Maestría en Derecho Penal (tesis)
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Ítem La necesidad de fortalecer los programas de reinserción social en el derecho penal colombiano : trascender la redención de pena(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Romaña Córdoba, Angy Isabel; Gómez Gómez, DanielSocial reinsertion is presented as the end of the sentence in which the convicted person learns to live in society again, accompanied by skills in work and education to guarantee the non-repetition of said crimes in society. This research aims to give an overview of the prison situation in Colombia, primarily in terms of guarantees focused on social reinsertion and the guarantee of non-repetition, where through a fairly broad analysis at the dogmatic, regulatory and jurisprudential level, it can be noted the state shortcomings in terms of guarantees, as well as the proposals in relation to their improvement in prison conditions.Ítem La instrumentalización del individuo en la concepción de culpabilidad planteada por Günter Jakobs : un análisis de compatibilidad con el principio de dignidad humana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cardona Velásquez, Juan Felipe; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosThe present study aims to analyze the conception of guilt proposed by Günther Jakobs against the fundamental principle of human dignity. To this end, a research is proposed based on a qualitative approach and an analytical method, which is based on the critical recognition of the conceptions of utilitarianism, identifying its implications and possible interactions with Jakobs' theory of guilt, evaluating its incompatibility with the guiding principle of human dignity; likewise, the existence of possible connections between Jakobs' conception of guilt and the practice of instrumentalizing the individual to achieve specific ends in the criminal legal system is determined; similarly, the principle of human dignity is examined from ethical and legal perspectives, identifying its essential components and its relevance in the context of the theory of guilt proposed by Jakobs; finally, considerations are raised for a possible replacement of the principle of guilt that promotes greater coherence between Jakobs' theory of guilt, human dignity and the fundamental ethical principles in the field of criminal law.Ítem Funciones y límites del trabajo penitenciario desde la perspectiva del derecho fundamental a la reintegración social del penado en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Torres Sánchez, John Jairo; Toro Taborda, MarianaThis monograph aims to identify the functions and limits of prison work from the perspective of the right to social reintegration in Colombia; for this, it is based on the establishment of the functions and limits of public policies and normative foundations for the social reintegration of the population deprived of liberty; at the same time, the socio-legal limitations for the labor insertion of convicts are recognized; and finally, the responsibilities of the different social and state actors in the elimination of social and labor barriers of convicts in Colombia are determined.Ítem Complicidad delictiva mediante actos neutrales : la imputación jurídico penal del asesor jurídico en el delito de administración desleal(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Blandón Espinosa, Juan Camilo; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoIn the context of the discussion and evolution of this legal institution, "it was only from the 90s onwards that complicity through neutral actions became a central issue in the field of criminal law" (Greco, 2017). Indeed, as Sánchez (2013) stated, "it seems that the widespread adoption of the doctrine of neutral intervention behaviors was not mainly due to the academic examples of bakers, taxi drivers or waiters, but rather to the analysis of the Dresdner case. Bank, with all its subjective complexities" (p. 2). In a seminar held at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, under the direction of Professor Sánchez, the importance of establishing distinctions in the treatment of neutral behaviors that contribute or have an impact on subsequent criminal behavior was pointed out. In the words of Guzmán (2017), "it was highlighted that, however, the distinction criterion necessary for this remained an unresolved issue" (p. 1). During this discussion, the Munich professor argued that "what has been tried to combat, above all, is the idea that intervention in a criminal act through a neutral action is automatically unpunished" (Claus, 2000, pp. 202-203). Consequently, the following work explores various doctrinal perspectives that explain the situations in which neutral conduct, such as the professional provision of a service, facilitates the commission of the crime of unfair administration. In these cases, the subject who contributes to the execution of said crime, without possessing the legal aptitude required in the type, can be considered an accomplicÍtem El concepto de “hechos jurídicamente relevantes” y sus implicaciones procesales, a partir de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Silva Henao, Juan Fernando; Escobar Vélez, SusanaÍtem La coautoría en el Código Penal colombiano : especial énfasis en los delitos relacionados con la actividad empresarial(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Benítez Arenas, César Mauricio; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoÍtem Estado de ira e intenso dolor : un supuesto de imputabilidad disminuida(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez Pérez, Emanuel; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoThis research work, seeks to establish that despite the fact that the guilt element is a limit to the ius punendi in the Colombian legal system, there are altered states of consciousness, which decrease the capacity for guilt or the accountability of the individual and they are in a regulatory gap, this situation is not completely foreign to our legal framework, since there is a state of anger and intense pain, Therefore, if we analyze the dogmatic origin of this mitigating factor, we will find that it has its genesis in the recognition of the leveling of emotions or the staggering of them, determining that with the appropriate accompaniment by an expert, it can be determined that although the subject was not accountable, he was not fully attributable either.Ítem Programas de cumplimiento y responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas : una referencia a sus efectos dogmáticos(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vásquez Ortiz, Esteban; Vargas Lozano, RenatoCurrently, companies have the duty to avoid and control the risks arising from their activity and this is done through the so-called regulatory compliance programs that, if they are suitable and effective, do not only fulfill a preventive public purpose, but also lead to beneficial effects for companies, mainly those of exempting or mitigating legal liability.To grant such benefit, it must be verified in each case, materially and in detail, whether the measures adopted by the legal person were appropriate to avoid the risks and whether its organs performed their function.