Maestría en Economía (tesis)
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Transición energética y crecimiento económico : un modelo CGE con energias renovables para Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Segura García, Cristian Camilo; Botero García, Jesús AlonsoÍtem Do school transport subsidies affect students' academic performance? A quasi-experimental study(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Gómez Pradilla, María Camila; García Cruz, Gustavo Adolfo; Ramírez Hassan, AndrésÍtem Water, Health and Wellness : The Impact of Treatment Plants on Health Utilization(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Tangarife Londoño, Katherin; Posso Suárez, Christian Manuel; Gómez Toro, CatalinaÍtem Relación entre formalidad laboral y productividad total de los factores en empresas medianas y grandes de Colombia (2007-2019) : una métrica continua de formalidad laboral(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Caldera Vargas, Estefanía; Tamayo Plata, Mery Patricia; Chaparro Cardona, Juan CamiloÍtem When do credits work for resilience? A predictive analysis for rural households in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Zapata Valencia, Raquel Sofía; Couleau, Anabelle; Muñoz Mora, Juan CarlosÍtem Riesgo país y tasa de cambio : la importancia de los efectos relativos(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Reyes Mora, Joel Ariel; Astaíza Gómez, José Gabriel; Agudelo Rueda, Diego AlonsoÍtem There Will Be Drugs! Higher Chances of Becoming a Frequent Marijuana Consumer?(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Pinilla Barrera, Alejandro; Ramírez Hassan, Andrés; Montoya Blandón, SantiagoÍtem Inequality and the equity premium : empirical cross-country evidence(Universidad EAFIT, 2024) Calderón Castillo, Saira Tatiana; Goda, ThomasThis paper empirically examines the relationship between income and wealth inequality and the subsequent period equity premium for 49 countries in the period 2002 - 2019. As an approximation of inequality are used relative inequality measurements, absolute inequality measurements and capital share income. Through a two-step Generalized Method of Moments with country fixed effects, it is found that, while relative inequality and capital share income do not significantly impact the equity premium, absolute inequality has a positive and significant correlation with it. The study used two distinct definitions of the stock returns rate, based on Christou et al. (2021) and Toda & Walsh (2020), which enhances the robustness of the findings by accounting for potential variations in the measurement of this critical equity premium component. These findings contribute to the ongoing debate on the impact of inequality on the equity premium and highlight the complexity of the relationship and the need for further research.Ítem Building Antisocial Preferences : the Impacts of Violence Exposure(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Pineda Areiza, Brayan Steban; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoÍtem Can Mining Improve Empowerment? Evidence from Rural Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Quintero Vásquez, Laura María; Cantet, María NataliaÍtem The effects of burying a highway on housing prices : evidence from Parques del Rio in Medellin(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Alzate Hincapié, Juan Daniel; Acosta Mejía, Camilo AndrésThe nature and extent of the effects of highways on the quality of life of those living near them remains an open question in economics. Previous research has found both positive and negative effects associated with them, such as amenities, market access, property values, etc. This work will study the Parques del Rio project, a linear park in the city of Medellin, Colombia, which is located in its downtown; the park united the two shores of the Medellin river and buried a section of the two highways that ran alongside it, this work will focus particularly on the effect this project had over housing prices. We find that for the year 2016, when the first half of the project was completed, there was a significant positive effect on housing prices, which wore down over time.Ítem They keep beating us down : targeted assassinations of social leaders and their impact on crime reports(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Lopera Suárez, Mariana; Feld, Brian HugoÍtem Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy on Economic Activity in Colombia During the COVID-19 Crisis(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Suárez Ramírez, María Antonia; Ballesteros Ruiz, Carlos AndrésÍtem Cálculo del potencial técnico-económico para la difusión de la generación solar fotovoltáica para los usuarios residenciales y la disminución de emisiones de CO2 en Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) García Rendón, John Jairo; Mesa-Beleño, Juan Pablo; García Rendón, John JairoÍtem State cash transfers and spending patterns in small local governments. Evidence from Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gaviria Gil, Luis Felipe; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoÍtem General equilibrium effects of exogenous misallocation shocks : an application to Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Gallo Montaño, Daniela Gallo; Botero García, Jesús Alonso; Botero García, Jesús AlonsoÍtem Do teaching practices determine students’ socio-emotional skills and educational aspirations? Evidence from secondary education in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2023) Angulo Cambindo, Germán David; Hernández Flórez, MónicaÍtem The Impact of the Legalization of Medical Marijuana in the Opioid Epidemic(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Plata Rúa, Alejandra; Acosta Mejía, Camilo AndrésWe study the effects of marijuana legalization on demand for opioids in the United states. We tackle this question using transaction level data on the purchases of opioids by all pharmacies across the US between 2006 and 2012, together with a difference-in-discontinuity research design across two pairs of states: Michigan and Indiana, and New Mexico and Texas. We show that, on average, the legalization of marijuana has lead to a reduction in the purchases of opioids. However, this negative effects is mainly driven by a reduction along the Michigan-Indiana border, while there has been an increase along the New Mexico-Texas border. This ambiguous effects, which mimics the contradictory evidence found in the literature, suggest the existence of important heterogeneous effects and the need for further investigating such differences.Ítem Breaking the Poverty Trap of Rural Homes. A case study of the Comprehensive Rural Reform in Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Peña Rojas, Estefany; Tobón Zapata, SantiagoÍtem ¿Estamos usando los tratados de libre comercio? evidencia a nivel de transacción para Colombia(Universidad EAFIT, 2022) Leal Valero, Cindy Paola; Acosta Mejía, Camilo AndrésThis paper analyzes the incidence of free trade agreements (FTAs) on the use of certificates of origin (CO) of exports in Colombia. With firm-product-destination level data, Difference-in-Difference models with staggered treatments that allow us to identify that the use of tariff preferences is reduced after the signing of a Colombian FTA However, exports of agricultural products use CO to a greater extent, compared to manufacturing products. It is concluded that the role of the elimination of non-tariff measures is key to achieve a better use of trade agreements.