Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAE
URI permanente para esta comunidad
Está en la capacidad de prestar servicios y entrenar asistentes para el mercado internacional en investigación y desarrollo de herramientas para diseño, manufactura y mecánica asistidos por computador (CAD/CAM/CAE).
Líneas de investigación: Applied Computational Geometry; Computational Mechanics; Computer Aided Geometric Design; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Geometric Modeling of Cultural Heritage; Geometric Modeling of Materials; Geometric Modeling of Terrain and Coastal Areas; Medical Images; Medical Kinematics; Robot Kinematics.
Código Minciencias: COL0013067.
Categoría 2019: A1.
Escuela: Ingeniería.
Departamento académico: Ingeniería Mecánica.
Coordinador: Juan Manuel Rodríguez Prieto.
Correo electró
Líneas de investigación: Applied Computational Geometry; Computational Mechanics; Computer Aided Geometric Design; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Geometric Modeling of Cultural Heritage; Geometric Modeling of Materials; Geometric Modeling of Terrain and Coastal Areas; Medical Images; Medical Kinematics; Robot Kinematics.
Código Minciencias: COL0013067.
Categoría 2019: A1.
Escuela: Ingeniería.
Departamento académico: Ingeniería Mecánica.
Coordinador: Juan Manuel Rodríguez Prieto.
Correo electró
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Ítem Specification for a Process Planning Enabling Platform(Wiley, 1995) Carr, K.; Hetem, V.; Lucenti, M.; Ruíz, Ó.; Zhu, X.; Ferreira, P.M.; Lu, S.C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEThe objective of this research is the specification of an enabling platform for process planning system development -- This work was done under a contract issued by Computer Aided Manufacturing-International to the University of Illinois -- An analysis framework is developed that integrates inter-related process planning activities by transforming inputs and controls through mechanisms into outputs -- An object-oriented approach is used to define the object model and thereby facilitate the configuration of a process planning system by providing standardised data objects and fundamental library routines -- The proposed software structure is layered with specific modules designed to support integration and data exchange -- The development domain is machining and includes part understanding, process selection and ordering, equipment specification, setup and operation planning, manufacturability analysis, and plan evaluation and documentationÍtem Algebraic geometry and group theory in geometric constraint satisfaction for computer-aided design and assembly planning(Taylor & Francis, 1996) Ruíz, Óscar E.; Ferreira, Placid M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEMechanical design and assembly planning inherently involve geometric constraint satisfaction or scene feasibility (GCS/SF) problems -- Such problems imply the satisfaction of proposed relations placed between undefined geometric entities in a given scenario -- If the degrees of freedom remaining in the scene are compatible with the proposed relations or constraints, a set of entities is produced that populate the scenario satisfying the relations -- Otherwise, a diagnostic of inconsistency of the problem is emitted -- This problem appears in various forms in assembly planning (assembly model generation), process planning, constraint driven design, computer vision, etc -- Previous attempts at solution using separate numerical, symbolic or procedural approaches suffer serious shortcomings in characterizing the solution space, in dealing simultaneously with geometric (dimensional) and topological (relational) inconsistencies, and in completely covering the possible physical variations of the problem -- This investigation starts by formulating the problem as one of characterizing the solution space of a set of polynomials -- By using theories developed in the area of algebraic geometry, properties of Grobner Bases are used to assess the consistency and ambiguity of the given problem and the dimension of its solution space -- This method allows for die integration of geometric and topological reasoning -- The high computational cost of Grobner Basis construction and the need for a compact and physically meaningful set of variables lead to the integration of known results on group theory -- These results allow the characterization of geometric constraints in terms of the subgroups of the Special Group of Euclidean displacements in E^3, SE(3) -- Several examples arc developed which were solved with computer algebra systems (MAPLE and Mathematica) -- They are presented to illustrate the use of the Euclidean group-based variables, and to demonstrate the theoretical completeness of the algebraic geometry analysis over the domain of constraints expressible as polynomialsÍtem Using Gröbner Bases in Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms(Birkhäuser Verlag, 1996) Ruíz, Óscar E.; Ferreira, Placid M.