Escuela de Artes y Humanidades
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Ítem 15 bocetos musicales : estrategia de aprendizaje para interpretar tres secciones de años de peregrinaje de Frank Liszt(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Henao Ramírez, Daniel; Gil Araque, Fernando AntonioÍtem 16 Valsas para Fagote solo de Francisco Mignone: análisis ecléctico para la interpretación(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) García Estrada, Ana María; Yépes Londoño, Gustavo AdolfoÍtem A los pinches chamacos : laboratorio de lectura literaria para adolescentes que no les gusta leer(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bernal Silva, Joel David; Cardona Zuluaga, Alba PatriciaÍtem Acercamiento a la experiencia estética en la poesía de Aurelio Arturo(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Guerrero Cabrera, Sonia Amparo; Suárez Roldán, Juan CamiloEste trabajo plantea una lectura interpretativa del poemario Morada al Sur, del poeta nariñense Aurelio Arturo (1906-1974) -- Para explicar la poetización que el autor logra crear sobre el tema del hombre en la naturaleza, se parte de la noción de “experiencia estética” propuesta por el estudioso de la literatura Hans Robert Jauss, en sus funciones poietica, aisthetica y catártica -- La atención se centra en dos de los poemas que componen el libro: Clima y Qué noche de hojas suaves, toda vez que estos contienen elementos claves de la temática presente en la poesía de Arturo, como lo son el viento, las canciones, la noche, entre otrosÍtem Acercamiento a la interpretación del Tango en el violín: propuesta de ejecución interpretativa en el violín de tres de los Six Tango-Etudes Pour Flûte Seule de Astor Piazzolla(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Montoya Vallejo, Sebastián; N/AStrength of the tango in the local and national music scene has been observed -- Despite the fact that this genre has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, its genuine and better interpretation is not related with accuracy in the originals scores of their most representative works, maybe, because the composers had a minor concern to capture the interpretive tools in the score, but they chose to place greater emphasis on the execution of tango techniques in the interpretation of the instrument -- For that reason the aim of the text is to elaborate an interpretative proposal of the violin in the tango from 3 of the Six Tango-Etudes pour flûte seule of Astor Piazzolla, through the analysis of Astor Piazzola's recordings and the research work carried out by Ramiro Gallo -- The interpretative proposal made in this work allows violinists with academic training to approach the interpretation of tango with the traditional technique but not before warning that there will be many ways to play tango, as Gallo says, so it is necessary to complement with observation of recordings of other tango referentsÍtem Acercamiento a las propiedades físicas y acústicas de dos arcos alemanes en el contrabajo(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Álvarez Londoño, Juan Guillermo; Manco, Juan DavidThis investigation asked if there were differences between a bow of luthier (craftsman) and a bow of Chinese manufacture, so that it was aimed at describing the physical and acoustic properties of a German Arch of Pernambuco and a Chinese German Arc. The research was conducted under a quantitative approach, with an exploratory scope and was developed in two phases: physical measurements and acoustic measurements of both arcs. Differences were found in the physical characteristics for the two arcs, while in the acoustic measurements no significant differences were found. So that the difference that can make a distinction between one arch and the other, is from the interaction and knowledge of the instrument, because from there a musician builds a large part of his sonority.Ítem Acercamiento al lenguaje musical y pianístico de Isabel Gómez a través de su obra Días grises y otros azules(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Hurtado Martínez, Manuela; Lennis Cortés, Laura IsabelDías grises y otros azules is a piano work written in 2018 by the composer and pianist Isabel Gómez Álvarez. In this work, Isabel utilizes her piano and compositional skill in creating five-concert etudes, which portray the use of rhythmic techniques and characteristic musical elements of 20th-century music. This article aims to understand how the composer communicates through these pieces, inspiration sources, and, to suggest then, study tools that facilitate their interpretation. Three fundamental ideas of the 20th and 21st centuries music will be the pillars of this analysis: Music as Language, Musical Composition, and Musical Interpretation.