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Ítem La amenaza sin rostro : derecho internacional humanitario y terrorismo(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Tisnés Zapata, Eduardo; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoSince the mid 20th Century, states have begun to abandon confrontations between them. This phenomenon has had several explanations from different perspectives such as military and legal theories. In addition, international treaties have forbidden the unjustified use of force from one state against another, making illegal the start of an international conflict. This prohibition was strengthened by the UN Charter and its requirements for war. However, conflict has not come to an end, it has transformed into a confrontation between legitimate state forces and insurgent groups. These insurgencies have used non-conventional means of war to impose their will. These new means include, among others, terrorist acts, which are prohibited in the course of conflict. As terrorism represents one of the biggest threats to international security, it is important to have a complete unique definition of it, nevertheless, this has been impossible due to the complex international political reality. Now, terrorist organizations have violated International Humanitarian Law as they do not respect rules of conventional conflict. The necessity to reform the legal framework of this modern warfare has become an issue, as state agents are bound to act under International Humanitarian Law when terrorists are not.Ítem La aplicación del concepto de Justicia transicional en Colombia, una mirada a la reparación(Universidad EAFIT, 2014) Duque Molina, Manuela; Villa Jaramillo, Simón; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem El asilo como derecho constitucional y las implicaciones jurídico-políticas en Colombia tras la Constitución de 1991(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Rendón Restrepo, Eliana; Tamayo Franco, RafaelÍtem Derecho internacional humanitario y el fenómeno del secuestro en Colombia. 2000 – 2007(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Patiño Gutiérrez, Valentina; Echavarría Gómez, María Camila; Restrepo Riaza, WilliamÍtem Derecho internacional público y el individuo : entre la guerra y la paz(Universidad EAFIT, 2007) Mejía Arango, EstebanÍtem Humanización de la guerra y conflicto colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2008-10) Marín Mora, Ángela María; Soto Santa, Alejandra María; Toro Valencia, José AlbertoÍtem Injusticias epistémicas : aportes al enfoque sociojurídico para el análisis de contextos de vulneraciones sistemáticas a los derechos humanos e infracciones al derecho internacional humanitario(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) López Cárdenas, Mónica; Gaviria Mira, Jorge JuliánÍtem La práctica del reconocimiento de beligerancia y la distinción entre conflictos armados internos e internacionales. Dos temas polémicos en el derecho internacional humanitario = The practice of belligerency recognition and the distinction between internal and international armed conflicts. Two controversial issues in international humanitarian law(Universidad EAFIT, 2012-03) Mesa Mejía, Juan Pablo; Universidad EAFITÍtem La ONU como agente privatizador de la guerra(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Guerra Fernández, Sara; Toro Valencia, Jose AlbertoFor several years, there has been criticism regarding the intervention or omission of the United Nations in international armed conflicts, and it has even been accused of corruption and negligence by the victims themselves in several disputes in which this organization has failed to intervene and by States that have been harmed by such omissions. While it is true that the UN was created to maintain international peace and security, it has been possible to identify how the failure to act in some conflicts has led to more violence within them, causing violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.Ítem La posición de garante en tratándose de los delitos impropios de omisión cometidos por los militares por incumplimiento de sus funciones constitucionales y legales : análisis de la sentencia SU-1184 de 2001(Universidad EAFIT, 2013) Daza López, María Isabel; Cadavid Quintero, AlfonsoLa posición de garante como criterio diferenciador y fundamentador entre las omisiones impropias y las propias, es un tema desarrollado en el cuerpo del presente trabajo; además de analizar cada una de sus fuentes, desde las primeras en aparecer en el tiempo hasta aquellas más novedosas y que han sido acogidas por la doctrina y jurisprudencia internacionales -- Se analizó la posición de garante que se les endilga a los militares, teniendo como objeto el artículo 25 del código penal colombiano, de orientación mixta, porque adopta tesis formales y materiales; así como también la posición del derecho penal internacional para atribuirles responsabilidad a los militares cuando omiten el deber constitucional de protección a los bienes jurídicos que se les ha encomendado y la vigilancia de fuentes de peligro para esos mismos derechos fundamentales de la población, acogiendo de esta manera la teoría de Kaufmann -- Sin embargo, es menester aclarar, que al hablar de los roles o funciones legales o de la competencia institucional de los militares (tesis de Jakobs) se vuelve a las tesis formales, específicamente a la leyÍtem El principio de integración (Art. 2 del Código Penal) en Colombia : ¿garantía del imputado o herramienta de punición?(Universidad EAFIT, 2012) Pinzón Muñoz, Carlos Enrique; Sotomayor Acosta, Juan ObertoÍtem Profesión jurídica : abogados y acceso a la tierra en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2019) Arroyave Velásquez, Lina María; Toro Valencia, José Alberto; Hoyos Ceballos, EstebanThis article seeks to compare human rights lawyers who are members of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and property law (civil law) lawyers in Colombia, who have specialized on the enforceability land property. The objective of this comparison is to identify the role that these legal advisers and NGOs have played in the processes to access and formalize land tenure. The article assumes that evidencing the practices and legal services provided by organized civil-society stakeholders, as well as lawyers who respond to interests, reveal the influence of these actors in the changes of power dynamics on land tenure. Depending on the legal frameworks and approaches given to the enforceability processes on the right to land, either by property law or Human Rights, the outcomes are contradictory. On the one hand, the processes of access to the individual land conducted under property law generates fewer distributive results; on the other hand, accessing to land tenure through public policy or Human Rights standards lead to the contrary outcome, meaning more distributive effects. In this sense, the hypothesis suggested is that the practices promoted by property law lawyers tend to reinforce the unequal structures of land tenure; whereas, the procedures anchored to Human Rights Law tend to counteract the inequity in such tenure. The proposed analysis enables the understanding of the practice of diverse legal perspectives and tools in the protection of the access to land and its effects in Colombia. For organized civil society actors, the use of the discourse of International Human Rights law is prevalent, while for lawyers with particular and individual interests, resorting to property law is the dominant practice.Ítem La prohibición del reclutamiento a menores de edad para participar en las hostilidades: Análisis de protección especial a niños en el conflicto armado interno colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2018) Baena Robledo, Natalia; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem El uso del hambre como método de guerra en el conflicto armado interno colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2011) Salazar Lopera, Juan Fernando; Gallego García, Gloria MaríaÍtem Violencia sexual contra las mujeres en contextos de conflictos armados(Universidad EAFIT, 2009) González Restrepo, Carolina; Tamayo Franco, Rafael Eduardo