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEÍtem Algebraic Geometry and Group Theory in Geometric Constraint Satisfaction for Computer Aided Design and Assembly Planning(1996-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEÍtem Using Gröbner Bases in Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms(1996-01-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEÍtem Interfaz AIS para aplicaciones en CAD/CAM/CG(1997) Ruíz S., Óscar E.; Saldarriaga, Jairo A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAELos modeladores geométricos más comunes en el mercado ofrecen, además de sus servicios de modelado, una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la construcción de aplicaciones o software cliente -- Estas aplicaciones aprovechan los servicios básicos del modelador para proveer tareas específicas -- Sin embargo las diferencias entre API´s de distintos modeladores imposibilita el intercambio del software cliente entre ellos -- Application Interface Specification -AIS- es una API genérica para ser usada por aplicaciones cliente de los modeladores geométricos -- Este artículo reporta la implementación de AIS sobre AutoCAD® y MicroStation® y discute aspectos importantes de dicha implementación -- Además presenta una aplicación cliente neutra que habla lenguaje AIS y por lo tanto se ejecuta transparentemente sobre los dos modeladores -- AIS se presenta como una alternativa económica para escribir aplicaciones de CAD/CAM/CG -- Futuros desarrollos incluyen la implementación de AIS para labores gráficas y/o de base de datosÍtem Computational geometry in the preprocessing of point clouds for surface modeling(1998) Ruíz, O.E.; Posada, J.L.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn Computer Aided Geometric Design ( CAGD ) the automated fitting of surfaces to massive series of data points presents several difficulties: (i) even the formal definition of the problem is ambiguous because the mathematical characteristics (continuity, for example) of the surface fit are dependent on non-geometric considerations, (ii) the data has an stochastic sampling component that cannot be taken as literal, and, (iii) digitization characteristics, such as sampling interval and directions are not constant, etc -- In response, this investigation presents a set of computational tools to reduce, organize and re-sample the data set to fit the surface -- The routines have been implemented to be portable across modeling or CAD servers -- A case study is presented from the footwear industry, successfully allowing the preparation of a foreign, neutral laser digitization of a last for fitting a B-spline surface to it -- Such a result was in the past attainable only by using proprietary software, produced by the same maker of the digitizing hardwareÍtem Modelaje geométrico de estructura ósea(1998) Ruíz Salguero, O.; Henao, C.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEEn CAD/CAGC/CG la organización topológica de datos de formas geométricas presenta dificultades: (i) las características matemáticas de la superficie dependen de la consideraciones no geométricas, (ii) los datos presentan una aleatoriedad por efectos del muestreo, y, (iii) una digitalización xyz incluye en general varias direcciones e intervalos de muestreo -- En consecuencia, esta investigación presenta herramientas (portables a diferentes servidores CAD) para la organización topológica de datos de digitalizaciones y un caso de recuperación de formas óseas -- En los dos casos los resultado obtenidos rompen la combinación cerrada hardware - software propietarios tradicionales, con la consecuente reducción en costos de tecnologíaÍtem Low level direct interpolation for parametric curves(Fondo Editorial EAFIT, 1998) Ruíz, Óscar; Martínez, Adriana; Rendón, Elizabeth; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEWe present an algorithm for the direct interpolation of parametric curves with a CNC machine -- The algorithm expresses parametric planar curves as sequences of discrete axes movements of BLU size of the machining tool -- Therefore, the curve C(u) is directly approximated by the pulse trains, hence eliminating one source of the machining errorsÍtem Automatic Tools for Data Diagnostic and Correction in Aerophotogrametry(INGEGRAF, 1999) Ruíz Salguero, Óscar E.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEEn Aerofotogrametría, el proceso de restitución (paso de imagen a formato electrónico vectorizado) es realizado por un operador humano, con asistencia de hardware y Software especializado -- Dicho proceso implica la traducción de accidentes geográficos, detalles topográficos, etc., la cual conlleva errores tanto geométricos (precisión) como topológicos (conectividad) de los datos digitales vectorizados -- Adicionalmente, aun si la vectorizacion es perfecta, los editores en etapas subsecuentes deben realizar tareas repetitivas: formateo, marcado, ajuste de convenciones, etc., que por el tamaño de los archivos de datos se hacen prolongadas y propensas al error -- Tanto los procesos de corrección como de formateo y marcado requieren además la ejecución de entradas / salidas