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    Automatic detection of number-plate and traffic infractions of motorcyclists by Intelligent Transportation Systems
    (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Valencia, J.F.; Ramírez-Guerrero, T.; Castãeda, L.F.; Toro, M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Public Transportation Strategic Systems are a digital transformation for the urban transportation service in the Colombian medium-size cities, from 200,000 to 600,000 inhabitants. The implementation of the urban public transportation services has not started in many cities; as a result, this cities in Colombia have an increase of illegal motorcycle taxis, which cause a high number of road accidents. The main method for controlling illegal motorcycle taxis is by giving the drivers transit fines. In order to give such transit fines, transit police have several control points in medium-size cities. In this article, we developed a mobile application to detect three types of transit infractions usually committed by motorcycle taxi drivers. The purpose of this application is to be a tool for the transit police agents to disincentivize the use of motorcycle taxis. The mobile application detects a possible transit infraction, saves the photo, motorcycle plate number, date, and time. Afterwards, the application generates a support for the transit infractions that will be issued by the transit police officer. We performed an experiment using this mobile application in the city of Valledupar, Colombia. The mobile application captured 40 possible transit infractions. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    (IEEE, 2018-01-01) Restrepo Garcia, Carlos Andres; Barbosa Perez, Jaime Leonardo; Restrepo Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Due to poor performance in Statics at Eafit University, since 2012 the Mechanical Engineering department implemented a virtual tool for the training and assessment of Statics course. Although the implementation led to better performance in the Statics course, students were still showing lack of comprehension of the basic concepts underlying the subject. The department applied a Concept Inventory test to 195 students from the second semester of 2017 in order to check if there was a correlation between the grades obtained in the class examinations and the performance in a conceptual test of Statics. The Concept Inventory was applied one week before the final examination and it was held inside the University facilities. The students were monitored all the time. For the course examinations were taken only three out of the four partial exams, they were computed and then compared to the results of the concept inventory. The results show that almost all the students with the highest grades in the class performed above the mean in the Concept Inventory. The overall mean for the conceptual test was 9.27 and the standard deviation was 5.28. The course grades were discriminated by career and an Analysis of Variance was conducted to determine if there were significant differences among the groups. A correlation analysis suggests that there is not a strong correlation between the course grades and the concept inventory results. One possible explanation for this can be due to the fact that the regular teaching method for these kind of basic courses in engineering in the University is merely procedural and problem-solving oriented, conceptual approaches are often neglected in both teaching and assessment.
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    Dynamic measurements on a Kaplan turbine: Model - Prototype comparison
    (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019-01-01) Angulo M.; Lucino C.; Botero F.; Rivetti A.; Liscia S.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    The purpose of this paper is to validate in prototype, the results related to the description of dynamic behaviour obtained in a Kaplan turbine model. A comparative analysis between model and prototype measurement at homologous operation conditions is presented. The phenomena of interest are tip vortex cavitation development and rotor stator interaction (rsi), associated to operation at high power outputs. The selection of suitable signal processing tools allows a clear identification of the role played by the modulation of the main rsi frequencies on cavitation phenomena. The comparison between pressure acceleration measurements on model and prototype at draft tube wall are consistent, both in time and frequency domain analysis. The acceleration measurement at the draft tube wall (manhole) is suggested as a trustworthy dynamic indicator for prediction (model) and monitoring (prototype) purposes. © 2019 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Reliability of a concept inventory to determine the level of students in statics
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-01) Garcia C.A.R.; Perez J.L.B.; Ochoa J.L.R.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Basic core courses in engineering are often taught and assessed only through procedural approaches, neglecting the conceptual grounds of the subject. In an effort to change that, a Concept Inventory test was applied to 195 students at Eafit University enrolled in Statics. All of the students took the test inside in the campus facilities and were monitored during the whole session to make sure they did not share information. The students took a Computer-Based Test of the Concept Inventory. Three new items were added to the original test of 27 questions, in order to improve the reliability of two specific groups of concepts. For the test was found a mean of 9.7 and a standard deviation of 5.28. For the overall test, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.81. The psychometric analyses show that all of the items in the test, except one, present an appropriate fit for discrimination and difficulty parameters of the test. Item 26 was deleted when performing the analysis of sub-scales reliability because presented abnormal value for difficulty. For the cluster of Equilibrium, it was seen that deleting this item resulted in an increase of the alpha from 0.2 to 0.36. For the sub-scale of Free-Body Diagram was seen a decrease in the reliability when two new items were added to it. All of the other sub-scales presented good reliability, most of them, above 0.5. The item-person map shows that the overall latent trait of students is lower than the overall test difficulty, meaning that most of the students found the test difficult. One of the conclusion to be drawn from the results is that the students subjected mainly to procedural approaches in teaching, do not perform well in conceptual tests. The results support the claim that Statics can be seen as a collection of concepts that can be clustered in independent groups for teaching. © 2018 IEEE.
