Modelado Matemático
URI permanente para esta comunidad
Determina y describe problemas y sistemas con posibilidades de ser modelados matemáticamente, o estudiados mediante la simulación. También formula, desarrolla y analiza modelos para la solución de problemas y sistemas seleccionados.
Líneas de investigación:Investigación de Operaciones; Métodos Estadísticos; Sistemas de Control.
Código Minciencias: COL0016229.
Categoría 2019: A1.
Escuela: Ciencias.
Departamento académico: Ciencias Matemáticas.
Coordinador: Juan Carlos Rivera Agudelo.
Correo electrónico:
Líneas de investigación:Investigación de Operaciones; Métodos Estadísticos; Sistemas de Control.
Código Minciencias: COL0016229.
Categoría 2019: A1.
Escuela: Ciencias.
Departamento académico: Ciencias Matemáticas.
Coordinador: Juan Carlos Rivera Agudelo.
Correo electrónico:
Examinando Modelado Matemático por Título
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Ítem A Metaheuristic Approach for the Cumulative Capacitated Arc Routing Problem(Springer, 2018-09-12) Lenis, Sergio Andres; Carlos Rivera, JuanIn this paper we propose a new variant of the capacitated arc routing problem (CARP). In this new problem the objective function becomes a cumulative objective computed as the traveled distance multiplied by the vehicle load. A metaheuristic approachÍtem A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for a Selective Vehicle Routing Problem(Springer International Publishing, 2018-09-03) Rivera, Juan Carlos; Posada, Andrea; PALACIO, JUAN DAVIDÍtem Adaptive Architecture to Support Context-Aware Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS)(2014-01-01) Diaz Leon, Christian Andres; Gomez, H.T.; Lucia Quintero M, O.; Acosta Maya, D.A.; Sakti SrivastavaStand-alone and networked surgical virtual reality based simulators have been proposed as means to train surgical skills with or without a supervisor nearby the student or trainee. However, surgical skills teaching in medicine schools and hospitals...Ítem Adaptive architecture to support context-aware Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS)(SPRINGER, 2014-01-01) Diaz, C.; Trefftz, H.; Quintero, L.; Acosta, D.; Srivastava, S.; Diaz, C.; Trefftz, H.; Quintero, L.; Acosta, D.; Srivastava, S.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoStand-alone and networked surgical virtual reality based simulators have been proposed as means to train surgical skills with or without a supervisor nearby the student or trainee. However, surgical skills teaching in medicine schools and hospitals is changing, requiring the development of new tools to focus on: (i) importance of mentors role, (ii) teamwork skills and (iii) remote training support. For these reasons a surgical simulator should not only allow the training involving a student and an instructor that are located remotely, but also the collaborative training session involving a group of several students adopting different medical roles during the training session. Collaborative Networked Virtual Surgical Simulators (CNVSS) allow collaborative training of surgical procedures where remotely located users with different surgical roles can take part in a training session. Several works have addressed the issues related to the development of CNVSS using various strategies. To the best of our knowledge no one has focused on handling heterogeneity in collaborative surgical virtual environments. Handling heterogeneity in this type of collaborative sessions is important because not all remotely located users have homogeneous Internet connections, nor the same interaction devices and displays, nor the same computational resources, among other factors. Additionally, if heterogeneity is not handled properly, it will have an adverse impact on the performance of each user during the collaborative session. In this paper we describe the development of an adaptive architecture with the purpose of implementing a context-aware model for collaborative virtual surgical simulation in order to handle the heterogeneity involved in the collaboration session. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.Ítem Adaptive System for the Generation of Emerging Behaviors in Serious Emerging Games(Instituto Politecnico Nacional, 2020-01-01) Aguilar, Jose; Altamiranda, Junior; Diaz, Francisco; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoA video game adaptation system (SAV) for serious emergent games (JSE), allows emergent behaviors in the game, such as the appearance of environments, events, narratives and characters, among others, in order to adapt to the context in the one that is developing. In previous articles the architecture of a JSE engine has been proposed. Furthermore, a first subsystem has been proposed that allows the emergence of a JSE according to the objectives of the environment, based on the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO). In the present work, the second component of said architecture is specified, the SAV, which allows its dynamic adaptation (during the JSE). The SAV is made up of the sub-layers of strategies, sequences and properties, which manage each of these types of possible emergencies in a JSE, with the intention of dynamically adapting it to the context-domain where the game is being played. Furthermore, in this work the behavior of these sublayers is analyzed in a specific case study, showing very encouraging results of SAV in the educational context of an intelligent classroom (SaCI).