la música electroacústica en el país que fue la primera mujer en graduarse con un título en composición y un importante referente de la composición en Colombia. Sus obras con violonchelo son: "Scherzo en estilo primitivo”" para violín y violonchelo, compuesta en 1964, "Mesure" para violonchelo y piano escrita en 1965, y "Scherzo bitonal" para viola y violonchelo, de 1967. Estas obras fueron las primeras que se encontraron escritas por una mujer compositora, por lo que son de gran importancia para publicación.


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