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    Technological advances in computer science that define maintenance concerns in industry 4.0 in Colombia
    (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Dueas Ramírez, L.M.; Villegas López, G.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Maintenance during industrial development has evolved and adapted to each challenge presented. The progress and development of computer science have opted for the massive use of information and communication technologies that arise in industrial processes generating new possibilities in maintenance management and operation. In Colombia, public and private organizations have carried out exhaustive studies on the use and maturation of technology in different industrial sectors. These studies provide valuable information on the technological progress of the country and the gaps that exist to achieve a competitive country globally. These data were analyzed and purchased with the relevance that maintenance has in Colombian industries and with current maintenance management techniques focused on improving decision making within organizations. This research establishes, within a timeline, the concerns that in the short, medium and long term should meet the maintenance in the so-called industry 4.0 in Colombia contributing to the country's industry in improving one of its nerve processes to have companies sustainable and competitive. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Efecto de un sistema de evaluación de ambiente virtual sobre el rendimiento académico en un curso de Estática en ingeniería
    (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2018-01-01) Pérez J.L.B.; Ochoa J.L.R.; Cadavid A.R.; Calderon J.P.R.; Garcia C.A.R.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    The engineering department of EAFIT University have developed and implemented an evaluation and training virtual system directed to the engineering students that take the Statics course. The system allows the students of several engineering programs to execute different exercises about specific topics included in the syllabus. The system also allows assessing the students' knowledge through weekly quizzes. With the implementation of the evaluation system, the engineering department aimed at improving the academic performance and the learning process of the students. This paper presents the results of a structural equation modeling analysis. The variables included in the analysis were; time of use of the system, results in quizzes and midterm exams grades assigned by the lecturers. The purpose of the analyses was to test the effect of time of use of the system and grades in the quizzes on academic performance represented by midterm grades (paper-based format). The analysis was performed with the data obtained from both, the virtual system and the course grades during year 2014. The findings suggest that both the time of use of the virtual system and good results in the quizzes have a positive influence on the midterm exams results. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of the virtual evaluation system has a positive effect on the students' academic performance. © 2018 Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions. All rights reserved.
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    Correlation between procedural and conceptual test in a statics course
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-01) Garcia C.A.R.; Perez J.L.B.; Ochoa J.L.R.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Due to poor performance in Statics at Eafit University, since 2012 the Mechanical Engineering department implemented a virtual tool for the training and assessment of Statics course. Although the implementation led to better performance in the Statics course, students were still showing lack of comprehension of the basic concepts underlying the subject. The department applied a Concept Inventory test to 195 students from the second semester of 2017 in order to check if there was a correlation between the grades obtained in the class examinations and the performance in a conceptual test of Statics. The Concept Inventory was applied one week before the final examination and it was held inside the University facilities. The students were monitored all the time. For the course examinations were taken only three out of the four partial exams, they were computed and then compared to the results of the concept inventory. The results show that almost all the students with the highest grades in the class performed above the mean in the Concept Inventory. The overall mean for the conceptual test was 9.27 and the standard deviation was 5.28. The course grades were discriminated by career and an Analysis of Variance was conducted to determine if there were significant differences among the groups. A correlation analysis suggests that there is not a strong correlation between the course grades and the concept inventory results. One possible explanation for this can be due to the fact that the regular teaching method for these kind of basic courses in engineering in the University is merely procedural and problem-solving oriented, conceptual approaches are often neglected in both teaching and assessment. © 2018 IEEE.
