Examinando por Materia "Desigualdad"
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Ítem Análisis de la formación para el trabajo en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024-02) Chaparro Cardona, Juan Camilo; Arteaga Arango, Alejandra; Universidad EAFITEste reporte de investigación analiza aspectos de la formación para el trabajo en Colombia en dos capítulos diferentes. El primer capítulo describe las brechas que existen en la efectividad de la formación para el trabajo para generar un calce entre la capacitación de las personas y las ocupaciones que ejercen. Se reportan brechas de género, regionales y por estrato socioeconómico en las tasas de calce de las personas capacitadas. El segundo capítulo analiza la calidad de los catálogos de cualificaciones del Marco Nacional de Cualificaciones (MNC) administrados por el Ministerio del Trabajo, con corte a junio de 2023. Todos los programas de certificación que se ofrezcan dentro del nuevo Subsistema de Formación para el Trabajo del Sistema Nacional de Cualificaciones deben estar basados en una cualificación aprobada e incluida en el MNC. El segundo capítulo hace una síntesis del nuevo Subsistema de Formación para el Trabajo, su relación con el MNC y propone una metodología para medir la calidad de un catálogo de cualificaciones.Ítem Análisis de la movilidad social en Colombia durante las últimas dos décadas(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Mejía Molina, Cristian Alexander; García Montoya, Juan Camilo; Goda, ThomasThis research is based on the realization of a social mobility index through intergenerational education, understood as that which associates the educational level of a current generation with its immediately preceding generation. This is justified by the reality that Colombia is currently experiencing in terms of inequality and poverty, being the second most unequal country in Latin America, as measured by the Gini coefficient. Through the following work, the behavior of such social mobility in the different regions of the country was analyzed, in addition to a differentiation by education quantiles, which allowed identifying characteristics of each population group. In general, it is found that social mobility in Colombia is low, however, it has improved in the last decade, and the need for a longitudinal survey is also mentioned, which would allow to better capture this phenomenon, since the current methodologies have many limitations.Ítem Los Beneficios Económicos Periódicos-BEPS- como alternativa a la disminución de la desigualdad en el sistema pensional colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Quintero Aristizábal, Angélica; Betancur Cadavid, Alejandro; López Castaño, HugoÍtem Discriminación racial en Latinoamérica : análisis de los efectos de la raza sobre el empleo(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Villa Villa, Jessica; España Eljaiek, IrinaRacial discrimination in the region is a problem that remains present over the years. In the labor market, discrimination can manifest itself through job segmentation, either because of the level of education or the employer's preference for a particular group, which generates inequalities that can be observed in patterns of job quality determined by occupation. For indigenous and Afro-descendant people, access to academic training, and therefore to skilled employment, can be more difficult than for whites. This research seeks to conduct a comparative analysis based on the 2018 Barometer of the Americas survey, which will allow us to observe the racial, educational, and occupational characteristics of individuals, and then study the potential effects of race on the quality of employment in Latin America.Ítem “Educación inclusiva, universal y de calidad como derecho fundamental en Colombia : un aporte al logro 4 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible = Inclusive, universal and quality education as a fundamental right in Colombia : a contribution to the achievement 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals”(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Rodríguez Dávila, Felipe Josué; Vásquez Vera, Juan EstebanÍtem Education and Poverty: The Hypothesis of the Individualand Social Capital(Universidad EAFIT, 2009-05-25) Del Valle, Alejandro H.; Universidad Nacional de Mar del PlataÍtem Efectos sociales de la Covid-19 en Medellín : un evento que incrementa la desigualdad en las brechas educativas(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Osorio Agudelo, Sandra Milena; Sánchez Prado, Marbin Karina; Uribe López, MauricioÍtem El concepto de igualdad = The Concept of Equality(Universidad EAFIT, 2010-01) Ocampo, Jorge Mario; Universidad EAFITÍtem Essays in Development Economics: Spatial data for exploring development patterns(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Sánchez Saldarriaga, Andrés Felipe; Muñoz Mora, Juan Carlos; Acosta Mejía, Camilo AndrésÍtem Estudio sociodemográfico para la Fundación Madres Solteras Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) González Acevedo, Luis Alejandro; Vásquez Cortés, Pablo; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloÍtem Factores que influencian la brecha de género en Colombia, y cómo difieren estos entre la población colombiana e inmigrante en el período 2019-2020(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Cardona Giraldo, Laura; Tokhora Montañez, Danna Valentina; Feld, Brian HugoÍtem Las fallas de la descentralización administrativa en Colombia : una aproximación desde el concepto de la presencia diferenciada del Estado en el departamento del Chocó entre los periodos 2018 a 2022(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Murillo Perea, Keidy Liseth; Pizarro Bello, Daniela