Examinando por Materia "Infraestructura"
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Ítem Análisis costo-beneficio de la implementación de la metodología BIM para la ejecución de nuevos proyectos de infraestructura eléctrica en ÓPTIMA INGENIERÍA SAS(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Arboleda Chavarría, Santiago; Morales Alzate, María Isabel; Henao Arango, Maria CeciliaÍtem Análisis de la Locomotora de Infraestructura(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Góngora Chávez, María Camila; Rojas Gantiva, Gilma Lorena; Uribe de Correa, Beatríz Amparo; Medina Arango, Oscar EduardoLa competitividad se ha convertido en un tema de interés nacional y en un factor de diferenciación y desarrollo para los países -- Por lo tanto es obligación del Estado dotar a la industria de medios, leyes e instituciones que faciliten el posicionamiento y fortalezcan la competitividad del país en el contexto mundial -- Por lo anterior, la infraestructura cobra gran importancia, pues al ser uno de los rubros con mayor participación en el PIB, es un sector que impulsa la economía, fortalece la competitividad y el comercio internacional, genera empleo y promueve la industria nacional -- Debido a lo anterior, el gobierno ha venido trabajando para mejorar sustancialmente los estándares de infraestructura -- Por esto, el Gobierno del Presidente Juan Manuel Santos diseñó el Plan Desarrollo 2010-2014 que contempla cinco sectores esenciales para el crecimiento y sostenibilidad de Colombia en el largo plazo -- En este Plan se plantean metas y medios para el mejoramiento del sistema de la infraestructura vial, portuaria, férrea, fluvial y aeroportuaria, con el fin de facilitar el uso de transporte intermodal para la movilización tanto, de personas como de mercancías, logrando mejorar la calificación respecto a los estándares internacionales -- Adicionalmente este plan integró la inversión privada con la pública como medio de financiación y está fortaleciendo la capacidad institucional, creando nuevas entidades, renovando las actuales y estandarizando procesos para generar un funcionamiento eficiente, ágil y transparente en la construcción y mantenimiento de las obras de infraestructura nacionalÍtem Aplicación de opciones reales en proyectos de infraestructura vial : caso de inversión Odinsa(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Bernal Gaviria, Santiago; Calderón Villegas, MartínVery often the valuations of projects carried out by professionals in finance are elaborated through methodologies that assume a single deterministic decision; some examples of these are the cash flow discount and the calculation of the internal rate of return (IRR). These practices have little room for maneuver and important strategic decisions are made (Cifuentes & Espinoza, 2016). However, the application of dynamic models such as real options has allowed greater flexibility in the modeling of financial scenarios and have become a tool much more in line with the variable environments of business (Mun, 2002). This situation imposes new legal and financial challenges to the Government and private investors, so that incoming infrastructure projects can be executed under the regulatory framework of public-private partnerships (PPP), generating economic and financial value and complying with technical standards required. The present work aims to implement the real options assessment methodology to the road infrastructure sector through an exercise applied to a real investment case of the International Engineering Organization SA, Odinsa, in the participation of a public-private initiative. Using this methodology, we can quantify the value hidden in the volatility of the project associated with demand risk. The results obtained, in addition to going in line with the generation of economic value, generate value for the company and give it additional elements to make informed investment decisions. Likewise, the real options become a tool that provides managers with greater bargaining power and flexibility vis-à-vis different actors in a process of assessment of road infrastructure projects.Ítem The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s 21st century tool for economic growth(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Botero Castrillón, SamuelÍtem Blockchain, una oportunidad para el desarrollo de las asociaciones público-privadas en infraestructura en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Álvarez Zambrano, Óscar Javier; Restrepo Tobón, Diego AlexanderThis article investigates the way in which Blockchain technology can solve some frictions in the financing of infrastructure through Public-Private Associations, in Colombia. This is key to alleviate poverty and generate long-term growth, however, financing faces a decrease in capital, due to the increase in public deficits, transparency problems and the high cost of financing. This document makes an exhaustive review of the literature to study the potential of Blockchain in improving the efficiency of public finances and in attracting private sources to close the existing gap in infrastructure. The Blockchain impacts investment in infrastructure, democratizing participation in projects in three ways: i) Expanding the group of investors, attracting potential capital from small financiers, ii) Decentralizing the formulation of projects to institutions such as mayors and governors and iii) Proposing financial models that accommodate medium and small-scale projects such as secondary and tertiary networks. The Blockchain improves the liquidity of infrastructure assets, increasing transparency and trust and reducing transaction costs by facilitating access to different capitals.