Maestría en Administración de Riesgos (tesis)
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Ítem A Fuzzy ELECTRE method with k-means clustering to qualitative characterize provision factors(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pérez Muñoz, Natalia; García Suaza, Carlos Daniel; Peña Palacio, Juan AlejandroÍtem Administración de riesgos empresariales, una mirada desde la perspectiva de las prácticas y herramientas : evidencia de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Escobar Restrepo, Alba Luz; Núñez Patiño, María AntoniaÍtem Afrontamiento de la predisposición negativa ante la implementación de los sistemas de gestión de riesgos : la percepción de expertos(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) García Salazar, Eliana Maria; Gómez Castiblanco, Dora Luz; Gallego López, FranciscoThe objective of this study is to know, according to the qualified judgment of experts in risk management (senior management and consultants), the most effective ways of coping to counteract the negative predisposition to the implementation of Risk Management Systems (RMS) in large companies. The methodology used is qualitative and exploratory in scope. At the beginning, twenty risk managers of large companies are chosen to learn, based on their experience, the reasons why their institutions do not adopt RMS. In the second stage, ten senior managers and consultants are selected in order to investigate the most effective coping strategies that, in their opinion, have been implemented. In the end, it is found that the reasons most invoked by the managers and consultants interviewed are the following: lack of commitment of the board and senior management, difficulties in communication, resistance to change, perception of lack of value generation, lack of risk management culture and inadequate definition of a process structure in companies. Finally, the ways of coping that have been applied in large companies to implement RMS are described.Ítem Alineación entre la Gestión de Riesgos Empresariales (ERM) y la Gestión de Continuidad de Negocio (BCM) en una empresa prestadora del servicio de energía eléctrica. Caso Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas (CHEC)(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Garzón Otálvaro, Luz Stella; Torres Sánchez, Juan CarlosEl presente trabajo es un estudio cualitativo de caso, que busca establecer las compatibilidades entre la Gestión de Riesgos Empresariales (ERM, por sus siglas en inglés - Enterprise Risk Management) y la Gestión de Continuidad de Negocio (BCM, por sus siglas en inglés – Business Continuity Management), conducentes a la formulación de estrategias que sustenten una alineación efectiva entre ambas gestiones -- Como resultado de la investigación, se encontró la importancia de incluir la resiliencia como un tercer sistema de gestión -- La alineación entre el ERM, el BCM y la resiliencia organizacional no solo es posible, sino necesaria para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio, preparar y proteger la organización frente a eventos disruptivos que amenacen su continuidad y optimizar el valor económico y social en cualquier tipo de industria -- Estas conclusiones se desarrollan con base en el caso de estudio de la Central Hidroeléctrica de CaldasÍtem Alternativas económicas y financieras para mitigación del impacto del riesgo de cambio climático en las empresas colombianas: sector agroindustrial(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Quiroz Quiceno, Mauricio; Betancur Jaramillo, Juan DavidÍtem Análisis de la gestión del riesgo de desastres en cuatro instituciones educativas públicas de dos municipios del norte del Valle de Aburrá: Barbosa y Copacabana(2018) Osorio Chávez, Diego Fernando; Sierra Nova, Claudia Helena;52706244The analysis of threats of natural, social and technological origin is increasingly important for organizations, because an insufficient consideration of them can have effects in terms of loss of human lives and damage to infrastructure. Bearing in mind that educational institutions are home to a large number of people and constitute a center of interest and example for the community that surrounds them, the interest of this work is to analyze disaster risk management in four public educational institutions in two municipalities of the North of the Aburrá Valley through a qualitative approach with descriptive scope that shows the current state of these institutions of the Municipalities of Barbosa and Copacabana of the Department of Antioquia. The results of the investigation show that educational institutions still do not respond to the preventive approach established by Law 1523 of 2012, due to a lack of awareness on the part of State entities and the directors of educational institutions. Given the above, recommendations are made to identify the threats and vulnerability analysis in each educational institution, as well as an initial diagnostic form for disaster risk management in the technological component. It is expected that this contribution to disaster risk management will have applications in similar situations for decision making in other types of public and private organizations.Ítem Análisis de los riesgos materializados por la pandemia del Covid-19 y sus impactos en bares y discotecas de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gutiérrez Buitrago, Dione Alejandra; Montoya Correa, Sebastián; Gómez Salazar, Elkin ArcesioThe main objective of this study is to analyze the financial impacts of the risks materialized by the COVID-19 pandemic in bars and clubs classified as small businesses in the city of Medellín. For this, the identification of the risks and their financial impacts was carried out through a mixed methodology with the implementation of interviews with the main representatives of the guild and application of surveys aimed at the owners or managers of these establishments. The results obtained allowed to know the economic losses presented by the respondents, which served as a starting point to make the projection of the VaR (Value at Risk) of the sector at the local level and its extrapolation at the national level, making visible the financial reality and the capacity that the sector has in order to make its operation sustainable. This research may serve to strengthen government public policies and relief programs for this guild, opening lines of research to give continuity to risk management such as the monitoring of these and the effectiveness of the controls implemented.