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Ítem Elaboracion de un instrumento para el estudio de los procesos de cambio asociados con la implantacion del TPM en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2005-01-01) VELEZ, ALFONSOÍtem La Creatividad en las EBC: Hechos, Ideas y Contextos(2016-11-01) BEDOYA, BEATRIZ EUGENIAÍtem Estudio longitudinal de los procesos de implantación de TPM en una empresa del sector automotriz (SOFASA) y la dinámica de cambio seguida(Universidad EAFIT, 2009-01-01) VELEZ, ALFONSOÍtem Ciudades Intermedias: Desafios para la Internacionalizacion(2007-01-01) ACEVEDO, MANUEL ESTEBANÍtem Hacia una reformulación de las políticas administrativas en américa Latina(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 1978-01-01) VELEZ, ALFONSOÍtem Empresas de base cultural y creativa: identificación y clasificación de sus factores críticos de desempeño.(INST TECNOLOGICO COSTA RICA, 2012-08-01) PODESTA, MARIA PAOLAÍtem Formulación de una metodologia de formacion y evaluacion en empresarismo, bajo un modelo de competencias(INST TECNOLOGICO COSTA RICA, 2010-01-01) PODESTA, MARIA PAOLAÍtem EL BALANCE SOCIAL: DESARROLLOS Y PERSPECTIVAS RECIENTES(1983-01-01) VELEZ, ALFONSOÍtem EAFIT: caminos hacia el empresarismo(Fondo editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2006-01-01) ACEVEDO, MANUEL ESTEBANÍtem historia del Empresarismo en eafit(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2010-04-01) MESA, JORGE HERNANÍtem Conocimiento, propiedad, participacion y poder(Universidad de Medellín, 2002-01-01) VARGAS, MARIO ENRIQUEÍtem Trabajo con comunidades de base como herramienta de cohesión social y desarrollo local(UNIV NACIONAL COLOMBIA, FAC CIENCIAS HUMANAS, 2017-01-01) VARGAS, MARIO ENRIQUEÍtem Instrumentos musicales precolombinos(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2007-01-01) PODESTA, MARIA PAOLAÍtem Julio Enrique Blanco: Una nueva develacion(2003-01-01) VARGAS, MARIO ENRIQUEÍtem Las transformaciones globales del mundo del trabajo y su incidenciaen América Latina. Elementos para analizar la situación de los jóvenes en Colombia(2012-07-01) Macias, J.In contemporary Colombian society, as in many countries of the world, young people must deal with a conception of the working world that has changed radically. Instead of a stable routine, a predictable career, loyalty to a company that in return offers aÍtem Atributos que empresarios en Antioquia valoran en funcionarios de nivel directivo(Editorial Universidad del Norte, 2018-08-01) Macias, J.El tema central de este artículo es la determinación de los atributos que los empresarios antioqueños valoran en un funcionario de nivel directivo. Proviene de una investigación cuyo objetivo es conocer las opiniones de estos empresarios en cuanto a sus eÍtem Análisis comparativo de políticas de diseño en Europa: Clasificación y visualización de estrategias(Universidad de Caldas, 2017-01-01) González C.G.; López M.L.; Hernández M.C.This analysis is part of the doctoral thesis project "The Design System in the Mediterranean Arc Euroregion: priorities for the characterization of a strategic model". Its purpose is to make a comparison between different design policies in Europe. This study started with a bibliographical review on the implementation of policies for strategic design in different countries and regions of Europe, as well as the analysis of competitiveness corporate ladder, competitiveness in design, innovation performance, etc. Because of these analyses, five countries and one region were selected: United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia and Flanders. Information coding was conducted following the grounded theory research. Segments of analysis in the literature review, which were not preconceived prior to the initiation of this investigation, were identified and grouped into categories. Subsequently, matrix analyses and relationship networks or concept maps were used to visually demonstrate and compare the strategies that make up the design policies in each country/region. In addition, a relationship between competitiveness corporate ladder, growth of competitiveness and performance in innovation with the maps of the strategies could be established. The countries in the top 15 of the different rankings are those that have a higher chromatic brand because they have a higher number of strategies that promote design as a strategy. This comparative analysis can be used in different types of design policies of any territory in order to carry out an initial detection of existing strategies and to know the complexity of a specific design policy.Ítem Concordancia de las políticas de diseño con el marco de medición de la innovación del Manual de Oslo(UNIV DIEGO PORTALES, 2018-01-01) Gómez-González C.; López M.L.; Hernández Monsalve M.C.The purpose of this analysis is to establish a correspondence of design policies with the innovation measurement framework of the Oslo Manual (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, 2005). Its importance lies in the fact that, although among academics and professionals design has been recognized as an engine of economic development at both micro and macro levels, it is not recognized by policymakers; which implies that innovation policies are an established academic field while design policies remain as an emerging one. This study includes the analysis of six design policies from European countries or regions, which led to the identification of different strategies that are influenced by infrastructure and institutional framework, design promotion, education systems, etc. Those strategies were categorized into twelve groups using methodologies of qualitative content analysis. Afterwards, a SWOT analysis developed for each of the twelve categories allowed to established a relation between them and the stakeholders of the Oslo Manual’s framework, in addition to the possibility to compare its implementation in each of the six-analyzed countries or regions. This graphical correlation showed that the existing links between the stakeholders of the system are the same links that exist between categories; therefore, the strategies of the different categories reinforce the links and ties between the different stakeholders of a system of Innovation from a country/region. This methodology can be adapted to analyze the design policy of any region. Replicate the results of this research would enable to standardize Latin American design policies in a global context by allowing them to be compared with systems from leading countries. © 2018 Universidad Diego Portales. All rights reserved.Ítem Metodología ACTIVAR: aplicación concreta de una técnica innovadora para dar valor al aprendizaje requerido, una herramienta para enriquecer la docencia(Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 2008-10-01) Podesta, M.; Martinez, J.; López Vega, Ricardo Andrés; Bedoya, B.; Álvarez, Juan EstebanÍtem El artista callejero en Plaza Botero(2004-07-01) Macias, J.