Gisell; Trejo Orozco, María Cristina; Vásquez Vera, Juan EstebanÍtem Inclusión financiera e inversiones de impacto en Colombia para el desarrollo de la economía postcovid-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Rojas Fagua, Andrés Romario; Olarte Armenta, SergioThe purpose of this research was to investigate the participation of financial inclusion during the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Colombia, where multiple changes occurred not only at social and environmental level, but also, with a greater impact, at the economic one. An analysis of financial inclusion methodologies in Colombia was implemented as a mechanism to mitigate the inequality gap generated by Covid-19. The research represents a study of the policies implemented by the national Government to improve financial education, the inclusion of women and financial sustainability through impact investments. In turn, the national government and the Colombian population can contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by caring for the environment and supporting green economies. In short, financial inclusion and impact investments contribute to achieving economic growth and sustainable development.Ítem Inequality and the equity premium : empirical cross-country evidence(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Calderón Castillo, Saira Tatiana; Goda, ThomasThis paper empirically examines the relationship between income and wealth inequality and the subsequent period equity premium for 49 countries in the period 2002 - 2019. As an approximation of inequality are used relative inequality measurements, absolute inequality measurements and capital share income. Through a two-step Generalized Method of Moments with country fixed effects, it is found that, while relative inequality and capital share income do not significantly impact the equity premium, absolute inequality has a positive and significant correlation with it. The study used two distinct definitions of the stock returns rate, based on Christou et al. (2021) and Toda & Walsh (2020), which enhances the robustness of the findings by accounting for potential variations in the measurement of this critical equity premium component. These findings contribute to the ongoing debate on the impact of inequality on the equity premium and highlight the complexity of the relationship and the need for further research.Ítem Informe de calidad de vida de Medellín 2012-2015(Medelín cómo vamos, 2016-06-27) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem Informe de Calidad de Vida de Medellín, 2016-2019(Medelín cómo vamos, 2020-08-06) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem Informe de Calidad de Vida de Medellín, 2018(Medelín cómo vamos, 2019-07-18) Meneses, Robinson; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Maria Valentina; Garay Molina, Natalia Maria; Hoyos Barba, Manuela; Agudelo Henao,Luis Fernando; Universidad EAFITÍtem Modelo de innovación social digital basado en ecosistema de financiamiento, producción y comercialización del agro colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Mejía Castillo, José Leonardo; Álvares Mesa, CatalinaThis study focuses on the necessity for transformation within the Colombian agricultural ecosystem, encompassing financing, production, and commercialization. Within this context, digital social innovation emerges as a catalyst for addressing the deeply rooted challenges in the sector. The convergence of social innovation, seeking creative and efficient solutions to social problems, with digital technologies, enabling broad-scale connection and collaboration, presents a promising opportunity to enhance the resilience of agriculture against climate and inequality challenges. Aligned with this vision, the research advocates for a holistic approach to the agricultural issues in Colombia. Beyond fragmented solutions, it proposes a systematic and sustainable approach recognizing the transformative potential of digital social innovation. This approach not only aims to address immediate issues but also to foster productivity and competitiveness in the sector equitably and sustainably, thereby generating a positive impact on society as a whole. In its analysis, the thesis underscores the fundamental role played by digital technologies in creating an enabling environment for social innovation within Colombian agriculture. The connectivity and collaboration facilitated by these tools allow for the development of adaptive and context-specific solutions designed to address the specific needs of farmers and rural communities. Within this context, the research not only identifies current challenges but also proposes a conceptual framework and model for the implementation of digital social innovation in Colombian agriculture. It emphasizes the importance of strategic collaborations among various stakeholders, including governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and local communities. In summary, this thesis advocates for a comprehensive and proactive vision for the development of Colombian agriculture, with digital social innovation at its core. By recognizing the transformative potential of technology and collaboration, the aim is to build a resilient, dynamic agricultural ISD ecosystem in harmony with its social and environmental context.Ítem Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) N° 10 en materia de reducción de la desigualdad desde la perspectiva de políticas públicas en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Guzmán Mazo, María Yolanda; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoÍtem ¿Por qué hay ricos y pobres?(2011) Mejía, Juan Felipe; Abad Restrepo, Ana Cristina; Muriel Gil, Luisa Fernanda; Arango Hurtado, Carolina