Maestría en Mercadeo (tesis)

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  • Ítem
    Análisis de variables de mercadeo que complementan la medición del retorno de las inversiones en espacios y publicidad física para puntos de venta
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Calad Posada, Alejandro; Muñoz Molina,Yaromir; Saldarriaga Romero, Víctor Jaime
    Companies make marketing investments in spaces and physical advertising at points of sale to give visibility to their products and communicate messages that encourage customers to make a purchase decision. Currently, the evaluation of the results of these investments is done using the return on investment (ROI) indicator. This indicator overlooks other aspects that cannot be measured solely through sales, such as those derived from visibility and message communication at the point of sale. This study aims to identify variables that allow measuring aspects complementary to the financial ROI indicator when evaluating a marketing investment within a beauty and personal care company in Colombia, through a review of both primary and secondary sources. As a secondary source, the existing literature provides measurement tools complementary to ROI used by other companies and in other studies, which is validated with primary sources through interviews with internal company staff and external personnel and analyzed with the application of surveys to customers in the beauty and personal care sector in Colombia to determine the performance of the variables against the company's objectives for the channel. The main results identify six marketing variables (awareness, brand knowledge, notoriety, top of mind, browsing intention, and transactional intention) that complement the measurement of the return on investments in spaces and physical advertising at points of sale, which can be useful both for the company under study and for other companies in the sector.
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para la empresa Wolkvox con enfoque en México
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Escandón Álvarez, Adriana Carolina; Echeverri Echeverri, Jhony Alfredo; Tamayo Bustamante, Jairo Alejandro
  • Ítem
    Definición de propuesta de valor para una PropTech para el análisis de riesgo en arriendo de vivienda en el Valle de Aburrá
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Nicholls Molina, Santiago; Echeverry Gómez, Simón
    The thesis defines a value proposition for a new PropTech focused on risk analysis in residential leasing in the Valle de Aburrá, Colombia. The research addresses high informality, lack of adequate legal protections, and scarcity of reliable tenant data, hindering market efficiency and security. Through interviews and surveys with landlords and tenants, the value proposition was designed using Osterwalder's Value Proposition Canvas. The concept of Self-Realty was identified, highlighting landlords' preference for greater control and autonomy, suggesting the creation of "PropioTech," a self-management platform. This proposal aims to improve market formalization and efficiency, promoting a sustainable and replicable business model.
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para la joyería Cornavin
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Bedoya, Isabela; Londoño Zapata, Sara; Valencia Herrera, Elizabeth Cristina
    A marketing plan is carried out designed for Cornavin Jewelry, an SME that is dedicated to the manufacture and sale of 18 karat gold jewelry. This plan focuses on creating customer loyalty strategies through relationship marketing and electronic commerce. The importance of this plan lies in its ability to address the challenges faced by jewelry SMEs in a competitive, constantly changing market. Using relationship marketing and e-commerce, as strategic tools, can help this company establish and maintain strong relationships with its customers, which, in turn, can contribute to its long-term growth and success. This plan seeks to provide the jewelry store with the information, strategies and tools necessary to face the challenges of the Colombian market and stand out in an increasingly competitive business environment.
  • Ítem
    La experiencia de usuario de Idiomas EAFIT : percepción de los estudiantes e impacto en su permanencia / deserción
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Álvarez Arango, Carolina; Rojas de Francisco, Laura Isabel; Bejarano Botero, Luis Mauricio
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para la empresa Tulip Cosmetics S.A.S
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Aristizábal Buitrago , Alejandra; Echeverri Campuzano, Santiago; Roldán Yepes, Raquel
  • Ítem
    Plan de emprendimiento con énfasis en mercadeo
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Echeverria Blanco, Cynthia Alejandra; López Molano, María Elisa; Henríquez Díaz, Ángela María; Franco Ruiz, Camilo
  • Ítem
    Influencia de la música y el branding sonoro en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor en entornos de retail : un estudio de caso en maxi oferta
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Prieto Múnera, Mateo; Calderón Viana, John Albeiro; Sepúlveda Cano, Lina María; Peña Palacio, Juan Alejandro
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para el posicionamiento digital de la marca Trimonthliso en el mercado colombiano de cosméticos capilares
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Palomino Ruiz, Laura Catalina; Valencia Herrera, Elizabeth Cristina
  • Ítem
    Propuesta de un plan de mercadeo para la empresa Construvidrios S.A.S.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Asprilla Rivas, José Martín; Sanclemente Téllez, Juan Carlos
  • Ítem
    Motivadores que se presentan al tomar la decisión de compra de un servicio para cuidado de mascotas
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bermúdez Sánchez, Magda Lorena; Acevedo Mejía, Erika Cristina; Rodríguez Eslava, Juan Felipe
    Today it is part of a cultural anthropology to have a pet in the conformation of households, whether it is included as part of the family or by decision of not having children, opening up possibilities of participation in a growing market. Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory research with a mixed approach will allow to know the motivations that are held around pets that characterize this segment of the population and establish a cause-effect relationship between Jobs to be done, archetypes with the collective unconscious and the actions that are performed to take services around their pets. With all the information gathered in this work, it was found that the motivations for having a pet are inclined towards emotional needs, as they have them out of love for them, they complement their lives and/or families; and for social needs by making, it possible to form communities or tribes. It is found that the activities that users do most with their pets are those of fun and satisfaction of basic needs; and users are profiled with behavioural patterns (archetypes) such as the carer, the ruler and the rebel. This venture may be possible as long as it focuses on providing services that cover all the needs of pet users.