Ítem ¿Cómo funciona la Internet?(2011) Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Lalinde Pulido, Juan Guillermo; Muriel Gil, Luisa Fernanda; Arango Hurtado, Carolina; Ana Cristina Abad Restrepo (abad@eafit.edu.co.); Juan Guillermo Lalinde (jlalinde@eafit.edu.co)Ítem Deleveraging and liquidity strategies Construcciones El Condor(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Serna Correa, Diego Armando; Sánchez, Ribero, Gustavo A.Study of different alternatives to carry out financing and deleveraging operations in the Colombian market for Construcciones el Cóndor. one of the biggest multinational construction companies in the country. This to comply with the payment of the maturities of the corporate bonds issued as of 2020. At the same time, the study seeks to optimize the firm´s capital structure based on high demand for resources inherent to the business, represented as equity contributions, which are resources required to funding some infrastructure projects under the public-private partnerships scheme, retentions in guarantee of construction works, and backups required to cover several risks associated with the construction business. Through an analysis of different alternatives, such as refinancing, bond issues with or without collateral, and the sale of assets, we determine the best actions to take in terms of time and cost, enabling continuity of the business in the medium term.Ítem Desarrollo económico en Colombia a través de una Zona Económica Especial (ZEE) en Buenaventura, basado en la experiencia de Shenzhen, en China(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Hleap Lozano, Carlos Andrés; Mora Cuartas, Andrés MauricioThis paper evaluated alternatives for the economic development of Colombia looking not to create fiscal pressures in the short and medium term for the country. Colombian structural economic deficiencies were explored comparing sources of income coming from taxes to companies and from working force against same indicators of other OCDE countries. Free zones’ history in the world, region, and Colombia as well as the spectacular growth experience in China based on Shenzhen’s special economic zone were also explored. A bibliographic investigation based on books, articles and doctoral thesis was conducted to be able to provide context related to Colombian and Buenaventura’s economic situation as well as the experience gained by the city of Shenzhen. Resulting initial proposal was contrasted with interviews to some companies’ managers in the country. These interviews generated valid ideas that were later integrated to the proposal included in this document. This document lays out a proposal for the economic development of the country reapplying, in a clearly defined zone in the Colombian territory, some of the ideas that were implemented in the mid of the decade of the seventies in Shenzhen by Chinese government. The proposal was based mainly on three key pillars: by reducing labor costs, direct taxes on companies and logistic costs.Ítem Diez años de atentados a la infraestructura de Colombia(Centro De Análisis Político – Universidad EAFIT, 2009) Villegas, L. C.; Duque, Juan C.; Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Economía y Finanzas. Research in Spatial Economics (RiSE), Carrera 49 7 Sur-50, Medellín, Colombia.; Escuela de Economía y Finanzas; Duque, Juan C. (jduquec1@eafit.edu.co); Research in Spatial Economics (RiSE)Ítem Efectos de las intervenciones en transporte público en el mercado inmobiliario : el caso del tranvía de Ayacucho-Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Flórez Cano, Lina María; Cardona Aguilar, Juan Sebastián; Muñoz Mora, Juan CarlosThe Ayacucho tramway is one of the most recent transportation infrastructure in Medellín. This study has a review of the mechanisms that, according to the academic literature, cause changes in the supply or demand of agents in the real estate market, after the provision of transportation infrastructure. In addition, a hedonic prices model is estimated to determine the effects caused by the tramway in its areas of influence in commune nine of Medellín, Buenos aires. The results show a significant increase in the price of real estate adjacent to the project, as well as a change in the sector's infrastructure, as properties with smaller areas begin to prevail.Ítem Efectos de las normas de información financiera y fiscal en los modelos financieros para las obras de infraestructura vial de cuarta generación (4g) en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Cano Pérez, Andrés Camilo; Herrera Zapata, Isbelia Margarita; Valencia Posada NicolásRoad infrastructure works in Colombia are fundamental pillars of the economy, particularly the so-called 4G (2014-2021), which will allow the participation of private investors through the so-called "public-private partnerships" (PPP), a mechanism created by the Colombian State through Law 1508 of 2012. In 2014, Colombia adopted the convergence of Financial Reporting Standards based on international standards (IFRS) and, in 2016, with the structural tax reform (Law 1819) introduced, among others, modifications in the determination of income tax in the infrastructure concessions. These changes deserve financial attention and, therefore, the present work, previous normative analyzes, outlines and presents as conclusions the main effects in the project finance models for 4G infrastructure concessions and profitability for its investors.