Doctorado en Administración (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Construcción de conocimiento organizacional en entornos de trabajo virtual
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Franco Giraldo, Liliana; Gentilin, Mariano
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    Gobernanza territorial ante el acceso a servicios ecosistémicos en torno a las hidroeléctricas San Carlos y Calderas en el oriente de Antioquia (1984-2022) : un análisis institucional
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Ramírez Atehortúa, Fabián Hernando; Polanco López de Mesa, Jorge Andrés; Ocampo Salazar, Carmen Alejandra
    The doctoral thesis addresses the complex issue of territorial governance and access to ecosystem services in the context of hydroelectric production, focusing specifically on the San Carlos and Calderas hydroelectric plants in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia. This research is framed within a context of environmental, ecological, and climatic crisis, where public policies, hydroelectric production, and conservation face significant challenges. Territorial governance becomes a crucial point concerning access to ecosystem services, and its analysis becomes essential to understand how organizational, regulatory, and institutional structures interact with local social and economic dynamics. The study is structured into seven chapters, addressing problematization, literature review, theoretical and conceptual positioning, methodological design, results, and contributions of the doctoral thesis. The problematization highlights the importance of understanding how global influence impacts national policies, generating tensions around the management of natural resources such as water. It explores the power asymmetries and conflicts that arise in areas near hydroelectric projects, evidencing how local communities interact with non-human biodiversity and global economic dynamics. The general objective of the research is to understand the constitution of territorial governance concerning access to ecosystem services in the San Carlos and Calderas hydroelectric plants. To achieve this objective, specific objectives are proposed, including describing the institutional, economic, social, and environmental conditions, analyzing the interactions between actors, and explaining the institutional arrangements and organizational modes that mediate the interaction between actors in the territory. The literature review and theoretical and conceptual positioning provide a solid theoretical framework, exploring concepts such as ontology in socio-ecological systems, territorial governance, notions of territory(ies), and ecosystem services. Research gaps are identified, and a methodological approach is established that combines institutional and hermeneutic analysis with an intrinsic and historiographic case study method. The results are divided into three chapters, where the conditions of possibility in territorial governance and access to ecosystem services, the interactions between actors, and the logics of action, as well as the organizational modes of interaction, are analyzed. Tensions and conflicts around watershed management, environmental conservation, and peasant economy in hydrosocial and agroecological territories are highlighted. Finally, the contributions of the doctoral thesis are presented in theoretical, methodological, practical, and administrative aspects. The expanded understanding of territorial governance is emphasized, and existing organizational modes in hydroelectric plants that mediate the interaction between actors for access to ecosystem services are identified. In summary, the thesis provides a comprehensive and detailed vision of territorial governance in the context of hydroelectric production, significantly contributing to the understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystem services.
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    La configuración y reconfiguración de las fronteras entre entidades de conocimiento colectivo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Diez-Gaviria, Ana Cecilia; Vélez-Castiblando, Jorge
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    Strategy-making in a new venture from Colombia : a collection of research papers
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Schmidt, Heiko Marc; Santamaría-Álvarez, Sandra Milena
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    A study of country reputation, corporate reputation, and international performance of Latin American companies
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Parente Laverde, Ana María; Rojas de Francisco, Laura Isabel; Martins da Silva, Izaias
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    El complejo sistema de acoplamientos y contradicciones en una organización semiautónoma : un análisis desde la perspectiva de los sistemas débilmente acoplados
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Arango Vásquez, Leonel; Gentilin, Mariano
    In the field of organizational studies, it is possible to approach organizational phenomena through a conceptual framework known as Loosely Coupled Systems (hereinafter referred to as SDA). This perspective characterizes organizations in three main ways. Firstly, organizations are composed of distinct organizational units with unique features (Orton and Weick, 1988). Secondly, there are both tight and loose couplings between these organizational units (Heldal, 2010). Lastly, there exist coupling mechanisms that affect both the organizational units and their members (Beekun and Glick, 2001a). The SDA perspective also recognizes the coexistence of contradictions within organizations, which are seen as inherent aspects rather than undesirable elements (Weick, 1976; Orton and Weick, 1990). When examining the distinctive features, tight and loose couplings, and coupling mechanisms, the central concepts of SDAs, it is noteworthy that many analyses focus on only one of these aspects. Some studies concentrate solely on distinctive features, couplings, or coupling mechanisms. In certain cases, the analysis is further limited to either tight or loose couplings, or it explores only one specific type of coupling mechanism, such as regulatory, cultural, or structural. This narrow focus restricts the comprehensive understanding of organizational couplings. To overcome this limitation, this doctoral thesis recognizes the SDA perspective as a means to comprehend organizations holistically and in depth, thereby making the intelligible elements evident and the unintelligible elements more visible and observable. Consequently, this research employs an integrated approach to analyze the three central concepts of SDA and their relationship with organizational contradictions. It acknowledges that organizations are not monolithic and stable entities but rather complex systems that warrant examination from various angles. Based on this premise, the thesis proposes a more comprehensive form of organizational analysis, simultaneously considering the distinctive features, tight and loose couplings, and coupling mechanisms. Through this approach, the unique characteristics of an organization's complex system of couplings and contradictions, particularly within a semi-autonomous context, can be illuminated.
