Examinando por Materia "Identidad"
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Ítem El aire no es el mismo, si no es en la tierra de uno : un análisis desde las voces, relatos y narraciones de los habitantes de la serranía de San Lucas (El Bagre,Antioquia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Tobón Parra, Jorge William; Arango Restrepo, María RocíoThe objective of this article is to analyze the construction of the narrative identity of the multicultural communities that inhabit the Serranía de San Lucas, El Bagre Antioquia. The research has a theoretical foundation from the concept of cultural hybridization and multiculturalism of Nestor García Canclini; for the concept of narrative identity, the postulates of Paul Ricoeur were reviewed. It is intended from the narratives of the communities, to verify how identity is built through the story; because through the narratives, the subject organizes his ideas taking into account the vision of himself and others, expressing stories, naming characters, settings, actions and plots related to the social context. The San Lucas Mountain range is a portion of territory where the inhabitants weave their stories, their culture that will not be possible without history, without myths and without actors. This article aims to show a community and a territory of people of diverse ethnic and cultural origins, with unique visions of the forest they inhabit as a space for their cosmogonies, stories, and traditions. People of the forest, of whom little is known about their identities, and understand by this not their names, not their certificates, not their debts, but rather their places of enunciation, their speeches, their stories, their history, their desires, their possible modes of existence.Ítem From oficial history to individual history: Testimony and meta-testimony in A veinte años, Luz [1998] by Elsa Osorio(Universidad EAFIT, 2011-11-29) Osorio Soto, María Eugenia; Universidad de AntioquiaÍtem El gobierno biopolítico de la sociedad. Identidades victimizadas y movilizaciones punitivas(Universidad EAFIT, 2017-06-16) Valencia Mesa, David Enrique; Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de AntioquiaÍtem In the confusion of time. Representation of Spaniard immigrant in the novel Exilio, of Sara García Iglesias(1957)(Universidad EAFIT, 2009-12-21) Libertad Suárez, Mariana; Universidad Simón BolívarÍtem Intertextualidad en la gestión de comunicación de políticas públicas culturales sobre identidad y territorio entre Medellín y Recife. Caso de estudio: Compaz(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Sierra Mazo, Sara; Parra Escobar, Mariana María; Velásquez Hurtado, Omar MauricioÍtem The Language of Violence The Written Press, The Parties and the Church. Medellin, 1950(Universidad EAFIT, 2004-05-19) Espinal Pérez, Cruz Elena; Universidad EAFITÍtem Manual del pandillero perfecto: Un acercamiento a las prácticas de control identitario de los grupos delincuenciales en Medellín y El Salvador(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Henao Bedoya, Beatriz Helena; Ocampo Escobar, Juan José; Estudiante de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad EAFITÍtem La música como medio de transformación social: estudio de caso de la corporación rural laboratorio del espíritu en el municipio de El Retiro – Antioquia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Isaza Pérez, Santiago; Manco,Juan DavidThis article analyzes the role of music as a tool of social transformation through study case in Corporación Rural Laboratorio del Espíritu located in El Retiro, Antioquia. For this purpose, it was necessary to carry out a series of interviews in which members participating, directly and indirectly, were included. Moreover, to analyze it, I proposed four categories: interaction in the environment, music as possibility and opportunity, music as a construction of identity and music as expression. Thus, it is possible to identify that music as a tool of social transformation contributes to unification and social cohesion, to educational projection and sensitization.Ítem No Give Up, Maan! y Sail Ahoy!!! de Hazel Robinson Abrahams : una propuesta narrativa en el debate sobre la representación de la identidad raizal(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Orozco Cortés, Isabel; Uribe Lozada, JorgeIn this article we seek to understand the discursive positions that cross the versions of the past and the future projected on the Hazel Robinson Abrahams' novels, No Give Up, Maan! and Sail Ahoy!!!, which we consider circumscribed in a broad discussion about the raizal identity and the annexation of the Islands to the Colombian territory. We find that these narrations allow the inscription of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina in the national memory and contribute to generate new perspectives to the historic discourse of the country, and we identify in them foundational characteristics, usuals in larinoamerican novels of XIX century, that responds to the expropriation of the cultural identity of the native community of the Archipelago and its absence of historical representation.Ítem Perspectivas sobre identidad cultural por Rionegro que expresan diversas poblaciones del municipio(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Franco García, Rubén Darío; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Travesías liminalizadas : exploraciones de arte, política y experiencias performativas en el Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Serna, Emmanuel; Cardona Z., Patricia