Ítem Airline choice model for an international round-trip flight considering outbound and return flight schedules(Warsaw University of Technology, 2020-01-01) Munoz C.; Laniado H.; Córdoba J.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoThis paper quantified the impact of outbound and return flight schedule preferences on airline choice for international trips. Several studies have used airline choice data to identify preferences and trade-offs of different air carrier service attributes, such as travel time, fare and flight schedule. However, estimation of the effect return flight schedules have on airline choice for an international round-trip flight has not yet been studied in detail. Therefore, this study introduces attributes related to return flight characteristics and round-trip flight schedule interaction into the airline choice models, which have not previously been reported in the literature. We developed a stated preference survey that includes round-trip fares based on flight schedule combinations and the number of days prior to departure fares was purchased. We applied modelling techniques using a set of stated preference data. A mixed logit model was tested for the presence of heterogeneity in passengers' preferences. Our results indicated that models with attributes related to return flight and its interaction with outbound flight attributes have a superior fit compared with models only based on attributes reported in the literature review. The model found shows that airfare, travel time, arrival preference schedule in the outward journey, departure preference in the return journey and the schedule combination of round-trip flight are significantly affecting passenger choice behaviour in international round-trip flights. Sensitivity analysis of airline service characteristics and their marketing implications are conducted. The analysis reports seven policies with the greatest impact on each airline choice probabilities. It shows that by reducing travel time and airfare and by adopting an afternoon and night schedule preference for outbound and return flight, respectively, the highest probability on airline choice would be reached. This research contributes to the current literature by enhancing the understanding of how passengers choose airlines, considering both outbound and inbound journey characteristics. Thus, this study provides an analytical tool designed to provide a better understanding of international round-trip flight demand determinants and support carrier decisions. © 2020 Warsaw University of Technology. All rights reserved.Ítem An alternative model to explain the vectorial capacity using as example Aedes aegypti case in dengue transmission(Elsevier BV, 2019-01-01) Catano-Lopez A.; Rojas-Diaz D.; Laniado H.; Arboleda-Sánchez S.; Puerta-Yepes M.E.; Lizarralde-Bejarano D.P.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoVectorial capacity (VC), as a concept that describes the potential of a vector to transmit a pathogen, has had historical problems related to lacks in dimensional significance and high error propagation from parameters that take part in the model to output. Hence, values estimated with those equations are not sufficiently reliable to consider in control strategies or vector population study. In this paper, we propose a new VC model consistent at dimensional level, i.e., the definition and the equation of VC have same and consistent units, with a parameter estimation method and mathematical structure that reduces the uncertainty in model output, using as a case of study an Aedes aegypti population of the municipality of Bello, Colombia. After a literature review, we selected one VC equation following biological, measurability and dimensional criteria, then we rendered a local and global sensitivity analysis, identifying the mortality rate of mosquitoes as a target component of the equation. Thus, we studied the Weibull and Exponential distributions as probabilistic models that represent the expectation of mosquitoes infective life, intending to include the best distribution in a selected VC structure. The proposed mortality rate estimation method includes a new parameter that represents an increase or decrease in vector mortality, as it may apply. We noticed that its estimation reduces the uncertainty associated with the expectation of mosquitoes' infective life expression, which also reduces the output range and variance in almost a half. Virology; Applied mathematics; Health sciences; Epidemiology; Infectious disease; Mortality; Uncertainty analysis; Vectorial capacity; Sensitivity analysis; Dengue © 2019 The AuthorsÍtem An approach