Examinando por Materia "Covid-19"
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Ítem Afectaciones psicosociales de la cuarentena por Covid - 19 en un grupo de bailarines de la ciudad de Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Velásquez Giraldo, Valentina; Carmona Otalvaro, Juan GabrielÍtem Análisis de choques externos en las tarifas del mercado de energía minorista colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gaviria Ortiz, Juan Camilo; García Rendón, John JairoÍtem Análisis de la percepción de los cirujanos plásticos de Medellín en la promoción de los servicios de cirugía plástica a través de medios digitales a diciembre de 2021(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Campo González, Jenny Bolena; Arango Pérez, María Camila; Giraldo Hernández, Gina MaríaÍtem Análisis de los cambios en el comportamiento de los consumidores post-Covid-19 y su influencia en las cadenas de abastecimiento de empresas del sector de la construcción en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gallego Gómez, Mateo; Muñoz Molina, Yaromir de JesúsÍtem Análisis de normas sobre Covid-19 : atención de la pandemia y sus posibles retos para los prestadores de servicios de salud(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Giraldo Ramírez, Ana Mercedes; Betancourt Mainieri, AliciaÍtem Análisis de participación laboral femenina en Colombia 2018-2020(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) López Arango, Valentina; Vinasco Ciro, Ana María; Cantet, María NataliaÍtem Análisis sectorial de consumo de la electricidad durante la pandemia en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Arango Restrepo, Luis José; Rey Londoño, Felipe; García Rendón, Jhon JairoÍtem Ansiedad del personal de un jardín infantil en el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Botero-Restrepo, Sara; Villamizar Reyes, Milena MargaritaThe sanitary emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, created a context in which governments, especially the Colombian one, implemented a series of strategies in order to mitigate the virus spread. Amongst those strategies, the educational institutions were shut down and citizens were confined in their homes. At the same time, they were informed with information about the virus, how it spread, etc... That situation generated anxiety in the general population and specifically in teachers and administrative colleagues in kindergartens. This exploratory study, which is non experimental and transversal-quantitative, measured the anxiety levels of colleagues of a Kindergarten in Medellín, Colombia in July 2020, when they were still confined, working from home. The study found that 52% of the colleagues of that Kindergarten had minimal anxiety, 29% a moderate level and 18% mild anxiety.Ítem Aplicación de la metodología Estrapyme al servicio mi Soporte de Conectiva Networks(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Mendoza Martínez, Martha Liliana; Toro Gómez, Carlos Octavio; Rivas Montoya, Luz MaríaIn this paper, the authors redefine the business model of Conectiva Networks´ service Mi Soporte (ITO service for SME in Bogotá and nearby cities) using the Estrapyme Model (Strategy formulation methodology for SME), developed by MBA students and The Strategy Study Group from EAFIT University. During the development of the paper, Covid-19 pandemic arose, so the authors analize the disruptions and challenges brought by this event to IT Industry in general and Conectiva Networks in particular. The results of this work are the redefined business model for Mi Soporte service and a competitive strategy aligned with the corporate strategy of Conectiva Networks.Ítem Are pandemics bad for business? Evidence from the US COVID-19 experience(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Escobar, María Antonia; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoThe economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 contingency cannot be de- nied. Many authors have studied the effects of the sanitary emergency on the labor force, demand, and supply of goods and services. This paper aims to understand the consequences of mobility restrictions caused by the pandemic on the business environment. Through the use of Google Mobility and The New York Times report, I use stay at home orders as a proxy for mobility restrictions. The effect of said restrictions on initial unemployment benefit claims and new business applications provides an insight into the change in people’s livelihoods. I use Difference in difference and event study method- ologies on data from 2010 to the third week of August 2020. I find that the restrictions on mobility had a significant impact on both outcome variables. The effect on unemployment claims was still present at the time of this paper while the behavior of new business application was mostly affected for the first few weeks and then had a quick rebound.