Ítem Espacios que inspiran: Centro Cultural Biblioteca Luis Echavarría Villegas(2024-08-21) Ospina-Ospina, Gloria-Patricia; Naranjo-Álvarez, Julián; gospina@eafit.edu.co; janaranj@eafit.edu.coÍtem Implementación del sistema de planeación y control Last Planner en el tramo 2B del corredor parcial de Envigado para mejorar la confiabilidad y reducir la incertidumbre en la construcción(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Castaño Jiménez, Patricia; Botero Botero, Luis FernandoDesde su creación en 2000, El Last Planner System (LPS) ha sido implementado con éxito en el ámbito nacional e internacional, aumentando la confiabilidad y reduciendo la variabilidad en la construcción, lo cual es evidenciado en la literatura académica y en informes de gestión -- En Colombia la aplicación de este sistema se ha concentrado en proyectos de edificación, existiendo poca evidencia en el área de infraestructura que se constituye en un sector clave para el desarrollo, la apertura económica y la competitividad de los países, al que Colombia le apuesta en forma decidida en sus políticas de planeación y desarrollo, y que requiere de mecanismos, sistemas y/o metodologías que mejoren la confiabilidad en la planificación con resultados que impacten la ejecución de los proyectos con la optimización de tiempos y recursos -- Como respuesta a ese gran reto en donde la eficiencia se vuelve premisa, esta investigación se centra en la implementación del LPS en una obra de infraestructura, con características y externalidades que exigen la consideración de variables poco convencionales en el análisis de restricciones y que además impactan los resultados que terminan siendo condicionados y afectados por factores externos que pese a la efectividad del sistema de planificación resultan imposibles de controlar -- Este trabajo se constituye en un aporte a la academia y al sector de la construcción en Colombia, que históricamente ha tenido una participación significativa dentro del PIB de la nación siendo eje dinamizador de la economía, la generación de empleo y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vidaÍtem Infraestructura vial: análisis comparado entre Chile y Colombia 2000-2015. Un enfoque desde la economía institucional(Universidad EAFIT, 2016) Hernández Escobar, María Angélica; Ruiz Galeano, Ana María; Ramírez Gómez, Mauricio AndrésÍtem Lecciones aprendidas en la ejecución de los componentes ambientales y sociales del Proyecto Pacífico 2 (4G Concesiones Viales en Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Rivillas Herrera, Jorge Eliécer; Uribe de Correa, Beatriz Amparo; Salazar Gómez, Francisco JavierIn order to take full advantage of the experience and practices implemented in the Pacific 2 project to enhance the development of future infrastructure programs and/or projects, a Lessons Learned research was developed in the execution of the environmental and social components, where based on the voluntary actions carried out in these components; the lessons learned for the development of infrastructure were identified, classified based on the areas of knowledge established in the good practices of the PMI® that lead them, thus generating a repository for knowledge management and recommendations for future projects were proposed. In the first instance, a verification of the contractual and regulatory obligations of the concession contract was carried out and through a documentary review of contractual and audit reports; ten voluntary actions carried out in the project were identified (4 in the environmental component and 6 in the social component). In order to identify the lessons learned from each of these actions within the framework of the concession project, a survey was conducted with people who participated directly in its execution, from different levels and actors, surveying 20 people in total. With the analysis of the survey, a lesson learned was identified for each voluntary action, which was complemented with the following two aspects: In the first instance with an open interview to 3 people from the management level of the Concession and ANI, and in the second instance with a survey to 63 people from the community of the direct area of influence of the project that allowed validating the perception they have of the project, the concession and its actions. Next, each lesson learned was correlated with the area or areas of knowledge to which it relates within the framework of the PMI's good practices, raising considerations with key aspects to be taken into account in each one. Finally, for each of the lessons learned, an analysis and recommendations for future infrastructure projects are presented. The research work closes with a proposed matrix that consolidates all the information as a repository of lessons learned, to facilitate its consultation and application in the management of future projects.Ítem Los Dispute Boards (DB) en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano y su implementación en el sector de la infraestructura(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Zapata Gaviria, Alejandro; Ariza Zapata, CarolinaÍtem Project Finance, alternativa de financiación para la generación de energía geotérmica(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Osorio Ospina, Sandra Marcela; Montes Castaño, Alejandro; Vergara Garavito, Judith CeciliaÍtem Public infrastructure and its importance for economic growth: the case of Oaxaca (Mexico)(Universidad EAFIT, 2018-06-18) Rojas Ramírez, Luis Enrique; Molina Vargas, Alejandro; Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Flacso; Universidad Autónoma MetropolitanaÍtem Ruta de intervención social para proyectos de infraestructura de Construcciones El Cóndor(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Agudelo Oquendo, Claudia María; Vargas Sáenz, Mario EnriqueÍtem Shanghai and Chongqing: the “province-level cities” as territorial strategies of the state in the Chinese economy(Universidad EAFIT, 2016-06-30) Hidalgo Martínez, Miguel Ángel