Examinando por Materia "DERECHOS CIVILES"
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Ítem Análisis crítico del Habeas Corpus(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Velandia Alzate, Valeria; Agudelo Ríos, Manuela; Sánchez Daniels, Catalina del PilarÍtem Análisis de la identidad de género en la infancia y adolescencia : casos de cambio de sexo en Colombia desde una perspectiva jurídica(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Contreras Rojas, Sofía; Rojas Osorio, Susana; Villa García, Luis FelipeÍtem De la ambigüedad en el diseño de una política pública a la discrecionalidad en su proceso de implementación.(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Cuadros Muñoz, Jorge Humberto; Olaya Mesa, Carlos AndrésThe theoretical developments on formulation process of public politics have been appreciable, in relation to the process of taking into account of a public problem by governmental entities; nevertheless, they have not been sufficiently accompanied by parallel productions in the implementation field. The implementation process will be the main matter in this paper, emphasising on the public intervention instruments established by governmental entities during the plannig stage of a public politic. For this aim, the case taken into account was “Política Pública de Discapacidad e Inclusión Social (PPDIS)” from Envigado (Colombia) for the period 2015 – 2018. Hence, both top-down and bottom-up approaches have been analyzed, through which the implementation processes are described, as well as the transition between objectives and proposed programs has been intended. As a conclusion, a public politic characterized by the ambiguity in the definition of objectives and instruments, and planned under civic participation processes, should respond to implementation models as bottom-up, in which the influence of social actors or bureaucrats that took part in the formulation stage is better. On the contrary, a public politic characterized by having objectives and instruments clearly stablished, and by low leves of politic conflict or discretion, it is possible to be implemented under top-down environments where the actions are coherent with the purposes and initial indicators aimed by the politic.Ítem Derechos de los hombres trans a prestaciones economicas del sistema de seguridad social : licencia de maternidad(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Henao Correa , María Isabel; Montoya Palacios, Sara Elena; Castaño Cardona, Carmen HelenaThe purpose of this project is to present a series of situations that are currently arising because of social changes and sexual identity. With this project we seek to analyze the recognition of sexual diversity in the Colombian regulations, and we will focus especially on the way in which social security operates and its correlative access to the rights and benefits that derive from it, applying it specifically to the case of transgender men who have made the decision to gestate. Our work will have a theoretical-legal research method, in which we will analyze the implications of the concepts and definitions of sexual categories in the Colombian normative level, based on the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court on the application of maternity license to non-binary persons and pregnant transgender men.Ítem El alcance del principio de igualdad y no discriminación laboral de las personas transgénero en la jurisprudencia colombiana(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Narváez Lombana, Juan Manuel; Peréz Calle, Luisa Fernanda; Posada Múnera, ArmandoÍtem El liberalismo entendido como una perspectiva ética = Liberalism understood as an ethical perspective(Universidad EAFIT, 2017-10) Peralta Vélez, Ana María; Universidad EAFITOne of the reasons why liberalism aspires to be a better form of political organization of society lies in the supposed impartiality of its normative principles as opposed to comprehensive positions of the good. This article follows Michael Sandel's critique of John Rawls' theory to show that a liberal society cannot avoid assuming ethical positions. To this end, some features of the debate between communitarianism and liberalism are addressed, problematizing the division between the moral and the political on which the latter defends its neutrality. From there, the discussion that Sandel engages with Rawls is extracted, objecting to the latter, that the concrete determination of rights in a liberal society cannot do without the discussion on values and ideas of a good life. Finally, some reflections are offered by way of conclusionÍtem Experiencia de toma de decisiones al buscar empleo : un enfoque fenomenológico - hermenéutico(Universidad Eafit, 2020) Monsalve Ruiz, Angie Paola; Manrique Tisnés, HoracioThis study aims to delve into how the decision-making process is experienced in job seekers and to propose a qualitative scheme that allows understanding this phenomenon and how social and economic changes intervene in these experiences.Ítem Identidad de género tras las rejas en el sistema penitenciario colombiano : análisis jurídico y reflexiones de la situación actual de la población trans privada de la libertad en Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pana León, Francis Hellen; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Justicia en internet, análisis de caso : el "tribunal supremo" de Facebook(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arias Aristizábal, Diana Carolina; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Leyes de protección de datos personales : una recopilación normativa para orientar a empresas de contact center en el cumplimiento de las leyes de protección de datos personales en Colombia, Estados Unidos y Europa(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Gutiérrez Restrepo, Julieth Cristina; Villegas Giraldo, MarianaIn this monographic work it is intended to make a list of the various regulations that have been issued around the subject of personal data protection both in Colombia, and in the State of California in the United States and in the European Union, so that companies that provide Contact Center services can have greater certainty of those regulatory aspects that must be taken into account when providing their services, whether to clients of national origin, or located in the aforementioned regions.