Ítem Analítica de datos : un estudio de caso de su uso para identificar riesgos estratégicos en grandes compañías de Medellín(2019) Coronado Medina, Luis Alejandro; Núñez Patiño, María Antonia; Rodrígues Taborda; EduardoThis research seeks to describe how, from the implementation of data analytics tools, large companies in Medellín are transforming strategic risk management from their identification stage, to respond to changes in their business ecosystem. A qualitative methodology was followed with a descriptive exploratory scope, through semi-structured interviews with risk management leaders. The obtained results demonstrate the importance that companies attach to the implementation of data analytics to identify strategic risks. The recognition of the relevance of these new tools is based on a greater possibility of carrying out a more complex, more accurate, efficient and more objective analysis of the environment, that increasingly involve more variables and that are able to establish greater connections between them.Ítem Aplicación de la metodología de monitoreo de riesgos estratégicos en el proceso de control minero(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Valencia Garcia, Frank; Villanueva Herrera, Eduart HumbertoÍtem Una aproximación a la aplicación del Método de Nueve Pasos de la ASM para el análisis de falla: caso Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Ocampo Salgado, Juliana; Martins Da Silva, Izaías; Vélez Mejía, José FabioEste artículo incluye una aproximación al modo en que el análisis de falla es aplicado en la ciudad de Medellín por profesionales del área, en comparación con el método de los Nueve Pasos de la ASM -- Se presenta un estudio de casos para validar los hallazgos mediante la confrontación entre teoría y práctica, donde se realiza una revisión bibliográfica y se recopilan testimonios dados por los profesionales a través de entrevistas -- Estas acciones se desarrollan con el objetivo de identificar las buenas prácticas y las dificultades, y para determinar los recursos y capacidades usados -- La investigación, en conjunto, permite establecer la forma como el método de análisis de falla es aplicado en la ciudad de Medellín y la rigurosidad de dicha aplicación, además sirve para identificar las oportunidades de mejora y los nuevos campos para futuras investigaciones -- Los resultados de este estudio son valiosos, pues permiten ver el grado de madurez de los métodos aplicados en contraste con la teoría -- Se encuentra limitado a la práctica desarrollada en la ciudad de Medellín y enfocado específicamente a los análisis mecánicos y metalográficos, que una vez estudiados abrieron la posibilidad de reaplicabilidad en otros camposÍtem Aproximación a los requerimientos de la OCDE en empresas colombianas: una mirada a los riesgos de fraude y corrupción(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Chavarría Posada, Vicky Stefany; Gil López, María Cristina; Gómez Orjuela, Fredy Humberto; N/AFrom the years 80' together the multilateral organizations and the emerging economies are developing mechanisms against fraud and corruption in the quest to secure the sustainable development of their economies -- Therefore, our topic of research focuses on identifying how they integrate the OECD guidelines on issues of corporate governance, bribery in international transactions and policies for the protection of consumers, within the management of the risk of fraud and corruption in some public and private entities in the city of Medellin -- This objective is achieved through the qualitative methodology, using the case method, with the realization of in-depth interviews with leaders of the risk management processes, diagnosing the maturity state faced with these issues and concluding on the opportunities for improvement that are derived from this study -- The main findings suggest that companies are working on matters required by the OECD and reported progress in their methodology to manage risks, mainly on issues of corporate governance with the aim of combating the risks of fraud and corruption, component which serves as a reference to manage the risk of bribery; with regard to the policies of the consumer is identified which have been implemented the new legal requirementsÍtem Articulación de la gestión de riesgos y el gobierno corporativo en instituciones de educación superior(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Fernández Romero, Shirley; Rivas Montoya, Luz MaríaÍtem Características de la cultura de ciberseguridad en fintech colombianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Vargas Molina, Camilo; Uribe Orrego, Andrés Felipe; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioÍtem Caracterización de la cultura de riesgo en entidades públicas alcaldías del departamento de Risaralda – Colombia. Año 2024(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Jiménez Zuluaga, Diana Patricia; Mazuera Castillo, Ana Milena; Guerrero, Jorge HarleyThe main objective of this research project is to characterize the risk culture in public entities (mayors) in the department of Risaralda. The above is with the objective of proposing improvement actions based on the results obtained in the characterization process. Being what has been presented so far, a starting point, a theoretical framework is shown that contains various postulates about risk culture in public entities and the process of characterization of this aspect in this type of organizations. The methodology is presented as qualitative research in conjunction with an exploratory ˗ descriptive base that helped the use of instruments for collecting information such as the semi-structured interview and the documentary review. The results allowed us to establish that although the different public entities carry out actions for risk management under the framework of Colombian regulations, related to fields such as knowledge about risk management regulations, perception of the importance of risk culture, participation in training programs on risk management, attitudes towards the identification and management of risks in everyday life, previous experiences of confronting and managing risk situations, level of compliance with established security protocols, internal communication and external on risk situations, availability of resources for risk management, risk evaluation and monitoring processes, culture of prevention and response to emergencies, this is not enough to consider that in these municipalities there is an established risk culture. Due to the above, actions and improvements were proposed to strengthen this culture in these organizations.