Ítem Acercamiento al personaje Tamerlán en la novela de Enrique Serrano en comparación con el histórico(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Gómez Salazar, Carlos AndrésEl presente artículo tiene como objeto de estudio la novela Tamerlán de Enrique Serrano -- En este texto se presenta un análisis del personaje literario Tamerlán con el personaje histórico, enfocándose específicamente en el rastreo de las diferentes etapas y facetas que constituyeron la vida de este guerrero y conquistador oriental, como lo son su infancia, juventud y adultez -- Además de las facetas de guerrero estratega; de promotor y admirador del arte, la ciencia y la cultura, y la de adepto detractor de la religión islámica -- Para dicho análisis nos apoyaremos en los historiadores Michael Prawdin, Justin Marozzi; en el cronista español Ruy González de Clavijo y en el dramaturgo inglés Christopher MarloweÍtem Un acercamiento intertextual al discurso histórico-literario en los cuentos “El historiador problemático" y “Tierra” de Pedro Gómez Valderrama(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Arroyave Rave, Yovany AlbertoThe work presented below is limited in the debate ancient history / literature. The article suggests as a hypothesis: The proposal of Pedro Gomez Valderrama historical tale, historical discourse and literary discourse is interwoven through the intertext, an intertext that is a mark of the first discourse, immersed and subverted in the second, by their common denominator, the narrative act. In this sense, his short stories evocative historical artifact or work as a mnemonic reference mark of history itself, producing in turn an effect of identity, but, once inserted the historical record (the intertext) in the statute itself acquire literary discourse other colors, other meanings, not far removed from material reality, but confined himself to the status of fictionalization.Ítem Actitud frente a la Cuarta Revolución Industrial en grupo de docentes universitarios(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Ramos Lemus, María Fernanda; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaÍtem Actitud y compromiso frente a la implementación de las normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en mineros de una empresa en norte de Santander(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rubio Diaz, Yessica Mirley; Villada Arango, Lizeth AndreaÍtem Actitudes que tienen sobre el conjunto de normas que rigen la actividad laboral, algunos trabajadores de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gallego Mora, María Alejandra; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaÍtem Adagio de la sonata para violín BWV 1005 de Johann Sebastian Bach : una propuesta de interpretación desde un punto de vista histórico(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Cano Cuervo, Jhon Harrison; Lennis Cortés, Laura IsabelWithin the different interpretations of the works of Johann Sebastian Bach for solo violin, most performers today have opted for two very different interpretive visions: a modern one based on current resources and knowledge that includes the use of vibrato and high positions, and the historical one, which sought to recreate the sound of its time within the conventions and interpretive possibilities of the moment. The purpose of this article is to present an interpretative proposal from a historical standpoint of the Adagio from the Violin Sonata BWV 1005 by J. S. Bach based on the Treatise on the Fundamental Principles of Playing the Violin, written by Leopold Mozart in 1756.Ítem Adaptación de la obra colombiana Rosarillo de Luis Antonio Calvo para violonchelo y piano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Casas Zuñiga, Stiven; Manco, Juan DavidThe purpose of this article is to provide an account of the process undertaken in adapting the work Rosarillo by Luis Antonio Calvo for cello and piano. The aim is to promote the performance of Colombian music through this piece. To achieve this, a toree-phase methodology was designed. Initially, the work Rosarillo was contextualized, with a focus on its adaptation for the cello. This was followed by a comparative study and analysis between the original score and its adaptation. Subsequently, based on a series of registered and recorded concerts, a re-adaptation was performed, yielding new technical and interpretive recommendations. The article concludes with reflections on the potential contributions of this adaptation to Colombian cello music, as well as possible challenges that could inspire future research.Ítem Adaptación de tres melodías de la Cultura Wayûû : Mujer enamorada, Orgullo por el ganado y Traición de amor : diálogo entre dos culturas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) De Armas Mindiola, Jalil Miguel; Araque Gil, Fernando AntonioDue to its special meanings, it is relevant to create new musical alternatives to highlight the artistic contributions of the music of the Wayûû culture, respecting the ethnographic elements in relation to customs, traditions, religion and race. The interest in researching this topic arises from the scarce promotion of Wayûû indigenous music outside the department of La Guajira. For this reason, it is intended to elaborate an adaptation of the Wayûû indigenous music for brass instruments. In the same way, to adapt aspects such as history, customs, sources of inspiration and musical instruments, in order to enrich the repertoire for the same instruments from the recognition of the cultural diversity of Colombia and the encouragement of the promotion of the cultural and musical richness of this community.