Revista Universidad EAFIT, Vol. 56, Núm. 177 (2021)

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  • Ítem
    Las revistas y el periodismo científico
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Mercado Percia, Heiner; Universidad EAFIT
    The multidisciplinary or general journals published by Colombian universities, such as the Scientific Magazine of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, the Luis Amigó Catholic University Magazine, the Research Magazine of the Quindío University, the National University Magazine or the EAFIT University Magazine, emerged as media that centralized the publication of scientific articles dedicated to exposing the results of research in different disciplines developed by the groups and programs of these institutions. Some maintain that spirit, others disappeared, but for a few years a few, such as the EAFIT University Magazine, have been transformed into popular science publications adopting the practices of scientific journalism.
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    ¿Qué supone la inconstitucionalidad de las normas que crearon el Minciencias?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Díaz Díez, Cristian Andrés; Universidad EAFIT
    A strategic issue of the State, such as the creation of a ministry, should have an adequate legislative procedure and have its structure clearly defined from the moment of its conception. The creation, modification and suppression of ministries and administrative departments should be due to a reasonable planning exercise and not to improvised decisions.
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    Semilleros presentan resultados de sus proyectos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Universidad EAFIT; Universidad EAFIT
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    María Alejandra González Pérez. Una investigadora de aquí, de allá, de todas partes
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Pineda, Ramón; Colaborador
    Santa Teresa used to say that life is an instant between two eternities and, as if she believed in that, María Alejandra González has taken it upon herself to live hers with an intensity that would have already exhausted others. The winner of the 2021 Discovery and Creation Award, she could be a nun, a psychologist or stay until old age in Ireland, she loves dogs and believes in the dignifying role of work.
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    Santiago Tobón “El privilegio, a veces, nos ciega”
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Pineda, Ramón; Colaborador
    He is not an office economist. He likes to be on the street talking with people, with policemen, with criminals, with ordinary citizens, because he knows that in order to understand the macro, one must know the micro. The winner of the Juan Luis Londoño de la Cuesta Medal award has built a path that reaffirms the importance of working for the well-being of others.
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    En busca de la poesía oculta en las márgenes
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Gómez V., Octavio; Colaborador
    Several phenomena such as mystical, indigenous and Afro-descendant poetry have been discovered (and rediscovered) in a project of the Department of Humanities that investigates poets and creations that were left out of the prevailing aesthetic canons in Colombia. This is the project From the Canon to the Margins: A Critical Study of Poetry in Colombia in the 20th Century, directed by professors Alejandra Toro Murillo and Juan Manuel Cuartas Restrepo.
  • Ítem
    Una historia de la actividad societaria en Antioquia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) López Alzate, Laura; Colaboradora
    New elements to understand the reasons that allowed this region to achieve important business development were found in an investigation by the School of Law. To date, the project has studied 3,276 commercial companies established in this region between 1887 and 1945. Thanks to the alliance between the Medellin Chamber of Commerce for Antioquia and the EAFIT University, it was possible to reconstruct, from old documents, the history of corporate activity in the region.
  • Ítem
    La bioética narrativa como cuidado de sí
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Domingo Moratalla, Tomás; Universidad EAFIT
    Narrative bioethics is a biological reflection that relies on the knowledge that speaks of life (biological, medical, etc.) and biographical knowledge, which underlines that human beings are beings of meaning and that disease, fear, life, do not it is a matter only of molecules, but also of words. We need healing, yes of course, but also care.
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    Cuidar la memoria, la verdad y la justicia reparadora
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Gallego García, Gloria María; Universidad EAFIT
    There is a cultural change in the valuation of the past. We are in the age of memory, as an ethical, philosophical and political category, to denounce and resist against horror. Giving testimony, registering barbarism, denying justification for the inhumane acts of the perpetrators is an ultimate form of justice.
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    Descifrando más enigmas sobre el aguacate Hass
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Luján Sáenz, Juan Carlos; Sosa Vargas, Felipe; Colaborador; Colaborador
    EAFIT carries out three investigations with Grupo Cartama, an agricultural company dedicated to producing and exporting Hass avocado. The achievements will benefit the productivity of the sector and the quality of the fruit. The communities near the cultivation sites have already received the new knowledge. Researchers from the University's School of Sciences participate in the studies.