Ítem Limitaciones del derecho a la orientación sexual en el contexto de las personas privadas de la libertad con orientaciones sexuales no hegemónicas en el establecimiento penitenciario y carcelario de “El Pedregal”(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Caballero Gerena, María Consuelo; Echavarría Ramírez, RicardoThe main objective of this article is to establish the limitations faced by the right to sexual orientation within the High and Medium Security Prison and Penitentiary Complex of Medellin PEDREGAL, for which (i) the concepts of non-hegemonic sexual orientation and heteronormativity in the Colombian context will be explained, (ii) analyze the purposes and scope of the custodial sentence in light of criminological theories and (iii) conceptualize the constitutionality of the custodial sentence limiting or suspending the fundamental rights to sexual orientation, sexual freedom and family unity.Ítem ¿La negativa del sujeto pasivo del proceso penal a dejarse practicar intervenciones que utilicen su cuerpo como objeto de prueba está amparada a la luz de la garantía de no autoincriminación?(Universidad EAFIT, 2017) Vallejo Roldán, Manuela; Turbay Ceballos, Jorge AlonsoÍtem Percepción de la empleabilidad en la comunidad LGBTIQA+ de Medellín (Colombia)(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Villada Flórez, Mariana; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaÍtem El principio de integración (Art. 2 del Código Penal) en Colombia : ¿garantía del imputado o herramienta de punición?(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Pinzón Muñoz, Carlos Enrique; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoÍtem Profesión jurídica : abogados y acceso a la tierra en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Arroyave Velásquez, Lina María; Toro Valencia, José Alberto; Hoyos Ceballos, EstebanThis article seeks to compare human rights lawyers who are members of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and property law (civil law) lawyers in Colombia, who have specialized on the enforceability land property. The objective of this comparison is to identify the role that these legal advisers and NGOs have played in the processes to access and formalize land tenure. The article assumes that evidencing the practices and legal services provided by organized civil-society stakeholders, as well as lawyers who respond to interests, reveal the influence of these actors in the changes of power dynamics on land tenure. Depending on the legal frameworks and approaches given to the enforceability processes on the right to land, either by property law or Human Rights, the outcomes are contradictory. On the one hand, the processes of access to the individual land conducted under property law generates fewer distributive results; on the other hand, accessing to land tenure through public policy or Human Rights standards lead to the contrary outcome, meaning more distributive effects. In this sense, the hypothesis suggested is that the practices promoted by property law lawyers tend to reinforce the unequal structures of land tenure; whereas, the procedures anchored to Human Rights Law tend to counteract the inequity in such tenure. The proposed analysis enables the understanding of the practice of diverse legal perspectives and tools in the protection of the access to land and its effects in Colombia. For organized civil society actors, the use of the discourse of International Human Rights law is prevalent, while for lawyers with particular and individual interests, resorting to property law is the dominant practice.Ítem Programa para la enseñanza del derecho i ciencia constitucional en el Colejio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario / por el catedrático doctor Rafael Rivas(Bogotá : Imprenta de Medardo Rívas, 1871) Rivas, RafaelÍtem Propuesta de visión prospectiva sobre nuevas herramientas para la equidad socioeconómica de operaciones de transporte público : caso Medellín y Valle de Aburrá(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gómez González, Juan Camilo; Cadena Gaitán, CarlosThis proposal discusses the implementation of a public policy aimed at achieving socio-economic equity in public transportation operations as a means to enhance territorial productivity. The policy recognizes the importance of promoting collective public transportation solutions and the rights of these groups as fundamental contributors to the district's productivity. It emphasizes the need for good business practices in complying with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which may result in tax discounts for public transportation companies. The criteria for applying the policy will be based on a model of socio-economic equity in transportation operations, which may be subject to evaluation and modification during the regulation process. The proposal also highlights the importance of disseminating information about the benefits of the policy to all stakeholders involved in public transportation.Ítem Rawls, la validación de la guerra justa(2008-02-06) Giraldo Ramírez, Jorge Alberto de Jesús; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Humanidades; jorgegiraldo@eafit.edu.co; Estudios de Filosofía, Hermenéutica y NarrativasThis article tries to reconstruct the normative approach of John Rawls about the war, from his conceptions of a non-ideal theory of justice and law of peoples -- The reconstruction includes the criteria to wage and conduct the war, and the debate about some usual attitudes to face it -- Here is remarkable that Rawls accept the tradition of just war theory and, specially, his way to insert it in a moral and historical situation of extreme limitation of war