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    Computer science development and technologies associated with industry 4.0 applied to industrial maintenance in Colombia
    (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Dueas Ramírez, L.M.; Villegas López, G.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    The technologies associated with industry 4.0, have taken a leading role worldwide, because being globally competitive in the industrial sector depends not only on the real world but also on the digital world. This is why the predictive techniques used in maintenance and that currently employ technologies such as: internet of things, machine learning, big data, cyber physical Systems, Data analysis among others; to make their predictions they have defined a path in the continuous improvement of industrial processes and in the execution of the maintenance strategy. This work shows the most developed technologies 4.0 in Colombia used in industrial maintenance and exposes the country's gaps in the development of these technologies and their use in different industrial sectors. This research was developed through the analysis of consolidated data in studies conducted by the private sector and the public in Colombia on technological developments in the country where it is evident that these technologies associated with maintenance are in growth stage and in a few sectors of industry have exploited the benefits of use. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    (IEEE, 2018-01-01) Restrepo Garcia, Carlos Andres; Barbosa Perez, Jaime Leonardo; Restrepo Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Basic core courses in engineering are often taught and assessed only through procedural approaches, neglecting the conceptual grounds of the subject. In an effort to change that, a Concept Inventory test was applied to 195 students at Eafit University enrolled in Statics. All of the students took the test inside in the campus facilities and were monitored during the whole session to make sure they did not share information. The students took a Computer-Based Test of the Concept Inventory. Three new items were added to the original test of 27 questions, in order to improve the reliability of two specific groups of concepts. For the test was found a mean of 9.7 and a standard deviation of 5.28. For the overall test, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.81. The psychometric analyses show that all of the items in the test, except one, present an appropriate fit for discrimination and difficulty parameters of the test. Item 26 was deleted when performing the analysis of sub-scales reliability because presented abnormal value for difficulty. For the cluster of Equilibrium, it was seen that deleting this item resulted in an increase of the alpha from 0.2 to 0.36. For the sub-scale of Free-Body Diagram was seen a decrease in the reliability when two new items were added to it. All of the other sub-scales presented good reliability, most of them, above 0.5. The item-person map shows that the overall latent trait of students is lower than the overall test difficulty, meaning that most of the students found the test difficult. One of the conclusion to be drawn from the results is that the students subjected mainly to procedural approaches in teaching, do not perform well in conceptual tests. The results support the claim that Statics can be seen as a collection of concepts that can be clustered in independent groups for teaching.
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    Creativity and job tension in experiential learning
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-01) Roman-Calderon J.P.; Acevedo-Jaramillo M.E.; Escalante J.E.; Arias A.; Aguilar-Barrientos S.; Barbosa J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    This work-in-progress research paper presents a study on employability skills. Employability or soft skills refer to personality traits, attitudes and behavior that are complementary to professional knowledge. These skills are part of a series of competencies that are intertwined with the engineer's technical work [1]. A high percentage of job success depends on employability skills [2]. A gap exists between the attributes of engineering graduates and company requirements [3]. Experiential learning can develop a myriad of skills required by the workplace. Universidad EAFIT, located in Medellin (Colombia), has developed an experiential learning program called KRATOS. KRATOS was sent an invitation to participate in an international competition that implied designing and building a solar/electric powered vehicle. Think creatively is a competency that is important for engineering practice across areas, disciplines and countries [1]. Although student competitions that include design activities may enhance a passion for engineering, they can also have negative emotional consequences [4] (i.e. job tension). Using the structural equation modeling technique, the authors of this study analyzed the responses of 334 undergraduate students. The results of the study indicate that job tension significantly decreased over time, whereas no significant change was detected in terms of creativity. © 2018 IEEE.