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    Sismología al alcance cotidiano de los ingenieros
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Giraldo Cerón, Andrés Felipe; Colaborador
    Researchers from the School of Engineering created a guide so that their colleagues can carry out understandable studies adjusted to their needs when carrying out the structural design of a building in the face of seismic threats. This conceptual model is a contribution to the way of understanding the problem and approaching it.
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    Las balas matan, pero la indiferencia contramata
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Arboleda García, Javier; Colaborador
    A study by Professor Gloria María Gallego, from the School of Law, analyzes the spiral of violence, revenge and hatred in which, as of August, 284 ex-combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) had been murdered. The figure becomes a mere statistic that goes unnoticed in the face of indifference and, often, indolence of society.
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    NarcosLab o cómo mirar el horror sin perder la calma
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Gómez V., Octavio; Colaborador
    After 50 years of living with and against drug trafficking in Medellín, NarcosLab continues with a reflection on what we are and what we can be as a society in the face of a deeper phenomenon: drug trafficking. An ethical, philosophical and aesthetic reflection. One of the concretions of this “new” discussion is Narcoslab (, a research and creation project financed by the Gabo Foundation with the support of EAFIT and the Antioquia Museum.
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    La aventura de medir la calidad del aire a través de plantas
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Mejía, Manuela; Universidad EAFIT
    On many occasions, scientific research is surrounded by fascinating episodes that never even appear as anecdotes to make a conference less dense and less an academic publication. This testimonial chronicle shows those unknown adventures behind doing science.
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    Cuidar la economía para una reactivación estructural
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Ramírez H., Diana Milena; Colaboradora
    Although still disturbed by what the appearance of the global pandemic has meant in the year 2020, studies, trends, debates and analyzes try to light the way to heal the economy. The effects are devastating and have been strongly felt in thousands of companies and in millions of jobs, especially among the most vulnerable populations. The situation has also removed the focus of research interest.
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    ¿Emisiones a la atmósfera?, ¿por qué no mejor de bonos verdes?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Luján Sáenz, Juan Carlos; Universidad EAFIT
    Used by public and private institutions, green bonds are part of a debt securities market, that is, in which financing is presented through the issuance of said bonds. They are also known as fixed-income securities, since between issuers and buyers the amount of money that will be obtained and the fixed interest are known exactly. The definition of what they are is in the international study The potential of green bond markets in Latin America and the Caribbean, financed by the EU-LAC Foundation and in which academics from EAFIT, the firm Hill and Get2C participated.
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    El cuidado de uno, el cuidado de todos
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Gómez V., Octavio; Universidad EAFIT
    Between the pandemic and the multiple global and local crises, the social sciences and the humanities have set their sights on the care of man, of the institutions and organizations of society. Also in the importance of listening to know and learning to argue.
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    Estudio explora las estrategias corporativas de empresas multinegocios en Colombia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Ramírez H., Diana Milena; Colaboradora
    An investigation led by two professors from the EAFIT School of Administration describes the way in which multi-business companies in the country design and adapt their corporate strategies from top management. The most important finding has to do with when companies become multi-businesses and top management must define corporate strategy: how it will reconfigure its portfolios (invest and divest) and how it will jointly manage those businesses.
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    The communities, with more tools to save the bay of Cartagena
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Martínez-Guerrero, Christian Alexander; Universidad EAFIT
    This place, pride of the nation and treasure of tourism, is in critical condition. For seven years, research has offered precise diagnoses that facilitate decision-making to mitigate the effects of pollution and improve the quality of life of the people around them. Its most recent phase linked the communities.
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    El planeta frente a la salud pública, nuevo horizonte de investigación
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2021-12-06) Montoya Correa, Jonathan Andrés; Periodista del Área de Información y Prensa de EAFIT
    In the months of confinement, the world stopped, but nature continued on its way, recovered and had a break. This temporary relief was a call for the academy and the governments to bet on more research and to strengthen political instruments with a socio-environmental focus.