con el usuario en el computador, proceso que es particularmente lento -- Esta investigación presenta el desarrollo de herramientas automáticas de (i) detección y corrección de errores comunes en los planos restituidos, (ii) partición y re-agrupación inteligentes de planos grandes, y (iii) formateo y marcado automático -- El desarrollo de software se hace usando el standard AIS (Application Interface Specification), lo que lo hace portable a los modeladores cuya interface AIS haya sido implementada -- El proyecto se desarrolla para la firma AeroEstudios LTDA de Colombia, la cual lo ha incorporado a sus herramientas de procesamiento de información digitalÍtem Computational Geometry in the Preprocessing of Point Clouds for Surface Modeling(1999-12-01) RUIZ, OSCAR EDUARDO; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEÍtem Falcon Software tools aerophotogrametric processing(INGEGRAF, 2000) Ruíz Salguero, Óscar; Trujillo Velásquez, Alejandro; Toro Rodríguez, Carlos Andrés; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEEn el área de Aerofotogrametría Digital, el software comercial prevalente para postproceso presenta limitaciones debido a dos factores: (i) las legislaciones de cada país o región requieren diferentes convenciones, y (ii) las necesidades de las empresas son tan cambiantes que no justifican la compra de software de alto rendimiento, que puede quedar sin utilizar debido a un viraje del mercado -- El presente proyecto se ha desarrollado para atender necesidades de procesamiento automático de planos (partición, detección y corrección de errores, etc.), así como módulos de importación – exportación paquete a paquete, trazado de rutas e interacción con GPS -- Este artículo informa de los dos últimos aspectos -- Debido a necesidades de los clientes, los archivos entregados deben llevar un formato comercial (DWG, DXF), pero el procesamiento de los archivos debe ser hecho en paquetes y formatos diversos (DGN) -- Por lo tanto, fue necesario diseñar e implementar un formato acompañante que permitió llevar la información que se pierde al usar filtros comerciales (DGN a DXF/DWG) -- Asimismo se crearon módulos de importación y exportación redundantes, que hicieron efectivos dichos atributos -- En el aspecto de generación de rutas de vuelo, se reportan en este artículo la aplicación de algoritmos tradicionales de barrido (peinado) de áreas 2D, a los cuales se agregaron restricciones geométricas (puntos fijos, offsets, orden de los barridos de acuerdo a coordenadas del sitio de partida, etc.) -- Debido a los altos costos de equipos equivalentes, se decidió desarrollar software para traducción de rutas entre formatos GPS y formatos geográficos locales al país -- Ello permite la eliminación de fuentes de error y además facilita la carga del plan de vuelo, a costos mucho menores a los del hardware / software comercialÍtem DigitLAB, an Environment and Language for Manipulation of 3D Digitizations(Presses internationales Polytechnique, 2000) Ruíz, Óscar E.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEIn Computer Aided Geometric Design the fitting of surfaces to massive series of data points has many applications, ranging from medicine to aerophotogrametry -- However, even the mathematical meaning of fitting a surface to a set of points is dependent on functional considerations, and not only on the geometric properties of the point set -- Also, characteristics of some parts of the data set must be interpreted as stochastic in nature, while others must be taken as literal and therefore they become constraints of the surface -- For these reasons, among others, automated surface fitting alone does not produce results usable at industrial level -- At the same time, it does not take advantage of sampling patterns, particular shapes of the cross sections, functionally different regions within the object, etc -- The latest literature reviews show the need for utilities to process point data sets that must be asynchronous, (applicable at any time and upon any region of the point set) -- Addressing this need, this article reports new tools developed within DigitLAB, a language that allows topological traversal, retrieval and statistical modifications to the data, and surface fitting -- They can handle arbitrary topology, as case studies in medicine, mathematics, landscaping, etc discussed here demonstrateÍtem Topologically consistent partial surface reconstruction from range pictures(2000) Ruíz S., Óscar E.; Neugebauer, Peter; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAESurface or shape reconstruction from 3D digitizations, range pictures play an important role as the sizes and accessibility of the sampled object become intractable -- Range pictures, however, present challenges regarding: (i) recovery of topological structure from geometrical information of a partial view: (ii) inclusion of several or self obstructing objects on the same picture, and (iii) conciliation of partial topological and geometrical information from the individual views into a main model -- Issue (i) and (ii) require