Cuadernos de Ciencias Políticas, Núm. 09 (2018)

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  • Ítem
    Democracia cosmopolita : una solución probable a problemas de justicia global en términos de pobreza = Cosmopolitan democracy : a likely solution to problems of global justice in terms of poverty global justice in terms of poverty
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Ossa Gómez, Juan Camilo; Universidad EAFIT
    This paper proposes a normative and empirical approach to the phenomenon of poverty in order to argue how the establishment of a democratic institutional design on an international scale would increase the probability of having fair distributive outcomes in terms of global justice. In this sense, firstly, the relationship between the notion of global justice and the approach to the phenomenon of poverty in moral terms is discussed; secondly, the relationship between democratic institutions and the distribution of resources is elucidated; and finally, a democratic institutional design at the international level or a "cosmopolitan democracy" is proposed as an institutional design that would guarantee fair economic distributions at the global level
  • Ítem
    Hacia la construcción de una narrativa estratégica de competitividad: visión sobre el futuro del Oriente antioqueño a partir del diseño y ejecución del Fondo Empresarial Agroindustrial 2016-2019 = Towards the construction of a strategic narrative of competitiveness: vision on the future of Eastern Antioquia based on the design and implementation of the Agroindustrial Business Fund 2016-2019
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Álvarez, Daniela; Universidad EAFIT
    Faced with the scenario of governing with the public, with citizens who deliberate, nowadays public administration requires that the analysis of projects included in development plans, as well as those of public policies, apply theoretical and methodological techniques and instruments that transcend the evaluation of formulation and results. In this work, we take up an epistemological and constructivist that privileges rhetoric in the process of designing proposals that respond to public problems, granting public problems, giving relevance to the reality understood as a social construction, through the as a social construction, through narration, and relative, since each actor can observe it differently. may observe it in a different way. A general description is given of the main results of the institutional and social participatory exercise of constructing a subregional narrative based on the following a subregional narrative based on the identification of strengths and challenges of eastern Antioquia in the area of agriculture and livestock. Antioquia in terms of agriculture and livestock after the implementation of the Agroindustrial Business Fund "Antioquia". Agroindustrial Business Fund "Antioquia Siembra". To this end, the Critical Discourse Analysis (Fischer) is proposed as a basis for the recognition of the reality of different actors, with homogeneous or dissimilar different actors, with homogeneous or dissimilar identities and evaluations, as contributors to public to public management in the strengthening of the competitiveness of this sector
  • Ítem
    Relación entre reglas formales e informales en la gestión de conflictos organizativos : estudio de caso desde el Análisis de Desarrollo Institucional = Relationship between formal and informal rules in the management of organizational conflicts : a case study from Institutional Development Analysis
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Vélez Arias, Melissa; Universidad EAFIT
    This text identifies, through the Institutional Development Analysis (IDA) tool, the relationship between formal and informal rules in the management of organizational conflicts, specifically in contexts of communal action such as the case of the El Amparo village in the municipality of Ituango. This research is carried out in the framework of a professional practice process with intensive work with social leaders, communities and agents that make up organized expressions of civil society represented in the Juntas de Acción Comunal (JAC) of this municipality
  • Ítem
    Debate de competencias jurídicas en el caso de “Jesús Santrich” : tratamiento noticioso de El Tiempo = Debate of legal competences in the case of "Jesús Santrich" : El Tiempo's news treatment
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Gómez Zapata, Valentina; Universidad EAFIT
    This article seeks to explain to what extent El Tiempo has contributed to the formation of a process of public deliberation regarding the capture of the FARC member, "Jesús Santrich", by investigating the news coverage that the media has given to the case of "Jesús Santrich". Santrich", by investigating the news coverage that the media gave to the judicial and political repercussions. It contextualizes who "Jesús Santrich" is, his role in the peace agreements in the framework of the peace accords, the background of his capture and investigation by the Prosecutor's by the Attorney General's Office and the DEA, and the judicial debate on the institutional competences in the case: the framing prioritized by the media. We followed up on 42 news items, two interviews and an editorial. 42 news items, two interviews and an editorial published by El Tiempo between April 9 and August 7, 2018, and August 7, 2018, which are analyzed in light of the standards of quality in the presentation of information and the role of the media in the the presentation of information and the role of the media in the construction of citizen deliberation in the construction of citizen deliberation in contemporary democracy
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    Fracking en El Tiempo : ¿contribución a la deliberación democrática? = Fracking in El Tiempo: a contribution to democratic deliberation?
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Vahos Pérez, Andrea; Universidad EAFIT
    This article deals with the role of the media in its contribution to citizen deliberation. It investigates whether the way in which El Tiempo covered the fracking issue favored public reasoning by offering quality information. To determine this, 51 journalistic contents were analyzed to establish if the media developed the most outstanding and polemic elements about this technique, namely: its economic, environmental and social incidence. In this regard, a relevant finding is the privilege given to certain sources that showed this extraction technique as an economic necessity and opportunity; a fact that generated a significant bias, since the arguments necessary for a reflective debate, such as the environmental and social risks inherent to fracking, were deliberately overshadowed
  • Ítem
    Estado, conflicto y reconciliación en Villahermosa, Medellín = State, Conflict and Reconciliation in Villahermosa, Medellín
    (Universidad EAFIT, 2018-12) Muñoz Benítez, Carolina; Universidad EAFIT
    Among the areas most affected by the armed conflict in Medellín is Comuna 8, also known as Villahermosa. Here, due to the presence of various armed actors, a particular relationship has developed between state institutions and civil society that has lasted until the present day, in what could be called the post-conflict stage. This paper seeks to explore this relationship and to give an account of one of the reconciliation experiences that have taken place in the territory and that has managed to meet needs that should initially be satisfied by the State through community work. For this purpose, it will approach the historical situation of the State in Villahermosa through the analysis of the natural catastrophe that occurred in 1987 and the consultation of bibliography on the State in Colombia; in addition, it will account for the experience of the Camposanto Corporation in Villatina through two interviews carried out with reinserted members of the AUC. The above in order, first, to understand the construction of the State in the country, which is far from the European experience and theory on the State and, second, to show citizen processes that can serve as references to solve public problems and to go through the current situation of disarmament and reinsertion of the FARC