to emotion Recongnition in Single-channel EEG Singgnals using Stationar Wavelet Tansform(Springer, 2016-10-26) Gomez, Alejandro; Lucia Quintero M, O.; lopez, Natalia; Castro, Jaime; Mejia, GonzaloThe Regional Council of Biomedical Engineering for Latin America (CORAL) will host the VII Latin-American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2016), October 26 – 28, 2016 at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Special events of the coÍtem Análisis de estrategias óptimas de pago de dividendos cuando el excedente sigue un proceso Browniano Drift(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Marín, Juan Sebastian; Zuluaga, Francisco; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias. Grupo de Investigación Modelado MatemáticoIn this paper, we study the case when the surplus of an insurance company behaves according to a Brownian Drift motion, subsequently we derive the modified surplus dynamics assuming both a barrier strategy and a continuous payment strategy in order to determine the optimal parameters which make that each of these strategies maximize the mathematical expectation of the present value of the discounted dividends. In addition, we compare the results obtained with a continuous payment strategy with those obtained with a barrier strategy. The numerical experiments suggest that the barrier strategy is more profitable than the continuous payment one under different constellations of parameters (including different levels of volatility), and therefore it may be concluded that independently of the risk aversion profile of the investor, if he decides to invest, then he will always prefer his dividends to be paid according with a barrier strategy.Ítem Análisis de señales de audio utilizando la transformada de Gabor(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Giraldo Cuartas, D.; Quintero, O. L.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias. Grupo de Investigación Modelado MatemáticoÍtem Análisis de Singularidades usando la transformada Wavelet(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Giraldo Cuartas, D.; Quintero, O. L.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias. Grupo de Investigación Modelado MatemáticoÍtem Análisis Y Proyección de la Demanda por Educación Superior en la Ciudad de Medellín para los Próximos Años Mediante Dinámica de Sistemas(Hugo Hernando Andrade Sosa, 2009-09-11) Quintero Ortiz Luis Antonio; Mira, Jhon FredyDiversas tendencias marcarán la dinámica demográfica de una ciudad como Medellín en los próximos años. Esto tiene influencia en la demanda por educación superior, pues se entrelazan múltiples determinantes, tanto de índole socioeconómicoÍtem Análisis, Descripción y Simulación de Modelos Estocásticos de Tasas de Interés(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Palacio, S.; Marin, Freddy; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias. Grupo de Investigación Modelado MatemáticoÍtem Anteversión pélvica como causa de dolor lumbar, síndrome patelofemoral y dolores del crecimiento(Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2014-01-01) Vélez-Patiño, J.A.; Ríos-Sánchez, L.M.; Ochoa-Jaramillo, F.L.; Díaz-León, C.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoIntroduction: Back pain, patellofemoral syndrome and "growing pains" are increasingly common in children and adolescents, both with incidence and precocity of appearance. In most cases their etiology is unknown. Objective: The objective of this research was to explore the possible association of these three entities with pelvic anteversion. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with case-control analysis, comprising a group of 30 symptomatic children aged between 6 and 17 years (cases) who had consulted for low back pain, "growing pains" or sore knees, and a control group of 30 children with no history of pain in these areas (controls). To measure the position of the pelvis and other biomechanical variables a software programme was developed that quantifies these measurements from reflective markings located on specific anatomical landmarks of each child. Other measurements were obtained through semiological tests and interviews with children and their parents. Results: Children and adolescents with pain had more pelvic anteversion compared with controls (mean 13.3 and 5.4 degrees, p < 0.001). They also had less strength in muscles: Lumbar extensor, abdominals, psoas and diaphragm. We found that psoas is the muscle most responsible for pelvis anteversion in symptomatic group. Compared with children without pain, those with back pain, patellofemoral syndrome or "growing pains" have 4.2 times more frequent poor or regular strength in the column extensor muscles. They also have nearly 18 times as likely to have a pelvic angle greater than 10 degrees compared with no pain children. Conclusions: Children and adolescents who suffer from back pain, patellofemoral syndrome and "growing pains" have increased pelvic anteversion and lower muscle strength, mainly in the thoracolumbar spine extensors, abdominals, diaphragm and psoas. The study found that the psoas muscle is most responsible for the development of pelvis anteversion. Pelvic anteversion is associated with low back pain, patellofemoral pain syndrome and "growing pains". © 2015 Arán Ediciones, S.L.