introduction of data structures and algorithms able to consistently represent incompleteness and discontinuities in the surface -- Aspect (iii) demands the application of statistical methods to sort redundant e inconsistent information in the overlaps between the individual views -- In this investigation, tasks (i) and (ii) have been undertaken by designing and populating an extended Boundary Representation (B-rep), using equivalence relations that induce partitions on the data sets -- Task (iii) has been carried out by using data processing tools (DigitLAB) that filter, resample, and recover shape from planar digitizations, by applying formalisms of differential topologyÍtem Algorithms for reconstruction of 3D surfaces for anthropometric modeling(INGEGRAF, 2000) Ruíz Salguero, O.; Schrader Gil, R.; Acosta Duarte, J.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAELos protocolos de medición antropométrica se caracterizan por la profusión de medidas discretas o localizadas, en un intento para caracterizar completamente la forma corporal del sujeto -- Dichos protocolos se utilizan intensivamente en campos como medicina deportiva, forense y/o reconstructiva, diseño de prótesis, ergonomía, en la confección de prendas, accesorios, etc -- Con el avance de algoritmos de recuperación de formas a partir de muestreos (digitalizaciones) la caracterización antropométrica se ha alterado significativamente -- El articulo presente muestra el proceso de caracterización digital de forma corpórea, incluyendo los protocolos de medición sobre el sujeto, el ambiente computacional - DigitLAB- (desarrollado en el CII-CAD-CAM-CG de la Universidad EAFIT) para recuperación de superficies, hasta los modelos geométricos finales -- Se presentan comparaciones de los resultados obtenidos con DigitLAB y con paquetes comerciales de recuperación de forma 3D -- Los resultados de DigitLAB resultan superiores, debido principalmente al hecho de que este toma ventaja de los patrones de las digitalizaciones (planares de contacto, por rejilla de pixels - range images -, etc.) y provee módulos de tratamiento geométrico - estadístico de los datos para poder aplicar efectivamente los algoritmos de recuperación de forma -- Se presenta un caso de estudio dirigido a la industria de la confección, y otros efectuados sobre conjuntos de prueba comunes en el ámbito científico para la homologación de algoritmosÍtem Engineering design using evolutionary structural optimisation based on iso-stress-driven smooth geometry removal(2001) García, M.J.; Ruíz, O.E.; Steven, G.P.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEThe main goal of Evolutionary Structural Optimisation (ESO) research has been to provide an easily applicable optimisation method for the engineering industry which assists the design process for product improvement -- Originally O was based on the concept of fully stressed structures and it is obtained by slowly removing, from a Finite Element mesh these elements that present the lowest stress value -- Following this heuristically-driven removal criteria, the initial topology evolves towards the optimum one -- Since its introduction in 1992, ESO has been developed and extended to several types of structural problems -- Initial weaknesses of ESO were (i) typically long solution times and (ii) topologies with jagged surfaces as a result of removing whole elements in the optimisation process -- These characteristics hindered its application to computer aided design and analysis -- In this investigation, these weaknesses have been addressed for 2D situations by (i) basing the stress computation on the Fixed Grid (FG) finite element method and (ii) removing material with the lowest values along iso-stress contours instead of removing whole elements -- A boundary representation (B-rep) of the structure is maintained at each iteration of the optimisation process -- Modification to the workpiece is made by identifying the stress contour lines and incorporating them into the evolving geometry -- The topological consistency of the B-rep is maintained via normalized 2D boolean operationsÍtem Boolean 2D Shape Similarity For Surface Reconstruction(2001) Ruíz, Óscar E.; Cadavid, Carlos A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAESurface reconstruction problem (SRP) from planar samples has been traditionally approached by either (i) using local proximity between data points in adjacent layers, or by(ii) classifying the topological transitions that may explain the evolution of the cross sections -- Strategy (i) is robust in the sense that it has answers for every possible case, although in some scenarios renders counterintuitive surfaces, commented below -- Approach (ii) has mainly remained in the theoretical terrain -- The present work follows on aspect (ii), by using a Morse-based topological classification of the transitions, and complementing it with reasoning based on the geometry of the evolving cross sections to determine a high level description of the transitions from m to n contours (m:n transitions) -- This reasoning of shape