Closed-form solutions for axially non-uniform Timoshenko beams and frames under static loading
Molina-Villegas, Juan Camilo
Ballesteros Ortega, Jorge Eliecer
Benítez Soto, Simón
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This paper presents the Green’s Functions Stiffness Method (GFSM) for solving linear elastic static problems in arbitrary axially non-uniform Timoshenko beams and frames subjected to general external loads and bending moments. The GFSM is a mesh reduction method that seamlessly integrates elements from the Stiffness Method (SM), Finite Element Method (FEM), and Green’s Functions (GFs), resulting in a highly versatile methodology for structural analysis. It incorporates fundamental concepts such as stiffness matrices, shape functions, and fixed-end forces, in line with SM and FEM frameworks. Leveraging the capabilities of GFs, the method facilitates the derivation of closed-form solutions, addressing a gap in existing methods for analyzing non-uniform reticular structures which are typically limited to simple cases like single-span beams with specific axial variations and loading scenarios. The effectiveness of the GFSM is demonstrated through three practical examples, showcasing its applicability in analyzing non-uniform beams and plane frames, thereby broadening the scope of closed-form solutions for axially non-uniform Timoshenko structures.