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    The interlinks between internationalization and sustainability : analysis of an emerging market multinational
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gómez-Trujillo, Ana María; González-Pérez, María Alejandra
    The accelerated dynamism of markets and the grand global challenges are forcing companies to devise different strategies to remain competitive while also contributing to the sustainable development of the societies in which they operate. This challenges companies’ traditional behaviors and capabilities, especially those from emerging markets that operate in uncertain and volatile environments within these economies, forcing them to find alternatives to gain legitimacy among local and international stakeholders in order to remain competitive. In this way, this dissertation aims to analyze the adoption of a sustainability strategy by Emerging Market Multinationals (EMNEs) to safeguard long-term corporate competitiveness and contribute to sustainable development. The research is reported into three papers: a systematic literature review and two empirical papers. The three papers complement one another by identifying the interweaves between firms’ foreign expansion (internationalization), integration of sustainability into corporate strategy, and how both positively contribute to long-term relevance of EMNEs operating in harsh conditions and turbulent environments. The first paper aims to identify previously unexplored aspects of the relationship between corporate sustainability and internationalization in the context of emerging markets. Hence, it provides a systematic review of the literature that connects both concepts. The review included 90 articles published in 61 journals indexed in [Web of Science Core Collection, EBSCO, Scopus and Google Scholar] between 1991 and 2021. The articles were coded into the following categories: publication year, paper title, journal, author name, research objectives, theoretical approaches, geographical and sectorial contexts, methodologies for inquiry, and study findings. A category to classify identified avenues for future research was also included in order to help understand the relationship between internationalization and sustainability. In sum, the systematic literature review concludes that internationalization is a driver for pursuing sustainability initiatives. It also identifies seven broad research streams that connect internationalization and sustainability and suggests avenues for future research. These streams are: (1) Evolution of MNEs and institutional environment in the implementation of sustainability initiatives, (2) Firms’ specific resources and capabilities concerning CSR, (3) The role of networks and supply chains in MNEs, (4) Development of competitive advantages, (5) Geographical and sectorial context, (6) Theoretical Frameworks, and (7) Measures and methods. The second paper presents findings from an empirical study examining the integration of sustainability into an emerging market multinational's corporate strategy. It also considers how such integration might contribute to achieving and maintaining corporate legitimacy and long-term competitive relevance. This study employs a qualitative single case study methodology on a Colombian multinational firm operating in energy transmission, roads, and telecommunication sectors. Primary data were collected using direct observations and 31 technologically mediated face-to-face interviews conducted in five Latin American countries. The study was supported by secondary data such as corporate reports from 2005 to 2021, archival data, and media coverage. The findings suggest that integrating sustainability into corporate strategy enables subsidiaries to respond to internal and external demands successfully. The strategy deployment develops unique firm capabilities that enable subsidiaries to integrate a sustainability focus into the decision-making and initiatives required to overcome the liabilities of operating in volatile, uncertain, and foreign environments. It also allows the firm to gain competitive advantages and safeguard corporate legitimacy. The third paper explains how a corporate sustainability strategy contributes to sustainable development and how it helps in overcoming the liabilities of foreignness. Interviews with elite and non-elite informants, as well as archival data, were used to collect data for this research. According to the findings, firms from emerging markets have adopted the sustainability flag in their internationalization process to overcome liabilities of foreignness and build legitimacy among their stakeholders. It also enables companies to give back to society through their contribution to sustainable development and the creation of public value. Concisely, this dissertation uses a qualitative case study methodology to contribute to the debate on the relationship between internationalization and sustainability in emerging markets by integrating and analyzing previous literature on this field. In addition, we discuss the integration of sustainability into corporate strategy to achieve and maintain corporate legitimacy and long-term competitive relevance. Finally, we analyze the internationalization of EMNEs and the implementation of a sustainability strategy to overcome their liabilities of foreignness and contribute to sustainable development through a single case of a Colombia multinational operating in the energy transmission, roads, and telecommunication sectors. The findings of this thesis contribute to two growing fields of study within International Business: specific characteristics of emerging market firms and their internationalization process, and the incorporation of corporate sustainability in their operations. With regard to policy, this dissertation makes two major contributions. From the outward FDI perspective, emerging market economies should promote and facilitate the incorporation of sustainability strategies to improve international competitiveness of their industries and gain legitimacy abroad, especially when the institutional environment of these countries encourages enterprises to seek growth opportunities abroad. From the inward FDI perspective, governments should partner with multinational firms to achieve sustainable development goals and align corporate sustainability goals with national commitments to the SDGs. These will guarantee the contribution of EMNEs to local and international sustainable development as well as the generation of public value for societies.
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    Individual potential and performance through the lens of the AMO theory
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Robledo-Ardila, Cristina; Román Calderón, Juan Pablo
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    Gestión de la innovación de producto : estudio de caso en una empresa antioqueña madura
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Macias Cardona, Hugo Arles; Rivas Montoya, Luz María; Ponce Sagredo, Silvia
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    Diversity, engagement and satisfaction in global virtual teams
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Zwerg, Anne Marie; Roman Calderon, Juan Pablo
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    International expansion and reputation on emerging markets firms
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Velez-Ocampo, Juan; González-Pérez, María Alejandra
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    Trust in the emergence of a strategizing practice
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Reyes Sarmiento, Martha Eugenia; Rivas Montoya, Luz Maria
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    La creatividad organizacional en la empresa innovadora : una relación compleja
    (2019) Montalvo Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Castiblanco Velez, Jorge Ivan
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