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    Application of virtual technologies for the representation of physical phenomena in maintenance tasks
    (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2020-01-01) Dueas Ramírez L.M.; Villegas López G.A.; Chamat Torres C.P.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Maintenance during industrial development has evolved, always seeking the in-depth study of the physical phenomena that occur in the elements and systems that have suffered functional failures. Maintenance has been adapted to each challenge presented. The progress and development of computer science have opted for the massive use of information and communication technologies that support industrial processes, generating new possibilities in maintenance management and operation. These tools could contribute to improving the efficiency of maintenance processes, taking into account that these costs represent a third of the total production cost in an organization. This work seeks to identify the evolution of these technological tools in the applications that they have had in representing the physical phenomena of maintenance management. This research also seeks to establish the minimum requirements that these tools must consider in their applications and uses. Considering the appropriation of these technologies in Colombia, in order to determine where the country is in terms of development and technological use, being important information for the recognition of the scenario and decision-making that prevail in a competitive Colombian industry world level. © 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Creativity and job tension in experiential learning
    (IEEE, 2018-01-01) Pablo Roman-Calderon, Juan; Esteban Acevedo-Jaramillo, Manuel; Esteban Escalante, Juan; Arias, Alejandro; Aguilar-Barrientos, Sara; Barbosa, Jaime; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    This work-in-progress research paper presents a study on employability skills. Employability or soft skills refer to personality traits, attitudes and behavior that are complementary to professional knowledge. These skills are part of a series of competencies that are intertwined with the engineer's technical work [1]. A high percentage of job success depends on employability skills [2]. A gap exists between the attributes of engineering graduates and company requirements [3]. Experiential learning can develop a myriad of skills required by the workplace. Universidad EAFIT, located in Medellin (Colombia), has developed an experiential learning program called KRATOS. KRATOS was sent an invitation to participate in an international competition that implied designing and building a solar/ electric powered vehicle. Think creatively is a competency that is important for engineering practice across areas, disciplines and countries [1]. Although student competitions that include design activities may enhance a passion for engineering, they can also have negative emotional consequences [4] (i.e. job tension). Using the structural equation modeling technique, the authors of this study analyzed the responses of 334 undergraduate students. The results of the study indicate that job tension significantly decreased over time, whereas no significant change was detected in terms of creativity.
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    Instrumented study of the wheel-Rail interaction
    (JVE International, 2015-01-01) Zóltowski, B.; Castaneda, L.; Zóltowski, M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    This article describes a measurement method whit strain gages, which allows measure the vertical force independently of the lateral force in the wheel - Track interface of a railway. It also shows the obtained results from the implementation of this method to measure the forces in a commercial railway of the railway system. © JVE International Ltd.
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    (EUROSIS, 2011-01-01) Mejia, Diego Tobon; Hennequin, Sophie; Botero, Francisco; Rezg, Nidhal; Castaneda, Leonel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    To facilitate the maintenance of hydroelectric groups and ensure the production of electrical energy, we defined a decision making tool to help the construction of maintenance plans by integrating the concept of risk for a Francis turbine currently operating in Colombia. As the risks are generally expressed in terms of human knowledge, it seems very interesting to use fuzzy logic to solve this kind of problems. Moreover, it can also be applied in case of detectable failures (via sensors) or undetectable failures. This work has been done in collaboration with EAFIT University in Colombia.