  • Ítem
    Estrategias de medición para conocer la rentabilidad de la inversión en experiencia
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Peña Sepúlveda, Laura Catalina; Mejía Gil, María Claudia; Bejarano Botero, Luis Mauricio
  • Ítem
    Análisis del comportamiento de la separación de residuos en la fuente
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Giraldo Morales, Camila; Velásquez Fernández, Kelly Patricia; Mejía Gil, María Claudia; Muñoz Molina, Yaromir de Jesús
  • Ítem
    Modelo de agencia in house de marketing y publicidad como dinamizadora de espacios académicos y empresariales
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Aristizábal Posada, Verónica; Sepúlveda Cardona, Edwin Andrés; Mejía Gil, María Claudia
    Currently in academic and business environments, marketing and advertising plays a fundamental role that allows the creation of strategies that promote the marketing of products and services. This project presents a research proposal that aims to know the relevance of the creation of a marketing and advertising agency, implemented at EAFIT University; seeking a benefit for the growth, evolution and fulfillment of the objectives of the Marketing and Innovation area in the organization. It is presented in response to the need that exists in the hiring of external advertising agencies and looking for alternatives that allow the development of effective campaigns to reach the public of interest. To address these objectives, a qualitative research was conducted to in house advertising agencies in the city of Medellin and to know the organizational scheme to identify opportunities and advantages that lead to determine the long-term impact to strengthen the internal processes of academic institutions and business organizations. In this research, a collection and analysis of primary and secondary data such as case studies and websites was carried out. A total of 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts in the field of advertising, area directors in important and recognized companies in the market, which finally provided possible arguments that would allow us to determine the long-term impact of the project in order to strengthen the internal processes of academic institutions and business organizations. In this research, a collection and analysis of primary and secondary data such as case studies and websites was carried out. A total of 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts in the field of advertising, area directors in important and recognized companies in the market, which finally provided possible arguments that allowed making decisions on the relevance and feasibility of establishing an in-6 house advertising agency to contribute to the advancement of communication strategies in organizations and educational institutions
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo - Extensión del servicio de Doctor Autos para el público en general
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Serna Salazar, Meiber; Tamayo Bustamante, Jairo Alejandro
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo para la Asociación de Líderes de Marketing & Ads (ALMA)
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Bernal Cardozo, María Fernanda; Guzmán Garzón, Catalina Cecilia
  • Ítem
    Plan de mercadeo Juanna Home
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Zuluaga Granobles , Daniel Alberto; Ruiz Velásquez, María Andrea
  • Ítem
    De la Cruz Eventos y Publicidad S.A.S.
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Giraldo González, Sebastián; Tamayo Bustamante, Jairo Alejandro
    This degree work presents a comprehensive marketing plan for DE LA CRUZ EVENTOS Y PUBLICIDAD S.A.S., a company with more than eleven years in the events and advertising market in the Eje Cafetero region of Colombia. The plan focuses on increasing the company's turnover by 25% by 2024, specifically focusing on digital marketing strategies. The document begins with a contextualization of the company, describing its origin, trajectory and main events carried out, which has allowed it to gain regional recognition. Then the mission and vision of the company are established, as well as its business model and a detailed analysis of the market and competition in the advertising sector, especially in the BTL (Below The Line) field. An exhaustive analysis of the company's external and internal environment is carried out, identifying key factors that affect its performance and opportunities for improvement. A SWOT matrix (Weaknesses, Opportunities, Strengths and Threats) is used to evaluate the current situation of the company. The size of the company's target market and its current market share are described. It is concluded that the company is in a market introduction phase, with considerable recognition, but with potential to increase its participation. The plan establishes specific objectives, strategies and tactics to achieve the overall goal of increasing revenue. It is proposed to conduct qualitative market research to understand the needs and expectations of potential customers, as well as the online purchasing process for advertising services. A digital strategy is proposed based on personalization, improving the user experience in the online purchasing process and the integration of new opportunities in social networks and content marketing. A detailed investment budget exclusively related to the execution of the marketing plan is presented, as well as a schedule of activities for its implementation. Expected sales and profits are projected, as well as the infrastructure and human resources requirements necessary to carry out the plan. Finally, key performance indicators (KPIs) are established to measure the success of the plan, a results control plan and contingency plans to address possible challenges during the implementation of the plan. The work concludes with lessons learned from the perspective of marketing, organization and the intervention process, highlighting the importance of this marketing plan for the growth and consolidation of DE LA CRUZ EVENTOS Y PUBLICIDAD S.A.S. in the regional market.
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