Gobernar, Vol. 04, Núm. 06 (2020)

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  • Ítem
    University social responsibility or social extension? Elements for an analysis of universities social commitment
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Navarro-Florez, Olga; Rodríguez, Paula Lorena; Sánchez, Luis Hernando; Université du Québec à Montréal-UQÀM; Universidad de Ibagué; Université du Québec à Montréal-UQÀM
    In the year 2008, the University of Ibagué launched several initiatives to articulate higher education with local development. The Programa Paz y Región (Peace and Region Program) is one of those initiatives and it is the focus of this article, whose purpose is to analyse this program in the light of two related concepts: university extension programmes and social responsibility (SR). Our analysis is based on a managerial perspective and our hypothesis is that “Paz y Región” responds to regional development in Tolima, Colombia, from a co-constructed perspective of extension programmes.
  • Ítem
    Local Public Policies: A Case Study on Civic Culture
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Silva Jaramillo, Santiago; González Rúa, Juan Diego; Arroyave Mejía, Andrea; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana; Alcaldía de Medellín
    The study of local public policies provides important lessons and social learning for decision makers immersed in processes of design, enforcement or evaluation of interventions and actions aimed at solving collective problems. The contributions of these analyzes are essential for the consolidation of the discipline in Colombia and Latin America, and contribute to the consolidation of knowledge about public policies designed and developed from the locality. This task is particularly relevant when reviewing local public policies from the citizen culture perspective, which are aimed to produce effects on citizen behaviors concerning social coexistence. This paper presents the case of the design of the public policy of citizen culture in Medellín, collecting its programmatic and normative path, and reviewing its implementation perspectives. It also seeks to point out some proposals for research agendas arising from empirical needs when developing a local process of public policy in citizen culture and civic engagement.
  • Ítem
    The horrors of the 20th century and an optimistic message to the 21st century*
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Berlon, Isaiah; Universidad de Oxford
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    Territorial competition and personal quality of candidates. A presidential elections analysis in Mexico between 2006 and 2018.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) León, Luis Eduardo; Berasaluce, Julen; Universidad de Guanajuato; Colegio de México
    This research project presents a spatial competition model for Mexican presidential elections based on the effective number of parties and weighted and scalar polarization indices. The model makes it possible to construct a classification of candidates influences based on personality as an remainder unexplained by spatial ideological competition. In addition to classifying the candidates in the last three presidential elections by their personal influence, the authors offer predictions for future balloting based on change in ideological distribution. Suppositions of symmetrical ideological votes and a single dimension were used to build the model.
  • Ítem
    Talk is better: Deliberative Experiments to Microterritorial Conflict Resolution
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2020-10) Eslava, Adolfo; Montoya, Juan David; Murcia, David; Valencia, Sergio Andrés; Universidad EAFIT; Proantioquia; Universidad EAFIT; Universidad EAFIT
    The following analysis develops a wider research program that focuses on making a contribution to solve social conflicts through argumentation. Therefore, it presents a political sciences theory background that emphasises on applied rhetoric and deliberation in scenarios characterized by both high levels adversity and social capital. Based on this perspective of policy analysis and theory, it is possible to have a better glimpse at the complex network of social interactions laying under the process of constructions of the public sphere. Hence, this paper studies the possibilities of implementing micro-territorial deliberation instruments as conflict resolution tools for the city of Medellin (Colombia), thus, calling them deliberative experiments.