Ítem Application of the continuous wavelet transform in the extraction of directional data on RTM imaging condition wavefields(Ecopetrol, 2018-01-01) Paniagua-Castrillón J.-G.; Quintero-Montoya O.-L.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoLow-frequency artifacts in reverse time migration result from unwanted cross-correlation of the source and receiver wavefields at nonreflecting points along ray-paths. These artifacts can hide important details in migrated models and increase poor interpretation risk. Some methods have been proposed to avoid or reduce the number of these artifacts, preserving reflections, and improving model quality, implementing other strategies such as modification of the wave equation, proposing other imaging conditions, and using image filtering techniques. One of these methods uses wavefield decomposition, correlating components of the wavefields that propagate in opposite directions. We propose a method for extracting directional information from the RTM imaging condition wavefields to obtain characteristics allowing for better, more refined imaging. The method works by separating directional information about the wavefields based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT), and the analysis of the main changes on the frequency content revealed within the scalogram obtained by a Gaussian wavelet family. Through numerical applications, we demonstrate that this method can effectively remove undesired artifacts in migrated images. In addition, we use the Laguerre-Gauss filtering to improve the results obtained with the proposed method. © 2018 Ecopetrol S.A. All Rights Reserved.Ítem An approach to emotion Recognition in Single-channel EEG Signals using Stationary Wavelet Transform(SPRINGER, 2017-04-01) MEJIA, GUSTAVO ANTONIO; QUINTERO, OLGA LUCIA; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoÍtem An approach to emotion recognition in single-channel EEG signals using stationarywavelet transform(SPRINGER, 2017-01-01) Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Villa, L.; Mejía, G.; Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Villa, L.; Mejía, G.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoIn this work, we perform an approach to emotion recognition from Electroencephalography (EEG) single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology. Single channel EEG signals are decomposed by several types of wavelets and each subsignal are processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis. Finally, three types of classifiers were used, obtaining accuracy rate between 50% to 87% for the emotional states such as happiness, sadness and neutrality. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017.Ítem An approach to emotion recognition in single-channel EEG signals: a mother child interaction(IOP Publishing, 2016) Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Mathematical Modeling Research Group, GRIMMAT, School of Sciences, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia; Medical Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina; Psychology, Education and Culture Research Group Faculty of Social Science Politécnico Grancolombiano University Institution, Argentina; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias;;; Modelado MatemáticoIn this work, we perform a first approach to emotion recognition from EEG single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology -- Single channel EEG signals are analyzed and processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis over features in the time and frequency domains -- Finally, a neural network obtained an average accuracy rate of 99% of classification in two emotional states such as happiness and sadnessÍtem An approach to emotion recognition in single-channel EEG signals: A mother child interaction(IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2016-01-01) Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Gómez, A.; Quintero, L.; López, N.; Castro, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ciencias; Modelado MatemáticoIn this work, we perform a first approach to emotion recognition from EEG single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology. Single channel EEG signals are analyzed and processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis over features in the time and frequency domains. Finally, a neural network obtained an average accuracy rate of 99% of classification in two emotional states such as happiness and sadness.Ítem Una aproximación al filtrado adaptativo para la cancelación de ruidos en señales de voz monofónicas(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Ortiz Puerta, D.; Quintero, O. L.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ciencias. Grupo de Investigación Modelado Matemático