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    Items' difficulty level determination based on a Statics test with parameters variation
    (IEEE, 2014-01-01) Restrepo Cadavid, Andres; Restrepo Ochoa, Jorge Luis; Barbosa Perez, Jaime L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Looking for the improvement of the students' learning, the engineering school of EAFIT University is currently developing an evaluation and training system. In this system, each student has the option of doing ``dynamic'' exercises in a specific field of a subject. Whenever a student uses the system, an exercise is generated with different parameters and values. The mentioned system (Evaluation System) has been used in the last semesters, achieving the improvement in the students' comprehension and learning level of the Statics subject. The system under development, allows the students to train themselves in different topics of the subject and, at the same time, it allows the teachers to evaluate the learning process. Based on the fact that in the course assessments, an exam with different parameters and values is presented every time a student accesses the system, it is possible that some students present tests with different complexity levels. Therefore, the test could be considered inequitable for some people. This paper presents an analysis of the difficulty level of a test generated with the system. The test was applied to two different groups of students which are taking the course in the 2014-1 semester. The first group took a test where the items' values and parameters were not changed; and the second one, took a test where the items' values and parameters change for each student. Based on the obtained results, a statistical study is made which intends to determine the difficulty and discrimination level of each of the test items, both for the dynamics parameters test and the fixed parameters test in order to finally determine how much varies the items' difficulty due to the parameters variation. This will help to generate more equitable tests in the future for the assessment of a group of students that are taking the course.
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    Cómo pronosticar conexactitud la demanda futura de un producto, bien o servicio: Caso real international
    (International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2014-01-01) Alberto Mora, G.; Claves, P.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    [No abstract available]
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    Pronósticos del comportamiento de equipos en mantenimiento, en sistema de bombeo experimental investigation gemieaftt: Utllizar los pronósticos de los indicadores internacionales de Mantenimiento CMD-ßeta-MTTR-MTTB-FMECA-para gestar y operar el mantentmiento
    (International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2014-01-01) Alberto Mora, G.; Jaramillo, J.S.V.; Martínez, J.H.H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
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    Student acceptance and performance of a virtual platform for training and evaluation of Statics course
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2016-11-28) Ochoa, J.L.R.; Pérez, J.L.B.; Berrio, J.A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    Due to the poor performance of students in the Statics course in engineering between 2006 and 2011, whose approval rating was 48.8%, the Engineering School of EAFIT University has developed a virtual platform for students to train and for teachers to evaluate the learning of the subject with a series of exercises implemented in a dynamic system that generates a different version of the exercises for each attempt, the teacher can apply exams with confidence that the answers will not be copied and memorized, and the students have a self-evaluating tool which allows to know their level of learning in relation to the course goals. With the operation of the platform it has been achieved a decrease in dropout rates, and an increase in the approvals rates of the course and it has also generated a positive attitude and motivation in students towards the course. The dropouts have decreased by 21% and the approval of the course has increased by 17.2% according to official records in enrollment and students grades of the course for the period between 2011-2 and 2015-2. Regarding to the acceptance of the platform a survey of 10 questions were conducted on different aspects of the platform to 513 students who completed the course during the semesters 2014-2, 2015-1 and 2015-2. In the literature, there are cases of implementation of virtual environments for teaching and evaluation of Statics course in engineering, but studies on the acceptance of virtual tools from students for their classes are not included, and that is the reason why this approach is included in this article. To analyze the data two types of questions are distinguished: discriminative and approving questions. The discriminative type filters the students under what career they are enrolled, the number of semesters they spend to approve the Statics course, the number of hours per week they dedicate to study this course, the preferences and places from where they access to the virtual platform. The approving questions inquire about their experience in the training process, their adaptation taking the quizzes in the platform and their opinion about the implementation of this kind of tool in other courses. This paper presents the analysis of the collected data and draws conclusions in order to improve this platform for teaching and learning process in Statics course in engineering. © 2016 IEEE.
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    Pronósticos del comportamiento de equipos en mantenimiento, en sistema de bombeo experimental investigation gemieaftt: Utllizar los pronósticos de los indicadores internacionales de Mantenimiento CMD-ßeta-MTTR-MTTB-FMECA-para gestar y operar el mantentmiento
    (International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 2014-01-01) Alberto Mora, G.; Jaramillo, J.S.V.; Martínez, J.H.H.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    [No abstract available]
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    Incorporación de un curso online masivo y abierto (MOOC) en la asignatura Estática para ingeniería
    (Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions, 2017-01-01) Barbosa J.; Restrepo J.; Arenas J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Estudios en Mantenimiento (GEMI)
    [No abstract available]