Ítem Comparación entre el método tradicional y algunos basados en inteligencia artificial para el estudio del riesgo crediticio en instituciones financieras colombianas(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Arango Correa, Diana Marcela; Colmenares Colmenares, Laura Juliana; Rave Contreras, Isabel Cristina; Martínez Negrete, Milton AlfonsoArtificial intelligence models are an open problem for application in various fields of science and search of variable relationships especially when the distribution of events doesn’t depend on a linear function; through this work we want to compare the traditional method most used for credit behavior monitoring with advanced models of artificial intelligence -- The guides that exist in Colombia for management of credit risk are given by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, international standards such as Basel II, Basel III and Solvency are based on the logistic regression and the discriminant analysis, models used by financial institutions in Colombia to measure credit behavior, thus we carried out an investigation to explore the utility of new models -- This paper addresses one of the traditional methods used in financial institutions, that is, logistic regression, and compares it with alternative methods such as neural networks and random forests -- From the literature review and using a database provided by a banking entity, the dependent variables and the response variable are selected, the logistic regression models, random forests and neural networks are calibrated in the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning application and they are compared to each other with indicators of precision and accuracy such as ROC (from receiver operating characteristic) curve and confusion matrix, obtaining for the models of artificial intelligence, results as good as the traditional one; so they can be used by the financial sector as alternate and / or complementary methods in the analysis of credit riskÍtem Comunicación del riesgo y percepción de la imagen corporativa interna(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Arango Monsalve, Paola Andrea; Duque Herrera, Mariana; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioRisk communication and corporate image are relevant factors for facing critical situations among business environments, specially under pressure. This study attempts to explore elements of risk communication processes inside companies and their linkage with construction of corporate image among workers. Through 11 interviews to speakers responsible for risk communication using the phenomenological hermeneutic method, the findings of this study help visualize the need of communication elements taken into account for business continuity in crisis. Results provide a scheme of the 5 categories: Risk Communication in Crisis, Corporate Image, Business Continuity in Crisis, Risk Situation and Communication in Daily Life Inside the Company, with 13 sub-categories which open the theoretical and managerial implications for comprehending risk communication elements for crisis management. With the design of the dynamic scheme of risk communication, the study also recommends taking into consideration risk communication in the construction of corporate image among workers, taking into account the speaker role, time and media used to communicate a risk situation under certain circumstances.Ítem Comunicación efectiva sobre la gestión de riesgos : un reto entre los administradores de riesgos y los niveles directivos(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Restrepo Villada, Santiago; Rueda Valencia, Lizeth; Mejía Quijano, Rubi ConsueloEffective communication is a fundamental element for an adequate risk management, at concurrency it represents a great challenge given the particularities of the environment and culture of each organization. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the strategies, methods, language and tools used for communicating with management about risk management information and to identify the barriers and failures that hinder such communication, in order to propose alternatives to improve it. The research approach was qualitative, with an exploratory and descriptive scope; ten interviews were conducted with risk management executives and members of boards of directors. With the results of the research, it was possible to understand the most relevant aspects that risk committees and the board of directors need to know in order to make decisions related to risk management, the main barriers that exist in the communication between those responsible for risk management and the management levels, and relevant information was obtained to improve the effectiveness of such communication.Ítem Conciencia situacional en el sector financiero : el riesgo de la toma de decisiones(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Carreño Tarazona, Mónica Juliana; Tirado Marín, Juan Camilo; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioÍtem La continuidad en tecnología de información con los marcos de referencia ITIL, ISO y COBIT: caso de estudio en una empresa mediana de telecomunicaciones(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Gómez Zabala, Germán Alcides; Vélez Carvajal, Laura María; Corrales Estrada, Ana MaríaÍtem Contribuciones desde un modelo predictivo para identificar el perfil de riesgo del defraudador interno en una entidad financiera de Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2018-05-29) Ruíz Galeano, Fabio Hernán; Torres Guerra, Idier AlbeiroFinancial services companies are a fundamental part of the country's economy, and their continued growth has made them more susceptible to fraud due to the lack of prevention and controls that mitigate the threats that go hand in hand with technological innovation, new products and consumption characteristics -- This problem generates negative economic and social impacts for both the company and the country -- That is why it was identified the need to develop the risk profile of the internal fraudster in a financial entity, which allows the frauds prevention and detection from the characterization of employees involved in fraudulent actions, to achieve this, the mixed investigation was applied, which allowed the collection of data on fraud materialized by employees, their numerical measurement and respective statistical analysis to test the hypothesis, as well as a literature review -- From the construction of the Random Forest model, and with the objective of finding employees with high probabilities of incurring in incorrect acts, the profile of the internal fraudster of the entity was identified, the employee who work in the branch network, who have atypical transactions and where the wage relationships Vs the discounts made to the employee do not keep a proportion -- Employees who hold operational positions which represent the 44.5% of the company, are the most likely to incur internal fraud, 66.4% of possible fraudsters are women; moreover, country’s regions that present greater alert are the central region with 43.6%, followed by Bogotá and Sabana with 28.7%