Ítem Adaptación de tres movimientos de la historia del tango de Astor Piazzolla para violonchelo con pedales de efectos y guitarra eléctrica - Adaptation of three movements from Astor Piazzolla's tango history for cello with effects pedals and electric guitar(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) González Buitrago, Sergio; Manco, Juan DavidThis research-creation work explores the adaptation of three movements from Astor Piazzolla's “Historia del tango” to be performed on violoncello with sound pedals effects and electric guitar. The methodology was developed initially from the collection of the original scores, the structural analysis of the work, and the musical adaptation for cello, then the selection of microphones and effects pedals, and finally the exploration of the sounds of the selected pedals. With this process, the feasibility of using real-time sound effects was demonstrated, obtaining novel sound results that open up new possibilities in the interpretation of music written for cello.Ítem Adaptación y creación de música colombiana de Bambuco, Pasillo y Joropo para el aprendizaje y formación del Trombón(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) González Castrillón, Jhon Wilson; Alunno, MarcoThis article propose a way of teaching trombone based on both Colombian culture through folkloric rhythms such as bambuco, pasillo and joropo, and the more traditional American, French and German schools where examples and arguments are given to support this musical and instrumental pedagogy. This should allow a more dynamic development and learning of the instrument through the adaptation and creation of Colombian music and melodic exercises of great interest for both students and teachers.Ítem Adaptaciones para flauta traversa y guitarra de piezas colombianas para piano de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX(Universidad EAFIT, 2015) Elorza Zuluaga, Jorge Ernesto; Osorio, ElizabethEste trabajo ofrece una serie de ocho obras adaptadas para Flauta traversa y Guitarra, las cuales son originales para piano y se encuentran ampliamente documentadas en la compilación que hace Juan Fernando Velásquez en su trabajo “Los ecos de la villa” -- De esta manera se plantea una sonoridad distinta por medio de un proceso detallado de instrumentación, ampliando así el repertorio para este dúo, y dando a conocer la música editada a finales del siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX en la ciudad de Medellín -- El repertorio contenido en este escrito permite un acercamiento a la estética musical y el transcurrir de la época, además de ampliar el espectro del repertorio para flauta traversa y guitarra en la música Colombiana; lo anterior en sintonía con la conocida tendencia de adaptaciones de obras (en muchos casos por sus mismos compositores) bien sea con fines académicos, obedeciendo a la necesidad de ampliar el repertorio de diferentes conformaciones instrumentales, o por solicitud de destacados interpretes a lo largo del tiempo -- El proceso de adaptación de este repertorio está basado, además, en la observación significativa y cuidadosa de las ediciones ofrecidas en la publicación “Los Ecos de la villa” en comparación con los manuscritos originales de las composiciones, tratando de conservar la propuesta estética y sonora con la que fueron concebidas dichas obrasÍtem Adherencia al estiramiento para un entorno laboral seguro.(Universidad EAFIT, 2024-02-28) Villegas Fernández, Isabela; Orjuela Giraldo , Natalia Liset; Lemos Hoyos MariantoniaSafety and health at work are fundamental for the well-being and quality of life of employees. Haceb Company seeks to reduce overexertion accidents through a behavioral intervention aimed at promoting adherence to stretching in the Technical Service Business Unit (UBN), where high rates of overexertion accidents have been recorded. To this end, a pre-experimental design was conducted with self-report measures before and after the intervention. The intervention was developed based on the methodological framework of the behavior change wheel and the EAST framework. Reminder messages, group warm-ups, instructional videos, and family messages were employed. The intervention showed a positive impact, with a statistically significant increase in knowledge about stretching and a higher frequency of stretching exercises. However, recognizing the bias of desirability, it is recommended to incorporate objective measurements from Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to evaluate the effects on musculoskeletal health and physical performance of the intervened population.Ítem Adultos mayores : hacia una población empoderada para protegerse frente a ciberdelitos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Vera Sepúlveda, Silvia; Monsalve Palacio, María Andrea; Romero Restrepo, Tamara; Peláez Jaramillo, Sergio; Cardenas Niño, Lucila