Ítem Burkenroad Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Contreras Patiño, Ingrith Viviana; Bernate Castañeda, Jarberton; Medina Arango, Oscar EduardoThe focus on efficiency in costs and expenses, together with a greater demand due to the current situation (Covid-19), has allowed ETB to generate better results in the generation of resources from the operation. The macroeconomic perspectives, together with the fulfillment of the financial and strategic assumptions, determine the projected price of the share at $ 232 with a potential appreciation of 15.81% compared to the current price ($ 200 - September 2021).Ítem Cambios emocionales y comportamentales de adolescentes y adultos colombianos durante el confinamiento por Covid-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Lopera Lopera, Angélica; Duarte Martínez, María Alejandra; Lemos Hoyos, MariantoniaÍtem Las ciencias y las artes en tiempos de incertidumbre(Universidad EAFIT, 2000) Reyes Torres, María Dilia Rosa; ColaboradoraIntegrantes de los 128 semilleros de investigación construyeron el Manifiesto por las ciencias y las artes en el que plasmaron declaraciones sobre su papel en tiempos de incertidumbre. Una reflexión de quienes se inician en el campo de la investigación.Ítem Comment on the Judicial Decree of April 29, 2020 (56777) by the Supreme Court of Justice. Jurisdiction to decide on transitory house prison and house arrest in times of COVID-19.(Universidad EAFIT, 2020-06-28) Hernández Jiménez, Norberto; Pontificia Universidad JaverianaÍtem Comunicación política y gobiernos en contextos de emergencia. El caso de las vacunas en Colombia y en Medellín(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Góez Cuellar, Sebastián; Maya Salazar, Adolfo LeónÍtem Consideraciones sobre el delito de violación de medidas sanitarias del artículo 368 del Código Penal colombiano(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Olarte Ospina, Manuel Euclides; Álvarez Álvarez, Juan CarlosÍtem Cross- Hedging emerging stock indexes in Latin America with commodities and financial futures contracts in time of crises(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Arango Montoya, Valeria; Couleau, AnabelleÍtem ¿Cuál es la estrategia de comunicación política de las alcaldías de Medellín y Bogotá en el escenario del paro nacional, las protestas sociales y las medidas para enfrentar el Covid-19?(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Montoya Echavarría, Juan Camilo; Velásquez Hurtado, Omar MauricioThis is an analysis of the political communication strategies of the Mayor of Medellin and the Mayoress of Bogota, as they faced, at the beginning of their governments, the protests in the cities against the National Government and the management of the pandemic until May 2020. The analysis gathers testimonies, interviews, news and the way they communicated measures and decisions to citizens.Ítem Decreto 806 de 2020, el uso de la tecnología en los procesos judiciales en Colombia = Decree 806 of 2020, the use of technology in judicial processes in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2021) Pizano Torres, José Pablo; Ceballos Velásquez, Alberto AntonioThe Decree 806 of 2020 in Colombia was issued within the framework of the pandemic generated by Covid-19 and forced the legal community to migrate to virtuality in judicial processes, thus configuring a true E-Justice by force and form untimely. Due to the strong need of access to digital justice, this norm left out several considerations that ended up affecting the fundamental rights of the procedural subjects in judicial and administrative procedures; In addition, the litigants were not prepared or trained to migrate quickly to a digital justice system, which generated different controversies in the medium. Consequently, this monograph focuses on providing an analysis of the Decree 806 of 2020, verifying whether its permanence over time is possible and advisable, as well as highlighting the virtues of the use of technology in judicial processes in Colombia.Ítem El deporte como alternativa de prevención para el reclutamiento forzado de menores en tiempos de Covid-19 : la gestión deportiva de los gobiernos municipales del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá ante el reclutamiento forzado de niños, niñas y adolescentes en tiempos de Covid-19(Universidad EAFIT, 2020) Puerta Alcaraz, Noreida; Tamayo Zapata, Pablo