similarity is performed by boolean operators -- Finally, the surface is synthesized using the m:n transitions -- This conjunction of topological and geometrical reasoning renders highly intuitive results, and allows for the incorporation of methods derived from the area of machine visionÍtem PL-Geodesics on PL-continuous partial meshes(2001) Ruíz, Óscar E.; Cadavid M., Carlos A.; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEGeometric characteristics of 2-manifolds embedded in R3 space have been analyzed from the point of view of differential geometry and topology -- In the past, results relevant to these areas have been found for C∞ curves and surfaces -- However, current scientific, industrial, entertainment and medical applications, and availability of more powerful point sampling systems, press for characterization of discrete counterparts for the continuous properties and characteristics evaluated previously in C∞ curves and surfaces -- Recent works have presented estimation methods for properties such as the principal and rotated quadrics of point sampled surfaces -- The present article uses the findings of previous investigations to propose and implement a method for evaluation of planarity of surfaces -- It is based on:(i) Estimation of a C0 partial mesh fitting sets of planar or grid sample points -- (ii) Evaluation of the piecewise - linear (PL) version of families of geodesic curves on the mesh -- (iii) Diagnostic of the property of planarity based on the behavior of the families of geodesic curves -- The present work can be applied in the area of design and manufacturing of products based on sheet materials, such as apparel, metal stamping, thin structures, etcÍtem Evaluation of 2D shape likeness for surface reconstruction(2001) Ruíz, Óscar Eduardo; Cadavid, Carlos Alberto; Granados, Miguel; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAESurface or shape reconstruction from 3D digitizations performed in planar samplings are frequent in product design, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, medical and artistic applications, etc -- The planar slicing of the object offers an opportunity to recover part of the neighborhood information essential to reconstruct the topological 2-manifold embedded in R3 that approximates the object surface -- Next stages of the algorithms find formidable obstacles that are classified in this investigation by the following taxonomy: (i) Although real objects have manifold boundaries, in objects with thin sections or walls, the manifold property remains in the data sample only at the price of very small sampling intervals and large data sets -- For relaxed sampling rates nonmanifold situations are likely. (ii) The position of the planar slices may produce an associated level function which is non – Morse -- This means, the set of critical points of the associated level function is isomorphic to compact subsets of R1 or R2 -- The fact that the Hessian matrix at critical points is non-singular is the Morse condition(as a consequence critical points are isolated), and allows for the algorithms presented here(iii) For Morse condition, the slicing interval may be such that several critical points occur between immediate slices (non- simple condition) -- This article presents the degenerate cases arising from points (i)-(iii) and discusses a shape reconstruction algorithm for digitizations holding the Morse – Simple condition -- It presents the results of applying the prescribed algorithms to data sets, and discusses future actions that enlarge the mentioned scopeÍtem PL-geodesics on PL-continuous partial meshes(VYDAVATELSTVI ZAPADOCESKE UNIVERZITY, 2001-01-01) Ruiz, OE; Carlos, A; Cadavid, M; Universidad EAFIT. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica; Laboratorio CAD/CAM/CAEGeometric characteristics of 2-manifolds embedded in R-3 space have been analyzed from the point of view of differential geometry and topology. In the past, results relevant to these areas have been Pound for C-infinity curves and surfaces. However, current scientific, industrial, entertainment and medical applications, and availability of more powerful point sampling systems, press for characterization of discrete counterparts for the continuous properties and characteristics evaluated previously in C-infinity curves and surfaces. Recent works have presented estimation methods for properties such as the principal and rotated quadrics of point sampled surfaces. The present article uses the findings of previous investigations to propose and implement a method for evaluation of planarity of surfaces. It is based on: (i) Estimation of a CO partial mesh fitting sets of planar or grid sample points. (ii) Evaluation of the piecewise – linear (PL) version of families of geodesic curves on the mesh. (iii) Diagnostic of the property of planarity based on the behavior of the families of geodesic curves. The present work can be applied in the area of design and manufacturing of products based on sheet materials, such as apparel, metal stamping, thin structures, etc.