Ítem Diferencias entre el injusto penal y el ilícito disciplinario : a propósito de la sentencia de la Corte Interamericana del 8 de julio de 2020(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Medina Escobar, Miguel Ricardo; Sánchez Herrera, Esiquio ManuelÍtem El lenguaje de los delitos de peligro abstracto en el Derecho penal colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Toro Londoño, Juan Gabriel; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosThe work deals with the concept of crime of an object of abstract danger, which has been a heated debate in recent years in criminal science, but in Colombia, despite its great importance, little has been dealt with by doctrine. The work raises the problem to be addressed and is developed in two large parts: the first, the current linguistic uses on crimes of abstract danger, which refers to various emerging categories that seek to project an alternative path to the classic distinction that shows the related lack with a lack of value connotation; the second, the semantic breadth, in what the author considers "the overflow of the analytical framework of crimes of abstract danger", particularly due to the functionalist use of criminal law that has made the discourses of citizen security taking advantage of the evident lack of determination and more adequate elucidation of its operation. Without looking for exact expressions, the work ends with some conclusions in which it considers it preferable to assume, according to Ulrich Beck, a descriptive and normative concept that distinguishes between "macrohazards" and "microhazards", with the purpose of avoiding not only the instrumentalization of criminal law of risk but also formulate as a draft a decriminalizing program or systematic realignment of crimes of abstract danger, if necessary.Ítem Aproximaciones dogmáticas y jurisprudenciales del tipo penal de fraude de subvenciones en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cortés Cano, Omar Felipe; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoWith the issuance of the Anti-Corruption Statute through Law 1474 of 2011, the state system set out to generate a response to acts against the Public Administration that affected, in addition to its proper functioning, public assets and its morality. One of the novelties of this Statute was the creation of the crime of subsidy fraud, in which those who obtained aid or assistance from the State were penalized, without complying with the requirements demanded by law to access it, or who They would have been used for a different purpose. With this, a series of debates have been generated, such as, for example, the one referring to whether, effectively with this, the protection of the legal good of the Public Administration is intended, since it would also affect the economic and social order, legal right protected in turn by the Penal Code. Therefore, carrying out a dogmatic and conceptual analysis, it is necessary to face it, in order to generate debates and arguments that allow drawing conclusions and particular positions. Going to foreign legal systems where the figure of subsidy fraud has a greater development, as is the case of Spain, will be necessary to establish comparisons and differentiations between these two systems, since, in Europe, this criminal type dates from the decade of the 70's. Consequently, this work presents a series of conceptual and jurisprudential approximations on the criminal type of subsidy fraud.Ítem El principio de confianza como baremo de imputación objetiva en el ámbito empresarial. Una crítica a la posición de la Corte Suprema frente a la limitación de este principio al extender de manera inmoderada la condición de garante al director de la organización(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Tamayo Restrepo, Aracelly de las Misericordias; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoÍtem El Abuso de los delitos de posesión : el caso del Artículo 197 del Código Penal Colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mosquera Torreglosa, Edita Shamira; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoThe main objective of this article is to describe the figure of possession in criminal law, in light of the crimes of danger, increasingly used by legislators worldwide for reasons of criminal policy; highlighting as a product of this proliferation of criminal types that arises under this modality the crime of illicit use of communications networks, in which two behaviors are outlined, namely, that of possessing and that of using; Considering in this work that this last behavior lacks legitimacy, as it happens with a good portion of the range of crimes of possession that today abound in criminal legislation, at the international level.Ítem La responsabilidad penal de los superiores en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Suárez Zapata, Diana María; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoÍtem Análisis dogmático y político criminal del delito de fraude al sufragante : consideraciones especiales en relación con el engaño típico y algunas formas de manipulación de votantes a través de plataformas digitales(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Giraldo Viana, Kelly Johana; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem La responsabilidad penal en la estructura empresarial : el papel de la inducción en cadena(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Sossa Montoya, María Simoné; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoÍtem Responsabilidad penal omisiva del empresario, fabricante o productor en razón a los defectos detectados o sospechados sobre el producto después de su correcta incorporación al mercado(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Toro Restrepo, Luisa Fernanda; Tamayo Arboleda, Fernando LeónÍtem La familia como bien jurídico penal según la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia en los delitos de inasistencia alimentaria y violencia intrafamiliar entre los años 2001 y 2020(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Cardona Cardozo, Alina; Arango Benjumea, Carlos Julio; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Autoría y participación en delitos de omisión impropia : la masacre de El Salado(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) González Cifuentes, Sara; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoThe improper omission is a criminal figure through which criminal liability is imputed to the guarantor who omits a legal duty to avoid a harmful result and, therefore, the crime is imputed to him as if he himself were actively executing the punishable conduct. On the other hand, authorship and participation are titles of imputation of the crime that allow to graduate the intervention, according to the contribution that the subject provides in the production of the crime. This article analyzes whether the special duty of guarantee is always the basis of authorship or whether it is possible to distinguish between authorship and participation by omission. Specifically, the degree of participation attributable to the guarantor, member of the military forces, which does not prevent the materialization of a harmful result executed by third parties, will be specified.Ítem Lucha antisecuestro en Colombia : la respuesta penal en tiempos de guerra(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Toro Taborda, Mariana; Gallego García, Gloria María